
Zadetki iskanja

  • méšati to mix; to blend; to stir; to shuffle

    méšati barve to blend colours; (kovine) to alloy; (čaj, tobak) to blend
    méšati karte to shuffle the cards
    méšati si kavo to stir one's coffee
    (raso, pasmo méšati, križati) to interbreed, to mongrelize
    méšati poper in sol to mix pepper and salt
    méšati vino z vodo to mix wine with water
    méšati veselje z žalostjo to blend joy with sadness
    méšati se to mix, to mingle, finance, pesniško to commingle (z with)
    ne mešaj se v moje zadeve! mind your own business!
    méšati se v tuje zadeve to interfere with (ali to pry into; to meddle with) other people's business
    on se vedno v vse meša (figurativno) he is always poking his nose into other people's business, he likes to have a finger in every pie, he is always shoving his oar in
    meša se mu (figurativno) he is rambling, he is raving, he is mad, he is delirious
    se ti meša? are you crazy?, are you losing your mind?
  • metánje throwing; tossing, toss

    metánje kopja šport throwing the javelin
    metánje diska throwing the discus
    metánje novca v zrak tossing a coin, toss, toss-up, pitchand-toss
    dobiti pri metánju novca v zrak to win the toss
  • metáti to throw; (kovanec, žogo) to toss; to pitch, to fling; to hurl; (s fračo) to sling

    metáti kamenje na koga to throw stones at someone
    metáti novec v zrak to toss a coin
    metáti komu pesek v oči (figurativno) to throw dust in someone's eyes
    metáti luč na kaj to throw light on something
    metáti kopje šport to throw the javelin
    stran metáti to throw aside, to toss away
    metáti se (preskušati moč) to wrestle
    metáti se komu v naročje to fling oneself into someone's arms
  • mezínec little finger

    to imam v mezíncu (figurativno) I have it at my fingertips
    z mezíncem ne migniti (figurativno) not to lift a finger
    oviti si koga okoli mezínca (figurativno) to twist (ali to wind, to wrap) someone round one's little finger
  • mezotínt mezzotint

    gravirati v mezotíntu to mezzotint
  • mígniti

    kot bi mignil (= v hipu) before you could say "knife" (ali "Jack Robinson"); in a jiffy
    s prstom, z mezincem ne mígniti not to stir a finger, not to lift a finger
  • mílost grace, mercy; pity; pardon; (prizanašaje) quarter; (naklonjenost) favour, benevolence

    brez mílosti without mercy
    Vaša mílost! Your Grace!, Your Honour!, Your Lordship!, Your Worship!
    po božji mílosti by the grace of God
    mílost! (prizanesite mi)! have a heart!, spare me!
    prositi za mílost to cry for mercy, to sue for mercy
    biti izročen, prepuščen mílosti in nemilosti koga to be left at the tender mercy of, to be at the mercy of
    izkazati mílost to show mercy
    biti v mílosti pri kom to be (ali to stand) high in someone's favour, to enjoy someone's favour, to be in favour with someone
    prositi za mílost to ask (ali to plead) for mercy
    predati se na mílost in nemilost to surrender unconditionally, to surrender at discretion
    prepustiti se komu na mílost in nemilost to throw oneself on someone's mercy
    živeti od mílosti koga drugega to live at another's mercy
    živeti od tuje mílosti to be dependent on other people's help for one's livelihood
    vojak je prosil za mílost the soldier asked (ali called, cried) for quarter
  • miniatúra miniature

    v miniatúri in miniature
    slikar miniatúr miniaturist
    slikati v miniatúri to miniature
  • minúta minute

    v (eni) minúti in a minute
    počakaj minúto! wait a minute!
    v minúti sem pripravljen I'll be ready in a minute
    on je vedno do minúte točen he is always punctual to the minute
    znak za minúto ('npr. 10') minute sign
  • mír peace; (mirovanje) tranquillity, quietness, calm, stillness, rest

