prae-metuō -ere (prae in metuere) prej ali vnaprej se bati, prej ali biti (živeti) vnaprej v strahu, biti v skrbeh
1. intr.: mens sibi conscia factis praemetuens adhibet stimulos torretque flagellis Lucr., praemetuens suis (dat.) ad Sextum Titum Sextium legatum … misit C. vnaprej boječ se (v strahu, v skrbeh) za svojce.
2. trans.: et Danaum poenam et deserti coniugis iras praemetuens V., at illa praemetuens dolum Ph.; z inf.: dum praemetuit cultus inolescere Christi Prud. — Adj. pt. pr. praemetuēns -entis, adv. praemetuenter: illud in his rebus vitium vehementer † inesse effugere errorem vitareque praemetuenter Lucr.
Zadetki iskanja
- prae-nōscō -ere -nōvī -nōtum (prae in nōscere) (po)prej spozna(va)ti, ugotoviti (ugotavljati), dozna(va)ti, v pf. prej vedeti, prej (po)znati: Suet., Gell., Ap., Veg., Macr., Amm. idr., neque non possunt futura praenoscere Ci., officium autem esse eius praenoscere Ci., hoc signum veniens poterunt praenoscere nautae Ci. poet., nate deā, nam te famā praenovimus, inquit O., promissumque sibi voluit praenoscere caelum O., quae praenoscere sine lumine animi Col., posse praenosci Sen. ph., facta sentiat (sc. mens), quae futura praenosci non possint Plin., qui stimulante metu fati praenoscere cursus Lucan., si praenoscere casus contentus Lucan., rerum praenoscere fata iubetur Sil., aut ego multo nequiquam didici casus praenoscere Marte Sil., at grandaeva deum praenoscens omina mater Sil., parens Latius, cuius praenoscere mentem fas mihi Stat., mille etiam praenosse vices Stat., iter praenosse Stat., praenosse laborem Stat., cui genitor tribuit monitu praenoscere divum omina Val. Fl., siquid ab excitis melius praenosceret umbris Val. Fl., ab ea se quae agenda aut vitanda essent praenoscere adseverabat Front.
- praeter-bītō -āre (praeter in bītāre) mimo iti: abs.: at ne inter vias praeterbitamus metuo Pl.; z acc.: cave praeterbitas ullas aedis Pl.
- prae-torqueō -ēre (—) -tortus (prae in torquēre) naprej obrniti (obračati), naprej zavi(ja)ti, naprej zasukniti, naprej zasukati (sukati, zasukavati): praetorquete iniuriae prius collum quam ad vos perven[i]at Pl., Iulius Atticus praetorto capite et recurvato … praedictum semen demersit Col.
- praevāricātiō -ōnis, f (praevāricārī) (pre)kršitev dolžnosti, prekršek (prestopek) nad dolžnostjo, prekoračitev (prekoračenje) pooblastil, nepošteno ravnanje, sprevračanje dejstev, poseb. skrivno sporazumevanje (sklepanje dogovorov, tajni dogovor, tajno dogovarjanje) z nasprotno stranko: Ps.-Q., Q., Plin. iun., Icti., Macr., cum multa in Albinovanum de praevaricatione diceres Ci., at praevaricatione est Asicius liberatus Ci., si in reo pecunia absoluto rursusque revocato praevaricationem accusator esse definiat omnem iudicii corruptelam ab reo Ci., quod vir optumus Diogenes Chaldaeis quasi quadam praevaricatione concedit Ci., quo die haec scripsi Drusus erat de praevaricatione a tribunis aerariis absolutus in summa quattuor sententiis Ci., si hoc ante dixisses, potuisti praevaricationem pacisci Sen. rh., Samius, insignis eques Romanus, quadringentis nummorum milibus Suillio datis et cognita praevaricatione ferro in domo eius incubuerit T.
- prandium -iī, n (sinkop. iz *prām-ed-i̯om zgodnji obrok [*prām zgodaj + kor. *ed- (prim. edere jesti)]; *prām ali iz indoev. *pr̥-m- (prim. lit. pìrmas prvi, pirmà spredaj, prej, got. fruma prvi, sl. prvi) ali iz indoev. *prō- (prim. gr. πρωΐ zgodaj, zarana, at. πρῳ<ην, dor. πρᾱν, πρᾱ́ν poprej, pred tem, nedavno, skr. prā-tár = stvnem. fruo = nem. früh)
1. opoldansko kosilo (iz mrzlih jedi), drugi zajtrk, predobed(ič), predobedek: H., Mart., Pers., Sen. ph., Suet. idr., ire ad prandium Pl., ad prandium invitare, vocare Ci., alicui prandium dare Ci., alicui prandium videre Ci. oskrbeti (priskrbeti) zajtrk, poskrbeti za zajtrk.
