
Zadetki iskanja

  • pijančevánje habitual drinking (ali tippling), boozing; drunkenness; (krokanje) spree, drinkingbout, žargon booze-up

    nakopati si bolezen s pijančevánjem to contract an alcohol-related disease
  • pikíranje (letala) dive

    bombardiranje s pikíranjem divebombing
  • piré purée, mash

    krompirjev piré mashed potatoes pl, pogovorno mash
    klobasa s krompirjevim piréjem sausage and mash
    fižolov piré purée of haricot beans
  • písan2 (pester) variegated; mottled, stained; gaily coloured

    písana množica motley crowd
    písana obleka gaudy dres
    živo písan parti-coloured
    písana mati (mačeha) stepmother
    písano se gledati s kom to be on bad terms with someone
  • písati to write; (beležiti) to take down, to make a note (of), to make notes, to note down, to set down; (črkovati) to spell

    písati po nareku to write from dictation
    napačno písati besedo to misspell a word
    písati čistopis to make a fair (ali clean, final) copy
    písati koncept to write out a rough draft (ali copy)
    písati čitljivo (nečitljivo) to write legibly (illegibly)
    písati knjige to write books, to be an author
    ona lepo piše she writes a nice (ali good, bold) hand
    on grdo, nečitljivo piše he writes a cramped (ali niggling) hand
    písati note to copy out music
    písati na stroj to typewrite, to type
    še enkrat, ponovno písati to rewrite
    pravilno písati besedo to spell a word correctly
    kako se piše ta beseda? how do you spell this word?
    ta beseda se piše z -i- this word is spelt with an -i-
    slabó písati to write badly, to scrawl
    on ne piše, ampak čečka he writes an awful scrawl
    písati pismo s črnilom to pen a letter
    písati beležko s svinčnikom to jot down a note in pencil, to pencil a note
    kako se pišete? what is your name?
    kako pišete svoje ime? how do you spell your name?
    pisal se je Brown kot ti he was surnamed Brown like you
    obsežno, podrobno písati to write extensively, in detail
    písati o slovstvu to write on literature
    písati v običajni pisavi to write longhand
    písati stenografsko to write shorthand
    ne zna ne písati ne brati he is illiterate (ali analphabetic)
    piši mi par vrstic (ob priložnosti)! drop me a line (occasionally)!
    že dva tedna mi ni pisal I haven't heard from him for a fortnight (že pet tednov these five weeks)
    písati komu v dobro to put down to someone's credit
    dal mi je, reci in piši, 8 tolarjev he gave me precisely 8 tolars
    piši me v uho! (žargon) go and fly a kite!, let me alone!, leave me in peace!
  • písmo letter; missive; (kratko) note

