kášča granary, pesniško garner; (silos) silo; ZDA grain elevator
spraviti v káščo to gather in, to store, pesniško to garner
Zadetki iskanja
- kategoríja filozofija category; class, division
meso prve kategoríje meat of the best quality
uvrstiti koga v kategoríjo nesposobnežev to rank someone among the good-fornothings - katéri -a, -o which; who; that
kateri od vas je to storil? which of you has done this?
katerega smo danes? what day is it today?
katera je najboljša pot v...? which is the best way to...?
s katero roko pišeš? which hand do you write with?
katera je boljša od obeh? which is the better of the two? - kazálec (prst) forefinger, index finger, first finger; (ure) hand; (tehtnice, barometra) pointer
v smeri premikanja kazálecev ure clockwise; deasil; with the sun; sunwise
v nasprotni smeri premikanja kazálecev ure anticlockwise; widdershins; against the sun - kdáj when; (at) what time
od kdáj since when
sploh kdáj ever
do kdáj till when, how long
kdáj si ga videl? when did you see him?
do kdáj boš ostal? how long will you be staying?
od kdáj ste (že) tu? how long have you been here?
kdáj se je to zgodilo? when did it happen?
do kdáj bomo čakali? how long shall we wait?
od kdáj je tvoje pismo? what is the date of your letter?
ne vem, kdáj bo prišel domov I don't know when he'll be home
ste bili (sploh) kdáj v Londonu? have you ever been to London? - kdó who; anybody, anyone
kdó drugi? who else?
kdó še? who else?
je kdó v hiši? is there anyone (ali anybody) in the house?
ne vem več, kdó vse je bil tam I don't remember everybody who was there
kdó bi si bil to mislil! who would have thought it!
malokdó hardly anyone, very few
vedeti, kdó je kdó to know who's who - kégelj pin; skittle-pin
kéglji pl skittles pl (s konstr. v sg), ninepins pl (s konstr. v sg); ZDA tenpins pl (s konstr. v sg) ali tenpin bowling
postavljač kégljev skittle-boy, ZDA pin-boy - kipéti (vreti) to boil, to seethe; to bubble
kipim od jeze I am boiling with rage, my blood boils
kipéti od sreče (navdušenja) to be bubbling over with happiness (enthusiasm)
vse je kipelo v njem his blood was boiling
dežela kipi od nezadovoljstva the country is seething with discontent - kís vinegar
vinski kís wine vinegar
začímbeni kís aromatic vinegar
dodati kís čemu to vinegar something
vložiti v kís to pickle (in vinegar) - kísati (solato itd.) to vinegar; to season with vinegar; to make sour, to make acid, to add a sour substance
kísati (se) (spremeniti (se) v kislino) to acidify
malo kísati to acidulate
kísati se (figurativno) to look surly, to look bitter
kísati se to become (ali turn) sour
vreme se kisa the weather is getting worse - kísel sour; acid; tart; (malo) sourish, acidulous; (okisan) pickled; figurativno sour, sulky, surly; morose, peevish, sullen, ill-humoured, crabbed, harsh, crusty
kísel krompir potato salad
kísel obraz wry (ali drawn) face, sour look(s)
kíslo mleko sour (ali curdled) milk
kíslo zelje sauerkraut, pickled (ali salted) cabbage
kísle kumarice pickled cucumbers pl, cucumber salad
kíslo grozdje sour grapes pl
kísli bonboni acid drops pl
kísla voda mineral water, thermal water, acidulous water
kíslo se držati to look surly (ali bitter), to pull a (sour) face
napraviti kísel obraz to pull a (wry) face
ugrizniti v kíslo jabolko (figurativno) to grasp the nettle - klás ear; spike
klásje ears pl, (koruzno) corncobs pl
iti v klásje to ear
žito gre v klásje the corn is beginning to ear
jalov klás blind (ali sterile) ear - kléšče tongs pl, a pair of tongs, (manjše) pincers pl; pliers pl; medicina forceps (s konstr. v sg ali pl); (za orehe) nutcracker (večinoma pl) nutcrackers; (mučilno orodje) barnacle; zoologija, pri rakih claws pl, pincers pl
še s kléščami se ne bi tega dotaknil I would not touch it with a pair of tongs (oziroma with a bargepole)
dobiti koga v kléšče (figurativno) to get someone in one's grip
mučiti, ščipati s kléščami to pincer - klét cellar; basement
vinska klét wine cellar, wine vault
spraviti v klét to cellar
klét za premog coal cellar
spravilo v klét cellarage - klétka cage
ptičja klétka birdcage
izdelovalec klétk cagemaker
zapreti v klétko to cage - klevetáti to calumniate; to defame; to slander; to backbite
javno, v tisku klevetáti to libel - klíca botanika, zoologija germ, (kal) seed, bud; shoot, sprout; (zametek) origin
v klíci in germ
v klíci zatreti, zadušiti to nip in the (very) bud, to stifle in embryo - klín wedge; peg; pin; spike; (tesarski) tenon; (osi) cotter, (razcepljen) split pin; tiskarstvo quoin; wooden nail; (zagozda) chock; (sadilni) dibble; (pri lestvi) rung; (za obleko) peg
klín hladnega zraka wedge of cold air
obesiti na klín (figurativno, službo, mesto itd.) to quit, to give up, to throw up, to throw in the sponge (ali the towel)
obesiti medicino na klín (figurativno) to give up medicine
obesiti službo na klín to throw up one's job
pritrditi s klínom to wedge
razdvojiti s klínom to wedge apart
klínu podoben wedgelike
zabiti klín v (med) to drive a wedge into (between)
klín se s klínom izbija one nail drives out another, diamond cut diamond, like cures like, rudeness must be met with rudeness - kljúč key; glasba clef
altovski kljúč alto clef
basovski kljúč bass clef
violinski kljúč treble clef
navojni kljúč tehnika spanner; (vitrih) skeleton key; (od vseh sob v določenem poslopju) master key
kljúč od hišnih vrat, patentni kljúč latchkey; (serpentina, rida) hairpin bend
pod kljúčem (figurativno) under lock and key
tat je že pod kljúčem the thief is already under lock and key
imeti pod kljúčem (zaklenjeno) to have under lock and key
hraniti pod kljúčem to keep under lock and key
kljúč problema je v... the key to the question lies in...
projekt »na kljúč« turnkey project - kljúkica
označiti, zaznamovati s kljúkico (npr. v seznamu) to tick (off)