držáven State, state
držávni arhiv public record office, (dokumenti) state archives pl
držávna banka state (ali national) bank
držávni bankrot national bankruptcy
držávna blagajna (public) treasury; exchequer
držávna Cerkev, cerkev state church, established church, (v Angliji) Church of England
držávni budžet budget; finances pl (of the state); ways and means pl, (plan) (VB) estimates pl
držávne dajatve (davki) government taxes pl
držávni dohodki public revenue(s) (pl), (inland) revenue
držávni dolg national (ali public) debt
držávni interes public interest
držávna himna national anthem
držávni izdatki, stroški public expenses pl
na držávne stroške at public expense
držávne finance finances of the state, public finance
držávni kapitalizem state capitalism
držávna kontrola state control, state supervision
držávna knjižnica national library
držávna last(nina) state property, public (ali national) property
držávna loterija state lottery
držávna meja national boundary
držávni minister minister (of state), (v Angliji) Secretary of State
držávno ministrstvo (state) ministry
držávni monopol government monopoly
držávna oblast government (ali public) authority
držávni organ state agency
držávni pečat Great Seal
držávna podpora state subsidy
držávno posojilo government bonds, public (ali government) loan; ZDA government bonds (ali securities) pl
držávna (tajna) policija (secret) state police
držávno podjetje government enterprise, national undertaking
držávno pravo public law, state law, constitutional law
držávni proces pravo state trial
držávni pravdnik public prosecutor
generalni držáven pravdnik attorney general, pl attorneys general; ZDA prosecuting attorney, state attorney; district attorney; circuit attorney
držáven pogreb state funeral
držávni prevrat (political) revolution
držávna renta state pension
držávni socializem state socialism
držávna služba civil service, ZDA public service
v držávni službi in the service of the state
držávna tiskarna government printing office, VB Her (oziroma His) Majesty's Stationery Office (krajšava: H.M.S.O.)
držávni udar coup d'état, pl coups d'état; overthrow of the government
držávna varnostna služba state security service
držávna uprava administration of the state, public administration; government
držávni uradnik civil servant; government official; public functionary; public official
visok držávni uradnik statesman
držávna varnost national security
držávna zadolženost national debt
držávni zaklad public treasury; exchequer
držávna zastava national flag
držávna železnica state railway; ZDA state railroad
držávna skupnost state community
nauk o držávi civics pl
Zadetki iskanja
- državlján citizen; (podanik) subject
francoski državljáni v Sloveniji French citizens in Slovenia
tuj državlján alien
sodržavlján fellow citizen
državlján volilec citizen voter - državljánski civil; civic
državljánske čednosti civic virtues pl
državljánske pravice civil rights
izguba državljánskih pravic loss of civil rights
odvzem državljánskih pravic attainder; civil death; suppression of citizen's rights
državljánska vojna civil war
državljánski posli civics pl (s konstr. v sg ali pl) - državljánstvo citizenship; national status
oseba brez državljánstva stateless person
pridobitev državljánstva, sprejem v državljánstvo naturalization
dati komu državljánstvo, sprejeti koga v državljánstv to naturalize someone
dobiti državljánstvo to become naturalized
izgubiti slovensko državljánstvo to be divested of Slovene citizenship
dvojno državljánstvo dual citizenship
odvzeti komu državljánstvo to deprive someone of his citizenship - dúh spirit, mind; soul; (um, razum) intellect, sense; (jezika, naroda) genius; (prikazen) ghost, spectre, phantom, apparition, shade, pogovorno spook; (pokojni) ghost, wraith
zli dúh evil genius, fiend, demon, devil; (škrat) (hob)goblin
dober dúh good genius (ali spirit); (genij) genius, master spirit
sveti dúh religija Holy Spirit
dúhu (prikazni) podoben ghostly; (vonj) smell, scent, odour; (zakona) spirit
brez dúha scentless, odourless
nemiren dúh restless mind
odsoten z dúhom absent-minded, abstracted
prisotnost dúha presence of mind
dúh časa spirit of the time
klicanje dúhov (spiritizem) spirit rapping
zli dúh (hudobec) the evil spirit, the evil one
odbijajoč dúh (vonj) offensive smell