    v míru at peace (z with)
    v míru in vojni at peace and at war
    brez míru peaceless
    mír! quiet!, silence!
    mír, prosim! quiet, please!
    mír za vsako ceno peace at any price
    mír pred viharjem a hush (ali a lull) before the storm
    časten mír peace with honour
    srčni mír a quiet mind
    duševni mír peace (ali tranquillity) of mind
    javni mír public peace
    motenje javnega míru disturbance (ali breach) of the peace, riot
    kršilec míru peacebreaker, disturber of the peace
    kršitev míru breach of the peace, violation of the peace
    grožnja míru threat to peace
    pipa míru calumet, peace pipe, pipe of peace
    pogodba o míru peace treaty
    sklenitev míru conclusion of peace, making peace
    proslava míru celebration of peace
    zagovornik míru advocate of peace, pogovorno dove
    ki ljubi mír peace-loving
    zaradi ljubega mírú for peace' sake
    ohranitev mírú preservation (ali maintenance)
    mír bodi z vami! peace be with you!
    ta deček ni nikoli pri míru this boy is fidgety
    ni imel mírú, dokler ni... he knew no peace till...
    kaliti kršiti mír to break the peace
    ne si privoščiti mírú to take no rest
    pusti me pri míru! leave (ali let) me alone!, stop bothering me!
    skleniti mír to make peace, to conclude peace
    ohraniti mír to keep peace
    naj počiva v míru! may he rest in peace!, peace to his ashes!
    prositi za mír to sue for peace
    vzdrževati mír to maintain peace
    vzpostaviti mír to restore peace (red order)
    zagotoviti, zavarovati mír to ensure peace
    želimo si samó mírú all we want is to be left in peace
    živeti v míru to live in peace, to be at peace (s kom with someone)
    boriti se za mír, čuvati mír to strive for peace, to wage peace
  • mísel thought; idea

    v míslih in mind, in one's thoughts
    bogat z míslimi rich (ali fertile) in ideas
    istih mísli like-minded, of the same mind
    zatopljen v mísli engrossed (ali sunk, lost in thought)
    vodilna mísel chief (ali principal) idea
    že sama mísel na to the mere thought of it, merely thinking of it
    prenos mísli thought-transference
    branje mísli thoughtreading
    svoboda mísli freedom of thought, free thought
    črne mísli mi rojé po glavi I am in the doldrums
    njegovo ime mi ne pride na mísel his name has slipped my memory
    često vas imam v míslih you are often in my thoughts
    kako si prišel na to mísel? what put such an idea into your head?
    njegova edina mísel je, kako priti do denarja his sole thought is to make money
    priti komu na mísel to be remembered by someone, to come (back) to mind, to be in someone's thoughts
    nikoli mi ni to prišlo na mísel it never entered my head (ali my mind)
    na mísel mi pride it occurs to me, it comes into (ali it crosses) my mind, I discover (da... that)
    imeti samó eno mísel to have but one thing in mind (ali one thought)
    tolar bi dal, da bi (zdajle) vedel za tvoje mísli! (figurativno)a penny for your thoughts!, a penny for them!
    v glavo mi je šinila mísel, da... it suddenly occurred to me, the thought struck me that...
    ne morem slediti tvoji mísli I don't follow you, I don't get your drift, I don't see what you're driving at
    v míslih te vidim I can see you in my mind (ali in my mind's eye)
    ni mu prišlo na mísel, da bi plačal svoj dolg he had no thought of paying his debt
    brati, uganiti mísli koga to read someone's thoughts
    želja je rodila mísel the wish is father to the thought
    zaupati komu svoje mísli to open one's mind to someone
    ne morem se znebiti, (otresti) te mísli I cannot banish (dismiss) this thought from my mind, I cannot get rid of this idea
    kolikor glav, toliko mísli many men, many minds
    še na mísel mi ne pride, da bi to storil I would not dream of doing it
  • mísliti to think (na of, o about); to believe; (premišljevati) to cogitate (o upon) to reflect (o upon), to meditate

