
Zadetki iskanja

  • angórka chèvre ženski spol angora; chat moški spol angora
  • klepét chat, chatter, small talk, gossip, pogovorno chitchat
  • kozeríja chat, talk
  • kramljánje chat, chatting; a little chat
  • mačé petit chat, minet moški spol , minette ženski spol , chat moški spol
  • máček zoologija matou moški spol , chat moški spol (mâle) ; (človek) fin matois, finaud moški spol , madré moški spol ; (sidro) ancre ženski spol ; (požarni) croc ženski spol à incendie, grappin moški spol

    apneni maček tuf moški spol calcaire
    kupiti mačka v vreči, žaklju acheter chat en poche
    imeti mačka (po popivanju) avoir mal aux cheveux, avoir la gueule de bois, se sentir vaseux, (moralno) éprouver un malaise moral
  • máčka chat moški spol , chatte ženski spol

    angorska mačka chat angora
    divja mačka chat sauvage
    morska mačka guenon ženski spol
    hoditi kot mačka okoli vrele kaše chat échaudé craint l'eau froide
    živeti kot pes in mačka vivre comme chien et chat
    kadar mačke ni doma, miši plešejo quand le chat n'est pas là (ali le chat parti), les souris dansent
  • mačkón grand (ali gros) chat
  • múc (petit) chat moški spol , minet moški spol , minou moški spol
  • pogóvor conversation; talk, talking; discourse; discussion; (kramljanje) chat, chatting; (v dvoje) dialogue; (s samim seboj) soliloquy, monologue; colloquy; (pri mizi) table talk; (o nepomembnih stvareh) small talk, everyday talk; (le o svoji stroki) shop, ZDA shoptalk; (med štirimi očmi) a talk in private

    telefonski pogóvor call
    nujen (telefonski) pogóvor emergency (ali priority) call
    predmet pogóvora subject of conversation, subject under discussion
    ona je predmet pogóvora vsega mesta she is the talk of the whole town
    biti v pogóvoru s kom to be in conversation with someone
    napeljati pogóvor na kak predmet to introduce a subject
    menjati predmet pogóvora to change the subject, to turn the conversation round (to another topic)
    opustiti pogóvor o kakem predmetu to let the subject drop
    pustimo pogóvor o tem! let's drop the subject!
    pridružiti se pogóvoru to join in a (ali the) conversation
    prekiniti svoj pogóvor to stop talking, to break off
    stopiti v pogóvor, začeti pogóvor s kom to get, to enter into conversation with someone
    podaljšati telefonski pogóvor (čez tri minute) to extend a call (beyond three minutes)
    prijaviti telefonski pogóvor to book a call
    spustiti se v pogóvor s kom, zaplesti koga v pogóvor to engage someone in conversation
    udeležiti se pogóvora to take part in a conversation, to follow a conversation
    vzdrževati pogóvor (figurativno) to keep the ball rolling
  • razgóvor talk, conversation; discussion, discourse; (neprisiljen) chat; (v dvoje) dialogue; (pri mizi) table talk

    razgóvor med 4 očmi tête-à-tête, private conversation; (samo o strokovnih zadevah) shop, ZDA shoptalk
    predmet razgóvora talking point, subject under discussion
    to je predmet razgóvora celega mesta this is the talk of the town
    razgóvori so propadli the talks collapsed
  • govoríti to speak (o of, about, z to, with); to tell; (pogovarjati se) to talk (z with, to, o about, of, over); to converse; (kramljati) to chat

