yon [jɔn]
1. pridevnik
zastarelo & narečno oni (tam)
2. zaimek
oni, ono (tam)
3. prislov
tam; tja
as far as yon hill do onega griča
hither and yon sem in tja
Zadetki iskanja
- young2 [jʌŋ] samostalnik
mladiči (živali)
a bear with her young medvedka s svojimi mladiči
with young breja
the animal is with young žival bo dobila mlade
the young mladi ljudje, mladina, pogovorno novinci, začetniki
young and old staro in mlado, vsi - your [jɔ:, júə, jə] pridevnik
vaš; tvoj
your father and mine, your and my father(s) tvoj in moj oče
Your Majesty Vaše Veličanstvo
it is your own fault to je tvoja (lastna) krivda, ti sam si kriv
open your mouth! odpri(te) usta!
is that your fox hunt? je to tvoj (toliko slavljeni) lov na lisice? - yours [jɔ:z, júəz, jəz] zaimek
vaš, Vaš; tvoj
tvoji, vaši, Vaši (ljudje, svojci)
3. trgovina
Vaš(cenjeni) dopis
this is yours to je tvoje (vaše, Vaše)
my brother and yours moj in vaš brat
a friend of yours neki tvoj (vaš, Vaš) prijatelj
that hat of yours tisti tvoj klobuk
what is mine is yours kar je moje, je tvoje
what's yours? pogovorno kaj boš (boste) pil(i)?
ever yours vedno tvoj(a), Vaš(a)
yours respectfully, yours faithfully, yours sincerely, yours truly z odličnim spoštovanjem, Vaš vdani (konec pisma)
you and yours ti in tvoji
yours of the 10th inst. Vaš dopis od 10. t. m.
yours of the 3rd is in hand prejeli smo Vaš dopis (Vaše pismo) z dne 3. t. m. - za for; for the purpose of; in favour of; after; behind; (= za časa) during
dan za dnem day by day
eden za drugim one after another, one behind the other
korak za korakom step by step
enkrat za vselej once and for all
za ves svet ne not for (all) the world
za gorami beyond the mountains
jaz za svojo osebo as far as I am concerned
za mojim hrbtom behind my back
za primer (v primeru) potrebe in case of need
za glavo večji taller by a head
za sedaj for the present
za šalo by way of a joke
argumenti za in proti the pros and the cons
razlogi za in proti the reasons for and against
za menoj! follow me!
(kar) za menoj, prosim! this way, please!
starejši za pet let five years older
jaz, za sebe (zase) as for me
beseda za besedo word for word
mož za možem man by man
zanimanje za... interest in...
za mladino neprimeren film a film unsuitable (ali not suitable) for young people
vstopnica za gledališče a theatre ticket
za vlade (vladanja) kralja Karla II during the reign of Charles II
za (= po pooblastilu) (acting) for, per pro., latinsko per procurationem (krajšava: p.p.)
biti za kaj to be in favour of something
kdo je za (to)? who is in favour?
sem za to, da mu odpustimo I'm in favour of (ali I'm for) pardoning him
večina je za nadaljevanje stavke there is a majority in favour of continuing the strike
to je važno zame (za mene) this is important to me
nekaj je za tem (figurativno) there's something behind it
za hišo je vrt there is a garden behind the house
to je hud udarec za nas it is a hard blow for us
brali smo eden za drugim we took it in turns to read
za koga me (pa) imate (smatrate)? who (arhaično whom) do you take me for?
nimam ga za genija I do not regard him as a genius
za to ceno lahko dobiš to blago povsod you can get these goods anywhere at that price
on jé za tri he eats as much as three
povleči koga za lase to pull someone by the hair
on porabi preveč za sebe (zase) he spends too much on himself
smatrati za dobro to think it advisable
odšel je za vedno he left for good
voditi koga za roko to lead someone by the hand
vzel jo je za ženo he has married her, arhaično he has taken her to wife (ali as his wife)
on zaostaja za časom he is behind the times
zapri vrata za seboj! shut the door after (ali behind) you!
