
Zadetki iskanja

  • êden one

    êden od njih one of them
    êden za drugim one by one, one after another, (v gosjem redu) in Indian file
    êden od obeh either
    niti êden not a single (one)
    še êden one more, another, an additional
    po êden one by one, singly, one at a time
    êden drugega each other, one another, mutually
    êden poleg (zraven) drugega side by side
    êden za drugim (izmenoma) one after another, by turns, in succession, successively
  • ednína gramatika singular

    v edníni in the singular
  • ekípa (delavcev) gang; shift; arhaično spell; (reševalcev itd.) party; šport team, (veslačev) crew, (hokej, kriket, nogomet) eleven

    dnevna, nočna ekípa day shift, night shift
    reševalna ekípa rescue party, rescue squad
    vodja ekípe ganger, gang foreman
    kapetan ekípe šport team captain
    delati v ekípi z to team up with
  • eksemplár (primerek, izvod) specimen; (knjige) copy

    napraviti (pismo) v dveh, štirih eksemplárih to draw up (a letter) in two, four copies
  • eksíl exile; banishment

    poslati v eksíl to banish, to send someone into exile
  • éksodus exodus; departure; VB biblija Exodus

    éksodus iz vasi v mesto rural exodus
  • ekspertíza expert valuation, expert advice; appraisement by an expert; expert's report; expert evidence; (pomorstvo) survey

    delati, napraviti ekspertízo, -e to value; to appraise; (v pomorstvu) to survey
  • ekstáza ecstasy; rapture; medicina ecstasy; trance

    pasti v ekstázo to be thrown into a state of ecstasy
    biti v ekstázi to be enraptured, to go into raptures (ob, nad over), to be carried away (by), to be in ecstasies (at, over), to be entranced (by)
    priti v ekstázo to grow ecstatic
    spraviti v ekstázo to enrapture
  • ekstrém(nost) extreme; extreme limit

    do ekstrém(nost)i ambiciozen, stremuški ambitious in the extreme
    gnati, tirati stvari do ekstrém(nost)i to go to extremes, to carry to extremes, to take things too far
    iti iz enega ekstrém(nost)a v drugega to go from one extreme to the other
    vedno zapada v ekstrém(nost)e he always goes to extremes
    nasprotni ekstrém(nost) the opposite extreme
    zapasti v drug ekstrém(nost) to turn from one extreme to the other
    ekstrém(nost)i se privlačijo extremes meet
  • elán mettle; spirit; pogovorno dash; élan; impetus, momentum, figurativno impulse; vitality, vim, verve; eagerness, dash, go, pluck; ZDA pep, zip; (zagon, zalet) spring, bound; (navdušenja itd.) transports pl

    danes sem poln elána I feel full of vim today
    biti v elánu to be on one's mettle
    dati nov elán to give a fresh impetus (to)
    to mu bo dalo elána that will put him on his mettle
  • eléktričen electric; (stroj itd.) electrical

