
Zadetki iskanja

  • voják soldier, serviceman, pl -men

    navaden voják (prostak, borec) private (soldier), common soldier
    odsluženi voják ex-serviceman, pl -men
    odpuščeni voják demobilized (pogovorno demobbed) soldier, ZDA veteran
    star voják veteran
    najemniški voják mercenary
    prostovoljni voják volunteer
    Neznani voják (junak) the Unknown Soldier
    voják od glave do pete every inch a soldier
    voják pešak infantryman, foot soldier, VB (nekdanji vzdevek) Tommy, Tommy Atkins
    voják iz cina (igrača) tin soldier
    človek, ki mu vest ne dopušča, da bi služil vojáke conscientious objector (to service in the armed forces)
    iti k vojákom to join up, to join the army
    biti voják to soldier
    igrati se vojáke to play at soldiers
    služiti vojáke VB to wear the Queen's (oziroma the King's) uniform; to bear arms
  • vólja will; will power; volition; (želja) wish, pleasure; (razpoloženje) mood, temper, frame of mind, vein, humour; (namera) intention, mind

    po vólji at will, at pleasure
    proti moji (lastni) vólji against my (own) will
    proti vólji (nerad) with a bad grace, unwillingly
    po moji mili vólji to my heart's desire (ali content), at my own sweet will, arhaično to the top of my bent
    za božjo vóljo! for goodness' sake!, good gracious!, for God's sake!, for heaven's sake!
    slabe vólje moody
    svobodna vólja free will
    iz lastne vólje of one's own volition
    zadnja vólja (oporoka) last will, (will and) testament
    drage vólje most willingly
    železna vólja iron will
    po lastni vólji of one's own will (ali accord)
    ljudje dobre vólje men of good will
    biti na vóljo to be at hand
    biti komu na vóljo to be at someone's disposal
    biti dobre (slabe) vólja to be in a good (bad) temper (ali humour), to be of good cheer (in a bad mood)
    če te je vólja if you care, if you are so minded, if you are willing
    ni me vólja I don't care
    slabe vólje je he is out of humour
    nisem pri vólji za (kaj) I am not in the humour for (sth)
    pri najboljši vólji se ne morem spomniti I can't for the life of me remember
    stori po svoji vólji! do as you like!
    to je moja poslednja vólja (napisana oporoka) this is my last will and testament
    storil sem to proti svoji vólji I did it unwillingly (ali reluctantly)
    spraviti koga v dobro vóljo to put someone in a good humour
    spravil me je v slabo vóljo he made me cross
    on vedno uveljavi svojo vóljo he always has his own way (ali gets what he wants)
    pokvariti komu dobro vóljo to ruffle someone's temper
    on nima nobene (svoje) vólje he has no will of his own
    pri najboljši vólji tega ne moremo napraviti with the best will in the world we just cannot do it
    nekako me je vólja, da bi (šel) I have half a mind to (go)
    on je brez vsake (svoje) vólje (figurativno) he is a mere rubber stamp
    svojo slabo vóljo je stresel name he vented his spleen on me
    kjer je vólja, je (tudi) moč where there's a will there's a way
    zgodi se tvoja vólja religija thy will be done!
  • vprášati vpraševáti to ask, to ask a question, to put a question, to question; to interrogate