    trgovsko písmo commercial letter, arhaično favour
    odprto písmo (v časopisu) open letter
    nefrankirano písmo unpaid letter
    avionsko písmo air letter, airmail letter
    izgubljeno písmo missing letter
    priporočeno písmo registered letter
    denarno písmo money letter
    kreditno písmo letter of credit
    poslovno písmo business letter
    ljubezensko písmo love letter
    sožalno písmo letter of condolence
    vrednostno písmo letter with value declared
    zahvalno písmo letter of thanks
    uradno písmo official letter
    grozilno písmo threatening letter
    ženitovanjsko písmo marriage contract
    poštnoležeče písmo letter to be called for
    na napačen naslov oddano písmo letter delivered to the wrong address
    nedostavljivo písmo undeliverable letter, dead letter
    písmo s čestitkami letter of congratulation
    priporočilno písmo letter of recommendation (ali of introduction)
    sveto písmo religija the Bible, the Scriptures, the Book, Holy Writ
    pastirsko písmo (cerkveno) pastoral
    zahvalno písmo (po obisku) bread-and-butter letter
    dodatek písmu postscript
    dostava, izročitev pisem delivery of mail
    razdeljevanje pisem distribution of letters
    ovojnica za písmo envelope, wrapper
    naslov písma address
    glava písma letterhead, letter heading
    začetek písma opening of a letter
    obtežilnik za písma paperweight, letter-weight
    tehtnica za písma letter scales pl, letter balance
    predal za písma pigeonhole
    (poštni) nabiralnik za písma VB letter box, pillar box, ZDA mailbox
    predaja písma posting (ZDA mailing) of a letter
    sprejem pisem reception of letters
    urad za neizročena písma returned (ali dead) letter office
    Vaše cenjeno písmo trgovina arhaično your favour
    pisanje pisem letter-writing
    oddati písmo na pošti to post (ZDA to mail) a letter
    nalepiti znamko na písmo to stamp a letter
    oddati písmo priporočeno to register a letter
    naša písma so se križala our letters have crossed
    tvoje písmo se je izgubilo your letter has gone astray (ali got lost)
    vreči písmo v nabiralnik to drop a letter in the letter box (ZDA mailbox)
    če bi se (slučajno) moje písmo izgubilo if my letter should happen to get lost
    izprazniti nabiralnik za písma to clear a letter box (ZDA mailbox, box), (v stebru) pillar box
    tu je písmo na vaš naslov there is a letter here addressed to you
    písma se pobirajo zjutraj letters are collected in the morning
    písma iz tega nabiralnika se pobirajo petkrat na dan this box is cleared five times daily
    prejeli smo vaše písmo od 6. t.m. your letter of the 6th (instant) has been received
  • pištóla pistol; firearm; handgun; automatic

    brizgalna pištóla (za barvo itd.) spray gun
    z naperjeno pištólo at pistol point, at the point of the pistol
    strel iz pištóle pistol shot
    ročaj pištóle pistol butt, butt of a pistol; (ta vrsta roča pri večjih puškah in orodjih) pistol grip
    nastaviti komu pištólo na prsi to hold a pistol to someone's breast
    streljati, ustreliti, ubiti koga s pištólo to shoot someone, to gun someone down
    udariti koga s pištólo to pistol-whip someone
    tok za pištólo holster
    streljati s pištólo to shoot
    otroška pištóla popgun
  • pítati to fatten, (perutnino) to cram; (s hrano) to stuff (ali to cram) with food, to feed; (z žlico dajati jesti) to spoon-feed

    pítati se (figurativno) to eat heartily, to cram oneself with food; to fatten (s čim on something)
  • píti to drink; (o pijancu) to drink habitually, to tipple, to guzzle, to tope, to soak, to booze, to swill, to drink hard (ali deep, freely), to be a heavy (ali hard) drinker; to drink rather heavily

    naglo, v velikih požirkih píti to gulp down, to swallow; (srebati) to sip; (o psu) to lap; (vpijati) to take in, to lap up, to absorb, to imbibe
    píti kot goba to drink like a fish
    píti kot žolna to drink hard (ali like a lord, like a fish)
    píti več kot je pametno (žargon) to lift the elbow (too often)
    preveč píti to drink too much, (žargon) to bend the (ali one's) elbow
    preveč je pil he's had a drop too much, he's under the influence, he's the worse for wear
    začel je (preveč) píti he took to drink
    píti bratovščino s kom to hobnob with someone, to drink the pledge of brotherhood (ali intimate friendship) with someone
    píti na zdravje koga to drink someone's health, to drink to the health of (ali in honour of) someone, (nazdraviti komu) to toast someone
    pijem na Vaše zdravje! here's to you!
    píti čaj, kavo, kakao to take (ali to have) one's tea, coffee, cocoa
    ne smem píti vina I must abstain from drinking wine
    on pije kri svojim dolžnikom (figurativno) he is a bloodsucker
    píti slatino (v zdravilišču) to drink the waters
    ki mnogo pije hard-drinking
  • pláča (uradniška) salary; (oficirska) pay; (delavska) wage, wages pl

