zavŕtati to bore (v into, in); to drill in(to)
zdolgočásiti to bore, to weary
zvŕtati (luknjo) to bore, to drill; (vodnjak) to sink (a well)
kopáti1 to dig; to delve; (jamo, jarek) to trench, to ditch; to excavate; (podkopati) to sap, to undermine
kopáti jarke to dig trenches
kopáti krompir to lift (ali to dig) potatoes
kopáti vodnjak to sink (ali to bore) a well
sam sebi jamo kopáti to be hoist with one's own petard, to make a rod for one's own back
kdor drugim jamo koplje, sam vanjo pade he who digs a pit for others, often falls in himself; curses come home to roost; the biter bit
nadlegováti to molest, (motiti) to trouble, to bother, to annoy, to worry, to pester; pogovorno to plague; to vex; (nehoté) to inconvenience, to disturb; (s prošnjami) to importune
nadlegováti koga z vprašanji to ply someone with questions
če vas ne nadlegujem if I'm not being a nuisance (ali a bore)
obžalujem, da vas toliko nadlegujem I'm sorry to give you so much trouble
oprostite, da vas še enkrat nadlegujem excuse my troubling (ali bothering) you once more
ne nadleguj me kar naprej! don't keep on bothering me!
sléd trace; trail; vestige; scent; track, (ladje) wake; (stopinje) footprints, footmarks pl; (zveri) scent; (kolotečina) rut
na slédi on the track
brez slédú without a trace
sveža sléd a hot (ali burning) scent
stara sléd cold scent
slédovi starih šeg vestiges pl of ancient customs
ni niti slédu o kakem dokazu there is not a trace (ali a vestige) of evidence
biti komu na slédi to be hot on someone's trail
biti na napačni slédi to be on a false scent
iti po slédi prednikov to follow in the footsteps of one's ancestors
iti s slédjo to run a scent
izgubiti sléd to lose the (ali a) scent, to be off the track, (na lovu) to be at fault
izbrisati vse slédove to efface all traces
njegov obraz je kazal (nosil) slédove njegove žalosti his face bore traces of his grief
priti komu na sléd to get on someone's track
priti na novo sléd (figurativno) to start a new hare
zopet odkriti sléd to recover the scent
speljati na napačno sléd to put off the scent, to put on the wrong track
zabrisati svojo sléd to cover up one's tracks
izginiti brez slédu to disappear without leaving any traces
policija je prišla na sléd the police have picked up the scent, pogovorno the police have smelt a rat
iti za pravo (napačno) slédjo to be on (ali to follow) the right (the wrong) scent
válj geometrija cylinder
notranji premer válja cylinder bore
vodnják well; fountain
artezijski vodnják artesian well
voda iz vodnjáka well water
kopač vodnjákov well digger
izkopati vodnják to sink a well
izvrtati vodnják to bore a well
vodnják se je posušil the well has run dry