
Zadetki iskanja

  • krítje covering; protection; shelter; (zaklonišče) dugout

    krítje stroškov defrayal (ali covering) of expenses
    iti v, poiskati krítje to take cover
    zlato krítje valute gold backing for a currency
  • kríza crisis, pl crises; critical situation; turning point

    prizadet od kríze crisis-ridden
    finančna kríza financial crisis
    gospodarska kríza trade depression, slump
    ministrska kríza a cabinet crisis
    politična kríza political crisis
    bliža se kríza a crisis is approaching
    svet je v gospodarski krízi the world economy is in a slump
    prestati (prebresti) krízo to overcome (to weather) a crisis
    iti skozi krízo to pass through a crisis
    privesti do kríze to bring things to a head, to lead to a crisis
    priti do kríze to come to a crisis
    rešiti krízo to solve a crisis
  • kríž cross; (razpelo) crucifix; (pri kartah) club (s pl); anatomija loins pl, the small of the back; (živalski) croup; (konjski) crupper; (goveji) rump; figurativno affliction, grief, sorrow, tribulation

    Rdeči kríž Red Cross
    kljukasti kríž swastika, hooked cross
    grški (latinski, Andrejev) kríž Greek (Latin, St. Andrew's) cross
    malteški kríž Maltese cross
    Južni kríž astronomija the Southern Cross
    vrtljiv kríž (pri vhodu itd.) turnstile
    trganje, bolečine v krížu medicina lumbago
    snemanje s kríža religija descent from the cross, deposition
    kríž me boli my back aches
    imeti že štiri kríže (= 40 let) za seboj to be on the wrong side of forty
    še ne imeti štirih krížev za seboj to be on the right side of forty
    kríž napraviti (pokrižati se) to cross oneself, to make the sign of the cross
    vsak mora nositi svoj kríž (figurativno) everyone must bear his own cross
    napraviti kríž čez kaj (figurativno) to give something up as lost
    prebresti vse kríže in težave to come through all the troubles and tribulations
    hrabro prenašati svoje kríže to bear one's tribulations bravely
    pribiti na kríž to nail to the cross
    umreti na krížu to die on the cross
  • krížem(a) crosswise; crossways; across, cross

    vse krížem(a) crisscross
    krížem(a) kražem (razmetano) higgledypiggledy, in all directions
    vse krížem(a) vreči to throw all over the place (ali in all directions)
    biti vse krížem(a) (v popolnem neredu) to he at sixes and sevens
    držati krížem(a) roke to fold one's arms
  • križíšče crossing; (železniško, cestno) junction

    cestno križíšče crossroads pl (s konstr. v sg ali pl)
    križíšče ceste in železnice v isti višini (železniški prehod) level crossing
  • kŕma1 (ladje) stern; poop

    na kŕmi, proti kŕmi abaft, aft
    desna (leva) stran kŕme starboard (port)
    ladja na kolesa na kŕmi stern-wheeler
    vrata, odprtina na kŕmi stern-port
    od kljuna do kŕme from stem to stern
    s kŕmo naprej stern on
    pluti s kŕmo naprej to have sternway
    pluti z vetrom v kŕmi to sail with the wind
    preplaviti kŕmo to poop
  • króg1 circle; ring; (delokrog) sphere, province; (družba) company, society, class, set, coterie; (znancev) acquaintance

    družinski króg family circle
    živalski króg zodiac
    zaključen króg (družbe) coterie, clique
    v parlamentarnih krógih in parliamentary circles
    v pristojnih krógih in competent quarters
    trgovski krógi commercial circles pl
    tokovni króg (elektrika) circuit
    začarni króg vicious circle
    króg pri dirkah šport lap, round
    zadnji króg šport last (ali final) lap
    preteči króg v treh minutah to lap the course in three minutes
    za en króg je pred svojim tekmecem he is one lap in front of (ali he has lapped) his rival
    sedeti v krógu to sit in a ring, to sit around in a circle
    delati, opisovati króge (v teku, poletu) to ring
    gibati, premikati se v krógu to go round, to circle, to ring
    plesati v krógu to dance round in a ring
    vrteti se v krógu to turn (ali to rotate, to spin, to twirl) round
    vrteč se v krógu rotatory
    opisati króg to describe a circle
    imeti (temne) króge okrog oči to have (dark) rings round one's eyes
    v političnih krógih in political circles
  • krógla ball; matematika sphere; šport shot; (iz puške) bullet; (topovska) cannonball, ball; projectile, shot

    zemeljska krógla globe, orb
    kegljaška krógla bowl
    naboj s króglo ball cartridge
    varen pred króglami ball-proof
    toča krogel hail of shots
    met krógle šport shot put, shot putting, putting the shot (ali weight)
    suniti, vreči króglo šport to put the shot
    pognati si króglo v glavo to blow one's brains out
    metalec krógle shot putter
    ubežna krógla stray bullet
  • krohotánje roar (ali burst) of laughter; guffaw

    sredi krohotánja amidst roars of laughter
    spraviti v krohotánje to set someone off roaring with laughter, to have someone in fits
  • krompír potato, pl potatoes; pogovorno spud