    vprášati, vpraševáti za to inquire about; to raise a question
    vprašajte v hiši! inquire within!
    vprášati, vpraševáti koga za kaj, o čem to ask someone for (after, about) something
    vprášati, vpraševáti po kom, za koga to ask for someone, to inquire about someone
    vprášati, vpraševáti koga za čas (koliko je ura) to ask someone the time
    vprášati, vpraševáti za pot to ask one's way
    vprášati, vpraševáti koga za svèt to ask someone's advice, to consult someone
    on rad, veliko sprašuje (figurativno) he is inquisitive
    vprašal me je za moje ime he asked me my name
    morali bi vprášati, vpraševáti zdravnika you ought to consult a physician
    neštetokrat koga vprášati, vpraševáti to ask someone times without number (ali pogovorno tons of times)
    preveč me vprašuješ o tem (= tega ne vem) you want to know more than I can tell you, that is beyond my ken
    vprašujem se, če je ta obisk potreben (primeren) I question the necessity of this visit
    vprašujem se (= bogve), kdo je to rekel I wonder who said it
    često sem se vprašal, kaj bi se zgodilo, če... I have often wondered what would happen if...
    zelo vprašujejo po tem artiklu this article is in great demand (ali in great request)
    za to blago nikdo ne vprašuje this article is a drug on the market
    po kavi zelo vprašujejo coffee is very much in demand
  • vrág devil; Satan, the Evil One, the Tempter; the Prince of Darkness, the Adversary; arhaično the old gentleman, the archfiend, Old Nick; demon; dickens, deuce

    vrág v ženski podobi she-devil
    k vrágu! hang it!; what the dickens!
    obseden od vrága possessed by the devil
    vrág! the deuce!
    vrág vzemi to! devil take it
    k vrágu delo danes to hell with work today!
    vrág ga je obsedel! he has the devil in him
    kdo vrága ti je to rekel? who the devil (ali the dickens) (who on earth) told you that?
    pojdi k vrágu! go to hell, go to the devil!
    iti k vrágu to go to the devil, to go to the dogs, to go to rack and ruin
    vse gre k vrágu everything is going to the dogs!
    v sili vrág muhe jé (žre) beggars can't be choosers
    ne kliči vrága! let sleeping dogs lie!
    počenjati vrága in pol to raise the devil, to play hell
    slikati, risati vrága na steno to paint the devil blacker than he is
    vrág vzemi muhe bother the flies!
    vrág te vzemi! (the) devil take you!
    naj me vrág vzame, če... I'll eat my hat if..., I'll be (ali I'm) damned if..., I'll be shot (ali hanged) if...
    kaj vrága delaš danes tukaj? what the devil (ali what the dickens) are you doing here today?
    kar vrág prikveka, nima teka arhaično what is got over the devil's back, goes under the belly
    vrág ga vzemi! confound him!
    z vrágom ni dobro buče saditi! (figurativno) he that sups with the devil must have a long spoon
    »danes bi se šel z vrágom metat« (figurativno) I feel full of vim to-day
  • vsáj (najmanj) at least; at the very least; at the very least; at any rate; narečno leastwise, leastways

    jaz vsáj mislim tako at any rate that's what I think
    ko bi vsáj mogel vedeti! arhaično could I but know!
    on bo prišel, vsáj obljubil je he is going to come, at any rate he has promised to
    vsáj toliko je star kot jaz he is my age at least
  • vsè all; everything; all included; without exception

    vsè, kar... all that...
    vsè ali nič all or nothing, (figurativno) neck or nothing
    vsè to all this
    vsè zaman all in vain, all to no purpose
    vsè do zadnjega to the last
    vsè skupaj all together
    vsè v vsem all in all
    vsè več in več more and more
    vsè manj in manj less and less
    nad vsè above all, first of all
    ona mu je vsè she is all to him
    njemu vsè prav pride nothing comes amiss to him
    vsè je izgubljeno all is lost
    vsè mi je povedal he told me everything
    vsè sem tvegal I have risked my all
    vsè se mi zdi, da ti ni zanj I half suspect you don't care for him
    jaz bi vsè prej kot (šel) I would rather have anything than (go)
    vsè je dobro, kar se konča dobro all's well that ends well
    vsè, kar se sveti, ni zlato all that glitters is not gold
    storil bom vsè, kar želiš I shall do whatever you desire
  • vtís impression; impress; sensation; effect; tiskarstvo stamp, imprint; mark

