
Zadetki iskanja

  • gárda vojska guard, (the) guards

    gárda na konjih Horse Guards pl; (pešaki) foot guards pl
    bela gárda rightwing political movement in Slovenia during World War II, the White Guard
    telesna gárda bodyguard, Life Guards pl
    narodna gárda national guard
    on je eden od stare gárde figurativno he is one of the old brigade
  • stráža watch, guard; (vojaška) sentry, sentinel, (služba), sentry-go; (stavkajočih) pickets pl

    mejna stráž frontier guard
    prednja stráž vanguard, outpost
    zadnja stráž rearguard
    telesna, osebna stráž bodyguard
    častna stráž guard of honour
    nočna stráž night watch
    kraljeva konjeniška stráž VB Horse Guards pl, Life Guards pl, (skupaj) the Household Cavalry
    na stráži on guard, guard on duty
    biti na stráži to be on guard duty; to keep watch (ali guard)
    vojak na stráži the soldier is on guard
    iti na strážo to go on guard (duty)
    izmenjati strážo to relieve the guard
    nastopiti strážo to mount guard
    postaviti strážo to post sentries
    stati na stráži to stand guard; to mount guard
    jaz bom na stráži (figurativno, pogovorno) I'll keep my eyes open, I'll keep my weather eye open, I'll be on the lookout
  • švícarski Swiss; pesniško Helvetic

    švícarski sir Swiss cheese, Gruyère
    švícarski frank (denar) Swiss franc
    švícarska garda Swiss Guards pl, Papal Bodyguard
    švícarsko narečje Swiss
    švícarska nemščina Swiss German
    švícarska konfederacija Swiss (ali Helvetic) Confederacy
  • telésen bodily; corporal; corporeal; physical, material; fleshly

    telésna kazen corporal punishment
    telésna lepota physical beauty
    telésna vaja physical exercise
    telésno gibanje physical exercise
    telésna straža bodyguard
    telésni užitki (jedi itd.) creature comforts pl
    kraljevi telésni zdravnik physician in ordinary of the king
    telésna moč physical strength
    telésna poškodba bodily harm (ali injury)
    telésna preiskava body search
    telésna nega hygiene, beauty culture
Število zadetkov: 4