
Zadetki iskanja

  • business (-a) m ipd. glej biznis ipd.
  • bíznis | business [bíznis] (-a) angl. m affare; business
  • afêra affair; business; matter; (spor) quarrel (z with, against)

    umazana afêra rotten business
  • gospodárski economic; (of) business; belonging (ali relating) to husbandry (ali to economics, to farming), concerning husbandry

    gospodársko poslopje farm building, outbuilding, outhouse
    gospodárska kašča storage space
    gospodárske zgradbe outhouses, farm buildings, offices, premises
    gospodárska šola agricultural college
    gospodárski položaj dežele the state of a country's economy
  • kupčíja bargain; business

    sijajna kupčíja roaring trade
    napraviti dobro kupčíja to strike a good bargain
    skleniti kupčíjo to make (ali to strike) a bargain
  • oprávek errand; business

    oprávki pl pursuits pl
    po oprávkih on business
    imeti oprávka z to deal with, to have dealings with
    z njim ni prijetno imeti oprávka he is a difficult customer
    imeti oprávke, biti po oprávkih to do the errands
    tekati po oprávkih to run errands, to go on errands
    z njim nočem (imeti) nobenega oprávka I will have no dealings with him
    imam oprávke v mestu I have some things to see to in town, I have some shopping to do in town
    imam drugih oprávkov (drugega posla, dela) (dovolj) (figurativno) I have (ali I've got) oterher fish to fry
    s tem nočemo imeti nobenega oprávka we don't want to have anything to do with it
  • opravílo business; occupation; work; function; job; cerkveno service
  • podjétništvo undertaking; enterprise; firm; business
  • pôsel2 (delo) work, (fizičen) manual labour; (izučèn) skilled work, (neizučen) unskilled labour; (priložnosten) job; (neprijeten, dolgočasen) drudgery; (površen) bungling, dabbling; (težak, mučen) toil, toiling and moiling, pains pl; (zaposlitev) employment, employ; (trgovina) business; (bančni, denarni) transaction, deal

    donosen pôsel remunerative business, paying proposition
    nedonosen pôsel losing proposition
    brez pôsla out of work, unemployed
    po pôslih on business
    postranski pôsli minor occupation, sparetime work, moonlighting
    tekoči pôsli current business
    nujen pôsel urgent work
    nadurni pôsel overtime work
    nečisti pôsli foul dealing
    pôsli so slabi business is slack
    to je njegov pôsel, ne moj that's his job (ali lookout), not mine
    to ni tvoj pôsel it's no business of yours
    brigaj se za svoj pôsel! mind your own business!
    pôsli mu cvetijo he is doing (ali carrying on) a roaring trade
    dajati mnogo pôsla to give much trouble
    da(ja)ti komu pôsla (dela) to keep someone busy, to employ someone
    to mi je dalo mnogo pôsla it was a hard task
    pôsel je pôsel business is business
    imam drugega pôsla dovolj (figurativno) I have other fish to fry
    imam pôsla čez glavo I am being overworked
    imeti mnogo pôsla to be up to the eyes in work, to be fully occupied (ali engaged)
    z njim ne maram imeti nobenega pôsla več I'll have no further dealings with him
    večkrat sem imel pôsla z njim I have had several dealings with him
    imaš pôsla z lopovom you are up against a scoundrel
    če boš še enkrat to napravil, boš imel pôsla z menoj! if you do it again, you'll hear from me!
    krepko se lotiti pôsla to tackle a job, to fall to, pogovorno to get stuck in
    pôsli gredo slabo business is slack (ali depressed), there is a lull in business
    pôsli gredo zelo dobro, so v polnem razmahu business is in full swing, (ali is doing fine)
    iti za pôslom to follow a trade (ali profession)
    ne moči obvladati pôslov, biti preobremenjen s pôsli to be overwhelmed with work, to be unable to cope (ali manage), pogovorno to be rushed off one's feet
    ostati brez pôsla (dela) to be thrown out of work
    sumiti nečist pôsel (figurativno) to smell a rat
    ubijati se s pôsli (z delom) to overwork, to overdo it
    on se vtika v tuje pôsle he meddles in other people's affairs, he is a meddler, he is a busybody (ali pogovorno a nosy parker)
  • pôsel (-sla) m

    1. lavoro, affare; operazione:
    voditi bančne, blagajniške, trgovske posle occuparsi delle operazioni bancarie, di cassa, commerciali
    tajniški, uredniški posli il lavoro di segretaria, di redattore
    odpravnik poslov (na veleposlaništvu) incaricato d'affari

