tek čez drn in strn carrera f a campo traviesa, angl cross(-country) m
Zadetki iskanja
- šírom prislov wide, far and wide
otroci imajo oči šírom odprte the children have their eyes wide open
šírom po deželi throughout the country - ték1 (-a) m
1. corsa; marcia; andatura, andamento; ekst. carriera; šport. corsa; fondo:
upočasniti tek rallentare la corsa
zasopel od teka trafelato dalla corsa
tek motorja corsa del motore
ukvarjati se s tekom, (redno) teči praticare il jogging
tekmovati v tekih gareggiare nelle corse
tek na 100 metrov corsa dei, sui 100 m
2. v teku in, entro, nel corso di:
v teku enega tedna, enega leta in, entro una settimana, un anno
v teku pogovora nel corso della conversazione
tek skozi šibe (vrsta kazenskega teka) passaggio per le bacchette
strojn. prosti tek ruota libera
avt. prosti tek (stroja) marcia in folle
šport. prvi, drugi tek slalomski, veleslalomski tek la prima, la seconda manche dello slalom, dello slalom gigante
maratonski tek maratona
orientacijski tek orienteering
smučarski tek sci di fondo; fondo
štafetni tek staffetta
tek čez drn in strn cross (country)
tek na dolge, srednje proge fondo, mezzofondo
tek z ovirami corsa a ostacoli - ték carrera f ; (dogodkov) curso m ; teh marcha f ; (apetit) apetito m
v teku en el (trans)curso de
v teku mesecu (leta) en el curso del mes (del año)
v teku časa con el tiempo; andando el tiempo
zbujajoč tek aperitivo
brez teka sin apetito, med inapetente
pomanjkanje teka (apetita) falta f de apetito, med inapetencia f
dober tek! ¡buen provecho!
tek na 100 m carrera de cien metros
tek na kratke proge carrera corta, carrera a corta distancia
tek na srednje proge carrera de medio fondo
tek na dolge proge, vztrajnostni tek carrera de fondo, carrera a larga distancia
tek čez zapreke carrera de vallas
tek čez drn in strn cross(-country) m
smučarski tek carrera de esquí(es)
maratonski tek marathón m
štafetni tek carrera de relevos
prosti tek (bicikel) rueda f (ali piñón m) libre
prazni tek (teh) marcha f en vacío
vzvratni tek (teh) marcha atrás, marcha retrógrada
biti v teku estar en acción
imeti tek (apetit) za kaj apetecer a/c
delati, napraviti tek (apetiti) abrir, despertar el apetito
pokvariti (izgubiti) tek quitar (perder) el apetito
spraviti v tek (fig) activar, animar, avivar
spraviti govorico v tek fam hacerla correr
krivično blago nima teka bienes mal adquiridos a nadie han enriquecido - trájati to last, to continue; to take time; to be; to go on
to mi traja predolgo I can wait no longer
to ne more dolgo trájati that cannot last (ali go on for, continue for) long
to traja že nekaj let this has been going on for a few years
to bo dolgo trajalo it will take along time
to mi bo dolgo trajalo this will last me for a long time
to bo trajalo vsaj do jutri it will last out the night
prelepo, da bi trajalo too good to last
dokler bo trajalo lepo vreme, ostanemo na deželi as long as the fine weather continues we shall remain in the country
kratko, malo časa trájati to be of short duration
vihar je trajal vso noč the storm lasted all night long
potovanje bo trajalo 5 dni the journey will last 5 days
ta igra nam traja predolgo we find this play too long
trájati dalj (časa) kot (kaj) to outlast (something)
naše življenje traja le kratek čas our life is but a short span - ubraníti to prevent (pred, od from)
ubraníti svojo domovino pred to defend one's country against
nisem se mogel ubraníti smeha I could not help laughing
ni se mogla ubraníti solz she could not restrain her tears - udeležíti se to take part (in), to participate (in), to partake (of); to be present, to attend; to join (in)
udeležíti se kongresa to attend a congress
udeležil sem se njihovih posvetovanj I took part in their deliberations
ni se udeležil zarote he took no part in the plot
naša stranka je sklenila, da se volitev ne bo udeležila our party decided we would not take part in (the) elections
njihova dežela (država) se ni udeležila vojne their country did not join in the war - valovít undulating; undulatory; undulate; (lasje) wavy, curly; (morje) heavy, rough, turbulent
valovíta črta wavy (ali undulatory, sinuous) line
valovíta lepenka corrugated paper
valovíta pločevina corrugated iron, corrugated sheets pl
valovít svet rolling (hill) country - valúta currency; foreign currency, foreign exchange; (tečaj) exchange rate, rate of exchange
trdna valúta firm currency, hard currency
po sedanji valúti at the present rate of exchange
drseča valúta floating currency
nestabilna valúta soft currency
dirigirana valúta managed currency
država z visoko valúto country with a high monetary standard - ves vsa, vse all; whole; entire; total; complete
mi vsi all of us
vse, razen... all but...
