
Zadetki iskanja

  • izbrísati to rub (out), to erase, to scratch out; to efface; to wipe out, to wipe away; to expunge; (očistiti) to clean, to cleanse; (prečrtati) to cross (ali to strike ali to score) out (ali off), to cancel, to strike through, to obliterate

    izbrísati se to be erased (ali deleted)
    izbrísati ime iz seznama to expunge a name from the list
    izbrísati dolg to cancel a debt
    izbrísati madež to remove a blot (s, z, iz from)
    izbrísati sklep to cancel a resolution
    izbrísati sledove to remove traces (ali vestiges)
  • izdréti (zob) to pull (out), to extract (a tooth); to draw out

    izdréti s korenino to root out; to eradicate
  • izgíniti to disappear; to vanish; to be lost to sight; to pass out of sight; (biti pogrešan) to be missing; (potegniti) to make off (secretly); (zaradi dolgov) to abscond; (ponoči se izseliti, ne da bi plačali stanarino) to make a moonlight flit

    izgíniti kot kafra to vanish into the blue
    izgini! be off with you!, off with you!, žargon get lost!
    izgini mi izpred oči! be off and don't let me set eyes on you again!, get out of my sight!
    moja knjiga je izginila my book has disappeared
    ladja je izginila na obzorju the boat disappeared over the horizon
    izgíniti s politične scene to disappear from the political scene
  • izgovárjati to pronounce; to articulate; to utter; to speak out

    izgovárjati se to give one's excuses, to excuse oneself, to plead; to offer a pretext; (opravičevati se) to apologize, to exculpate oneself
    izgovárjati se s čim to give something as an excuse
    izgovárjati se z boleznijo to plead sickness
    izgovárjati se na koga to make someone a stalking-horse; (izmikati se) to equivocate, to prevaricate, to tergiversate
    izgovarjanje (izmikanje) equivocation
  • izménjati izmenjavati to exchange; to replace (s, z by)

    izménjati, izmenjavati fotografije s kom to swop photos with someone
    imenjali so nekaj opazk o vremenu they exchanged a few remarks on the weather
    izmenjajva sedeže! let's change seats!
    izménjati, izmenjavati se to alternate
  • izpít examination, pogovorno exam, test

    pismeni izpít written examination
    sprejemni izpít entrance ex., acceptance test, (za srednjo šolo) VB (do nedavnega) eleven-plus, 11-plus, (za univerzo) matriculation ex., (v Angliji) advanced level (Alevel), scholarship level (S-level) examination
    ustni izpít oral (ali viva voce) ex.
    zaključni izpít final ex., pogovorno finals
    zrelostni izpít (secondary) school leaving ex.
    oproščen izpíta exempted from an examination
    izpraševatelj pri izpítu examiner
    kandidat pri izpítu candidate, examinee
    državni izpít state examination
    nadzor pri (pismenem) izpítu invigilation
    nadzorovatelj pri izpítu invigilator
    delati, opravljati izpít to take an examination, to sit for an ex.
    guliti se za izpít to cram, to swot, žargon to mug up
    nadzorovati pri pismenem izpítu VB to invigilate
    napraviti izpít to pass an ex.; to get through an ex., (z odličnim uspehom) to come first, to come top
    pasti pri izpítu, ne napraviti izpíta to fail (an examination), not to pass, to be rejected, VB žargon to be ploughed, to plough an examination
    odbiti, odkloniti, vreči, zavrniti koga pri izpítu to fail (ali to reject, žargon to plough) a candidate
    pripustiti k izpítu to admit to an ex.
    pripravljati se, učiti se za izpít to study, to read up, to learn, to get up, pogovorno to bone up on, to cram for an examination
    prijaviti se k izpítu to enter for an examination, to present oneself for ex.
    priti na izpít to present oneself for ex.
    zlesti pri izpítu pogovorno to scrape through, to satisfy the examiners
  • izpúliti to pull (out); (zob) to extract, to draw, to pull (out); (lase, perje, plevel) to pluck

    izpúliti s korenino to uproot, to pull up by the roots, arhaično to deracinate
  • izrèk wise saying; sentence; (pregovor) proverb, adage, saw

    sodni izrèk finding(s pl) of the court
    moder izrèk a wise saw
    ničnostni izrèk annulment, nullification
    izrèk porotnikov verdict (ali findings pl) of a jury
  • izréz cutting; clipping; geometrija sector

    izréz obleke low neck
    obleka s koničastim (štirioglatim) izréz om dress with V-shaped (square) neck
  • izrúvati to pull (out), to root out, to extract; (izkoreniniti) to eradicate; (s korenino) to uproot

    izrúvati s koreninami vred to pull out by the roots
  • izsesáti to suck out; to suck dry; to pump out