    s polno pláčo on full pay
    bedna pláča miserable pay
    stalna pláča fixed salary
    začetna pláča commencing salary
    pláč, ki je zadostna za življenje living wage
    izkustvu in učinku ustrezna pláča salary commensurate with experience and ability
    nameščenec s stalno pláčo salaried employee
    delavec, ki dela za bedno pláčo wage slave
    dodatek k pláči additional pay, bonus
    odtegljaj od pláče deduction from salary, stoppage
    povišanje pláče wage rise, increase (ali rise) in salary
    znižanje pláče salary cut, reduction in pay
    zamrznitev pláč wage freeze
    odtegniti komu od pláče to stop (something) out of someone's salary
    povišati pláčo to raise (ali to increase) someone's salary
    dobivati dobro pláčo to get good wages, to draw a good salary
    znižati pláče to lower someone's wages (oziroma salary)
    dajati komu pláčo to pay someone a wage (ali a salary)
  • pláčati to pay

    pláčati v gotovini to pay cash (down), to pay ready money, (takoj) (žargon) to pay on the nail
    vnaprej pláčati to prepay, to pay in advance
    pláčati račun to settle (ali to balance, to square) an account, to pay one's score, to pay one's reckoning
    pláčati menico to honour a bill
    ne pláčati to leave unpaid
    pláčati v obrokih to pay by instalments, (v majhnih obrokih) to pay by driblets
    pláčati v naturalijah to pay in kind
    preveč (premalo) pláčati za delo to overpay (to underpay)
    predragó, mastno pláčati to pay through the nose
    pláčati previsoko ceno to pay a fancy (ali an exorbitant, an extortionate) price, to pay through the nose
    preveč pláčati za blago to be overcharged
    ogromno, debelo pláčati to pay a fantastic price
    plačati račun, stroške za druge (figurativno) to pay the piper
    takoj pláčati to pay cash on the spot, to pay spot cash, to pay cash on the nail
    pláčati ob prejemu to pay cash on delivery
    preveč sem plačal I was out of pocket, I was overcharged
    pláčati za nazaj to repay, to refund, to reimburse
    pláčati do zadnjega tolarja (pare) to pay to the last farthing
    pláčati stroške to pay (ali to defray) expenses
    pláčati pred rokom to anticipate payment
    pláčati globo to pay a fine
    pláčati upnikom to settle with one's creditors
    pláčati komu njegove usluge to reward someone for his services
    toliko ne morem pláčati I cannot afford it
    za to je treba pláčati carino (ni treba pláčati carine) this is dutiable (dutyfree)
    ne morem pláčati I am unable to pay, I am insolvent
    vedno sem ti točno plačeval I have always paid you on the nail
    plačal sem mu buteljko vina I treated him to a bottle of wine
    kdo bo plačal zapitek? who will stand treat?
    vsak od naju bo plačal zase we'll each pay his own share, we'll go dutch
    za uro sem plačal urarju 50 funtov I paid (ali I gave) the watchmaker fifty pounds for my watch
    zmago je plačal s svojim življenjem he paid with his own life for the victory
    dragó sem jim plačal za to they made me pay through the nose for it
    to mi boš plačal! (figurativno) I'll see you pay for this!, you shall smart for this!
    pláčati milo za drago to pay in kind, to repay tit for tat, to get one's own back, to have one's revenge (on), to get even (with)
    kdor muziko plačuje, tudi ukazuje (figurativno) who pays the piper calls the tune
    natakar, plačati, prosim! waiter, the bill, please!
  • plačílen pay(-)

    plačílni dan payday
    plačílna knjiga (seznam) pay book (sheet)
    plačílni razred (uradnikov) salary grade
    plačílni nalog order to pay
    plačílni rok date of payment
    plačílno sredstvo means of payment
    zakonito plačílno sredstvo legal tender
    plačílne težave pecuniary difficulties pl
    plačílni promet v državi home (ali internal) money movements pl
    s tujino external payments
  • plahútati

    plahútati s perutmi to beat (ali to flap) one's wings
  • plameníca torch; zgodovina link

    nosač plameníce linkboy
    olimpijski štafetni tek s plameníco Olympic torch relay
  • plátina kemija platinum

    prevleči s plátino to platinize
    ženska s plátinsko svetlimi lasmi platinum blonde
  • pláv (pšenične barve) (lasje) fair, blond, light; (oseba) fair, flaxen-haired

