omára (visoka, za obleke) wardrobe; chest, case
(nizka) omára za perilo linen cupboard
omára za namizno posodo sideboard
omára s predali chest of drawers, commode
jedilna omára (za hrano) cupboard
knjižna omára bookcase
steklena omára showcase, glass case, display cabinet
omára za umetnine, drobnarije cabinet; ZDA closet
predal omáre drawer
Zadetki iskanja
- ondulácija (vode) undulation, ripple; (žitnega polja) waving; (terena) rise and fall, lift; (draperije) flow; (pričeska) wave; curl; crinkle
vodna ondulácija (las) water wave
trajna ondulácija permanent wave, pogovorno perm
aparat za trajno ondulácijo perming set
dati si delati trajno ondulácijo to have a permanent wave (ali pogovorno perm), to have one's hair permed
hladna ondulácija (las) cold wave
ondulácija s škarjami marcel wave - opážiti to panel; to wainscot
opažen panelled; (z deskami) to board up
opažen s hrastovim lesom oak-panelled - oprávek errand; business
oprávki pl pursuits pl
po oprávkih on business
imeti oprávka z to deal with, to have dealings with
z njim ni prijetno imeti oprávka he is a difficult customer
imeti oprávke, biti po oprávkih to do the errands
tekati po oprávkih to run errands, to go on errands
z njim nočem (imeti) nobenega oprávka I will have no dealings with him
imam oprávke v mestu I have some things to see to in town, I have some shopping to do in town
imam drugih oprávkov (drugega posla, dela) (dovolj) (figurativno) I have (ali I've got) oterher fish to fry
s tem nočemo imeti nobenega oprávka we don't want to have anything to do with it - opráviti to do; to finish; to perform; to settle; to transact
opráviti izpit to pass an examination
opráviti posle to transact business, to get one's work (ali job) done
opráviti nekaj zasebnih zadev to attend to some private business
z njim ni lahko opráviti he is not so easily dealt with, he is an awkward customer
bom hitro opravil s teboj (figurativno) I'll deal with you in a moment
opráviti bančne posle to carry out (ali to perform) banking operations - oprávljen done; performed; settled
s tem je stvar oprávljena! (= dovolj o tem!) (so) that's that! - ôreh (drevo) nut tree; (sadež) nut
ameriški beli ôreh botanika hickory
laški ôreh (sadež in drevo) walnut
to ni piškavega ôreha vredno I don't give a fig for it, it's not worth a brass farthing
ôrehe tolči, treti to crack nuts, to shell nuts
iti nabirat ôrehe to go nutting
on je trd ôreh (figurativno) he is a tough (ali hard) nut
to bo trd ôreh (figurativno) that will be a hard nut to crack
to se je izkazalo za trd ôreh (figurativno) this proved a tough not to crack
kleščice za ôrehe nutcracker, -s pl
nožek za čiščenje ôrehov nutpick
majhen ôreh nutlet
puhel ôreh blind nut
muškatov ôreh nutmeg
najtrši ôreh the toughest nut - ôsel ass; (sivec) donkey; he-ass, jackass, jack; VB žargon moke, narečno cuddy; ZDA burro; figurativno (bedak) ass, jackass; duffer, dunce, ZDA mutt
ôsle komu pokazati (figurativno) to put one's fingers to one's nose at someone, to thumb one's nose at someone, to make a long nose at someone
ne bodi tak ôsel! don't be an ass!
ôsel gre samo enkrat na led even a fool learns by bitter experience
priti s konja na ôsla (figurativno) to come down in the world - oskŕba supply; provision; nursing; (s hrano) board; (vzdrževanje) maintenance, care for, (z živili) purveyance
oskŕba z elektriko, energijo power supply
oskŕba z vodo water supply
oskŕba s toplo vodo hotwater supply
polna oskŕba board and lodging, full board, maintenance, (v hotelu) full board
plača in vsa oskŕba pay (ali wages pl) and all found
oskŕba z živili food supply
otrok je v dobri oskŕbi the child is well looked after
biti v zdravniški oskŕbi to be under medical treatment (ali pogovorno under the doctor)
dati otroka v oskŕbo to entrust a child to someone's care
imeti polno oskŕbo to be provided with board and lodging - ošíniti to strike, to hit
ošíniti s pogledom to take a quick look at, to glance at, to glimpse at - otírati to rub; to wipe; to rub off; to wipe away (ali off)
otírati pot s čela to wipe the sweat from one's brow
otírati potno čelo to mop (ali to wipe) one's sweaty (ali evfemizem perspiring) brow; to dry by wiping
otírati si solze to wipe one's tears away
otírati (se) z brisačo to dry oneself (ali to wipe oneself) with a towel, to give oneself a rub-down - otrésti to shake; to shake off (ali down)
otrésti prah z obleke to shake the dust off clothing
otrésti sadje z drevja to shake fruit down from (ali off) trees
otrésti pepel s cigarete to nick the ash from one's cigarette
otrésti se to get rid (česa of something), to shake (something) off; to get out (of something)
otrésti se odgovornosti to shift responsibility (on to someone else), to pass the buck - padálo parachute; pogovorno chute; žargon brolly
avtomatsko padálo automatic parachute
pomožno padálo auxiliary (ali lift off) parachute, ZDA pull off parachute
zložitev padála parachute folding
(od)skok s padálom parachute jump
svila za padálo parachute silk
(od)skočiti s padálom to parachute, to jump (with a parachute), (v nevarnosti) to bail out with a parachute
odvreči s padálom to parachute, to drop
spustiti se s padálom na ozemlje Slovenije to parachute into Slovenia
vrvica za odpiranje padála rip cord - padavína precipitation; precipitate
padavíne pl atmospheric precipitations pl, rainfall and snowfall
reven s padavínami with a low rainfall, (suh) dry
letna množina padavín annual rainfall
merilec padavín rain gauge - pálčen thumb(-)
pálčni odtis (na osebni izkaznici) thumbprint, (madež) thumbmark
zamazan s pálčnimi odtisi thumbmarked - pálec thumb; (nožni) big toe; (mera) inch (krajšava: in.)
