
Zadetki iskanja

  • pat moški spol (-a …) šah: die Pattsituation, das Patt
    biti v patu patt sein
    spraviti v pat patt setzen (tudi figurativno)
  • pát (pri šahu) stalemate

    partija je pát it's a stalemate
    patírati to stalemate (nasprotnika one's opponent)
  • pát (-a)

    A) m šah. patta

    B) pát adj., inv. di patta:
    pat pozicija patta; posizione di patta, di stallo
  • pát m (fr. pat) pat: partija šaha se je končala s -om
  • pát

    ostati pat quedar (ali hacer) tablas
  • pát -a m., пат ч.
  • ležíšče -a s
    1. pat; culcuş
    2. zăcământ
    3. tehn. suport
  • Pátrik Patrick; Pat; Paddy
  • póstelja -e ž pat
  • bóžati (otroka) to caress, to fondle; (psa) to pat, to stroke; figurativno (laskati) to cajole, to flatter, to fawn upon, to make much of
  • islandski dvolomec stalna zveza
    (kristal) ▸ izlandi pát
  • pobóžati to caress; (žival) to stroke; (potrepljati) to pat

    pobóžati mačko po hrbtu to stroke a cat's back
  • pógrad -a m pat de scânduri
  • posteljnína -e ž lenjerie de pat
  • potrepljáti to pat, to tap; to give someone a tap

    potrepljáti po hrbtu to pat (someone) on the back
    potrepljáti po rami to tap (someone) on the shoulder, to give (someone) a tap on the shoulder
  • trepljáti to pat

    trepljáti po hrbtu to pat on the back
    trepljáti psa po hrbtu to pat a dog's back
  • čestítati

    čestítati komu to congratulate someone (za on, upon); to compliment someone (on); arhaično to felicitate someone (on)
    čestitam! congratulations!
    čestital sem mu že za zmago I have already complimented him on his victory
    čestitam si, da sem to naredil I congratulate myself on having done it
    lahko si čestitaš! you may congratulate yourself! ali pogovorno you can give yourself a pat on the back
    čestitali so si drug drugemu they congratulated one another
    iskreno vam čestitamo k vašemu uspehu we heartily congratulate you on your success
  • gratulírati to congratulate (za on, upon), arhaično to gratulate

    gratulirati si (drug drugemu) to congratulate one another
    gratuliral sem si, da sem to naredil I congratulated myself (ali pogovorno I gave my self a pat on the back) for doing this
  • Irec; Irka Irishman; Irishwoman

    Irci pl the Irish; (vzdevek za Irca) Pat, Paddy
  • máslo (surovo) butter

    sveže, presno máslo fresh butter, ZDA sweet butter
    slano máslo salted butter
    máslo za kuho cooking butter
    stopljeno máslo melted butter
    umetno máslo margarine, arhaično butterine
    žaltavo, žarko máslo rancid butter
    kalup za máslo butter-print
    kepica, reženjček másla pat of butter
    kruh z máslom bread and butter
    delati máslo to churn butter
    zabeliti z máslom to butter, to flavour with butter, to add butter
    namazati z máslom to spread butter on
    to je njegovo máslo (figurativno) he has a finger in the pie, he as a hand in it
    iti kot po máslu (figurativno) to run smoothly, to go swimmingly, to go like clockwork
    stvari gredo kot po máslu things are going swimmingly (ali like clockwork)
    to nam gre kot po máslu (figurativno) pogovorno we're getting on like a house on fire
    gre kot po máslu! it's going on swimmingly (ali like a house on fire)
    vse je šlo kot po máslu (figurativno) it was all plain sailing, it was a piece of cake (ali pogovorno a pushover, žargon a doddle)