    logično mísliti to reason (o about, on); (natančno, skrbno pretehtati) to deliberate; (meniti, domnevati) to mean, to suppose; ZDA to guess, to reckon; (biti mnenja) to be of the opinion; (predstavljati si) to imagine, to fancy, to conceive, to envisage, to realize; (upoštevati) to consider, to contemplate; (nameravati) to intend, ZDA to figure
    mislim da I think so, I suppose so, I should think so
    mislim da ne I don't think so
    mislim, da imate prav I dare say you are right
    ne morem si mísliti, da... I cannot imagine that...
    na to ni mísliti it's not to be thought of; that is out of the question
    to mi da mísliti this sets me thinking, this gives me food for thought, this makes me ponder
    kaj misliš o tem? what is your opinion about it?, what's your idea?
    povem, kar mislim I speak my mind
    mislim si svoje I have my own idea (ali ideas)
    mislili bomo na to we shall think of it, we shall not forget it
    na kaj (na koga) misliš? what (whom) are you thinking of?
    ni mísliti, da... it is not to be supposed that...
    ona dobro misli (hoče, namerava) she means well, her intentions are good
    ne misli več na to! don't give it another thought!, forget about it!
    oni dobro mislijo o tebi they think well of you, they have a good opinion of you
    nemogoče si je mísliti, da... it is unthinkable that...
    kaj misliš storiti? what do you intend to do?
    kaj pa misliš! what are you thinking of?
    misli name! remember me!
    to sem si mislil I thought so, I thought as much
    tega si ne bi mislil od tebe I wouldn't have expected that from you, I am surprised at you
    mísliti pri sebi to think to oneself
    to si lahko mislim I can well imagine (that)
    on misli le nase he only thinks of himself (ali pogovorno number one)
    človek bi mislil, da... anyone (ali one) would think that...
    mislim, da ne bo prišel I do not think he will come
    jaz mislim drugače I don't agree, I beg to differ
    kdo pa mislite, da sem jaz? who (ali arhaično whom) do you take me for?
    mislite si, kar hočete! you may think what you like!
    kdo bi si bil to mislil! who would have thought it!
    o njem mislijo, da je bogat he is thought (ali supposed) to be rich
    takó se splošno misli that is the current opinion
    mislim, da je stara 30 let I imagine (ali I guess) she is (ali must be) thirty
    mísliti s svojo glavo to do some indepenedent thinking
    še v sanjah ne mislim nothing is further from my mind
    javnost misli the public feeling is...
    ne mislim nič hudega I mean no harm
    menda ne misliš, da... you don't suppose that...?
    ne bi si bil mislil, da so tako pošteni I would not have credited them with so much honesty
    tega ne misliš zares (resno)? you don't mean it?, surely you can't be serious?
    mislimo vse najbolje o tvojem prijatelju we hold your friend in the highest esteem
    ona misli le na svojo zabavo she thinks of nothing but her own pleasure
    takó jaz ne mislim that's not my way of thinking
    glasno mísliti to think aloud, to think out loud
  • mlád young; youthful; adolescent, juvenile

    od mládega, od mládih nog since one was a child, from childhood
    v mojih mládih letih in my early years, in my youth
    še mlád youngish
    mládi in stari young and old
    mláda kri youthful blood
    mláda luna new moon
    mlád krompir new potatoes pl
    mládo vino new wine
    Mladi Turki, mladoturki the young Turks
    moj mlajši brat my younger brother
    Grad mlajši Grad Junior (krajšava: Jr.)
    ona ni več tako mláda she is no chicken
    samó enkrat si mlád! you're only young once!
    postati zopet mlád to grow young again
    ko sem bil mlád in my early life, in my youth
    mláda ljubezen young love, first love, early loveaffair
    ona je bila njegova mláda ljubezen she was his old sweetheart
    ostal je mlád od zadnjega he retained the spirit of youth to the last
    videti je mlajša, kot je v resnici she does not look her age
    tri leta je mlajši kot jaz he is three years younger than I, (ali pogovorno than me), he is my junior by three years
    povreči, imeti, dobiti mláde (o živalih) to bring forth young, to litter, (o psici) to have pups, to whelp, (o medvedki) to cub
  • mladóst youth; youthfulness