    2. (dejavnost, navadno gospodarska) affare, negozio, business angl.:
    skleniti dober posel fare un buon affare
    umakniti se iz poslov ritirarsi dagli affari

    3. (delo, opravilo) lavoro, faccenda, mansione; ekst. affare:
    ženski posel lavoro femminile
    vsakdanji posli le faccende quotidiane
    biti brez posla essere senza lavoro
    imeti posla s strupi aver a che fare coi veleni
    pren. posel je posel un lavoro come un altro
    ne vmešavaj se v moje posle non impicciarti degli affari miei

    4. ekst., nekdaj servo, domestico; servitù:
    prostori za posle locali per la servitù
  • poslóven (of) business; businesslike

    poslóvni človek man of business, business man
    poslóvni partner active partner
    on je poslóven človek he is a business man, he is in business
    poslóvno potovati to travel on business
  • promèt traffic; circulation; ekonomija, iztržek turnover; (poslovanje) trade, business, operations pl, financial transactions pl; communication

    cestni, ulični promèt street traffic
    blagovni promèt goods traffic
    osebni, potniški promèt passenger traffic
    mestni promèt urban transport
    zračni promèt air traffic
    odprt za promèt open to traffic
    krožni promèt ZDA traffic circle
    tujski promèt tourist trade, tourist business, tourism
    enosmerni (dvosmerni) promèt one-way (two-way) traffic
    ulica z enosmernim promètom one-way street
    prekinitev promèta interruption (ali obstruction) of traffic
    ustavitev promèta traffic hold-up
    zamašitev promèta traffic congestion, traffic jam
    preusmeritev promèta (obvoz) diversion, by-pass, detour
    zamašen promèt bottleneck, traffic jam
    odvijanje promèta easing the flow of traffic
    čas močnega promèta rush hour
    biti v promètu (krožiti) to circulate, to be in circulation, (denar) to be current
    izročiti promètu, dati v promèt to open to traffic, (denar) to issue
    vzeti iz promèta to withdraw from circulation, to call in
    preusmeriti promèt to redirect, to divert (the) traffic
    promèt je bil (začasno) prekinjen, ustavljen traffic was suspended
    usmerjati promèt to direct (ali to regulate) the traffic
    v tej ulici je mnogo promèta there is a lot of traffic in this street
    promèt je bil ustavljen dve uri (the) traffic was held up for two hours
    spraviti artikel v promèt to put an article on the market
  • stvár thing; matter; object; stuff; (posel, skrb) concern; case; (zadeva) affair, subject, business

    stvár časti affair of honour
    sporna stvár debatable question, pravo a moot point
    vsa stvár the whole business (ali affair, matter)
    k stvari! keep (ali stick) to the point (ali to the matter in hand)!; (v parlamentu, govorniku) answer the question!
    vse moje stvári all my belongings pl, my goods and chattels pl
    dogovorjena, domenjena stvár a put-up job
    kočljiva, delikatna stvár a delicate point
    stvár zase another question, a matter apart
    stvár v diskusiji the subject under discussion, the matter in hand
    spadajoč k stvári relevant
    ne spadajoč k stvári irrelevant
    to je moja stvár that's my business (ali affair, concern, lookout)
    to ni moja stvár that is no business of mine; that is not my affair
    v tem je vsa stvár (= za to gre) that's the gist of it (ali the whole point)
    to je čisto druga stvár that's completely off the point, that's an entirely different thing, (figurativno) that's a horse of a different colour
    to je stvár navade that's a matter of habit
    to je jedro, bistvo stvári this is the gist (ali the substance) of the matter
    to je važna stvár this is a matter of importance (ali of great importance)
    to je kočljiva stvár this is a ticklish (ali delicate, difficult) matter, this requires careful handling
    to ni smešna stvár this in no laughing matter
    (to je pa) lepa stvár! (ironično) that's a nice mess!, pogovorno a fine how-do-you-do (ali how d'ye do)
    ne vem, kaj je na stvári I don't know what the problem is, pogovorno I don't know what's the matter (ali what's up, what it's all about)
    borimo se za dobro stvár we are fighting for a good cause
    brigaj se za svoje stvári! mind your own business, don't be such a busybody!
    sedaj ne gre za to stvár that is not the question now
    naj gredo stvári svojo pot! let things slide!
    to nima nič opraviti s sámo stvárjo that has nothing to do with the question
    pogovoriti se o stvári to talk the matter over
    ostati pri stvári to stick to the point
    priti s stvárjo na dan to raise a matter
    pusti stvár v miru (= ne dvigaj prahu)! let sleeping dogs lie!
    preidimo na stvár! let us come to the point (ali to the matter in hand), pogovorno let's get down to the nitty-gritty
    s tem se na stvári nič ne spremeni it makes no difference, it does not alter the fact (ali the fact of the matter), it doesn't make any material (ali substantial) difference
    to ne spada k stvári this is irrelevant, this is off (ali beside) the point
    kot stvári stojé as things are, as things stand (now)
    stvári stojé dobro things are going well
    stvár stojí takole this is how the matter stands
    videti, kako stvari stojé (figurativno) to see how the land lies
    umreti za dobro stvár to die for a good cause
    vmešavati, vtikati se v tuje stvári to meddle in other people's affairs
    vrniti se k stvári to return to the subject
    vzeti stvár v roke (figurativno) to take a problem (ali a matter, a business) in hand
    vzeti stvári, kot pač pridejo (dobre in slabe) to take the rough with the smooth
  • trgovína trade (z in, with), commerce, traffic, trading; business; (prodajalna, lokal) shop, (velika) store; (firma, tvrdka) firm, house

