ték1 (apetit) appetite; desire for food; (za kaj) zest, relish, gusto
imam, čutim ték I have an appetite
imam dober, zdrav (slab) ték I have a good, a keen (a poor) appetite
jesti z dobrim tékom to eat with gusto
izgubiti ték to lose one's appetite
narediti, povzročiti ték to sharpen (ali to whet) the appetite
dražiti, spodbujati si ték to stimulate one's appetite
delati, dobiti ték to give, to get an appetite
ték pride z jedjo the appetite grows with what it feeds on, start eating and you work up an appetite, figurativno the more you get, the more you want
biti brez téka, ne imeti téka (žargon) to be off one's food, to be a poor eater
Zadetki iskanja
- tékniti to be to one's taste
to meso mi tekne I like this meat
kosilo mi je teknilo I enjoyed my meal
ta jabolka zelo dobro teknejo these apples taste very good
ta jed mi ne tekne I don't like this dish, this dish is not to my taste
kako vam tekne ta riba? how do you like this fish?
prehlajen sem in nič mi ne tekne (diší) I have a cold and cannot taste anything - teló body; frame; constitution; (oseb) corporation, corporate body
mrtvo teló (truplo) corpse
nebesno teló heavenly body
krepko, močno teló strong body
lepo zgrajeno teló a well-knit body
močnega telesa, močan po telesu strong-bodied, ablebodied
človek krepkega telesa a well-built fellow
trdno (tekoče, plinasto) teló solid (liquid, gaseous) body
Rešnje teló religija the body of Our Lord, Corpus Christi, (praznik) Corpus Christi
tuje teló foreign body
zakonodajno teló legislative body
biti vdan komu z dušo in telesom to be devoted body and soul to someone
drgetati po vsem telesu to tremble all over
predstavniško teló representative body - tén (= teint) complexion; colour
temen tén dark complexion
lepega téna pesniško with a complexion of lilies and roses - termométer thermometer
Celzijev (Fahrenheitov, Réaumurjev) termométer centigrade (ali Celsius) (Fahrenheit, Réaumur) thermometer
klinični termométer clinical thermometer
kombinirani termométer combination thermometer
beležni termométer recording thermometer
maksimalni in minimalni termométer maximum and minimum thermometer
živosrebrni termométer mercury thermometer
stanje termométra thermometer reading
termométer kaže 10°C the thermometer reads (ali shows) ten degrees centigrade (10°C)
termométer kaže 15° pod (nad) ničlo the thermometer shows fifteen degrees below (above) zero
termométer se dviga (pada) the thermometer is rising (is falling) - testament [téstəmənt] samostalnik
oporoka, poslednja volja, testament; zaveza, zakon
last will and testament testament, oporoka
the Old Testament, the New Testament cerkev stari, novi testament (zaveza)
to contest (to dispute) a testament izpodbijati oporoko
to leave s.th. to s.o. in one's testament zapustiti komu kaj v svoji oporoki
to make one's testament napraviti (svojo) oporoko - težkó prislov heavily; badly; with difficulty; (komaj) hardly, scarcely
težkó delati to work hard, to toil, to toil and moil
težkó verjeti to be sceptical
on se težkó uči he is a backward student
težkó dostopen hard of access
težkó izpolnljiv difficult to carry out
težkó razumljiv difficult to understand
težkó verjeten hard to believe
težkó ranjen badly (ali severely) wounded
težkó dojemati, razume(va)ti to be slow on the uptake
težkó bolan dangerously ill
težkó oborožen heavily armed
težkó je zame I'm finding things hard
z njo je težkó (figurativno) she is hard to get on with
težkó mi je (reči) I find it hard (to say)
njemu je težkó ugoditi he is hard to please
težkó mi je pri duši it grieves me
težkó, da bo prišel he will hardly come, it's unlikely he'll come
težkó, da jo boš še kdaj videl you're unlikely to see her again - that1 [ðæt, ðóuz]
1. zaimek (množina those)
(kazalni) ta, to; oni, -a, -o
and that in to, in sicer
at that vrh tega, poleg tega, pogovorno pri tem
and all that in vse to (táko)
for all that pri vsem tem, kljub vsemu temu
like that takó
this, that, and the other to in ono, vse vrste
with that s tem
that which... to (ono), kar...
that house over there ona hiša tam preko
to that degree that do tolikšne mere, da...
that's all to je vse
that's it! tako je prav! tako je treba!
that's so takó je
that's right! takó je! točno! res je!; vulgarno da
and that's that! pogovorno in s tem je stvar opravljena! in stvar je končana! in zdaj dovolj tega!
that may be to je možno
that's what it is saj to je ravno; stvar je v tem; tako je to; za tem grmom tiči zajec
(is) that so? ali res? je (to) res tako?
that's the way! tako je prav!