vsa Slovenija all Slovenia
vsa dežela the whole country
po vsej Angliji all over England
vsa Evropa all Europe, the whole of Europe
po vsem svetu all over the world
na vseh straneh on all sides
vsa družba the whole (ali all the) company
vsa moja družina je tu all my family are here
(skozi) ves dan all day long, the whole day long
vsi in vsak all and sundry
vse moje življenje all my life
v vseh ozirih in all respects
po vseh štirih on all fours
vse mogoče all sorts, all kinds (of)
za ves svet ne not for all the world
z vso (možno) hitrostjo with all speed
vse mesto je bilo tam the whole town was there
vse je zaman it is all in vain, it is all to no avail
to je vse, kar lahko storim zate that's all I can do for you
vsi trije so krivi they are all three guilty
delati vso noč to work all night
preživeli smo skoraj ves julij na deželi we spent nearly the whole of July in the country
biti ves iz sebe od jeze to be beside oneself with fury
on je vse prej kot pošten he is anything but honest
hiša je vsa iz kamna the house is entirely of stone
to je vse, kar lahko rečem that is all I can say
prebral sem vso knjigo I have read the book from cover to cover
pripravljeni smo storiti vse zanj we are ready to do anything for him
razpravljati o vsem mogočem, samo ne o politiki to discuss anything but politics
tresti se po vsem telesu to tremble all over
ne delaj si skrbi, vse se bo uredilo! don't worry, it'll be all right! - vínski wine(-); vinic; viny
vínski bratec (figurativno) winebibber, tippler, bibulous person, boon companion, slabšalno wino, soak
vínski cvet spirit(s pl) of wine
vínska čaša wineglass
vínske drože lees pl of wine
vínski duh (vonj) smell of wine
vínski kamen tartar, wine stone
vínska karta wine card
vínski kis vinegar made from wine
vínska kislina acidity of wine
vínska klet wine cellar, wine vault, (pivnica) wine cellar, tavern
list vínske trte vine leaf
vínska trta vine
vínski meh wineskin; (bag)
vínski mošt must
vínska pokušnja wine tasting, wine sampling
vínska pokrajina wine country
vínska stiskalnica winepress
vínski vonj (buket) bouquet - vôjna war; warfare
v vôjni in the war, at war, in wartime
na robu vôjne on the brink of war
na koncu vôjne at the end of the war
v primeru vôjne in case of war, in the event of war
hujskanje k vôjni warmongering
napoved vôjne declaration of war
bog vôjne war god
izbruh vôjne outbreak of war
opustošen od vôjne ravaged by war, war-ravaged
besedna vôjna war of words, wordy warfare
bliskovita vôjna lightning war (= w.), blitzkrieg, blitz
državljanska vôjna civil w., intestine w.
ameriška državljanska vôjna American Civil War, War of Secession, War between the States
gospodarska vôjna economic w.
gverilska vôjna guerilla warfare
hladna vôjna cold w.
križarska vôjna crusade
tridesetletna vôjna Thirty Years' War
stoletna vôjna Hundred Years' War
napadalna vôjna war of aggression
narodnoosvobodilna vôjna war of (ali struggle for) national liberation
osvajalna vôjna war of conquest
obrambna vôjna defensive w.
osvobodilna vôjna war of liberation
podmorniška vôjna submarine warfare
papirnata vôjna paper w.
pomorska vôjna naval warfare, war at sea
pozicijska vôjna static warfare
popolna, splošna (nepopolna, omejena) vôjna allout (limited) warfare
preventivna vôjna preventive w.
psihološka vôjna psychological w.
vôjna do popolne izčrpanosti sovražnika war of attrition
nasledstvena vôjna war of succession
vôjna za neodvisnost war of independence
vôjna do uničenja, do iztrebljenja war of extermination
sveta vôjna holy war
ves svet zajemajoča vôjna global warfare
prva (druga) svetovna vôjna the first World War, World War I, the Great War (the second World War, World War II)
totalna vôjna total w.
verska vôjna religious w.
