oblégati to besiege, to lay siege (to); to beleaguer
oblégati koga s prošnjami to besiege someone with requests
Zadetki iskanja
- obmetáti obmetávati
obmetáti, obmetávati z blatom to pelt with mud
obmetáti, obmetávati koga s kamenjem to throw stones at someone
obmetáti, obmetávati se to pelt each other (z with)
obmetáti, obmetávati psa s kamenjem to pelt a dog with stones - obnoríti koga to madden someone; to drive someone crazy (ali mad, wild)
s svojo lepoto obnori vsakega she drives them all wild with her good looks - obód circumference; periphery; rim
obód klobuka brim (of a hat)
klobuk s širokimi obódi broad-brimmed hat
obód kolesa rim (of a wheel)
krogov obód circumference - obračún statement of account, itemized statement; account; (v banki) statement, clearing; balance; settlement
čas obračúna je tu (figurativno) the game's up, arhaično the jig is up!
imeti obračún s kom (figurativno) to have a bone to pick with someone
podati obračún o to give an account of
s teboj imam majhen obračún I have a a small matter to settle with you
dan obračúna bo prišel the day of reckoning will come
mesečni obračún monthly settlement
končni obračún final account - obrámba defence, ZDA defense; (zaščita) protection, guard; (zagovor) pravo vindication, advocacy, apology, justification
v, za svojo obrámbo in one's defence
protiletalska obrámba air-raid protection, antiaircraft defence(s)
brez obrámbe defenceless
vseljudska obrámba total national defence - obremeníti to load, to lade, to burden, to charge; to handicap; (posestvo) to encumber
obremeníti z dolgom to burden with debt, to debit (with)
njegovo posestvo je obremenjeno s hipotekami his estate is encumbered with mortgages
on je dedno obremenjen he has a hereditary infirmity (ali taint) - obrísati wipe (up), to rub off (ali away)
obrísati prah z mize to dust the table
obrísati si solze to wipe away one's tears
obrísati si nos (čelo, roke) to wipe one's nose (forehead, hands)
obrísati si znoj s čela to mop one's forehead
obrisati nadih z očal to mop the steam from one's spectacles
obrísati si blatne čevlje to wipe one's muddy boots - obrók ration; instalment
dnevni obrók daily ration
obróki sladkorja rations pl of sugar
železni obrók hrane iron ration(s)
imamo tri obróke (jedi) na dan we have three meals a day
omejiti obróke (hrane) to ration
deliti obróke to serve out rations, to ration out
imeti živila na obróke to be rationed for food
(od)plačevanje na obróke hire purchase, ZDA instalment plan
plačljivo v mesečnih obrókih payable by monthlyinstalments
plačevati v obrókih to pay by instalments - obsúti to shower (ali to heap, to load, to lavish) on; to heap with
obsúti koga s častmi to heap honours on someone
obsúti z naročili to overwhelm with instructions (ali commands)
obsúti otroka z darili (poljubi) to shower gifts (kisses) upon a child
obsuli so ga s strelicami they fired a hail of arrows at him, they rained arrows on him
obsul ga je roj nosačev he was besieged (ali surrounded) by a swarm of porters
obsúti z vprašanji to overwhelm someone with questions - odbòj rebound, recoil; fizika repulsion; backward thrust; (svetlobe, toplote) reflection
odbòj žoge s pestjo šport fisting - odgóvor answer; reply; response; (redko) return
kot odgóvor na in reply to, in answer to, in response to
duhovit, odrezav odgóvor repartee
oster odgóvor retort, rejoinder
skorajšen odgóvor an early answer
odgóvor z obratno pošto an answer by return (of post)
izmikajoč se odgóvor evasive answer
pritrdilen (nikalen) odgóvor answer in the affirmative (in the negative)
dvoumen odgóvor an equivocal reply
jasen odgóvor a definite answer
odklonilen odgóvor refusal
plačan odgóvor (pri brzojavki) reply-paid (telegram)
dopisnica s plačanim odgóvorom (postal) reply card
brez odgóvora unanswered
plačan odgóvor reply paid
pričakujoč hiter odgóvor awaiting a speedy reply
prosimo za skorajšen odgóvor an early reply will oblige
prosimo za odgóvor the favour of an answer is requested
biti v zadregi za odgóvor to be stumped for an answer
na moj ugovor ni našel odgóvora he could find no answer to my objection
potreben je takojšen odgóvor an immediate reply is necessary
na vse imeti odgóvor to have an answer for everything, never to be at a loss for (ali to be short of) an answer
prosimo čimprejšnji odgóvor please answer by return
nobenega odgóvora ne dobiti, ostati brez odgóvora to get no reply (ali acknowledgment)
ne ostati dolžan odgóvora never to be at a loss for an answer
dajati odgóvor to render an account
(po)klicati koga na odgóvor to call someone to account