that is why zato
that is because to je zato, ker
that is (to say) to se pravi
those are they to so oni
those are his children to (ono) so njegovi otroci
that was the children to so bili (so naredili) otroci
that's a dear! to je lepo od tebe!
what of that? (pa) kaj za to?
what's that noise? kakšen hrup je to?
that's what he told me tako mi je on povedal
let it go at that pogovorno pustimo to, kot je
why do you run like that? zakaj tako tečeš?
this cake is better than that (one) ta kolač je boljši kot oni
I went to this and that doctor šel sem k več zdravnikom
2. prislov
pogovorno takó (zelo)
that much toliko
that far tako daleč
that angry (small, tired) tako jezen (majhen, utrujen) - thee [ði:]
1. zaimek
zastarelo, poetično, Biblija (3. in 4. sklon od thou) tebi, tebe; ti, te
narečno ti
the Lord be with thee Gospod bodi s teboj
2. prehodni glagol
to thee and thou reči (komu) ti, tikati (koga) - then [ðen]
1. prislov
nato, potem; takrat; (na)dalje, razen tega; torej
now and then včasih, tu pa tam
every now and then vedno zopet, od časa do časa
then and there na mestu, takoj
long before then davno pred tem, davno prej
all right then torej prav, no pa dobro, v redu
well then no!; no dobro
now then toda prosim, pa dobro
on then! kar (samo) naprej!
then this, then that včasih to, včasih ono
if ... then če ... tedaj
but then ampak seveda
and then some ameriško, sleng in še mnogo več
what then? pa potem?
there and then neposredno nato, takoj nato, precej nato
then is it so? torej je tako? torej vendar?
then how are you? pa kako se počutite?
I think, then I exist mislim, torej sem
I was in Italy then bil sem v Italiji takrat
is it raining? then we had better stay at home ali dežuje? potem je bolje, da ostanemo doma
2. pridevnik
takraten, tedanji
the then president tedanji predsednik
3. samostalnik
tisti (takratni, tedanji) čas
by then do takrat, do tistega časa
from then od tistega časa, od takrat
not till then šele od tistega časa, odtlej, šele nato
till then do tistega časa, do takrat, dotlej - there [ðɛ́ə]
1. prislov
tam, tamkaj; tu, tukaj
figurativno takoj, précej; tja; v tem (pogledu)
there and back tja in nazaj
there and then takoj, précej, na mestu
down there tam doli
here and there tu in tam
here, there and everywhere vsepovsod
in there tam notri
neither here nor there ne tu ne tam, figurativno nepomemben
out there tam zunaj
over there tam preko
from there od tam, od tod
up there tam gori
there it is! v tem je težava! to je tisto! tako je s stvarjo!
there is the rub tu je (tiči) težava
there you are! (vidiš) kaj sem ti rekel! zdaj pa imaš!
I have been there before sleng to že vse vem
to have been there sleng dobro se spoznati
all there pogovorno pameten, preudaren, priseben
he is not all there on ni čisto pri pravi (pameti)
there I agree with you v tem (pogledu) se strinjam z vami
we had him there v tem smo ga prelisičili
to get there sleng doseči kaj, uspeti
put it there! postavi (daj) to tja!; figurativno udari(te) v roko! (v znak sporazuma)
(oslabljeno) tam, tu (se ne prevaja: pred neprehodnimi glagoli često brezosebno)
there is je, se nahaja
there are so, se nahajajo
there was a king bil je (nekoč) kralj
there is no saying ne da se reči
there arises the question... nastaja vprašanje...
there comes a time when... pride čas, ko...
will there be any lecture? ali bo (kako) predavanje?
what is there to do? kaj naj storimo?
never was there such a man nikoli ni bilo takega človeka
there's a man at the door nekdo je pri vratih
there were many cases of influenza bilo je mnogo primerov gripe
3. medmet
glej! no! na!; pomiri se!
there! no, no, pomiri se! bodi no dober (priden, spodoben)!
don't cry! no, no, ne jokaj!
there now! glej ga no
so there! zdaj pa imal! zdaj pa je dovolj!
well there čuj!
there, didn't I tell you? na, ali vam nisem rekel?
there, it is done! na, pa je narejeno!