2. metaf.
a) vsaka jed, kosilo, obed: Tereos Mart.
b) živalsko žrtje, krma, piča: Val. Max., ut bubus glandem prandio depromerem Pl. - práv just, right; (zelo) very
práv zdaj just now
práv rad with (great) pleasure, very (ali most) willingly, gladly
práv! all right!, okay! (krajšava: O.K., OK)
takó je práv that's right, all right
práv dobro quite well
práv takó! just so!, quite!, quite so!
práv nič nothing at all
práv škoda je, da... it is a great pity that...
práv nobenega denarja nimam I have no money whatever
nimamo práv nobenih izkušenj we have no experience whatsoever
ta klobuk mi je práv this hat suits (ali fits) me well
moja ura gre práv my watch goes well (ali keeps good time)
moja ura ne gre práv my watch is going wrong
ravno práv prihajaš you come just in time
práv blizu stanujemo we live quite close by
ne razumeš me práv you do not rightly understand me, you mistake my meaning
ne vem práv, kaj naj naredim I hardly know (ali I am at a loss) what to do
to mi je ravno práv it is just what I want
če vam je to práv if it is convenient for you, pogovorno if it's all right by you
če ti je práv ali ne whether you like it or not
práv ti je; práv se ti je zgodilo (se ti godi) it serves you right; you got what you deserved
práv mu je! serves him right!
imeti práv to be right
imaš práv you are right
práv napraviti, delati to do right, to do what is right
komu práv napraviti to suit, to please someone
vsem ne moreš práv narediti you can't please everybody
to ni práv od tebe you are wrong there
meni je práv I don't mind (ali object), that's all right with me, I agree
vam je práv, če pridete jutri? does it suit you to come to-morrow?
to mi je práv (mi ustreza) that suits me fine
práv priti (koristiti) to come in handy
vse práv pride every little helps
to utegne práv priti it may come in useful
práv tako bi lahko rekli, da... we might just as well say that...
ta vrvica utegne pozneje práv priti this string may come in handy later on
priti ravno práv (kot nalašč) to be most welcome
práv takó likewise
práv nocoj (še nocoj) this very night
práv na začetku at the very beginning - právda case, suit, lawsuit; action, process
civilna právda civil suit
stranka v právdi party to an action
stranka, nasprotnik v právdi opposing party
dobiti (izgubiti) právdo to win (to lose) a suit (ali one's case)
imeti právdo z to go to law against, to be at law with
voditi právdo to carry on a lawsuit
dobiti svojo právdo to win one's case (ali lawsuit)
právda še teče the case continues, lawsuit is still in process - právi -a, -o right, the right one; proper; (neponarejen) natural, pure, genuine, unadulterated; perfect, quite a; (resnlčen) real, true, veritable, authentic, actual; (točen) accurate, correct; (zvest) true, true-blue; (iskren) sincere, felt
právi, -a, -o brat full brother
práva sestra full sister
právi, -a, -o denar good money
právo zlato pure gold, genuine (ali real) gold
právi, -a, -o kot geometrija rectangle
práva pot the right way
právi, -a, -o mož (človek) the right man
právi, -a, -o mož na pravem mestu (figurativno) a square peg in a square hole
o právem času in due course, at the right time, in the nick of time
na právem mestu in the proper place
právi, -a, -o Francoz, ta možakar! a true Frenchman, that man!