zgrešil je za pol metra he missed by half a metre
zmotil sem se za 10.000 SIT I made a mistake of 10,000 tolars
sedeti za mizo to sit at the table
pustiti za seboj to leave behind - začétek beginning; start; commencement; outset; origin; (pisma) opening
v začétku at (ali in) the beginning, initially, first, at the outset
od vsega začétka, od samega začétka from the very beginning, from the start
od začétka do konca from beginning to end, from start to finish, from first to last
za začétek for the present, to begin with
začétek in konec (figurativno) alpha and omega
dober začétek v življenju a good start in life
skromen začétek (figurativno) the thin end of the wedge
slab začétek, slab konec a bad beginning makes a bad ending
dober začétek je že pol zmage a good start (ali beginning) is half the battle, well begun is half done
to je začétek konca it is the beginning of the end
vsak začétek je težak the beginning is always hard, it is always hard to make a start
dober začétek je že pol opravljenega dela (figurativno) a good lather is half the shave - zagrízen fanatical, fanatic; overzealous; (narodno) chauvinistic, jingoistic
zagrízen ribič an enthusiastic angler
zagrízeno boriti proti čemu to fight something tooth and nail, to struggle against something tooth and nail
zagrízen demokrat a rabid democrat - zajáhati
zajáhati konja to mount a horse, to back a horse; to climb (ali to get) on a horse
zajahal je konja in oddirjal he took horse and galloped off - zájtrk breakfast
zájtrk in kosilo obenem (žargon) brunch (= breakfast and lunch)
imeti, jesti zájtrk to have one's breakfast
postreči z zájtrkom komu to supply someone with breakfast, to give someone breakfast, to breakfast someone
posode za zájtrk breakfast set - zákon
1. (postava, zaveza) law; act (of parliament); tehnika principle
pisani zákon statute
božji zákon divine law
Grimmov zákon gramatika Grimm's law
duh zákona the spirit of the law
po angleškem zákonu under English law
na temelju zákona by virtue of a law, under a law
zbirka zákonov digest (of laws)
zákon ponudbe in povpraševanja the law of supply and demand
zákoni perspektive the laws pl of perspective
kršilec zákona lawbreaker, transgressor, offender
kršitev zákona transgression (ali violation) of a law, offence, ZDA offense
oseba zunaj zákona outlaw
oseba, ki se pokorava zákonu law-abiding person
tolmačenje zákona interpretation of the law, law interpretation
luknja v zákonu loophole in the law
zaščiten z zákonom protected by law
novi (stari) zákon religija New (Old) Testament
z zákonom pooblaščen organ statutorily empowered authority
izdati zákon to pass (ali to promulgate) a law
izvrševati zákone to administer the law
odobriti zákon to ratify (ali to approve) a law
obiti zákon to circumvent (ali to evade) to get round the law
kršiti zákon to infringe (ali to violate, to transgress, to contravene) a law
pasti, priti pod zákon to come under a law
postati zákon to become law, to pass into law
postaviti koga izven zákona to outlaw someone
zákon je prevladal the law prevailed
sprejeti zákon parlament to pass a bill
izboljšati, spremeniti zákon to amend a law
razveljaviti, ukiniti zákon to abrogate (ali to repeal) a law
zákon velja the law is in force, the law is valid (ali binding)
zákon bo stopil v veljavo dne 1. januarja the law will come into force (ali will come into effect) on the 1st of January
temeljiti na zákonu to be based on statutory authority
urejati z zákonom to regulate by statute and constitution
uvajati z zákonom to introduce by statute
uveljaviti zákon to enforce a law, to put a law into force
2. (zakonska zveza) marriage, matrimony, wedlock
civilni zákon civil marriage
divji zákon cohabitation, concubinage
ločitev zákona divorce
nesrečen zákon an ill-assorted couple
poskusni zákon ZDA companionate marriage
njun zákon je bil srečen their marriage was a happy one
zákon je bil ločen the marriage was dissolved
ima sina iz prvega zákona she has a son by her first marriage
živela sta v srečnem zákonu they lived in connubial bliss
živeti v divjem zákonu (figurativno) to cohabit, to live together (as man and wife) - zaljúbljen in love (v with), (knjižno) enamoured (v of)
noro zaljúbljen v doting on
biti zaljúbljen to be in love (v with), (knjižno) to be enamoured (v of)
biti noro zaljúbljen v koga to dote on someone, (pogovorno) to be crazy (ali nuts) about someone, to have a crush on someone
biti zaljúbljen v to be sweet on (someone)
biti do ušes zaljúbljen v to be over head and heels in love with, pogovorno to be dead stuck on
bil je slepo zaljúbljen v njo he was madly in love with her, he was completely infatuated with her
nesrečno zaljúbljen lovelorn - zapečátiti to seal (up); to affix a seal; to set one's seal (kaj on ali to something)
to je zapečatilo njegovo usodo that sealed his fate
zapečátiti usodo Rima to seal the fate of Rome