    krompír v oblicah potatoes in their skins (ali jackets)
    pečen neolupljen krompír potatoes baked in their skins (ali jackets)
    pečen, pražen roast, baked, fried potatoes
    ocvrt krompír French fried (ali chipped) potatoes, chips, ZDA french fries
    zmečkan krompír mashed potatoes
    semenski krompír seed potatoes
    zgodnji krompír early potatoes
    lupiti krompír to peel potatoes
    najbolj neumen kmet ima najdebelejši krompír pogovorno mugs for luck, arhaično fools have good fortune
  • kròp boiling water; scalding water

    kuhati v kròpu to boil
    popariti s kròpom to scald
  • króv

    1. (streha) roof; roofing

    slamnat króv thatched roof
    raven króv flat roof
    króv iz skodel shingle roof; figurativno shelter, house, lodging, cover
    pod króvom under cover
    brez króva roofless
    pod svojim króvom (v svoji hiši) under one's roof


    ladijski króv deck
    glavni (gornji, srednji, spodnji) króv main (upper, middle, lower) deck
    sprednji (zadnji) króv foredeck (afterdeck)
    na króvu (ladje) on board, aboard
    čez, prek króva overboard
    na króvu parnika on board the steamer
    spredaj (zadaj) na króvu fore (aft)
    iti na króv (ladje) to go on deck, (vkrcati se) to go on board
  • króžiti to circle, to circulate; to go round; to whirl round; to move (to turn) in a circle; to gyrate, to rotate

    króžiti nad glavo to circle overhead, to circle over
    vestí krožijo reports are current; (biti v prometu) to be in circulation
    neka zgodba kroži a story is going the rounds
  • kŕst baptism; christening

    kŕst v sili religija private baptism
    ognjeni kŕst baptism of fire
    živ kŕst tega ne vé not a living soul knows it
  • kŕsta coffin

    položiti v kŕsto to lay in a coffin
    zabiti komu žebelj v kŕsto to drive a nail into someone's coffin
  • kŕtov mole's, mole(-)

    kŕtova dežela (figurativno) grave, death
    kŕtovo krzno moleskin
    iti v kŕtovo deželo to kick the bucket, to snuff it
  • krùh bread

    brez krùha breadless, (brez posla) unemployed
    črn krùh brown (ali black) bread
    domač krùh home-made (ali household) bread
    bel krùh white bread
    ječmenov krùh barley bread
    koruzen krùh ZDA corn pone
    ržen rye bread
    svež krùh fresh (ali new) bread
    star, suh krùh stale bread
    (ne)kvašen krùh (un)leavened bread
    vojaški krùh ration bread
    pražen krùh toast
    naš vsakdanji krùh our daily bread
    hlebec, štruca krùha loaf of bread
    kos, reženj krùha a piece, a slice of bread
    ob krùhu in vodi on bread and water
    krùh z maslom bread and butter
    ostanki krùha left-over bread
    pražilec za krùh toaster
    košarica za krùh breadbasket
    rezilni stroj za krùh bread slicer
    skorja krùha a crust of bread
    krùha in iger! bread and circuses!
    boj za vsakdanji krùh the struggle for life
    pomanjkanje krùha shortage (ali scarcity) of bread
    deliti s kom krùh to break bread with someone
    on ni vreden krùha, ki ga jé he is not worth his salt
    ni imel skorje krùha he had not a crust of bread to eat
    ostati brez krùha (figurativno) to be thrown out of work
    pritrgovati si krùh od ust to stint oneself
    odjesti komu krùh to take the bread out of someone's mouth
    jesti tuj krùh (figurativno) to serve other people, to be dependent on other people
    prišel je do krùha pogovorno he's got it made
    peči krùh to bake bread
    služiti si svoj krùh z... to get one's living by...
    sam si mora služiti krùh he has to earn his own living
    težko si služiti krùh to work hard for a living
    kako si služi svoj krùh? (figurativno) how does he earn (ali make, win) his bread (ali his living)?
    skregati se s svojim krùhom (figurativno) to quarrel with one's bread and butter, not to know which side one's bread is buttered on
    stati v vrsti za krùh to stand in a bread-line
    krùh je vzhajal the bread has risen
    živeti ob krùhu in vodi to be put on bread and water
  • krúliti (prašič) to grunt

    krúliti v želodcu to have a rumbling in the stomach (ali pogovorno tummy)
    v črevesju, v trebuhu mi kruli my belly is rumbling; pogovorno I have the collywobbles
    želodec mi kruli (figurativno) evfemizem my tummy's complaining, vulgarno my belly thinks my throat's cut
  • kúhati to cook; to boil; to prepare food; (v pari) to stew

    kúhati čaj, kavo to make (ali to prepare) tea, coffe
    ta fižol se težko kuha this bean is a bad boiler
    dobro, fino kúhati to do fancy cooking
    preprosto kúhati to do plain cooking
    kaj se kuha v tem kotlu? what's brewing in this cauldron?
    nekaj se kuha (figurativno) fresh trouble is brewing, something is brewing
    jaz si sam kuham I cook my own food
    ta krompir se dobro kuha these potatoes are good boilers
    ona dobro kuha she cooks well, she is a good cook
    kúhati na malem ognju to simmer
    kúhati jezo na koga to bear someone a grudge
    kúhati žganje to distil spirits (iz from)
    vročina me kuha I am feverish
    nekaj slabega se je kuhalo there was mischief brewing
  • kúmara botanika cucumber

    vložene kúmare pickled cucumbers pl
    kúmare v solati cucumber salad