ni ne dúha ne sluha o njem he disappeared without trace, nothing more has been heard of him
v dúhu bomo z vami we shall be with you in spirit
on je velik dúh (figurativno) he is a man of great genius
vino ima dúh po sodu the wine tastes of the cask
on ima slab dúh iz ust his breath smells
to olje ima neprijeten dúh this oil has an unpleasant smell
imeti dúh po čem to be redolent or something
to ima dúh po česnu it smells of garlic
klicati dúhá to summon a spirit, to raise a ghost
kloniti z dúhom to despair, to lose heart (ali courage), to be despondent
izganjati dúhá to lay a gost; (iz obsedenca) to exorcize
dúh se mu je omračil he became (mentally) deranged
omračitev dúha mental derangement
poglobiti se v dúh francoskega jezika to absorb the spirit of the French language
dúhovi so bili razburjeni (figurativno) feelings were running high - dúhati to smell; to scent
dúhati, da nekaj ni v redu, dúhati nevarnost ipd. to smell a rat - duhóvniški ecclesiastical, ecclesiastic; clerical
duhóvniško življenje clerical life
stopiti v duhóvniški stan to enter the church; to take holy orders - duplikát (dvojnik) duplicate; counterpart
v duplikátu in duplicate - dúša soul; (duh) spirit; ghost; figurativno mind
600 dúš (prebivalcev) 600 souls
dobra dúša a good soul, a good fellow
pokojna dúša departed soul
sorodna dúša congenial soul, kindred spirit
neumrljivost dúše religija immortality of the soul
rešitev dúše religija salvation of the soul
preseljevanje dúš transmigration of souls, metempsychosis
z dúšo in telesom with all one's heart and soul, wholeheartedly
iz vse dúše, z vso dúšo with all one's heart
(vseh) vernih dúš dan religija All Souls' Day
iz globine moje dúše from the depths of my soul
pri moji dúši! (up)on my soul!, by my soul
iz (do) dna svoje dúše from (to) the bottom of one's heart
v globini moje dúše in my heart of hearts
dúša in srcé česa the life and soul of something
v dnu svoje dúše in one's innermost soul
biti eno srce in ena dúša to be of one heart and mind
on je plemenita dúša he is a generous soul, he is a noble-minded person
biti komu vdan z dúšo in telesom to be devoted body and soul to someone
on je prava dúša podjetja he is the very soul of the enterprise
žive dúše ni bilo tam not a living soul was there
žive dúše ni na ulici there is not a soul in the street
on je dobra dúša he is a good old soul
dúša me boli it grieves me to the very heart
nekaj imam, nekaj mi leži na dúši something preys upon my mind
izdihniti dúšo to give up, to yield up the ghost, to draw one's last breath
sramovati se v dno svoje dúše to be deeply ashamed (of)
to mi teži dúšo that weighs heavily upon me
vso svojo dúšo vložiti v delo to put one's whole heart into one's work
žive dúše ne vidim I do not see a single soul
žive dúše ni bilo videti there wasn't a soul to be seen
povedati, kar nam leži na dúši pogovorno to say one's piece - dúšek (požirek) draught; gulp; vent
v dúšku at a draught, at a gulp
dati dúška to vent, to give vent, to give way (to)
v dúšku kaj izpiti to drink something at one gulp; to drink off at a draught; to toss off
dati si dúška to air one's feelings
dati dúška svoji jezi to give vent to one's anger
dal je dúška svojemu veselju he gave vent to his joy
najti si dúšek to find a vent (for)
njegovo sovraštvo si je našlo dúška he has found a vent for his hatred
na dúšek je izpraznil svoj kozarec he emptied his glass at one gulp - dušíti to suffocate; to choke; to stifle; to smother; (meso) to stew, to braise; (z dimom) to smoke; (zvok) to muffle; (s plinom) to asphyxiate
dušíti se to choke; to suffocate, to be suffocated
dušili smo se we were suffocated
dušíti se od slabega zraka to be suffocated with foul air
dušíti se od dima to be stifled with the smoke
dušíti se od smeha (jeze) to choke with laughter (with anger)
dušíti se v delu to be overwhelmed with work
dušili smo se v vlaku we were sweltering in the train
duši me I'm choking - dva dve two
po dva, po dve in pairs, by twos
stran dve page two
dve in pet je sedem two and five make (ali are) seven
tako gotovo, kot je dve in dve štiri as sure as eggs is eggs
to me je stalo dva funta in dva penija this cost me two pound, twopence
ura je ravnokar odbila dve the clock has just struck two
pred dvema dnevoma two days ago
ne najdeš dveh takih, kot je on! you won't find anybody to match him!