na to ne vem odgóvora this I cannot explain - odkloníti to refuse, (pri izpitu ipd.) to reject; to decline; pogovorno to turn down
odkloníti kandidata to reject a candidate
odkloníti nezaupnico to reject a vote of no confidence
odklonili so me I have been (oziroma I was) refused
odkloníti povabilo (pomoč, ponudbo) to refuse an invitation (help, an offer)
odkloníti vsako odgovornost to disclaim all responsibility
odkloníti prošnjo to refuse a request
s prezirom odkloníti ponudbo to spurn an offer
odkloníti zakonski osnutek to reject a bill - odplavíti to wash away; to wash off
val ga je odplavil s krova a wave swept him off the deck
reka je odplavila most the river washed (ali swept) the bridge away - odpréti to open; (odkleniti) to unlock
s silo odpréti to force open
znova odpréti to reopen
odpréti buteljko to uncork a bottle
odpréti dežnik to open (ali to put up) an umbrella
odpréti konto to open an account
odpréti komu neomejen kredit to set unlimited funds at someone's disposal
s silo odpréti ključavnico to pick a lock
odpréti oči to open one's eyes
odpréti komu oči to open someone's eyes, to disillusion someone, to undeceive someone, to disabuse someone
oči so se mi odprle it dawned upon me
odpréti ples to open the ball, to lead off the dance
odpréti za promet to open to traffic
odpréti razstavo to open an exhibition
odpréti sejo to open a meeting
odprli so novo šolo a new school has been opened
odpréti paket to unpack a parcel
odpréti srcé to open (ali to unlock) one's heart
odpréti usta to open one's mouth, figurativno to speak up
ne odpréti ust not to open one's lips
odpréti vrata to open the door, (po zvonjenju pri vratih) to answer the door (ali the bell)
odpréti tvor to open an abscess
na stežaj odpréti vrata to open the door wide, to set the door wide open
vrata se niso hotela odpréti the door would not open
odpréti se to open, (naglo) to fly open; (padalo) to open
stara rana se je odprla the old sore (has) reopened - ôkno window
izložbeno ôkno shopwindow, display window
ôkno na krila casement window
strešno ôkno dormer window; garret window
ôkno na palubi skylight
poslikano ôkno stained-glass window
vzdižno (angleško, na smuk) ôkno sash window
slepo ôkno blind window
ôkno gleda na ulico the window looks out on (to) the street
s tega ôkna je lep razgled there is a fine view from this window, this window commands a fine view
gledati skoz ôkno to look out of the window
odpreti (zapreti) ôkno to open (to shut, to close) the window
zadajšnje ôkno v avtu rear window - okó eye; (na krompirju) eye; (mastno) drop of grease; botanika eye (of a bud)
kurje okó (figurativno) corn
operater kurjih očes chiropodist
stekleno okó a glass eye
magično okó magic-eye tuning
mačje okó (figurativno) (rear) reflector
z golim očesom with the naked eye
s prostim očesom with unaided eye
okó postave je budno the eye of the law is ever vigilant
imeti okó za lepoto (za kaj lepega) to have an eye for the beautiful
kakor daleč seže okó as far as the eye can reach, within eyeshot, within range of sight
dljè kot seže okó farther (ali further) than the eye can see
z očesom ne treniti not to bat an eyelid
niti z očesom ni trenil he did not even wince
on ne vidi več na levo okó he lost the sight of his left eye
vidim stvari z istim očesom kot ti (figurativno) I see eye to eye with you
pazi na okó! mind your eye!
zamižati na eno okó to wink an eye (ob at), (figurativno) to connive (at), to shut one's eyes to
zatisnil je eno okó ob mojem kajenju he turned a blind eye to my smoking
ne zatisniti očesa (figurativno) not to sleep a wink
nocoj nisem zatisnil očesa I did not get a wink of sleep last night
okó za okó, zob za zob an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth - okorístiti se to profit (z from, by); to take advantage (of); to avail oneself (of); to benefit (by); to turn to one's advantage (ali profit, account)
okorístiti s priložnostjo to avail oneself of an opportunity, to use an opportunity, (figurativno) to make hay while the sun shines
on se bo s tem dobro okoristil he will turn it to good account
on se z vsem okoristi (figurativno) all is grist that comes to his mill - okupíran (fully) occupied
biti okupíran (zavzet) s čim to be engrossed (by a problem; in an activity)
okupíran od sovražnika enemy-occupied, enemy-held - omadeževáti to stain; to soil; to sully; (dobro ime) to tarnish, to blemish
omadeževáti ugled to tarnish a reputation
ne bi si hotel omadeževáti rok s tem I would not soil my hands with it
njegove roke so omadeževane s krvjo his hands are stained with blood