    trajen (globok) vtís lasting (deep) impression
    (ne)ugoden vtís (un)favourable impression
    biti pod vtísom, da... to be under the impression that...
    imam vtís, da... it is my impression that...
    imel je vtís, kot da... he had the impression that...
    dajati vtís to give an (oziroma the) impression
    dobiti, imeti dober vtís o čem to be favourably impressed by something
    napraviti vtís na koga to impress someone, to leave an impression on someone
    novica, vest je napravila zelo velik vtís the news created a sensation (ali a stir)
    predstava je napravila name globok vtís the performance made (ali produced) a profound impression on me
    name je napravilo vtís... I was impressed by...
    storiti kaj, da bi napravili vtís to do something for effect
    zapustiti neizbrisen vtís to leave one's mark (on)
  • zahtévati to demand (od of, from); to make demands (upon); to claim; to require; (plačilo) to exact (from); to ask

    pravila tega ne zahtevajo this is not required by the rules
    kaj zahtevate od mene? what do you want from me?
    zahtévati zdravniško nego to require medical care
    to vprašanje zahteva našo takojšnjo pozornost this question demands our immediate attention
    zahtévati nekaj nemogočega (figurativno) to cry for the moon
    bi bilo preveč zahtevano od vas, (da bi prišli...)? would it be asking too much of you (to come...)?
  • zamíkati to tempt; to entice; to charm; to allure

    zamikalo me je (reči) I was tempted (to say)
    denar ga je zamikal money tempted him
    zamikalo nas je zelo, da bi se uprli we were strongly tempted to resist
  • zaníkati to deny, to say no; to disavow; to answer in the negative; gramatika to negative; (zastarelo) to gainsay

    zanikal je, da bi bil šel tja he denied having gone (pogovorno going, being) there
  • zarés truly; really; indeed; in fact; actually; in truth

    zarés? indeed?, really?
    zarés mi je žal I am truly sorry
    to je (pa) zarés preveč! really, that's too much, that's really too much!
    ali zarés verjameš to zgodbo? do you really (ali actually) believe that story?
    zarés je bilo vroče (ZDA pogovorno) it sure was hot
    človek bi zarés ponorel! it's enough to drive you crazy!
  • zastónj gratis, gratuitously; for nothing, free, free of charge; (zaman) in vain, to no purpose

    skoraj zastónj sem to dobil I got it dirt cheap
    to se lahko zastónj dobi it can be had for the asking
    to sem kupil skoraj zastónj I bought it for a song
    zastónj se mučiti to labour in vain, (figurativno) to beat the air
    še zastónj tegá ne bi hotel imeti I would not have it as a gift
    vse moje prizadevanje je bilo zastónj all my efforts were in vain
    ta zdravnik zdravi reveže zastónj that doctor treats poor people free
  • zavêsti to seduce (v into); to mislead; to entice

    zavêsti v skušnjavo to tempt
    zavêsti v vojno to seduce into war
    nič me ne bi zavedlo, da bi storil nothing would tempt me to do it
    ki se da, more zavêsti temptable
  • zblaznéti to go mad, to go out of one's senses; to go off one's head

    človek bi kar zblaznel it is enough to drive one mad
  • zbóljšati to improve; to ameliorate; to better; to amend, to mend

    zbóljšati se to improve; to ameliorate
    moglo bi se zbóljšati there is room for improvement
  • zíd wall

    zíd hiše outer wall
    podporni zíd retaining wall
    slep zíd (brez oken) blind wall
    ločilni, vmesni zíd partition wall
    zvočni zíd sound (ali sonic) barrier
    pok pri prebitju zvočnega zídu sonic boom
    zíd žalovanja (Židov v Jeruzalemu) Wailing Wall
    ločiti z zídom od... to wall off from...
    ograditi vrt z zídom to wall in a garden
    porušiti zíd to raze a wall to (ali to level a wall with) the ground
    slikati vraga na zíd (figurativno) to paint the devil on the wall
    biti pritisnjen ob zíd (figurativno) to have one's back to the wall
    z glavo riniti, siliti skozi zíd (figurativno) to run one's head against a brick wall, to kick against the pricks
    hoteti z glavo zkozi zíd (figurativno) to be rash (ali reckless), to attempt impossibilities
    udarjati z glavo v zíd to butt (ali to batter) one's head against a brick wall
    postaviti ob zíd to place against the wall
    postaviti koga ob zíd in ga ustreliti to stand someone against a wall and shoot him
    pritisniti koga ob zíd (figurativno) to drive someone into a corner
    človek bi se z glavo zaletel v zíd it's enough to make you knock your brains out
  • zjókati se to weep, to cry, pogovorno to have a good cry