otrok še ni dve leti star the child is not two yet
iti po dva in dva (v parih) to go in pairs (ali two by two)
hoditi v gručah po dva in tri to walk in twos and threes
za prepir sta potrebna dva it takes two to make a quarrel - dvígati dvígniti to lift (up); to raise; to pull up; (nekaj težkega) to heave, to hoist
dvígati, dvígniti denar to draw money
dvígati, dvígniti znesek to withdraw a sum; (roke, glavo) to raise, to lift, to hold up
dvígati, dvígniti roko na koga to raise oneself hand at someone; (oči) to raise, to lift
dvígati, dvígniti na rame to hoist on one's shoulders; (s škripcem, vitlom) to hoist
dvígati, dvígniti zastor to raise the curtain
dvígati, dvígniti sidro to weigh anchor, to heave anchor
dvígati, dvígniti se (dim) to rise, to go up; to ascend; to stand
zgradba, ki se dviga nad vsemi drugimi a building that overtops all the others; (teren ipd.) to rise, to slope; (oseba) to rise, to get up
dvígati, dvígniti se proti to stand up against, to revolt, to rebel against, to protest (against)
vsi so se dvignili, ko so zaigrali državno himno every one rose to his feet when the national anthem was played
dvígati, dvígniti se v zrak to soar - dvój -a, -e double
na dvój, -a, -ee in two
prerezati kaj na dvój, -a, -ee to cut something in two
ples v dvój, -a, -ee twosome dance
igrati klavir v dvój, -a, -ee to play four-handed
raztrgati na dvój, -a, -ee to tear asunder (ali in two) - dvóje ➞ dvoj -a -e
na dvóje asunder; in two
v dvóje jahati na konju to ride double
reči in storiti je dvóje saying and doing are different things - dvójen double; twofold
dvójna postelja double bed
dvójni program (v kinu) double bill, double feature
dvójna vsota double the sum
dvójno število double the number
dvójni znesek double the amount
dvójni tir double track
soba z dvójno (zakonsko) posteljo a double-bedded room
dvójno knjigovodstvo double-entry bookkeeping
dvójno delujoč double acting
igrati dvójno igro to play a double game
plačati dvójno ceno za to pay double (the price) for
dvójno videti to see double - dvójnik duplicate; counterpart; (oseba) double
v dvójniku in duplicate
on je moj dvójnik he is my double; (namestnik igralca) stand-in double - dvóm doubt
brez dvóma without (any) doubt, undoubtedly, doubtless; certainly, surely; beyond a doubt, unquestionably
brez dvóma no doubt!
nad vsakim dvómom beyond all doubt, past all doubt
najmanjši dvóm the slightest doubt
ni dvóma, da... there is no doubt that..., it is beyond all doubt that...
ni najmanjšega dvóma, da... there is no doubt whatever that...
ni nobenega dvóma, da... there is no doubt (that)..., there can be no doubt (that)...
ni dvóma, da bo plačal there is no doubt he will pay, there is no question (but) that he will pay
noben dvóm ni na mestu there is no room for doubt
sem (malo) v dvomih, kaj narediti I am in some doubt as to what to do
biti v dvómu to be doubtful (glede of)
pojavil se je, nastal je dvóm če... doubt arose as to whether...
to je brez dvóma res that is doubtless true
brez najmanjšega dvóma without the shadow of a doubt
za pomiritev majhnih dvómov to settle some minor qualms - dvorána hall; large room; assembly room
koncertna dvorána concert hall
plesna dvorána ballroom, dance hall
sodna dvorána courtroom; (jamska, v jami) chamber
čakalna dvorána waiting room
dvorána za avdience presence chamber
izložbena dvorána showroom
sprejemna dvorána (v palači) stateroom, (v hotelu) reception room - dvóred a two
v dvóredih in twos, two abreast