odtis, madež od pálca (na knjigi ipd.) thumbmark
brez pálca thumbless
širina pálca a thumb, a thumb's breadth
gristi (si) pálec to bite one's thumb
vijak za stiskanje pálcev zgodovina, mučilno orodje thumbscrew
potipati s pálcem to thumb
imeti pod pálcem (figurativno, biti premožen) to be rich, to be well off, to be a man of means
pálce vrteti (figurativno, dolgočasiti se, lenariti) to twirl (ali to twiddle) one's thumbs (ali one's fingers) - pálica stick; (sprehajalna) walking stick, cane; staff; (kovine) ingot; rod; (majhna) baton, cane; zgodovina, orožje quarterstaff, pl -staves
biljardna pálica (billiard) cue
Eskulapova pálica rod of Aesculapius, caduceus
beraška pálica beggar's staff
priti na beraško pálico to be reduced to beggary, to be utterly ruined, to go to the dogs
spraviti koga na beraško pálico to bring someone to the parish, to reduce someone to beggary (ali to mendicancy), to eat someone out of house and home
čarovna pálica magic wand
gorska pálica alpenstock
hokejska pálica hockey stick
maršalska pálica baton
ribiška pálica fishing rod
romarska pálica pilgrim's staff
skok s pálico šport pole vault
škofovska pálica crosier, crook, pastoral staff
kratka, zelo obtežena pálic short, heavily weighted stick, žargon cosh
predati štafetno pálica to pass the baton
biti tepen z lastno pálico to be beaten with one's own stick
on je potreben pálice (figurativno) he needs the cane - pámet (um) intellect, intelligence, sense, brains pl, wits pl; (duh) reason, mind; prudence; mother wit; (razumevanje) understanding; (spomin) memory; pogovorno gumption
na pámet by heart
zdrava pámet common sense, sanity
si ob pámet? are you out of your senses?, have you lost your wits?
ali si pri pámeti? are you in your right mind?
sem pri kraju s svojo pámetjo I am at my wit's end
bodi no pri pámeti! be sensible!, be reasonable!, have a bit of common sense!
on ni pri pravi pámeti he is not in his right mind, he is out of his mind
nisem bil pri pravi pámeti I had not my wits about me
on je počasne pámeti he is slow-witted, pogovorno he is slow on the uptake
ona je kratke pámeti she is rather slow (ali dull, slow on the uptake)
še (vedno) mi je na pámeti... it is still fresh in my mind...
nima toliko pámeti, da bi (u)videl... he has not the wits to see...
to se krega s pámetjo it is thoughtless (ali senseless)
si se s pámetjo skregal? have you taken leave of your senses?
padlo mi je na pámet it occurred to me, the idea struck me, the thought crossed my mind
na kraj pámeti mi ne pade, da bi (rekel) far be it from me to (say)
reči, kar človeku pade na pámet to say whatever comes to mind
imeti več sreče kot pámeti to have more luck than brains
izgubiti pámet to go out of one's mind (ali pogovorno off one's rocker); to lose one's mind (ali one's reason)
to presega mojo pámet this is beyond me, that's over my head, that passes my comprehension
priti k pámeti to come to one's senses
kdo, ki je pri pravi pámeti, bi šel...? who in his senses would go...?
moram ga spraviti k pámeti I must make him see reason (oziroma see sense)
spraviti koga ob pámet to drive someone out of his mind (ali pogovorno up the wall, round the bend)
sklicevati se na zdravo pámet to appeal to reason
(iz)računati na pámet to calculate mentally
učiti se na pámet to learn by heart, to commit to memory
znati na pámet to know by heart (ali from memory), (vlogo) to be word-perfect
ko te bo pámet srečala... when you see reason... - Pan mitologija Pan
Panova piščalka mitologija Pan's pipe(s), pipes of Pan, glasba panpipe, panpipes
Pánov; pánski Pan's, of Pan - papír paper
na papírju (tudi figurativno) on paper
debel papír stout p.
državni papírji public funds pl, government securities pl, government stocks pl
brezlesni papír wood-free paper
cigaretni papír cigarette p.
časopisni papír newsprint
pisarniški papír office paper
pisemski papír notepaper, letter paper
risalni papír drawing p.
notni papír music paper
krep papír crepe p.
ovojni papír brown paper, packing paper, wrapping p., strong p.
kopirni papír carbon, carbon paper
pisalni papír writing p.
papír za prerisavanje tracing paper
svilen papír tissue p.
papír za pisalni stroj, za tipkanje typing paper
črtani papír lined (ali ruled) p.
fotografski papír photographic paper
smirkov papír emery paper, sandpaper, glasspaper
tapetni papír wallpaper
papír za tisk printing p.
toaletni papír toilet paper
tanek papír thin p.
odpadni papír wastepaper
konceptni papír scribbling paper
pergamentni papír greaseproof paper
list, pola papírja sheet of paper
krpa papírja scrap of paper
izdelovanje papírja papermaking
tovarna papírja paper mill, paper factory
trgovec s papírjem paper merchant, stationer
trgovina s papírjem paper trade, stationery
tovarnar papírja papermaker
nož za papír paper knife
stroj za rezanje papírja paper cutter, guillotine
papír je potrpežljiv, vse prenese (figurativno) paper does not blush
na papírju ste močnejši (figurativno) you are stronger on paper
zaviti v papír to wrap up in paper