    glasno govoríti to talk loud, to speak in a loud voice
    tiho govoríti to speak softly (ali in a soft voice)
    govoríti angleški to speak English
    slabo govoríti angleški to speak poor (ali broken) English
    slabo govoríti o kom to speak ill of someone
    kar naprej govoríti to keep (on) talking
    odkrito, brez ovinkov govoríti to speak freely
    govoríti o tem in onem, o raznem to talk nineteen to the dozen
    uglajeno govoríti to be well-spoken
    govoríti stenam (figurativno) to talk (ali to be talking) to a brick wall
    govoríti o politiki to talk politics
    tekoče govoríti to speak fluently
    govoríti o čem drugem to change the subject
    govoríti resnico to speak the truth, to tell the truth
    govoríti brez priprave to speak extempore
    govoríti v veter (figurativno) to waste one's breath
    govoríti v imenu koga to be the spokesman of, to be the mouthpiece of
    govoríti v korist koga to speak on (ali ZDA in) someone's behalf
    govoríti polomljeno angleščino to speak broken English, to murder the English language
    govoríti neumnosti to talk nonsense
    šepetaje govoríti to speak in an undertone, to speak in a whisper
    govoríti skozi nos to speak with a nasal twang
    govoríti laži to tell lies (ali untruths)
    govoríti sam s seboj to soliloquize
    govoríti med štirimi očmi s kom to talk with someone in private
    govoríti na pamet to speak from memory, to say something by heart (ali by rote)
    obširno govoríti o to speak at length about (ali on), to descant, to expatiate on (ali upon)
    otročje govoríti to drivel
    govoríti kot papiga to parrot
    govoríti preučeno za koga to speak above someone's head
    govoríti tja v tri dni pogovorno to waffle, žargon to rabbit on
    tu se govori angleški (napis) English spoken here
    ko (ker) ravno govorimo o... since we are on the subject, since we happen to be talking about...
    da niti ne govorimo o... to say nothing of...
    ne govorimo več o tem!, nehajmo govoríti o tem! let us change (ali drop) the subject!
    mi ne »govorimo« (smo sprti ipd.) we are not on speaking terms
    o tem ni vredno govoríti it isn't worth speaking of
    ona ne govorita več med seboj (sta sprta) they are no longer on speaking terms
    govori! speak up!, speak out, out with it!
    on ne more (ne zna) nehati govoríti he can never stop talking, he could talk the hind leg off a donkey
    (on) govori, kot da bi ga navil he has the gift of the gab, he talks nineteen to the dozen
    on malo govori he is a man of few words, (je boječ) he is tongue-tied
    z njim se da govoríti he is someone you can talk to
    z njim se ne da govoríti (figurativno) he will not listen to reason
    po vsem mestu se govori o njih they are the talk of the town
    govorilo se je o njegovi demisiji there have been rumours of his resignation
    vse mesto govori o tem it is the talk of the town
    govori se, da je zelo bogata she is said to be very rich
    o njem se mnogo govori he is much talked about
    to dejstvo govori zanj this fact tells in his favour
    dejstva govoré sama the facts speak for themselves
    to govori za in proti that cuts both ways
    dejanja govore glasneje kot besede actions speak louder than words
    vse govori za to, da... there is every reason to believe that...
    to govori proti that tells against it
    ne govorite z nikomer o tem! not a word to anyone about this!, keep this to yourself!
    začeti govoríti o nekem predmetu to broach a subject
    bi lahko govoril z Vami? could I have a word with you?
    bi lahko govoril z g. X? could I see Mr. X
    govorimo odkrito! let's speak frankly, let's lay (ali put) our cards on the table
    kjer se veliko govori, se malo naredi least said, soonest mended
    govoríti je srebro, molčati pa zlato the less said, the better
    prav tako bi lahko govoril stenam figurativno I might as well speak to a brick wall
    ti to meni govoriš! (= kot da jaz tega ne vem) you're telling me!
  • kramljáti to chat; to have a chat (s kom with someone)

    malo kramljáti s kom to have a cosy chat (ali pogovorno to have a chinwag ali natter) with someone
  • máčica petit chat, chatte ženski spol ; zoologija, botanika chaton moški spol

    vrbova mačica (botanika) chaton de saule
  • máčji de chat, félin ; figurativno perfide, traître

    po mačje à la manière des chats
    mačja godba musique ženski spol de chats, musique discordante; familiarno charivari moški spol
    mačje oko œil moški spol de chat
    imeti mačje oči avoir des yeux de chat
  • máčkin du chat

    to niso mačkine solze ce n'est pas une affaire sans importance
  • mijávkanje miaulement moški spol , miaou moški spol , cri moški spol du chat
  • ohripéti s'enrouer ; familiarno avoir un chat dans la gorge
  • poklepetáti to chat, to gossip
  • pokramljáti to chat, to have a chat