
Zadetki iskanja

  • plôšča plate; plaque; table; (fotografska, steklena, kovinska) plate; (lesena, kamnita, marmorna) slab; (za napis) tablet

    bronasta plôšča bronze tablet
    fotografska plôšča photographic plate
    gramofonska plôšča record, disc, ZDA disk
    hladna plôšča (jed) cold meat
    kuhalna plôšča hot plate
    marmorna plôšča marble slab
    mikro gramofonska plôšča long-playing record
    spominska plôšča memorial plaque
    stikalna plôšča (elektrika) switchboard
    votivna plôšča votive tablet
    obložiti s plôščmi to slab
    odkriti (postaviti) spominsko plôščo to unveil (to put up) a commemorative (ali memorial) tablet
    posneti na gramofonsko plôščo to record
    (avtomatski) menjalec plôšč glasba record changer
  • plót (lesen) fence, (iz desk) (gradbišča) hoarding; (iz kolov) paling, palisade; (ograda) enclosure; (kamnit) (dead) hedge

    obdati, ograditi s plótom to hedge in, to fence in, to enclose
  • plóvec buoy; tehnika rottenstone; pumice-stone

    gladiti, polirati s plóvcem to pumice-stone, to rottenstone
  • plúndra slush

    oškropiti, umazati s plúndro to slush
  • poánta point, sting, tag; (zbadljivka) quip

    poánta šale, dovtipa the cream (ali point) of the joke
    šala s poánto a jest with a sting in it (ali in the tail)
  • pobégniti to escape, to make one's escape; to run away; to make one's getaway; (z ljubimcem) to elope

    pobégniti od to flee from; to take to one's heels, to take (to) flight, (pogovorno) to skedaddle; (z denarjem) to abscond; (dezertirati) to desert
    blagajnik je pobegnil s 5.000 funti the cashier absconded with 5,000 pounds
  • pobótati to reconcile, to bring together

    pobótati dva sovražnika to reconcile two enemies
    pobótati ljudi med seboj to bring people together
    pobótati se to become friends again, to come to an agreement
    pobótati se s kom to make it up with someone, to come to a compromise with someone
  • počastíti to honour; to render (ali to do, to pay) homage (koga to someone); to favour

    počastíti s svojo navzočnostjo to grace with one's presence
  • počénjati počéti to do

    kaj počenjate? what are you doing!, what are you up to?, what are you at?
    kaj počenjaš ves dan? what do you do with yourself all day?
    nimam kaj počénjati, počéti s tem I have no use for it
    ne ve, kaj bi počel od veselja he is mad with joy
  • počítniški holiday (-), vacation

    počítniški čas holiday time, break, holiday(s)
    počítniški dom holiday home (run at modest prices by a non-profitmaking organisation)
    počítniška kolonija holiday camp
    počítniško potovanje holiday trip
    počítniški tabor holiday camp
    počítniški tečaj vacation course
    počítniško razpoloženje holiday spirit, holiday mood
  • pod under; below, beneath

    pod ceno for less than the value
    pod mojo častjo beneath my dignity
    pod drevesom under a tree
    pod Henrikom IV under Henry IV
    pod ničlo below zero
    pod napačnim imenom under a false name, under an assumed name
    pod vsako kritiko beneath criticism
    pod milim nebom under the open sky
    pod pokroviteljstvom under the patronage of
    pod mojimi nogami below my feet
    pod ognjem treh baterij vojska under the fire of three batteries
    pod pečatom tajnosti under a pledge of secrecy
    pod pretvezo, pod izgovorom under the pretext (of)
    pod roko (figurativno) secretly
    pod hribom at the foot of the hill
    pod (s) pogojem on condition that...
    pod njegovim vladanjem in his reign
    pod vplivom influenced by...
    pod zemljo underground
    pod 20 let starosti under 20 years of age
    pod kaznijo globe under the penalty of a fine
    pod smrtno kaznijo under pain of death
    osebe pod 30 leti the under-thirties
    on je pod copato (figurativno) he is henpecked; he is tied to his wife's apron strings, the mare is the better horse
    biti pod orožjem to be under arms
    ničesar ne imeti za pod zob not to have a bite to eat
    dajte to pod ključ! put it under lock and key!
    pasti pod stečaj to go bankrupt, to fail
    prodajati pod lastno ceno to sell below cost price
    stanovati pod streho (v mansardi) to live in a garret
    storil je to pod pritiskom he did it under pressure
    šibiti se pod bremenom to sink under the load
  • podájati to hand; to tender; to present

    podájati se v... to enter into...
    podájati se s kom (prepirati se) to quarrel with
  • podmórnica submarine; pogovorno sub

    član posadke na podmórnici submariner
    lovec na podmórnice submarine chaser
    vojna s podmórnicami to attack by submarine, to launch a submarine attack
    lovec na podmórnice ZDA pomorstvo subchaser
  • podmôrski submarine

    podmôrski kabel submarine cable
    podmôrski tok deep-sea current
    podmôrski vulkan submarine volcano, pl -o(e)s
  • podnaslóv subtitle

    opremiti s podnaslóvi to subtitle
  • podpóra support, aid, help, relief, sustenance; assistance; (miloščina) charity, alms; (dotacija) subsidy, (denarna) subvention

    s podpóro with the support (of)
    državna podpóra state support
    brezposelna podpóra dole
    dobivati brezposleno podpóro to draw the dole, to be on the dole
    prošnja za podpóro application for support
    podpóra industriji bounty, allowance
    da(ja)ti podpóro to grant support
    imeti krepko podpóro to have the staunch support (of)
    živeti od javne podpóre to live on public assistance
    potreben podpóre needy
    brez podpóre unassisted, unaided, unsupported, unseconded
    dobivati socialno podpóro to be on relief
    prejemnik podpóre person on benefit
  • podréti to pull down (hišo a house); to fell (drevesa trees); (do temelja, zravnati z zemljo) to level, to raze, to tear down, to demolish, to ruin

    avtobus ga je podrl he was knocked down by a bus
    podréti zajca s strelom to pick off (ali to bring down) a hare with a (single) shot
    podréti se to fall down, to tumble (down); to crumble into ruins
  • podvéza suspender; garter

    podvéza za kratko nogavico sock suspender
    red hlačne podvéze VB Order of the Garter
    podeliti red hlačne podvéze to admit someone to the Order of the Garter, to make someone a Garter Knight
    pritrditi s podvézo to garter
  • podvízati se to hurry, to hasten, to make haste

    podvízati se se s čim to get a move on with something
    podvizati kaj to accelerate something, to hasten something
  • pogájanje negotiation; parley

    mirovna pogájanja peace negotiations pl; vojska parley
    izid, rezultat pogájanj the outcome of negotiations
    prekiniti (začeti) pogájanja to break off (to open) negotiations
    biti v pogájanjih z to carry on negotiations with
    začeti, stopiti v pogájanja z to enter into negotiations with
    pogájanja so v nevarnosti the negotiations are jeopardized
    pripravljen za pogájanja ready to negotiate
    s pogájanji by means of negotiation
    pogájanja so se zavlekla the negotiations dragged on
    dati znak za prenehanje boja in začetek pogájanj vojska arhaično to sound a parley