there's a good girl! bodi dobra, pridna deklica (in podaj mi knjigo)!; dobra deklica si, tako je prav (ker si mi podala knjigo)! - thick [ɵik]
1. pridevnik
debel; grob, neotesan, robat
britanska angleščina, sleng otekel; gost (gozd, lasje, tekočina); poln, bogat (with z)
pogosten; blaten, umazan; na debelo pokrit (z); meglen, temačen, oblačen (vreme); hripav (glas); moten, kalen (tekočina); neumen, omejen
thick with dust čez in čez pokrit s prahom
the air is thick with snow zrak je poln snega
a thick ear britanska angleščina, sleng klofuta
a thick head debeloglavec, topoglavec
a bit thick sleng nekoliko pretiran
as thick as peas kot peska ob morju (obilo)
they are as thick as thieves figurativno trdno držijo skupaj
2. samostalnik
najdebelejši, najgostejši del (česa)
figurativno najbolj nevaren, najtežji del; najgostejše mesto, gneča, metež
sleng tepec, bebec, bedak
the thick of the crowd najhujša gneča (ljudi)
in the thick of the crisis v polni krizi, sredi krize
in the thick of the fight(ing) sredi, v žarišču boja, sredi največjega bojnega vrveža
in the thick of the fray tam, kjer je najbolj vroče (v pretepu)
to go through thick and thin figurativno preiti vse zapreke (vse nevarnosti), iti skozi dobro in slabo
3. prislov
debelo; gosto; često; hitro; nerodno; nejasno
fast and thick pogosto, kot toča
the blows came fast and thick udarci so padali kot toča
that is a bit thick to je malo preveč
he lays it on thick on pretirava (v laskanju, s komplimenti)
the snow fell thick močnó je snežilo
to sow thick gosto sejati
to speak thick nejasno, nerazločno govoriti
the shots fell thick around him krogle so gosto (kot toča) padale okrog njega
4. prehodni glagol & neprehodni glagol
zgostiti (se) (o tekočini) - thigh [ɵái] samostalnik
stegno, bedro
to smite hip and thigh figurativno neusmiljeno tepsti (tolči, udarjati, biti) - thin1 [ɵin]
1. pridevnik (thinly prislov)
tanek; vitek, mršav, suh; lahek (obleka); nežen, fin, prozoren (tkanina); droben; redek, pičel; slabo obiskan (gledališka predstava ipd.); slab, lahek (pijača), razredčen, precéj redek, vodén
fotografija nejasen, brez kontrastov
agronomija reven, nerodoviten (zemlja); ničen, prazen (izgovor); plitev, brez vsebine (knjiga)
thin air redek zrak
thin attendance slab obisk (predstave itd.)
a thin broth redka juha
thin captain figurativno, britanska angleščina majhen ploščat prepečenec
a thin house slabo zasedena, prazna gledališka hiša
not worth a thin dime prebite pare ne vreden
as thin as a lath suh kot trska
thin profits pičel dobiček
on thin ice figurativno na nevarnih tleh, v kočljivem položaju
the thin end of the wedge figurativno prvi začetek, prvi korak
through thick and thin skozi ogenj in vodo, čez vse zapreke (težave)
he had a thin time imel je težke čase
that is too thin sleng to je preveč prozorno
2. prislov
(le v sestavljenkah) tanko, slabo, redko, neznatno
thin-clad lahko oblečen
thin-faced ozkega, mršavega obraza
thin-peopled redko obljuden
thin-spun tanko preden - thing1 [ɵiŋ] samostalnik
stvar, reč, predmet, stvor; bitje, oseba; posel, delo
pogovorno oné, onegá
množina stvari, predmeti, obleka, pribor, potrebščine, hrana, lastnina
pogovorno pohištvo; orodje; posodje; književna dela; stanje stvari, dejstvo; okolnosti, razmere, odnosi; svojstva; ureditev; misli, izjave
the thing bistveno, prava stvar
above all things predvsem
and the things pogovorno in podobne stvari (podobno)
for one thing v prvi vrsti, prvo
the one thing or the other eno ali drugo
the first thing after prva stvar nato, takoj nato
every living thing vsako živo bitje
a dear old thing dobra stara duša
the latest thing (in hats) zadnja novost (v klobukih)
oh, poor thing! o, revče!