vôjna v zraku war in the air
živčna vôjna war of nerves
vôjna na življenje in smrt war to the death
to (takšna) je (pač) vôjna such is war
biti tik pred vôjno to be on the eve of war
biti v vôjni to be at war with, to make war upon
iti v vôjno, začeti vôjno, spustiti se v vôjno to go to war (z, proti against), to wage war (z upon, against)
napovedati vôjno to declare war (neki državi on a country)
izzvati vôjno to provoke a war
biti potegnjen v vôjno to drift into war
prenesti vôjno v sovražnikovo deželo to carry the war into the enemy's country
preprečiti vôjno to avert a war
pripravljati vôjno to prepare for war
sprožiti atomsko vôjno to unleash an atomic war
stopiti v vôjno to enter a war, to come into a war
ščuvati k vôjni to incite to war, to agitate for war
voditi vôjno to war, to wage war
v ljubezni in v vôjni je vse dovoljeno all is fair in love and war
vôjna prinese s seboj mnogo zla war brings many evils in its train - vojskujóč se belligerent; engaged in war
vojskujóč sea se država the belligerent (country) - volítev volítve pl election, elections pl; poll; balloting; polling
ožja volítev, volítve second (ali final) ballot
spodbijana, sporna volítev, volítve disputed (ZDA contested) election
priti v ožjo volítev, volítve to be on a short list
volítve v zvezne organe elections for federal agencies
javne volítve (glasovanje) open voting
tajne volítve (glasovanje) secret ballot
občinske volítve municipal elections
splošne volítve general election, parliamentary elections
dopolnilne (delne) volítve byelection
dan volítev election day, polling day
neveljavne volítve void election
visoka (nizka) udeležba na volítvah heavy (light) poll
razpisati (nove) volítve to issue writs for an election, (figurativno) to go to the country
snubiti glasove pri volítvah to canvass, to solicit votes, to electioneer
iti na volítve to go to the polls, (kandidat) to stand for election
poraziti koga pri volítvah to defeat someone at the polls
izgubiti mandat na volítvah to lose one's seat, to be unseated
volítve so odložene the poll is postponed
delavska stranka vodi pri volítvah the Labour party is in the lead
razglasiti, objaviti rezultat volítev to declare the result of the election
biti poražen na volítvah to be defeated at the polls
dobiti največje število glasov pri volítvah to get most votes, to head (ali to top) the poll - vréti to boil; to seethe (tudi figurativno); (mošt) to ferment
v meni vre že dolgo časa I have been boiling up inside for a long time
v deželi vre nezadovoljstvo the country is seething with discontent
vréti k (zgrinjati se k) to flock to, to crowd to - vsepovsód everywhere, all over; throughout; far and near
vsepovsód v deželi throughout the country
vsepovsód iskati to search high and low (kaj for something) - zakóten remote; obscure; secluded; sequestered
zakóten kraj secluded spot, out-of-the-way place
zakótna vas remote village
zakóten odvetnik pettifogger; hedge lawyer
naselil se je v nekem zakótnem kraju na deželi he has settled in some out-of-the-way place in the country
zakóten kot, kotiček, kraj sequestered nook, place - zamórski (prekmorski) overseas, oversea, (redko) transmarine; (redko) ultramarine
zamórska dežela overseas country - zaslúga merit; (zasluženje) deserts; worth; credit
po tvoji zaslúgi thanks to you
po zaslúgah deservedly
lastiti si zaslúge za to take credit for
šteti, pripisovati komu v zaslúgo to credit someone with
šteti si v zaslúgo to make a merit of
imeti, pridobiti si zaslúge to deserve well (za of)
ima zaslúge za domovino he has deserved well of his country, he has served his country well
nagraditi koga po njegovih zaslúgah to reward someone according to his merits
pripisovati si, lastiti si zaslúgo za iznajdbo to claim for oneself the credit for a discovery
v glavnem je njegova zaslúga, da... it's largely owing to him that... - zêmlja (planet) earth, Earth, (terrestrial) globe; (svet) world; (dežela) land, (tla) soil, ground
na zêmlji on earth
nad zêmljo above ground, overground
pod zêmljo underground
vse stvari na zêmlji all things on earth
izčrpana zêmlja poor soil, impoverished (ali exhausted) soil
mastna zêmlja fat earth
rodovitna zêmlja rich soil, fertile soil
slaba zêmlja poor soil
kopna zêmlja land, (celina, kopno) mainland
žgana zêmlja terra cotta
Sveta zêmlja religija the Holy Land
Ognjena zêmlja Tierra del Fuego
zêmlja! (na vidiku!) land ho!
sadovi zêmlje the fruits of the earth
naša zêmlja je lepa our country is beautiful
ležati na zêmlji to lie on the ground
obdelovati zêmljo to cultivate, to till the soil
pasti na zêmljo to fall to the ground
pogrezniti se v zêmljo to sink into the ground
spati na goli zêmlji (na tleh) to sleep on the bare ground
Zemlja se vrti okoli Sonca the earth revolves around the sun
zravnati z zêmljo to level (ali to lay level) with the ground, to raze (ali to rase) with the ground
zvezati z zêmljo VB to earth (ZDA to ground)