právi, -a, -o pravcati bedak a regular fool, a prize idiot
právi, -a, -o pravcati lopov an arrant knave, a confirmed rascal
právi, -a, -o pravcati detektiv a real, live detective
to je právi, -a, -o mož this is a real man
on je právi, -a, -o avtor te knjige he is the true author of this book
on ni čisto pri právi, -a, -o (pameti) he is not quite in his senses
on je práva ničla (figurativno) he is a mere cipher
to je práva sreča it is a piece of real good luck
to ne gre čisto po právem (figurativno) there is some skulduggery in it, I suspect foul play
ni nobene práve razlike med njima there is no real difference between the two
imeli smo právo poplavo doma we have had a real inundation at home
naleteti na právega to meet one's match
priti na právo mesto to come to the proper place
urezal si se v prst, práva reč! you have cut your finger, what's that? (ali it's nothing to make a fuss about) - prebádati
prebádati koga z očmi to look daggers at someone - predávanje lecture
urnik predávanj timetable
imeti predávanje to give (ali to read, to hold, to deliver) a lecture (o on, komu to someone), to lecture (on a subject)
obiskovati predávanja to attend lectures (ali a course of lectures)
poslušati predávanje to attend a lecture
prisostvovati predávanju to attend (ali to be present at) a lecture
namenoma ne iti na (»špricati«) predávanje to skip, to cut a lecture
z risbami na tabli spremljano predávanje chalktalk - prêdlog proposal, proposition; (na skupščini ipd.) motion; (pobuda) suggestion; (ponudba) offer, tender; (priporočilo) recommendation
na prêdlog upon the proposal (ali motion) of...
na moj prêdlog at my suggestion
spremljevalni amendment
zakonski prêdlog bill
mirovni prêdlogi peace proposals pl
kdo je za prêdlog? who is in favour?
dati prêdlog na glasovanje to put a motion to the vote, to get a motion voted on
izdelati prêdlog to draw up (ali to frame) a proposal
prêdlog je naletel na splošno odobravanje the proposal met with general approbation
odkloniti prêdlog z večino glasov to vote down a proposal
prêdlog je bil odklonjen z 20 glasovi proti 12 the motion was lost by 20 votes to 12
podpreti prêdlog to support (ali to second) a motion
ni upanja, da bi prêdlog postal zakon the bill has no chance of becoming law
sprejeti prêdlog to adopt a proposal
prêdlog je bil (soglasno) sprejet the motion was carried (unanimously)
prêdlog je prodrl the proposal went through, the ayes had it
staviti prêdlog to move; to put forward a motion
strinjam se z vašim prêdlogom I agree with your proposal
zavrniti prêdlog to reject (ali to turn down) a proposal
umakniti prêdlog to withdraw a proposition - predpóldne in the morning, in the forenoon
ob 10ih predpóldne at ten a.m. - predsedováti to be president (oziroma chairman); to act as chairman; to preside (zborovanju over a meeting)
predsedováti seji, sestanku to chair a meeting, to take the chair at a meeting
predseduje g. X. Mr. X. is in the chair - predúšek
popiti brez predúška to drink off at a draught, pogovorno to sink at one gulp - predvajáti (igro, film) to present; to perform; to produce
predvaja se nov film there is a new film on
kaj se predvaja v tem kinu? what is on at this cinema? - prehlajèn suffering from a cold
biti prehlajèn to have a cold
biti močno prehlajèn to have (got) a bad cold
prehlajèni otroci naj ostanejo doma children who have caught cold should stay at home - preizkúsiti to test (out); to try; to put to the proof; to put to the test; to prove
preizkúsiti svojo spretnost to try one's hand at
preizkúsiti novo zdravilo to test (ali to try out) a new medicine
preizkúsiti koga to subject someone to a test - préj sooner, earlier; before, beforehand, previously; formerly, prior to; rather
préj ali slej sooner or later, some time or other
malo préj a while ago
čim préj tem bolje the sooner the better
čim préj as soon as possible, at your earliest convenience
préj kot ne as likely as not
vse préj kot anything but
dan préj the day before, on the preceding day
préj navedeni aforementioned, aforesaid
X.Y., préj Z.U. X.Y., formerly Z.U.
préj sovražnik kot prijatelj rather an enemy than a friend
toliko préj all the sooner
on je vse préj kot bogat he is anything but rich
moj položaj je vse préj kot siguren my position is anything but a safe one
préj kot odideš before your departure
ne da bi nas préj obvestil(i) without giving us any previous notice
nismo pisali préj, ker nismo vedeli vašega naslova we did not write before, not knowing your address
jaz bi préj (= rajši) (šel) kot... I would rather (ali I would sooner, I prefer to) (go) than... - prekinítev interruption; (pavza, odmor) break; ZDA time-out, pl time-outs; cessation; discontinuance, discontinuity; disconnection; suspension
prekinítev potovanja break of journey
brez prekinítve continuously, uninterruptedly, incessantly, continually; at a (ali one) stretch; nonstop
prekinítev električnega toka (namerna) power cut, (nenamerna) power failure
delati 8 ur brez prekinítve to work eight hours at a stretch