    v moji mladósti in my youth
    v cvetu mladósti in the pride of one's youth, in the prime of youth
    v moji neizkušeni mladósti (pogovorno) in my salad days
    mladóst se mora iznoreti youth will have its fling
    mladóst je norost boys will be boys, allowance must be made for the foolishness of youth, you can't put old heads on young shoulders
  • mlájši younger; junior; minor

    mlájši družabnik junior partner
    Grad mlájši Grad Junior (krajšava: Jr.)
    moj mlájši brat my younger brother
    leto je mlájši od mene he is my junior by a year, he is one year younger than I
    videti si mlájši, kot v resnici you do not look your age
  • mléko milk; žargon cow-juice

    osličje mléko ass's milk
    cementno mléko cement wash
    kislo mléko sour milk
    kondenzirano mléko condensed milk
    kokosovo mléko coconut milk
    mandljevo mléko milk of almonds
    mléko v prahu powdered milk, dried milk, evaporated milk
    neposneto, polmastno mléko whole milk
    pinjeno mléko buttermilk
    posneto mléko skim (ali skimmed) milk
    sesirjeno mléko curds pl, curdled milk
    stepeno mléko buttermilk
    sveže mléko fresh milk, new milk
    mléko kanglica, vedro za mléko milk can, milk pail
    lonec za mléko milk-pot
    steklenica za mléko milk bottle
    naša krava ne daje mléka our cow has come (ali has gone) dry
    dajati mléko to give (ali to yield) milk
    posneti mléko to skim the milk
    mléko se skisa milk goes sour, milk curdles
    mléko se mi upira, studi I loathe milk
    méd in mléko (= izobilje) milk and honey
    dežela, kjer se cedita méd in mléko a land flowing with milk and honey
    mléko se ga še drži (figurativno) he's still wet behind the ears
  • mnênje opinion; view; thinking; belief; mind; judgment, judgement; idea

    po mojem (skromnem) mnênju in my (humble) opinion (ali judgment), to my mind, ZDA I reckon
    javno mnênje public opinion
    prevladujoče mnênje prevailing opinion
    pristransko mnênje bias
    strokovno mnênje expert opinion, finding
    vnaprejšnje mnênje (predsodek) prejudice
    različno mnênje dissenting opinion
    izmenjava mnênj interchange of views, discussion
    izražanje mnênja expression (ali statement) of opinion
    raziskava javnega mnênja public opinion research, ZDA polls pl
    razlika v mnênju difference of opinion, misunderstanding, disagreement, dissent
    izraževanje javnega mnênja public opinion poll
    sem mnênja, da... I am of the opinion that..., I take the view that...
    nisem tega mnênja I disagree
    sva različnega mnênja we differ in opinion
    biti drugačnega mnênja to dissent
    biti istega mnênja z... to agree with...
    smo istega mnênja we are of one mind
    imeti dobro (slabo) mnênje o... to think highly (badly ali ill) of someone
    imeti visoko mnênje o kom to think highly of someone
    imeti visoko mnênje o sebi to have a pretty good opinion of oneself, to be self-sufficient, to entertain a high opinion of oneself, to suffer from a swelled head, to think oneself no end of a fellow
    odkrito sem mu povedal svoje mnênje I told him my mind
    povedati svoje mnênje to speak one's mind
    môči, sméti izraziti svoje mnênje o... to dare (ali to venture) to express one's view (ali opinion)
    spremeniti mnênj, pridružiti se mnênju koga drugega to come round
    mnênja se razhajajo opinions pl differ
    postati drugačnega mnênja to change one's mind (ali opinion, views pl)
    ne se strinjati z mnênjem kake osebe glede česa to disagree with someone about something
    ustvariti si mnênje to form an opinion
    ostaniva vsak pri svojem mnênju! let's agree to differ!
    javno mnênje se nagiblje njemu v prid public opinion is rallying to his support
  • mnógo (pred ednino) much; a great (ali a good) deal (of), a lot (of), pogovorno lots (of), bags (of); (pred množino) many, a great (ali a good) many; (pred ednino in množino) plenty of; a considerable amount

