
Zadetki iskanja

  • sódrga mob; rabble; riff-raff; ragtag (ali rag, tag) and bobtail
  • sôpsti to breathe hard, to gasp, to pant, to wheeze; to puff and blow

    sôpsti kot kovaški meh to wheeze like a leaky pair of bellows
  • sporádičen sporadic; scattered; few and far between

    sporádično prislov sporadically
  • sŕh shudder; sensation of fear and horror; žargon the creeps

    sŕh od groze a thrill of terror
    sŕh me je spreletel it gave me the shudders (ali the creeps), I went hot and cold
  • stárši parents pl; father and mother

    stari stárši grandparents pl
    nepravi stárši adoptive parents pl
  • stenodaktilografíja shorthand and typing
  • súnkoma sunkovíto by jerks, by shocks; with a jerk; jerkily; by fits and starts
  • svobodoljúben freedom-loving; devoted to liberty and freedom
  • svoját (sodrga) mob, rabble; ragtag (ali rag, tag) and bobtail
  • šató (= šodó) mixture of beaten eggs, mulled wine and sugar; zabaglione; egg nog, egg flip; arhaično caudle
  • šíkniti (brizgniti) to gush forth suddenly and noisily
  • šírom prislov wide, far and wide

    otroci imajo oči šírom odprte the children have their eyes wide open
    šírom po deželi throughout the country
  • škrípčevje set of pulleys; block and pulley
  • takój at once, immediately, presently, instantly, instantaneously, on the instant; directly; on the spot; right away; then and there; straight away, straight off; forthwith; ZDA right off, right away

    takój po večerji right after dinner
    takój po prejemu naročila immediately (ali at once) upon receipt of the order
    takój plačljiva anuiteta immediate annuity
    ki stopi takoj v veljavo effective immediately
    takój plačati to pay ready money, to pay cash, to pay on the nail
    ne morem vam povedati (kar) takój I cannot tell you straight away (ali straight off)
    takój bom govoril z njim I shall speak to him right away
    smrt je nastopila takój death was instantaneous
  • ter and

    sem ter tja here and there
  • testamènt testament; (last) will; last will and testament

    dodatek k testamèntu codicil
    ustni testamènt (mornarjev) nuncupative will
    izreči ustni testamènt (zadnjo voljo) to nuncupate, to make one's will orally
    stari (novi) testamènt (biblija) the Old (the New) Testament
    napraviti, zapustiti testamènt to make one's will
    spodbijati testamènt to contest (ali to dispute) a will
    zapustiti komu kaj v testamèntu to leave something to someone in one's will
    umreti brez testamènta to die intestate
    preklicati testamènt to revoke a will
    spomniti se koga v testamèntu to remember (ali to include) someone in one's will
    voliti, zapustiti v testamèntu, s testamèntom to will, to bequeath
    lastnoročni testamènt holograph will
    skupni testamènt joint will
  • tirálica warrant for the arrest (ali apprehension) of someone; figurativno hue and cry

    izdati tirálico za kom to take out (ali to issue) a warrant against someone, arhaično to make hue and cry after someone
    tirálica je izdana za njim a warrant has been issued for his arrest
  • tŕden -a, -o solid, firm; fast; steady; (neovrgljiv) hard and fast

    tŕden, -a, -o kot skala steady as a rock
    tŕdno telo fizika solid
    tŕdno stanje solid state
    v tŕdnem stanju solidified, in a solid state
    v tŕdnem spanju a fast sleep
    cene ostanejo tŕdne (stalne) prices remain firm
    postati tŕden, -a, -o to consolidate
    imeti tŕdna tla pod nogami to be on solid ground
  • tróskok šport hop, skip and jump
  • umétnost art; artistry; (umetna obrt) craft, arts and crafts pl

    lepe umétnosti fine arts pl
    upodabljajoča umétnost plastic arts pl
    uporabna umétnost applied art, useful arts pl
    svobodne umétnosti liberal arts pl
    tiskarska umétnost art of printing
    poznavalec umétnosti connoisseur
    veja umétnosti branch of art
    to ni nobena umétnost (figurativno) that's easy