vídeti to see; to get sight of; to notice; (opaziti) to become aware, to perceive
dobro (slabo) vídeti to have good (bad) sight, to have good (bad) eyes
bežno vídeti to get a fleeting glimpse of
nič ni vídeti there is nothing to be seen
na prvi pogled, mižé vídeti (žargon) to see with half an eye
vídeti je zdrav he looks well
vídeti je, da... it seems that...
vídeti v prihodnost to see into the future
vídeti vse zvezde (figurativno, od udarca) to see stars
če prav vidim if my eyes do not deceive me
iz tega se vidi hence it appears
jasno se vidi it is clear
na prvi pogled se vidi you can see at a glance, it is self-evident
vreden, da se vidi worth seeing
sam lahko vidiš you can see it for yourself
malo se vidiva we see little of each other
sam sem to videl I saw it myself
nič ga ni vídeti he is nowhere to be seen
konca vojne še ni vídeti the end of the war is not yet in sight
videl sem smrt od blizu I looked death in the face
mesto se vidi od daleč the town can be seen from far away
videl je že lepše čase he has seen better times
si že kdaj videl kaj takega? did you ever see the like of it?; pogovorno can you beat it?
naj vidim, da vidim! (naj pomislim) let me see!
naj te več ne vidim! don't let me see you again!
rajši vidim, da ne prideš you had better not come
ne vidiš péd pred nosom! you can see no further than the end of your nose
vaš prijatelj je, kot je vídeti (kot vidim) starejši od vas your friend, I find, is older than you
videl sem, kako je padel I saw him fall
bomo videli! we shall see!, wait and see!
bomo že videli we'll see, time will tell
to bomo še (šele) videli that remains to be seen
rad bi to videl! I'd like to see that!
videl bo, kdor bo živel live and learn
Zadetki iskanja
- víšek
1. height, the highest (ali culminating) point, climax; heyday
víšek življenja prime of life; zenith; acme; summit; (figurativno) maximum, culmination, critical point, crisis
na víšku moje kariere at the zenith of my career
biti na (svojem) víšku to be at one's zenith (ali height)
doseči víš to reach the zenith, to culminate
biti na víšku svoje moči to be at the peak of one's power
na víšku sezone at the height of the season
to je víšek blaznosti, norosti it is the height of madness
to je pa (že) víš! that's the limit!, that caps everything!, that beats the band!, that takes the cake!, there is nothing to beat it!, can you beat it!,
2. (presežek) surplus, overplus
víši pl surpluses pl
víšek vrednosti surplus value - vtêpsti
vtêpsti komu kaj v glavo to beat something into someone's head; to instil (an idea) in someone's head, pogovorno to thwack something into someone's head
vtêpsti si v glavo to take it into one's head (da... that...)
kdo ti je vtepel tako bedastočo v glavo? who has put such nonsense into your head? - zabíti1
zabíti v to drive in, to beat in, to ram in(to), to hammer in(to); to knock in
zabíti drog v zemljo to sink a post
zabíti žebelj to drive a nail in - zamàn in vain, vainly; to no purpose, to no profit; ineffectually, unavailingly, fruitlessly
zamàn govoriti to waste words
vse je bilo zamàn it was all to no effect, it was all for nothing, it came to nothing, it achieved nothing
zamàn se mučiti to labour in vain
trud je bil zamàn the efforts proved abortive
zamàn trošiti to waste, to squander
zamàn se truditi (figurativno) to beat the air, to beat one's head against a brick wall - zapretíti to threaten (komu someone, z with); to menace (someone)
zapretíti komu s pestjo to shake one's fist at someone
zapretíti komu s smrtjo to threaten someone with death
zapretili so nam s kaznijo they threatened us with punishment
vsem nam je zapretil s kaznijo he threatened us all with punishment
zapretil je, da bo fanta pretepel he threatened to beat the boy - zastónj gratis, gratuitously; for nothing, free, free of charge; (zaman) in vain, to no purpose
skoraj zastónj sem to dobil I got it dirt cheap
to se lahko zastónj dobi it can be had for the asking
to sem kupil skoraj zastónj I bought it for a song
zastónj se mučiti to labour in vain, (figurativno) to beat the air
še zastónj tegá ne bi hotel imeti I would not have it as a gift
vse moje prizadevanje je bilo zastónj all my efforts were in vain
ta zdravnik zdravi reveže zastónj that doctor treats poor people free