    mnógo manj much less
    v mnogem in many respects
    mnógo boljši (bolje) much better
    mnógo sreče! good luck!, lots of luck!
    mnógo zabave! have a good time!
    mnógo več ljudi many more people
    mnógo bolj težaven much (ali far) more difficult
    imajo mnógo denarja they have a lot of money, pogovorno they've got loads (ali pots, bags) of money
    imam mnógo časa I have plenty of time
    imajo mnógo dela they have much (ali a great many things) to do
    ni mnógo takih, kot je on there are few men like him, there aren't many like him
    nisem ga mnógo videl I haven't seen much of him
    on mnógo bere he is a great reader
    on mnógo dela (pije) he works (drinks) hard, he is a hardworking (hard-drinking) man
    jaz mnógo dam manj I have a high opinion of him
    mnógo vpitja za nič much ado about nothing
    ne si mnógo storiti iz... not to make much of...
    preli(va)ti mnógo krvi (solzá) to shed much blood (many tears)
    jaz bi mnógo rajši (šel) I had much rather (go)
    imamo mnógo časa, da ujamemo vlak (žargon) we've bags of time to catch the train
    mnógo hoče več (pregovor) much wants more
  • mnóžica crowd, multitude; mob; a great (ali a good) number; throng; host

    mnóžica ljudi a lot of people, hosts pl of people
    v mnóžich in crowds
    ljudske mnóžice slabšalno the multitude, the populace, the masses
    prišli so v mnóžicah, da bi ga videli they thronged to see him
  • móč force; tehnika, figurativno power; strength; potency; (krepkost) vigour; (učinkovitost) efficacy; (energija) energy; (velika, nadnaravna) might; (duhovna, duševna) faculty

    na vso móč, z vsemi móčmi with all one's might
    po svojih najboljših móčeh to the best of one's ability
    mišična móč muscular power
    čarovna móč magic power
    delovna móč working power, worker
    delovne móči (delavci) workforce, labour (s konstr. v sg), hands pl, workmen pl
    gonilna móč motive power
    kupna móč buying (ali purchasing) power
    konjska móč horsepower (krajšava: HP)
    prebojna móč penetrating power
    učna móč qualified teacher
    duhovna, duševna móč strength of mind
    moška móč vigour, virility
    telesna móč physical strength
    obrambna móč total defence potential
    udarna móč striking (ali hitting) power, striking force, vojska fighting efficiency
    ustvarjalna móč creative power
    móč usode power of fate
    móč volje willpower; strength of mind, faculty of volition
    dejanska móč actual power, real power
    zakonska móč legal force
    móč eksplozije explosive force, violence of an explosion
    brez móči powerless, forceless, ineffectual; impotent; (šibak) weak, feeble, (izčrpan) finished, effete
    kipeč od móči vigorous
    poln móči powerful, vigorous, full of energy
    v polni mladostni móči in the full vigour of youth
    preizkus móči trial of strength, ZDA pogovorno showdown
    drobljenje móči scattering (ali dissipation) of forces
    izguba móči loss of strength
    po svojih móčeh as one is able
    z združenimi móčmi shoulder to shoulder
    s poslednjimi móčmi with the remains of one's strength
    biti na kraju svojih móči to be worn out, to be exhausted, to reach the end of one's tether
    biti v móči (o zakonu) to be in force
    to ni v moji móči that's beyond my power
    storim vse, kar je v moji móči I do my (very) best, I do my utmost
    kakšno móč ima motor? what is the power of the motor? (ali engine)?
    ni v moji móči, da bi ti pomagal it is not in my power to help you
    ta odlok ima zakonsko móč this decree has the force of law, this decree is binding
    nisem imel toliko móči, da bi to naredil I was unable to arrange it
    priti zopet k móči to recover (ali to regain) one's strength
    móč toka ga je odnesla the rush (ali the sweep) of the current carried him away
    to presega moje móči that's too much for me
    razviti vso svojo móč to exert all one's strength (ali one's full strength)
    teči na vso móč to run at full speed
    na vso móč je vlekel he was pulling for all he was worth
    zapiskati na vso móč to whistle one's hardest
    v slogi je móč unity makes strength