pretépati pretêpsti to beat (ali to thrash) thoroughly (ali all over), to beat someone black and blue; to maul; pogovorno to whop; to hide; to tan someone's hide; to give someone a good hiding
pretépati, pretêpsti s palico to belabour with a stick
pretépati, pretêpsti do mrtvega to thrash someone within an inch of his life
te bom pretepel, da boš črn I'll beat you black and blue
Zadetki iskanja
- prezbitêrij cerkveno the part of a church reserved for the high altar and clergy, presbytery
- prežgánka soup made by browning flour on lard and adding water
- prinésti to bring; to fetch; to fetch and carry
nazaj prinésti to bring (ali to fetch) back
prinésti na mizo (jed) to serve
prinesi mi ono knjigo! fetch me that book
prinesi mi plašč, ki sem ga pustil doma! bring me the coat I left at home! - privága addition to the full weight; quantity added over and above the full weight
- propásti to decay, to disintegrate, to fall in ruins, to go to rack and ruin; (trgovec) to go bankrupt; (ne uspeti) to fall through, to prove a failure, to fail, to prove abortive, to miscarry; (pri volitvah) to be unsuccessful, to be rejected
propásti s svojo prošnjo to meet with a refusal
predlog je propadel the motion was rejected
načrt je propadel the project fell through (ali came to naught)
stvar je propadla the thing has fallen through
sedaj smo propadli now we are sunk - radiotelevizíja radio and television; broadcasting (by radio and television)
- razbežáti se to run hither and thither, (množica) to disperse; to flee away, (čete) to disband, to run (ali to fly) in all directions; to be dispelled, to scatter
- razcefráti to tatter; to tear up, to tear to pieces; to shred, to tear to shreds and tatters (tudi figurativno)
- razgrábiti (opleniti) to plunder (to carry off, to snatch) greedlly; to snatch and carry away quickly; to exhaust stocks quickly (ali eagerly)
knjigo so razgrabili the book sold like hot cakes - razposodíti to lend to all and sundry
- razsúlo collapse; breakdown; disintegration; dissolution; falling apart; ruin; decadence; going to rack and ruin; disorganization
- razveljávljen annulled, cancelled, nullified; abolished; pravo null and void
pogodba je razveljávljena the agreement is null and void - reálije real facts pl; realities pl; exact and historical sciences pl
- rédko rédkoma seldom; rarely; now and then; infrequently, off and on
zelo rédko, rédkoma (skoraj nikoli) hardly ever, once in a blue moon
rédko, rédkoma naseljen sparsely inhabited - róck (-a) m angl.
1. muz. musica rock, rock
2. žarg. (ples, skladba) rock and roll - rock'n'roll samostalnik
1. (vrsta glasbe) ▸ rock and rollmoderni rock'n'roll ▸ modern rock and rollameriški rock'n'roll ▸ amerikai rock and rolllegenda rock'n'rolla ▸ rock and roll legendaljubitelj rock'n'rolla ▸ rock and roll szerelmeseritmi rock'n'rolla ▸ rock and roll ritmusokkralj rock'n'rolla ▸ rock and roll királyarock'n'roll bend ▸ rock and roll zenekar, rock and roll együttesSopomenke: rokenrol, rock and roll
Povezane iztočnice: garažni rock'n'roll
2. (ples) ▸ rock and rollplesati rock'n'roll ▸ rock and rollt táncolSopomenke: rokenrol, rock and roll
Povezane iztočnice: akrobatski rock'n'roll - rokenrol samostalnik
1. (vrsta glasbe) ▸ rock and rollčisti rokenrol ▸ tiszta rock and rollklasični rokenrol ▸ klasszikus rock and rollrokenrol bend ▸ rock and roll zenekar, rock and roll együtteskralj rokenrola ▸ rock and roll királyalegenda rokenrola ▸ rock and roll legendaritem rokenrola ▸ rock and roll ritmuszgodovina rokenrola ▸ rock and roll történeterokenrol koncert ▸ rock and roll koncertposlušati rokenrol ▸ rock and rollt hallgatigrati rokenrol ▸ rock and rollt játszikSopomenke: rock and roll, rock'n'roll
Povezane iztočnice: garažni rokenrol
2. (ples) ▸ rock and rollplesati rokenrol ▸ rock and rollt táncolSopomenke: rock and roll, rock'n'roll
Povezane iztočnice: akrobatski rokenrol - sárma rolled leaf of sour cabbage stuffed with rice and minced meat
- sléherni -a, -o every; each and every