
Zadetki iskanja

  • premetênka

    mala premetênka an artful young madam, a sly little baggage
  • premic|a [é] ženski spol (-e …) matematika die Gerade
    številska premica Zahlengerade
    snop premic das Geradenbündel
    šop premic das Geradenbüschel
    zrcaljenje na premici die Spiegelung an einer Geraden, die Geradenspiegelung
  • premlátiti to thrash; to thrash (ali to batter) all over (ali thoroughly)

    premlátiti koga to beat someone up, to beat someone black and blue; pogovorno to tan someone's hide, to thrash someone within an inch of his life
    pošteno sem ga premlatil I gave him a good hiding (ali a real trouncing)
  • premléti to grind (up)

    premléta fraza a hackneyed phrase
    premléta stvar an old story
  • premostíti to bridge; figurativno to surmount, to overcome

    premostíti reko to throw a bridge across a river
    premostíti težavo (zapreko) to surmount a difficulty (an obstacle)
  • prenágljeno too rashly, too quickly; without due consideration

    prenágljeno se lotiti kake zadeve to rush into an affair
  • prenočítev spending the night

    enkratna prenočítev an overnight stay
  • prepír quarrel, altercation, conflict, wrangle, row, squabble; (pričkanje) bickering, dispute

    za prepír je treba dveh it takes two to make a quarrel
    imeti glasen prepír s kom to have a row with someone
    biti, živeti v prepíru s kom ta be at loggerheads with someone
    priti v prepír s kom to get into a quarrel, to come to words with someone
    končati prepír to put an end to a dispute
    iskati, izzvati prepír to seek, to pick a quarrel (s kom with someone)
    začeti prepír to kick up a row, to pick a quarrel, pogovorno to tread on someone's toes (ali on someone's corns)
    on vedno išče prepíra (pogovorno) he is always out for trouble (ali for a row)
  • prepís copy, (z indigo papirjem) carbon copy; transcript; (čistopis) clean (ali fair) copy

    netočen prepís an inaccurate copy
    overovljen prepís certified (ali attested) copy
    prepís premoženja, posestva conveyance (ali transfer) of property, of real estate
    točen, dobeseden prepís exact, true copy
    za točnost prepísa certified true copy
    jamčim za točnost prepísa I certify this a true copy
    napraviti prepís česa to make a copy of something
  • preplàčati to pay too high a price (for); to overpay

    močnó preplàčati to pay an exorbitant price, to pay through the nose; not to get one's money worth; (pasivno) to be overcharged
    ne preplàčati to get one's money worth
    preplačali smo we did not get our money's worth
  • prepoznáti to recognize; to identify

    prepoznáti po... to recognise (ali know) (someone) by...
    lahko ga prepoznate po njegovem klobuku you can recognise him by his hat
    prepoznáti starega znanca to recognize an old acquaintance
    danes te ni moč prepoznáti you are not yourself to-day
    takoj me je prepoznal he recognised me immediately
  • prepréčiti to prevent (from); to hinder, to obviate (something); to obstruct, to bar; to thwart; to frustrate, to foil, to baffle

    prepréčiti delo (v parlamentu) to obstruct
    prepréčiti nesrečo to prevent an accident
    prepréčiti naklepe komu to baffle someone's designs
    preprečili so mi načrte, naklepe I was thwarted in my plans, designs
    prepréčiti načrte sovražniku to thwart the enemy's plans
    bolje je prepréčiti kot lečiti prevention is better than cure, a stitch in time saves nine
  • prepróst simple; plain

    prepróstega rodu of simple birth
    prepróst način življenja plain living
    to je preprósto dejstvo that is a plain fact
    preprósta obleka simple dress
    preprósta hrana simple diet
    zelo prepróst simple as ABC
    preprósta razlaga a simple explanation
    preprósto življenje (brez razkošja) simple life
    jaz sem prepróst človek I'm a simple fellow, ali pogovorno an ordinary bloke
  • prerékati se to quarrel; to wrangle; to argue; to have words; to dispute (o on, about)

    rad prerékati se pogovorno to argufy, VB pogovorno to love an argy-bargy
  • preskuša|ti (-m) preskusiti (immer wieder, laufend) prüfen
    preskušati se z figurativno sich versuchen an
  • prestópek offence (proti against), contravention, trespass, transgression, violation

    disciplinski prestópek breach of discipline; (patentni) infringement
    kazenski prestópek crime
    manjši prestópek minor (ali lesser) offence, misdemeanour
    zagrešiti prestópek to commit an offence
    gospodarski prestópek economic crime, offence against economic or financial regulations
  • prestópen -pna -o prid. bisect
    prestopno leto an bisect
  • prešte|ti [é] (-jem) šteti zählen, na mizo: abzählen, auszählen, še enkrat: überzählen, durchzählen
    na prste prešteti (sich) an den (fünf) Fingern abzählen, an den Knöpfen abzählen
    vsa rebra se mu/ji da prešteti man kann ihm/ihr alle Rippen zählen
  • pretépati pretêpsti to beat (ali to thrash) thoroughly (ali all over), to beat someone black and blue; to maul; pogovorno to whop; to hide; to tan someone's hide; to give someone a good hiding

    pretépati, pretêpsti s palico to belabour with a stick
    pretépati, pretêpsti do mrtvega to thrash someone within an inch of his life
    te bom pretepel, da boš črn I'll beat you black and blue
  • pretrpéti to suffer, to endure, to undergo, to stand, to bear, to sustain; to experience

    pretrpéti izgubo to suffer loss
    pretrpéti operacijo to undergo an operation
    pretrpéti bolečino (prenesti) to stand pain
    pretrpéti škodo to suffer damage
    mnogo je pretrpel (figurativno) he has been through the mill, he has undergone many trials, he has had a hard time