    trgovína na debelo wholesale trade
    trgovína na drobno retail trade
    trgovína z belim blagom (figurativno) white-slave trade
    izvozna (uvozna) trgovína export (import) trade
    tranzitna trgovína transit trade
    pomorska trgovína sea-borne trade
    prekmorska trgovína overseas trade
    prosta trgovína free trade
    notranja trgovína home (ali domestic, inland) trade
    zunanja trgovína foreign trade
    cvetoča (živahna) trgovína thriving (brisk) business (ali trade)
    medla trgovína slack trade
    zadružna trgovína co-operative store, pogovorno the co-op (shop)
    trgovína z mešanim blagom grocer's (shop)
    zamenjalna trgovína barter, truck, pogovorno swop
    nezakonita trgovína illegal trade
    trgovína z orožjem arms trade
    mednarodna trgovína international trade
    ministrstvo za trgovíno the Board of Trade, Ministry of Commerce, ZDA Department of Commerce
    minister za trgovíno Minister of Commerce, VB president of the Board of Trade, ZDA Secretary of Commerce
    svetovna trgovína world trade
    tega ne boste dobili v nobeni trgovíni (nikjer na prodaj) you won't find that on sale anywhere
    trgovína je v polnem razmahu trade is in full swing
    trgovína je zastala, stagnira trade is at a standstill, trade is depressed (ali slack)
  • zadéva matter; affair; business; thing; subject; (osebna) concern; pravo case

    o tej zadévi on this subject
    v zadévi with reference to, on the subject of
    državna zadéva affair of state
    družbena zadéva social matter (ali problem)
    notranje zadéve internal affairs pl
    zadéva javnega pomena matters pl of public concern
    zadéve skupnega pomena matters pl of common interest
    tekoče zadéve current affairs pl
    zunanje zadéve foreign affairs pl
    dogovorjena, domenjena zadéva a put-up job
    ministrstvo za zunanje zadéve VB Foreign Office (krajšava: F.O.); ZDA State Department
    lepa zadéva! (ironično) that's a nice mess!
    v zadévi X. proti Y. pravo in the case of X. versus Y.
    brigaj(te) se za svoje zadéve! mind your own business!
    to je zadéva zase it is a separate question (ali problem, matter)
    to je čisto druga zadéva that's an entirely different thing
    to ni moja zadéva that's no business of mine
    to je tvoja zadéva that's your affair, that's your lookout, it's up to you
    kot je zadéva sedaj... as matters now stand
    zadéva prihaja na dan the affair is coming out, the matter is being aired
    pusti zadévo pri miru! let the matter rest!
    zadéva se vleče the affair is dragging on
    vmešavati se v tuje zadéve to meddle in other people's afairs
    vzeti zadévo v roke to take the matter in hand
    voditi zadéve to conduct (ali to direct) affairs
    opustiti zadévo (pogovorno) to drop the whole business
    govoril sem z njim o vaši zadévi I talked to him regarding your business
  • agencíja agency; agent's business ali office

    novinarska agencíja news agency
    pomorska agencíja shipping agency
    potovalna agencíja travel agency
    reklamna agencíja advertising agency
    agencíja Reuter Reuter's (agency)
    turistična agencíja tourist agency
  • bánčništvo bánkarstvo banking, banking business
  • biznis moški spol (-a …) das [Busineß] Business
  • bízniški (-a -o) adj. di, del business
  • denárništvo financial business; monetary matters pl