
Zadetki iskanja

  • dogléden within sight; foreseeable; future

    v doglédni bodočnosti in the foreseeable future
  • dohód access; avenue; entry

    dohódi k... approaches pl to...
    dohód v grad access to the castle
    dohód do gradu je po tej cesti the castle is approached by this road
  • dokáz proof; (a piece of) evidence; demonstration; token

    nasproten dokáz (protidokaz) proof to the contrary
    zgovoren dokáz eloquent proof
    živ dokáz living proof
    jasen, nedvoumen dokáz positive proof
    v dokáz in proof of; as evidence of
    prepričljiv dokáz conclusive evidence
    dokáz na podlagi dokumentov documentary evidence
    kot dokáz (znak) najinega prijateljstva as a token of our friendship
    dokázi niso zadostni the proofs are not sufficient
    (do)prinesti dokáz o čem to bear witness to something
    navesti nepobiten dokáz to clinch an argument
    nuditi dokáze to prove, to adduce proofs
    veljati kot dokáz pravo to be valid evidence
    zaradi pomanjkanja dokázov for lack of evidence
    oprostiti koga zaradi pomanjkljivih dokázov to give someone the benefit of the doubt
  • dókler as long as

    dókler ne until, till
    to mi bo v spominu, dokler bom živel I shall remember it as long as I live
    nisem šel, dókler ni (on) prišel I did not go until he came
    kuj železo, dókler je vroče! strike while the iron's hot; make hay while the sun shines
  • doktorírati to take one's doctorate (ali one's doctor's degree); to take the degree of doctor

    pravkar je doktoríral he has just got his doctorate
    doktoriral je iz prava na univerzi v X he gratuated from the University of X with a doctorate in law
    doktoriral je iz filozofije leta 1931 he was awarded his Ph.D. (degree) in 1931
  • dólg debt; sum due; (zadolženost) indebtedness; (obveze) liabilities pl

    brez dólga debtless, free from debt, (posestvo) unencumbered
    časten dólg debt of honour
    hipotekarni dólg mortgage
    neizterljiv dólg, dólg, katerega plačilo je malo verjetno (žargon) bad debt
    izterljiv dólg recoverable debt
    viseč dólg floating debt
    državni, narodni dólg national debt
    biti brez dólgov, ne imeti dólgov to be out of debt
    biti, izvleči se iz dólgov (figurativno) to be out of the red
    delati dólgove to contract (ali to incur) debts; to get into debt
    čez glavo, do vratu tičati v dólgovih to be up to one's ears (ali eyes, neck) in debt
    dobiti dólg povrnjen to recover a debt
    plačati dólg to honour a debt, to discharge a debt
    poravnati svoje dólgove to settle one's debts
    odplačati dólg to pay off a debt, to sink a debt
    do zadnje pare plačati svoj dólg to pay one's debt to the last farthing
    tičati (globoko) v dólgovih to be (deep) in debt
    vpisati komu v dólg trgovina to debit someone, to enter a sum on the debit side
    zabresti, zaiti v dólgove to run into debt, to fall into debt
    kup dólgov a mountain of debts
    rešiti se enega dólga, a pri tem napraviti drugega (figurativno) to rob Peter to pay Paul
  • dólgčas boredom; dullness; tediousness, tedium; (enoličnost) monotony

    zelo mi je dólgčas I am bored, I'm bored stiff, pogovorno I'm browned-off
    v mestu je dólgčas there's no life (ali pogovorno it's dead boring) in town
    dólgčas mi je z njim I feel dull with him
    dólgčas mi je po njem I miss him, I long to see him again
    dólgčas preganjati to dispel (ali to fight off, to stave off) one's boredom; to beguile the weary hours (z branjem with reading)
    umirati od dólgčasa to be bored to extinction
  • dolóčba provision

    po dolóčbah under the provisions
    ustavne dolóčbe provisions pl of the constitution; constitutional provisions pl
    dolóčba v pogodbi stipulation
  • določíti to define; to establish; to determine; to fix

    določíti za to destine, to earmark for
    sredstva za to se določijo v poračunu funds for that purpose are earmarked (ali set aside) in the budget; pravo (pravila) to lay down, to provide
    (z zakonom, z ustavo) by law, by the constitution
  • dolžnóst duty; obligation; task

