
Zadetki iskanja

  • beat [bít] (-a) m angl.

    1. moda beat

    2. muz. beat
  • obhòd (mlekarja, raznašalca časopisov) round; (policista, miličnika) beat, round; medicina rounds pl, round; vojska tour of inspection, rounds pl

    opraviti obhòd (o straži) to make (ali to do, to go) one's rounds, to patrol one's beat
  • obmóčje region; sphere, province, precincts pl; (revir, rejon) beat, range

    v obmóčju within range of, in the region of
    v obmóčju mejá within the limits (of)
    obmóčje delovanja range of activities
    zunaj obmóčja (izven) mojega obmóčja off my beat
    to ne spada v moje obmóčje (področje) it is not within my province
  • pijàn -ána -o prid. beat, băut
  • utríp pulse; throb; beat

    priprava za merjenje utrípov pulsimeter
    število utrípov na minuto pulse rate
    meriti komu utríp to take (ali to feel) someone's pulse
    naj vam merim utríp! let me take (ali feel) your pulse!
  • utrípanje pulsation; beat, beating; throb, throbbing

    brez utrípanja throbless
    utrípanje srca heartthrobs pl
  • barantáti to bargain (za for, o about, z with); to higgle (za over); to haggle (za about, over); to dicker (za over); to beat down the prices of

    barantáti s kom za kaj to truck with someone for something
  • bíti (bijem) to beat; to strike; (močno) to whack; (srce) to pulsate, to beat, (močno) to throb, to palpitate, to flutter

    ura bije sedem the clock is striking seven
    bíti žogo to play football
    resnica o tem nam bije v obraz the truth of it stares us in the face
    bíti se (boriti se) to fight, to struggle, to combat, to battle with
  • bítje2 beeating; striking; (srca, žile) pulse, throb, pulse beat
  • bóbnanje drumming; drumbeat; beat of drum; drum; beating of drums

    glasno bóbnanje roll of drum
  • bóbnati to drum; to beat the drum; to play the drum

    s prsti bóbnati po to drum with one's fingers upon
    s prsti bóbnati po mizi to beat a tattoo on the table with one's fingers
    v nestrpnosti bóbnati s prsti to tap (ali to rap) one's fingers impatiently
  • gasíti (ogenj, luč) to put out, to extinguish; (svečo) to blow out; (plin) to turn out, to turn off; (elektriko) to switch off; (s teptanjem) to tread out, to stamp out; (z udarci, s palico itd.) to beat out; (žejo) to quench, to slake

    gasíti si žejo to quench one's thirst
    gasíti apno to slake lime, to slack lime
  • goníti (preganjati) to persecute; (poditi) to chase, to run after, to go in pursuit of, to pursue; (loviti) to give chase to, to chase, to hunt, (zlasti zajce s psi) to course, (figurativno, preganjati koga) to hound; (stroje) to work, to drive, to impel, to propel, to keep going (ali in motion), to turn; (divjad) to beat up; to drive together

    goníti se to be in heat, (o jelenih) to rut
    kar naprej goníti eno (neprestano ponavljati) to harp on
  • izbíjati to beat, to dash out, to knock out; to drive out

    klin se s klinom izbija (figurativno) one nail drives out another; desperate ills must have desperate cures
  • izbíti to beat out, to dash out, to drive out; to knock out

    to izbije sodu dno (figurativno) that beats everything
    izbíti komu oko to put out someone's eye
    izbíti komu iz glave to drive something out of someone's head, to talk someone out of his intention
    izbíti si kaj iz glave to put something out of one's head, to banish the thought of something
    izbij(te) si to iz glave! forget it!
  • iznemógel spent; exhausted, worn out, overtired, overworked; dead-beat; dog-tired; enervated; prostrate
  • izšíbati to whip, to flog, to birch, to beat soundly
  • iztépati iztêpsti to beat; to beat (the dust) out of; to clean by beating; to whip

    iztépati, iztêpsti jopič to dust a coat
    iztépati, iztêpsti obleko, preprogo to beat the clothes, the carpet
    iztépati, iztêpsti komu hlače (figurativno, našeškati ga) to tan someone's hide, to give someone a drubbing (ali a going-over)
  • kapút ruined; broken; dead; (preutrujen) worn out; all in; dead beat
  • majorizírati to beat by a majority of votes