njegova usoda je zapečatena his fate is sealed
podpisano in zapečateno od mene given under my hand and seal
mučenci so zapečatili svojo vero s svojo krvjo religija the martyrs sealed their faith with their blood
s sedmimi pečati zapečatena knjiga a book sealed with seven seals, (figurativno) a profound mystery - zapísati to write down; to note down; to jot (down); to put down (za for); to register
zapísati voznika zaradi prehitre vožnje to take down a motorist's name and address for speeding (ali for exceeding the speed limit)
zapísati si to take a note (of), to take down
zapišite me za 50.000 tolarjev put me down for 50,000 tolars
zapisan noted down, registered, jotted down
biti dobro zapisan pri kom (figurativno) to be well thought of by someone, (pogovorno) to be well in with someone
on je dobro (slabo) zapisan pri meni (figurativno) he is in my good (bad, black) books
slabo je zapisan pri svojem šefu he is in a tough spot with his boss
smrt mu je zapisana v obrazu arhaično he has the seal of death in his face - zaprávljanje wasting, squandering; dissipation; prodigality
to je zaprávljanje časa in denarja it is a waste of time and money - zaprávljati to be prodigal (ali lavish) with; ➞ zapraviti
zaprávljati čas in denar to waste one's time and money
kdor lahkomiselno zapravlja, se od premoženja že poslavlja (arhaično) wilful waste makes woeful want - zapustíti zapúščati to leave; (v oporoki) to will, to bequeath; (pustiti na cedilu) to abandon, to forsake, to desert
zapustíti, zapúščati neizbrisen vtis to leave one's mark (na upon, on)
sluh in vid sta ga zapustila he lost both sight and hearing
zapustila mi je ves svoj denar she bequeathed all her money to me
svoj denar je zapustil neki bolnišnici he left his money to a hospital
delavci so zapustili delo (the) workmen have struck work, (ali are on strike)
zapustíti, zapúščati ljubimca (ljubico) to jilt (ali to reject, to throw over, pogovorno to drop, to ditch) one's lover (one's girl, one's sweetheart)
stražar ne sme zapustíti, zapúščati svojega mesta a sentinel must not desert his post
moči ga zapuščajo he is sinking, his health is failing
moči so ga zapustile his strength failed him
zapustíti, zapúščati se (figurativno) to neglect oneself, to grow careless and slovenly - zarádi owing to, because of, on account of; for; for the sake of
zarádi jokanja ni mogla govoriti she could not speak for weeping
zarádi tega for this reason
zarádi mene (meni na ljubo) for my sake
zarádi nas vseh for all our sakes
zarádi tvoje neubogljivosti because of your disobedience
zarádi mene in vas for my own sake as well as yours
zarádi ljubega miru for the sake of peace (and quiet), for a quiet life
zarádi vestí for conscience's sake
zarádi starih časov (starega prijateljstva) for old time's sake
zarádi dežja smo se morali vrniti domov owing to the rain we had to come back home
prav zarádi tega for that very reason
zarádi močnega deževja je promet ukinjen in consequence of the heavy rains communications are interrupted
umetnost zarádi umetnosti art for art's sake - zasópel out of breath, winded, panting, gasping (for breath)
bil je precéj zasópel, ko je prišel na vrh he was gasping for breath when he reached the top
zasóplo dihati to be puffing and panting - zastáva1 (prapor) flag, (zlasti vojska) colours pl; standard; banner
zastáva na pol droga flag at half-mast
bela (parlamentarska) zastáva flag of truce
bela zastáva white flag
piratska zastáva skull and crossbones, Jolly Roger, (pirate's) black flag
kraljevska zastáva (prapor) royal standard
državna zastáva Velike Britanije Union Jack
zastáva britanske vojne mornarice White Ensign
zastáva angleške trgovske mornarice Red Ensign
zastáva ZDA Stars and Stripes
zastáva trgovske mornarice merchant flag
pozdrav zastávi trooping of the colour
z razvitimi zastávami with flying colours
pred odhodom ladje dvignjena modra zastáva Blue Peter
mesto je v zastávah the town is decorated (ali hung) with flags (ali with bunting)
okrasiti z zastávami to flag
izobesiti zastávo to hoist the flag (ali the colours)
izobesiti belo zastávo (figurativno, vdati se) to hang out the white flag
dvigniti zastávo svobode (figurativno) to raise the standard of liberty
pluti pod napačno zastávo (figurativno) to sail under false colours
razviti zastávo to unfurl the banner
priseči zastávi to swear allegiance to the flag
spustiti zastávo (= priznati poraz) to lower (ali to strike) the flag (ali one's colours)
spuščati in dvigati zastávo v pozdrav to dip the flag - zaùpen confidential; (dokument) classified
zaùpni dokumenti classified documents pl
zaùpen prijatelj intimate friend, intimate
strogo zaùpen strictly confidential
zaùpna stvar confidential matter
zavzemati zaùpen položaj to be in a position of trust (ali of confidence)
biti zelo zaùpen z to be hand and glove with (someone)