    plávi možje s severa the fairhaired men from the North
  • plávati to swim; (stvari, na vodi) to float, (s tokom) to drift

    plávati pod vodo to swim under water
    plávati v, po zraku to hover
    plávati na hrbtu to swim on one's back
    plávati eno miljo to swim a mile
    bočno plávati to swim on one's side
    plávati proti toku to swim against the current
    plávati s tokom (figurativno) to swim with the tide (ali with the current)
    plávati kot riba to swim like a fish
    plávati čez reko, jezero, Rokavski preliv to swim a river, a lake, the Channel
    plávati kot kamen to swim like a stone, to swim like a tailor's goose, to swim like a brick
    plávati v krvi (figurativno) to be steeped (ali to welter) in blood
    plávati v solzah to be bathed in tears, to brim with tears
    on plava v denarju he is rolling in money
    klet je plavala v vinu the cellar was swimming in wine
    olje plava na vodi oil floats on water
    predaleč (ven) plávati to swim out of one's depth
    plutovina plava v vodi cork floats in water
  • plésen -a, -o dancing; dance; ball

    plésna dvorana ballroom, dance hall
    plésna čajanka tea dance, thé dansant
    plésni (lakasti) čevelj patent-leather dance shoe
    plésen, -a, -o klub dance club
    plésen, -a, -o korak step
    plésni lokal (public) dance hall, palais de danse, (za mladino, s ploščami namesto orkestra) disco
    plésna pesem dance song
    plésni orkester dance band
    plésna plošča dance-music record
    plésni učitelj dancing master
    plésni turnir dancing contest
    plésna glasba dance music
    plésna šola school
    plésne vaje dancing lessons pl
    plésni večer dance, dancing party
    plésni venček (private) dancing party
    plésna zabava ball
    cenen, zanikrn plésni lokal ZDA žargon juke joint
  • plevél weed, weeds pl

    poln plevéla weedy
    s plevélom preraščen weedy, weed ridden, overgrown (with weeds)
    poraslost s plevélom weediness
    sredstvo proti plevélu weedkiller
    opleti plevél to weed
    plevél dobro uspeva ill weeds grow apace
  • plín gas

    izpušni plín exhaust gas, burnt gas
    eksplozivni plín explosive gas
    gorilni plín combustible gas, fuel gas, heating gas
    pogonski plín power gas
    bojni plín chemical weapon, poison gas
    solzivi plín tear gas
    močvirski plín marsh gas
    pokalni plín explosive gas
    premogovniški, jamski plín blackdamp
    smejalni plín laughing gas
    svetilni plín lighting gas, illuminating gas
    strupeni plín poison gas
    jamski eksplozivni plín firedamp
    razredčen plín rarefied (ali rarified) gas
    neprepusten za plín gastight
    s polnim plínom at full throttle
    rezervoar za plín gasholder, gasometer, gas tank
    motor na plín gas engine, gas motor
    pedal, vzvod za plín avtomobilizem accelerator, ZDA gas pedal, aeronavtika throttle lever
    izbruh plína gas explosion
    uhajanje plína gas leak
    napeljava plína gas fittings pl
    oskrba s plínom, dovod plína gas supply
    pridobivanje plína gas production
    neprepusten za plín gas-proof, gastight
    zaščita pred strupenim plínom precautions against poison gas, gas-warfare defences, chemical-warfare defences
    metalec plína vojska poison-gas mortar
    zastrupljen s plínom gassed
    zastrupitev s plínom gas poisoning
    vonj, duh po plínu smell of gas
    vojna, vojskovanje s plínom gas warfare, chemical war (ali warfare)
    dati plín to step on the gas, to put one's foot down, to open the throttle
    odvzeti plín to cut off the gas
    spremeniti v plín to gasify
    razvijati plín to evolve gas
    prižgati plín to light (ali to turn on) the gas
    kuhati na plínu to cook by gas
    napasti s plínom to gas
    ugasiti plín to turn the gas off, (priviti, da manj gori) to turn the gas down