
Zadetki iskanja

  • tooth1 [tu:ɵ, ti:ɵ] samostalnik (množina teeth)
    zob; tech zob (žage, glavnika itd.); zob kolesa; konica; kavelj; parožek
    figurativno nagnjenje, posebna ljubezen (do)

    tooth and nail figurativno z vso močjo; neizprosno
    by the skin of one's teeth figurativno za las, komaj še (uiti)
    in the teeth of kljub, navzlic; proti
    the tooth of time zob časa
    armed to the teeth oborožen do zob
    long in the tooth star
    a good set of teeth dobro zobovje
    from the teeth outward figurativno površno
    artificial tooth, false tooth umeten zob
    corner (dog, eye, laniary) tooth podočnik
    decayed tooth gnil zob
    incisor (incision, cutting) tooth sekalec (zob)
    loose tooth majav zob
    milk (shedding) tooth mlečnik
    molar (grinding) tooth kočnik
    to clean one's teeth (o)čistiti si zobe
    to clench one's teeth stisniti zobe
    to cast in s.o.'s teeth komu kaj v zobe (v obraz) vreči; očitati
    to cut one's (first) teeth dobi(va)ti (prve) zobe
    to cut one's eye-teeth figurativno začeti spoznavati življenje
    to draw s.o.'s teeth figurativno pristriči komu krila, napraviti koga neškodljivega
    to escape by the skin of one's teeth za las uiti
    to fight (to struggle) tooth and nail boriti se z vsemi močmi (zagrizeno, nepopustljivo)
    to get one's teeth into zagristi se v kaj; trmasto (nepopustljivo) se česa lotiti
    to grind one's teeth škripati z zobmi
    to have a great tooth for fruit zelo rad imeti sadje
    to have a sweet tooth biti sladkosneden, rad imeti sladkarije
    to lie in one's teeth v obraz lagati; nesramno, predrzno lagati
    to sail in the teeth of the wind pluti proti vetru
    to set one's teeth stisniti zobe
    this set my teeth on edge zaskominalo me je ob tem; to me je razburilo (ozlovoljilo)
    to show ons's teeth pokazati zobe
    to take the bit between one's teeth figurativno postati trmoglav; upreti se; osamosvojiti se