fifty-fifty [fífti-fífti] angl. adv. pog. a metà, in parti uguali
figuránt gledališče (statist) extra, super, supernumerary; walk-on, actor with a walk-on part; figurativno figurehead
figurantka, figurántinja (female) extra, super; walk-on, actress with a walk-on part
figurírati to figure; to represent; (biti samo figura) to be a figurehead
njegovo ime ne figurira na seznamu his name does not figure on the list
fiksírati -am dov./nedov. a fixa
fílmanje making a film, shooting a film
fílmati to film; to make a film, to shoot a film (ZDA a motion picture, a movie); to screen, to picture; ZDA to cinematize; to shoot; to take motion pictures (of); to photograph with a cinecamera
fílmati roman to film a novel
filtrírati -am nedov./dov. a filtra
financírati -am nedov./dov. a finanţa
fingírati to feign, to simulate; to sham; to act; to pretend (to), to make a pretence (of)
fingiral je, da spi he was pretending to be asleep
fingírati jezo (bolezen) to pretend to be angry (ill, unwell)
on fingira blaznost he acts the fool
finozŕnat (-a -p) adj. (drobnozrnat) a grana fine:
fot. finozrnata emulzija emulsione a grana fine
fižólast (-a -o) adj. simile a fagiolo
fižólčkati (se) (-am (se)) perf., imperf. (refl.) igre giocare a filetto, a mulinello
fižólovka rame ženski spol (ali perche ženski spol) à haricots
fláncati (-am) imperf. blaterare, cianciare, cicalare, parlare a vanvera
flash [flaš] masculin, photographie fleš, bliskavica; kratka, a zelo važna vest
florentín, -ino; -ina florentinski; -a
fluktuírati to fluctuate; to leave a job, to change employment
fokusírati (-am) perf., imperf. fiz. mettere a fuoco
foliírati (oštevilčiti liste) to foliate, to number the leaves (ali folios) of a book
formálen formel, qui concerne la forme, du point de vue de la forme, quant à la forme, fait selon (ali dans) les formes