
Zadetki iskanja

  • nájpoprej first of all, first; in the first place; first and foremost; (na začetku) at first, at the beginning; (da začnem) to begin with
  • nájposlej (nazadnje) at last; finally; (najkasneje) at the latest, not later than
  • najpoznéje at the latest; at the furthest

    najpoznéje ob šestih zvečer at 6 p.m. at the latest
  • nájveč most; at the most; mostly

    nájveč, kar sem mogel storiti, je bilo... the most I could do was...
    nájveč dve milji two miles at the outside
    nájveč ljudi most people
    nájveč časa porabim za branje I spend most of my time reading
    ostal bom tam nájveč 10 dni I shall stay there ten days at the outside (ali at the most)
  • naknádno subsequently; afterwards; additionally; at a later stage

    naknádno sem zvedel, da... I subsequently learned that...
  • namàh (hkrati) at the same time; (takoj) at once, immediately
  • napósled finally, at last, at long last, at length, in the end, in the long run, ultimately; after all; eventually; politika retorika at the end of the day
  • nasplóh generally, in general; at large; as a rule
  • nazádnje at last; lastly; finally; at length; in the end; ultimately; after all; (končno) to top it off
  • nedáleč prislov not far off, not far away; close at hand
  • nekjé somewhere; at some place

    nekjé drugje somewhere else, elsewhere
    nekjé okoli, okrog (časovno) somewhere around (ali about)...
  • nekóč once, at one time, in times past, in old times, in former times; (v bodočnosti) some day

    nekóč boš moral vse poplačati you'll have to pay it all back some day
    davno nekóč long ago, in times past, in ancient times; pesniško in olden days, in days or yore
    nekóč je bil kralj... (v pravljicah) once upon a time there was a king
    nekóč sem to delal (zdaj ne več) I used to do it
  • neréden disorderly; untidy; without order; irregular; careless; happening at irregular intervals
  • nervózen nervous; uneasy, fidgety, fretful; highlystrung, high-strung; ill at ease

    nervózno se premikati sem in tja to fidget
  • neslóžen discordant, dissenting, dissentient; disagreeing, divided, at odds, at loggerheads, at variance

    biti neslóžen s kom glede česa to be at variance with someone over something; to dissent (ali to disagree, to differ) with someone about something; (prepirati se) to quarrel, to be at odds with someone, to squabble with someone about something, to wrangle over something
  • neudóben uncomfortable; inconvenient; uneasy; (občutek) ill at ease; not homely, not homelike

    neudóben za inconvenient for
  • nikákor ne by no means, not at all, on no account; in no way; arhaično nowise

    tega nikákor ne morem storiti I can't possibly do it
  • níkdar never; at no time; not once, never once, not a single time

    skoraj níkdar hardly ever
    níkdar več never again, arhaično pesniško nevermore
  • nobénkrat never; at no time; not once, not a single time; on no occasion
  • obdóben periodic, periodical; returning (ali occurring) at intervals