before all thing predvsem
in all things v vsakem oziru (pogledu)
out of things zunaj dogajanj
a pretty thing (ironično) lepa stvar
things person: pravno osebne, premične stvari
things real nepremičnine, realitete
things political stvari politike, politične zadeve
swimming things kopalne stvari potrebščine
things are improving stvari (stanje) se boljšajo
things have changed stvari (razmere) so se spremenile
things begin to look brighter položaj se polagoma popravlja
the thing was to get home najvažnejše je bilo priti domov
of all the things to do! in ravno to moraš napraviti
as things stand kot stvari stojé
to do the handsome thing by vesti se spodobno do
to have a thing about pogovorno biti ves mrtev na (kaj); imeti strah pred; imeti (kaj) proti
I am not the thing today ne počutim se dobro danes
I know a thing or two about it nekoliko se spoznam (razumem) na to
it is not the thing to do to se ne spodobi
it's one of those things tu se ne da nič napraviti
it comes to the same thing to pride na isto
to make a (good) thing of pogovorno dobiti (izvleči) dobiček iz
to put things into s.o.'s head vznemiriti koga (s kako novico)
to put one's things on obleči se
to take off one's things sleči se
to take the things off the table pospraviti mizo (stvari z mize)
that's no small thing to ni majhna stvar (malenkost)
that's the thing to je (tisto) pravo
this is not the thing to ni (tisto) pravo (pravšno)
there's no such thing ni govora o tem
there was not a thing left nič ni ostalo - think* [ɵiŋk]
1. prehodni glagol
misliti (kaj); premišljati; izmisliti; predstavljati si, zamisliti si (kaj); snovati, naklepati, nameravati, kaniti; pomisliti; smatrati, soditi, ceniti, pretehtati, verjeti; imeti za; imeti pred očmi
2. neprehodni glagol
misliti, umovati, razmišljati, premišljevati, mozgati; pomisliti, predstavljati si; verjeti, biti mišljenja, biti mnenja; priti do zaključkov, soditi
I think so mislim, da (odgovor na vprašanje)
I think it best to go now smatram, da je najbolje, če (da) grem zdaj
I should think so mislim, da; rekel bi (da je) tako; vsekakor, (to je) jasno
I could not bear to think what might happen misel, kaj bi se moglo zgoditi, mi je bila neznosna
I think him (he is thought) to be a poet imam ga (imajo ga) za pesnika
he thinks the lecture interesting predavanje smatra za zanimivo
he talks and thinks airplanes samó letala mu gredo (rojé) po glavi
he will think himself silly od samega premišljevanja se mu bo zmešalo
only think! samo pomisli! samo predstavljaj si!
you are a model of tact, I don't think! sleng (ironično) ti si pa res vzor obzirnosti!
to think aloud, to think out loud glasno misliti
to think to o.s. misliti pri sebi
to think better of premisliti si; imeti ugodnejše mnenje o
to think o.s. clever imeti se za pametnega
to think fit (good) to smatrati za primerno (ustrezno), dobro za
to think littie of ne mnogo ceniti, ne spoštovati
to think much of zelo ceniti, spoštovati
to think no harm nič hudega ne misliti, ne imeti slabih namenov
to think no small beer of zelo ceniti, imeti zelo visoko (ugodno) mnenje o
to think nothing of podcenjevati, prezirati
to think scorn of prezirati
to think twice dvakrat (dobro prej) premisliti
to think of his not guessing that! komaj bi človek verjel, da on tega ni slutil!
think away prehodni glagol odmisliti - this množina these [ðis, ði:z]
1. zaimek
ta, to
all this vse to
this and that to in ono, marsikaj
after this po tem
this above all predvsem to
before this pred tem
by this medtem, med tem časom; doslej
ere this nekoč
for all this zato, zaradi tega; kljub vsemu temu
from this od zdaj, odslej
like this tako(le)
this, that and the other vse mogoče stvari, razne reči
this is my brother to je moj brat
these are my children to so moji otroci
it is like this stvar je taka
this is what happened tole se je zgodilo
this is the way to do it tako(le) se to naredi
he should have been here by this zdajle bi že moral biti tu
they were talking about this, that and the other govorili so o tem in onem, o vsem mogočem
2. pridevnik
ta, to; današnji
in this country v tej (naši) deželi
this day danes
this year to leto; tekoče leto; letos
this day week (fortnight) danes teden (14 dni)
in these days dandanes
(for) these three weeks zadnje tri tedne
to this day do danes, še danes
this morning to jutro, danes zjutraj, davi
this afternoon danes popoldne
this evening danes zvečer, drevi, nocoj
this once to pot edino, edinole tokrat
this time to pot
business is bad these days posli gredo slabo te dni (v teh časih)
take this book, not that one vzemite to knjigo, ne one
3. prislov
this much tako mnogo, toliko
this far tako daleč - thither [ðíðə]
1. prislov
to go hither and thither hoditi sem in tja
2. pridevnik
tamkajšnji; onstranski
on the thither side of na oni strani (česa)
the thither bank of a stream onstranski breg reke - thou1 [ðáu]
1. zaimek
narečno, poetično ti
2. prehodni glagol
tikati (koga), reči (komu) ti
to thou and thee tikati (koga), biti familiaren ali intimen (s kom)
3. neprehodni glagol
uporabljati v nagovoru "thou" - thousand [ɵáuzənd]
1. pridevnik
one (ali a) thousand books tisoč knjig
thousand and one figurativno brezštevilen
The Thousand and One Nights Tisoč in ena noč (pravljice)
a thousand thanks tisočkrat hvala
a thousand times better tisočkrat bolje
2. samostalnik
by the thousand na tisoče
many thousands of times neštetokrat
one in a thousand eden od tisoč; edinstven
the upper ten thousand gornjih deset tisoč
I have known thousands of such cases videl sem na tisoče takih primerov
they came in their thousands (ali by the thousand) na tisoče jih je prišlo
Thousand Isles dressing majoneza z mnogimi začimbami