    po dolžnósti in duty bound
    čut dolžnósti sense of duty
    neprijetna dolžnóst unpleasant duty
    storjen preko dolžnósti supererogatery
    moja sveta dolžnóst my bounden duty
    nehvaležna dolžnóst thankless duty
    vršilec dolžnósti vicegerent
    v dolžnóst (v d.) konzula acting consul
    javiti se na dolžnóst to report for duty
    izpolnitev dolžnósti carrying out one's duty
    moja dolžnóst je, da grem tja it is incumbent on me to go there
    opravljati svoje dolžnósti to attend to one's duties; to perform one's duties
    ne opraviti svoje dolžnósti to fail in one's duty
    prevzeti dolžnósti to take up one's duties
    storiti svojo dolžnóst to do one's duty
    to smatram za svojo dolžnóst I think it my duty
    smatram za svojo dolžnóst, da (rečem)... I think it my duty to (say)..., I deem it my duty to (say)...
    odvezati dolžnósti to relieve of an obligation, to release from an obligation
    zanemarjati svoje dolžnósti to be slack in one's duties
  • domá at home; in

    je on domá? is he in?, is he at home?
    je Vaš oče domá? is your father in, is your father at home?
    ni ga domá he is not at home, he is away, he is away from home
    domá narejen (kruh) home-made (bread)
    držati se domá to keep to the house
    on vedno tiči domá he never goes (ali gets) out, he is a stay-at-home
    on je domá iz Ljubljane he is a native of Ljubljana
    domá je najlepše there's no place like home
    počutiti se kot domá to feel at home
    bodite kot domá! make yourself at home!
    biti domá v (figurativno) to be at home in (ali with), to be familiar with
    nisem domá v tem predmetu (figurativno) I am not familiar with this subject
    ljubo domá, kdo ga ima east, west, home's best; pesniško be it ever so humble, there's no place like home
  • domačín native, aboriginal; indigene; member of a family

    domačíni pl the local people, the locals; (v isti hiši) inmates pl
    domačínska delovna sila native labour
    zaposliti samo domačíne ZDA to indigenize
  • domišljíja imagination; fancy; fantasy

    v domišljíji in imagination
    bujna domišljíj rich imagination
    čista domišljíj pure imagination
    vaša bolzen je le domišljíj your illness is only imaginary
    treba je imeti precej domišljíje, da to verjameš it takes a stretch of imagination to believe that
  • domovína native country; native land; fatherland; mother country; homeland; native soil; home

    v domovíni at home
    druga domovína country of adoption
    hrepenenje po domovíni homesickness, nostalgia
    hrepeneti po domovíni to be homesick
    zapustiti domovíno to leave one's country, arhaično to expatriate oneself
  • dopoldánski morning

    dopoldánski pouk morning lessons pl
    dopoldánski čas morning time
    dopoldánska ura morning hour
    v dopoldanskih urah in the morning, in the morning hours, in the forenoon
  • dopóldne in the morning; in the forenoon; a.m.

    danes dopóldne this morning
    jutri dopóldne tomorrow morning
    v nedeljo dopóldne on Sunday morning
  • doslúh

    v doslúhu within hearing
    zunaj doslúha out of earshot
  • dospéti (priti) to arrive (v at, in), to come (v to), to get (v to); (poteči, rok) to mature, to become mature, to fall (ali to become) due, to expire

    dospéti o pravem času to arrive at the right time
    dospéti v zadnjem trenutku to arrive at the last moment
    brž ko boste dospeli v London as soon as you arrive in London
    je to pismo dospelo z jutranjo pošto? did this letter arrive by the morning post?
    dospeli smo bili do Maribora we had got as far as Maribor
  • dostôp access; entrance; approach; admission; entry; admittance

    prost dostôp open access
    dostôp samó poslovno admittance only on business
    dostôp dovoljen le članom only members are admitted
    dostôp prepovedan! no admittance!; out of bounds!
    dostôp pod kaznijo prepovedan trespassers will be prosecuted
    imeti dostôp do to have access to
    imeti prost dostôp v hišo kake osebe to have the run of someone's house
  • dotík touch; contact; (bližina) contiguity

    pri dotíku at a touch
    pri najrahlejšem dotíku at the slightest touch
    priti v dotík z to get (ali to come) into contact with