
Zadetki iskanja

  • mrgoléti to teem; to swarm; to be alive (with)

    rib mrgoli v tem jezeru fish teem in this lake, this lake is teeming with fish
    na ulicah mrgoli ljudi the streets are swarming with people
    v mestu mrgoli vohunov the town is swarming with spies
    v tej pokrajini mrgoli divjačine this region is swarming with game
  • najésti se to eat one's fill, to be satiated, to appease one's hunger; to line one's stomach; to have had enough to eat

    on se nikoli ne najé (do sitega) he never gets enough to eat, he never eats his fill
  • nalikováti to resemble something, to bear a resemblance to something; to be like; to look like; to sound like

    v tej obleki je nalikovala vaški učiteljici in that outfit she looked like a village schoolmistress
    njegov eh je nalikoval vzdihu his »aye« sounded like a sigh
  • namerávati to intend; to be about to; to plan; to have a mind to; to mean to; (nekam) to be off

    nameravam domov (na trg) I'm off home (to market)
    namerávati nekaj to have something in view (ali in mind)
    nameravam se vrniti prihodnji teden I intend to return next week
    kako dolgo nameravate ostati v tem mestu? how long do you intend to remain in this town?
  • napredováti to make progress, to progress (v in); to get on, to get along; to be promoted

    počasi napredováti to make slow progress; to make little headway
    zelo je napredoval he has made considerable progress
    napredoval je v čin stotnika he was promoted to the rank of captain
    napredoval je za eno stopnjo he has been moved up one rank (ali step)
    kdaj je napredoval (v službi) when did he get his promotion?
    kdaj bo napredoval na višji položaj? when will he be promoted to a higher post?
  • napródaj on sale; to be sold

    biti napródaj to be up for sale
    dati napródaj to put up for sale
    ponuditi napródaj to offer for sale
  • napuhováti se to be inflated
  • narásti naráščati to increase; to be on the increase; to grow; to go up; (voda) to rise

    cene (reke) naraščajo prices (rivers) are rising
    reka je narasla the river has risen (ali is swollen)
    potok je narasel zaradi deževja rains have swollen the brook
    vročina je zelo narasla medicina the temperature has risen sharply (ali considerably)
  • narávno naturally; of course, to be sure, surely, sure enough, as a matter of course
  • nasánkati se to have as much tobogganing (ali sledging, ZDA sledding) as one wishes; figurativno (uračunati se) to miscalculate; to be imposed upon
  • naslájati se to delight (z, v in), to take (ali to have) delight (in); to enjoy, to take pleasure (in); to be pleased, to revel, to relish, to indulge in; to be delighted (with)

    naslájati se se s čašo dobrega vina to indulge in a glass of good wine
    naslajam se ob njegovih romanih I enjoy his novels
  • nasprotováti to contradict; to offer opposition; to be adverse to, to be against (ali VB narečno humoristično agin); to be opposed to; to resist

    izjavi si nasprotujeta the two statements conflict
    nasprotujoča si poročila conflicting reports pl
  • nastájati to be taking shape; to be beginning
  • nastópati (obnašati se) to behave, to deport oneself, to carry oneself, to conduct oneself; (v gledališču) to be in a show, to appear in, to be appearing in; (minerali) to occur

    javno nastópati to appear in public
    nastópati na odru to appear on the stage
    kdor prvič nastopa (na odru ipd.) débutant, (ženska) débutante
    on nastopa (se obnaša) zelo ošabno he behaves very haughtily
  • navelíčati se to get weary (ali tired) (česa of something); to be (ali to get) sick (of); to weary (of); to grow weary (of), to be fed up (with)

    naveličal sem se čakanja I got sick of waiting
    njegove družbe se hitro naveličaš (si je hitro sit) a little of his company goes a long way
  • navzéti se to imbibe; to absorb, (tujih nazorov) to adopt, to embrace; to be impregnated (ali imbued) with

    navzel se je slabih navad he has picked up some bad habits
  • nažréti se to gorge oneself (on); to overeat; figurativno to have enough of, to be fed up with
  • nečistováti to fornicate; to be unchaste
  • neizpolnljív that cannot be fulfilled (ali executed, realized); unrealizable, not realizable; unachievable, unattainable
  • neiztrebljív ineradicable; not to be rooted out