    človek bi se zjokal (figurativno) it's enough to make a man cry (ali to make the angels weep)
  • zmágati (sovražnika) to conquer, to defeat, to overcome, to vanquish; to be victorious; to triumph; to carry the day; to gain the upper hand; to come off with flying colours

    zmágati težave to surmount (one's) difficulties
    zmágati zapreko to surmount (ali to overcome, to master, to conquer) an obstacle
    ponižati se, da bi zmagali to stoop to conquer
  • znoréti to become (ali to go) mad (ali insane, crazy); to go off one's head (ali pogovorno off one's rocker); to lose one's mind (ali pogovorno one's marbles)

    si znorel? are you out of your senses?
    človek bi znorel ob tem! it is enough to drive one mad!
    menda nisem znorel, da bi to storil? surely I'm not such a fool as to do that?
    je znorel? has he taken leave of his senses?
  • zób1 -a tooth, pl teeth; (glavnika) tooth; (čipk) jag; (skale) jag; (žage) tooth, jag

    zób kočnik molar, grinder, molar (ali grinding) tooth
    zób mlečnik milk tooth
    zób podočnik canine, dogtooth, (gornje čeljusti) eyetooth
    zób sekalec incisor
    zób strupnik poison fang
    zób čekan fang, (veprov, slonov) tusk
    zób kolesa cog, tooth
    modrostni zób wisdom tooth
    gnil zób rotten (ali decayed) tooth
    majav zób loose tooth
    mlečni zóbje milk teeth, baby teeth, first teeth
    drugi, stalni zóbje second, permanent teeth
    spodnji (zgornji) zóbje lower (upper) teeth
    sprednji zóbje front teeth
    umeten zób false tooth, artificial tooth
    zdrav zób sound tooth
    vrsta umetnih zob denture
    brez zób toothless
    škrbina zóba stump of a tooth
    zób za zób, oko za oko an eye for an eye, measure for measure, retaliation, (latinsko) lex talionis
    zób časa (figurativno) the ravages of time
    do zob oborožen armed to the teeth
    dobivanje zob cutting teeth, dentition, teething
    izdrtje zoba extraction
    jezik za zobé! (= molči!) shut up!, hold your tongue!
    boriti se z zóbmi in nohti (= na vso moč) to fight tooth and nail
    dobiti kaj za pod zób to have a snack, pogovorno to get some grub
    dobivati (prve) zóbe to be cutting one's teeth, to be teething
    dobiti zóbe to cut one's teeth, to teethe
    zób me (zelo) boli I have (a bad) toothache, my tooth aches
    (o)čistiti si zóbe to clean (ali to brush) one's teeth
    ničesar ne imeti za pod zób to have nothing to eat, to have neither bite nor sup
    izdreti zób to pull a tooth
    dati si izdreti zób to have a tooth out, to have a tooth pulled
    plombirati zób to stop (ali to fill) a tooth
    pokazati zóbe to show one's teeth
    človek bi si pri tem polomil zóbe (figurativno) it's a hard nut to crack
    tu si boste polomili zóbe (figurativno, to je za vas posebno nevarno) that's where you'll come to grief
    priti ljudem v zóbe (figurativno) to become the talk of the town
    stisniti zóbe to clench one's teeth, to set one's teeth, (figurativno) to keep a stiff upper lip
    škripati, škrtati z zóbmi to gnash (ali to grind, to grit) one's teeth
    trebiti si zóbe to pick one's teeth
    upirati se zóbu časa to stand the test of time
    vsi jo vlačijo po zóbeh everyone's talking (ali gossiping) about her
    vreči komu kaj v zóbe (figurativno, v obraz) to cast something in someone's teeth