    eléktrično (prislov) electrically
    negativno (pozitivno) eléktričen electropositive (electronegative)
    eléktričen avto electromobile, electric motor car
    eléktričen brivnik electric shaver
    eléktrična cestna železnica pogovorno the trams; the electric; electric car, electric tramway; ZDA streetcar; electric trolley; street railway, (v New Yorku) surface car
    eléktrična ogrevalna blazina electric cushion
    eléktrična energija electrical energy
    eléktrična jegulja zoologija electric eel
    eléktričen hladilnik electric refrigerator
    eléktrični naboj electric charge
    eléktrična napeljava electric conduit
    eléktrična naprava electrical appliance; electric installation
    eléktrični kuhalnik electric cooker (ali oven, stove)
    eléktrična (talilna) peč electric furnace
    eléktrični pogon electric drive
    eléktrična luč, eléktrična razsvetljava electric lght
    eléktrično orodje power tool
    eléktrično polje electrical field
    eléktrična sobna peč electric fire
    prenos eléktrične moči electric power transmission
    eléktričen stik electric contact
    eléktričen stol ZDA electric chair
    eléktrični skat zoologija electric ray
    eléktrični stroj electrical machine
    eléktrični sveder electric drill
    eléktrična žepna svetilka electric pocket lamp, electric torch
    eléktrični števec electric light meter, electricity meter
    eléktrični šok electric shock
    eléktrični štedilnik (kuhalnik) electric cooker
    eléktrični tok electric current
    prekinitev eléktričnega toka power breakdown
    usmrtitev z eléktriko electrocution
    eléktrično varjenje electric welding
    eléktrična vleka electric traction
    eléktrični ventilator electric fan
    vrvica za eléktrično svetilko flex
    eléktrični voz ZDA electric car
    eléktrični zvonec electric bell
    eléktrična železnica electric railway
    eléktrična žičnica telpher line
    biti ubit (usmrčen) od eléktričnega toka to be electrocuted
    eléktrično poganjati to run by electricity
    nočna eléktrična tarifa off-peak tariff
  • elemént element (tudi figurativno); kemija element; (sestavina) constituent, component, element; figurativno element, substance, matter

    eleménti pl elements pl, rudiments pl
    nov dokazilen elemént a new item of evidence
    elemént uspeha a factor of succcess
    (ne) biti, (ne) čutiti se v svojem eleméntu to be, to feel in one's element (out of one's element ali like a fish out of water)
    ogenj je bil eden od štirih eleméntov fire was one of the four elements
    (ne) biti v svojem eleméntu to be (ill) at ease
  • elizéjski Elysian

    Elizejske poljane elysian fields, Elysian Fields pl, (v Parizu) Champs Elysées
    Elizejska palača (v Parizu) (the) Elysée palace
  • embrionálen embryonic; embryo; in embryo

    v embrionálennem stanju in embryo
    embrionálenno stanje embryonic state
  • empír; empírski (doba, slog) Empire

    pohištvo v empír; empírskiu Empire furniture
  • en ena, eno one; (neki -a -o) a, a certain, some

    ene škarje a pair or scissors
    ob eni(h) at one o'clock
    vlak ob enih the one o'clock train
    eno leto stara žival yearling
    soba z eno posteljo a single room
    vsi do enega one and all, (složno) unanimously, as (ali like) one man
    en kos za drugim (trganje) (by) piecemeal
    to je eno in isto it amounts to the same thing
    eni pravijo... some say...
    z eno besedo in a (ali one) word, briefly, to sum up
    on je z eno nogo že v grobu he has one foot in the grave, he is near death
    vstali so kot en mož they rose as (ali like) one man
    eno leto ali dve one or two years
    stran ena page one, first page
    številka ena number one
    Tisoč in ena noč the Arabian Nights' Entertainments, pogovorno the Arabian Nights, the Thousand and One Nights
    eni ga imajo radi, drugi ga sovražijo some like him, others hate him
    to moramo napraviti, eni ali drugi some of us have got to do it
    to mi je vseeno it is all the same to me, it makes no difference, I don't care, I don't mind
    vsi so bili enega (= istega) mnenja all were of one mind
    en (sam) človek tega ne bi zmogel no one man could do it
  • enájsti eleventh

    Ludvik XI Louis XI (beri: Louis the Eleventh)
    enájstega v mesecu on the eleventh of the month
  • eskórta vojska escort; pomorstvo convoy

    pod eskórto under escort
    ladja v eskórti ship sailing in convoy
  • etápa stage; stopping place; distance between stopping places

    iti, potovati v majhnih etápah to go, to travel by easy stages
    v tej etápi svojega življenja at that stage of his life
    nova etápa proti bogastvu a new step towards wealth
    menjati konje na vsaki etápni postaji zgodovina to change horses at every stage
  • Eva Eva, Eve (tudi biblija), Evie

    Evina hčerka daughter of Eve
    v Evinem kostimu humoristično in one's birthday suit