    izsesáti mozeg iz kosti to suck the marrow from a bone
    izsesáti oranžo to suck an orange dry
    s črpalko izsesáti zrak to pump out the air
    izsesana oranža an orange sucked dry
    izsesane prsi breasts sucked dry
  • izskočíti to jump (ali to leap, to spring) out from

    izskočíti iz letala s padalom to bail out
  • izslédek result (of research ali of an investigation)

    najnovejši izslédki s področja atomske fizike the latest discoveries in the field of atomic physics
  • iztŕgati to tear (to draw, to jerk, to wrench) out; to extract

    iztŕgati komu kaj to snatch something from someone, to wrest something from someone, to tear something from someone, to wrench something (away) from someone
    iztŕgati se iz, od to disengage oneself ffom
    s silo sem mu iztrgal nož (iz rok), preden je mogel udariti I wrenched the knife from him before he could strike
    iztrgali so mu torbo iz roke the bag was snatched from his hands
    iztŕgati koga iz krempljev smrti to snatch someone from the jaws of death
    iztrgala nam ga je prezgodnja smrt he was snatched away from us by premature death
    iztŕgati list iz knjige to tear a page out of a book
  • izvíti to wrench (from), to wrest from

    (s silo) sem mu izvil nož iz roke I wrenched the knife from his hand
    izvíti se iz to disengage oneself from
    iz trte izvit dokaz a far-fetched argument
    izvíti si roko to sprain one's wrist, to dislocate one's arm
    spretno se izvíti iz zadrege to get oneself out of a predicament very neatly
  • izvolíti to elect; (z glasovanjem) to vote; to return

    izvolíti z dvigom rok to elect by a show of hands
    izvolíti s tajnim glasovanjem to elect by secret ballot
    bil je izvoljen z veliko večino he was voted in by a big majority
    izvolilo ga je njegovo prejšnje volilno okrožje he was returned by his former constituency
    bil je izvoljen za župana he was elected mayor
    bil je izvoljen za predsedujočega he was voted into the chair, he was elected to the chair, he was elected chairman
    izvolite sesti! sit down, please!
    izvolite zapreti okno! be so kind as to shut the window!
    niti pogledati ni izvolil! he did not even so much as look at it!
    izvolite! (tu imate!, vzemite!) here you are!
    izvolite (iti naprej)! after you!
  • jádro sail

    s polnimi jádri in full sail
    glavno jádro mainsail, main course
    sprednje jádro foresail
    z razpetimi jádri all sails set
    pluti z razpetimi jádri to sail under canvas
    razpeti jádro to set (ali to make) sail
    razpeti vsa jádra to spread all canvas, to crowd sail
    naravnati jádra po vetru to trim one's sails to the winds
    treba je obračati jádra po vetru one must trim one's sails according to the wind
    ladja ima razpeta jádra the ship is under canvas
    razviti jádro to unfurl sail
    spustiti jádro to lower (ali to strike) sail
    zmanjšati jádro to shorten sail, to reef sail
    zviti jádro to furl (ali to take in) sail
    hitro razpeti jádro to clap on sail
  • jágoda berry

    črna jágoda (borovnica) bilberry, whortleberry, ZDA huckleberry
    rdeča jágoda strawberry (gozdna) wood strawberry
    vinska jágoda grape
    volčja jágoda belladonna, deadly nightshade, arhaično dwale
    rdeče jágode s stepeno smetano strawberries with whipped cream
    jágode nabirati to go (black)berrying
    rdeče jágode nabirati to gather strawberries
  • jáviti to let someone know, to make known, (s pismom) to write (ali to send word); to communicate; to give notice; (obvestiti) to inform, to notify, to advise, to apprise, to announce, to report; arhaično to give out (ali forth)

    jáviti komu kaj to notify someone of something
    jáviti se (pojaviti se) to appear, (prijaviti se) (osebno) to report, to present oneself, (s pismom) to send word of oneself, to give some sign of life
    jáviti se (za razpisano mesto) to apply for, to offer oneself for
    jáviti se k izpitu to enter for an examination
    že mesec dni se mi ni javil I have not heard from him for a month, it's a month since I last heard from him
    kot je že bilo javljeno as already announced (ali reported)
    javite mi, prosim... please let me know..., please send me word...
    javila se je pri nas she has called on us, she has called round to see us
    tujci se morajo jáviti policiji foreigners must report to the Police
  • jávnost public

    v jávnosti, za jávnost publicly
    pred jávnostjo before the public
    stik z jávnostjo public relations pl
    obrniti se na jávnost to appeal to the public
    izključiti jávnost pravo to exclude the public
    jávnost se ne pusti prevarati s takimi obljubami the public is not (ali are not) to be deceived by such promises
    prinesti v jávnost to bring before the public
    priti v jávnost to become known
    zasedati ob izključitvi jávnosti to meet behind closed doors (ali pravo in camera)