
Zadetki iskanja

  • poženíti to marry off (in turn)

    otroka sta poženila in zdaj sta spet sama they have married off their children and are now alone again
    poženíti se (o moških) to get married (in turn)
    sinovi so se poženili the sons got married
  • práh dust; pulverized matter; powder

    cvetni práh (pelod) pollen
    mleko, sladkor v práhu powdered milk, caster sugar
    zlati práh gold dust
    oblak práhu a cloud of dust
    kakšen práh! what a dust!
    (p)obrisati práh to dust
    dvigniti práh figurativno to kick up (ali to make, to raise) a dust
    dvignil je precéj práhu figurativno he made a great stir
    to je dvignilo precéj práhu it made a great stir, it created a great sensation
    otresti, stresti práh s čevljev to shake the dust off one's feet
    zdrobiti, zmleti v práh to powder, to pulverize, to reduce to dust (ali to powder)
    práh si in v práh se boš povrnil! religija arhaično dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return
    neprepusten za práh dustproof
  • práskati to scratch

    práskati se to scratch oneself
    práskati se po glavi (za ušesi) to scratch one's head (one's ears)
    ne praskaj se, če te ne srbi! figurativno shut your mouth and you'll catch no flies!
  • pravíca right; justice; equity; title (do, na, za to), claim (do to)

    po pravíci rightly, justly, with (good) reason, in justice, in equity
    po pravíci ali po krivici rightly or wrongly
    vse pravíce pridržane all rights reserved
    osnovne človeške pravíce basic human rights pl
    domovinska pravíca right of domicile (ali of citizenship)
    glasovalna pravíca right to vote
    literarna pravíca copyright
    lastninska pravíca right of possession, ownership, proprietorship
    splošna volilna pravíca universal suffrage, franchise
    aktivna volilna pravíca right to vote, the elective franchise
    pasivna volilna pravíca eligibility
    pravíca pesti, sile club law
    pravíca preiskave right of search
    pravíca odpovedi right of notice
    pravíce in dolžnosti rights and duties
    bežati pred roko pravíce to flee from justice
    boriti se za pravíco to fight for justice
    pravíci je bilo zadoščeno justice was done
    sila je močnejša kot pravíca might makes right, might is (above) right
    imeti pravíco do... to have a right to..., to be entitled to...
    nimaš pravíce do tega you have no right (ali title) to it
    imam pravíco zvedeti vso resnico I have a right to know the full truth
    enake pravíce imeti to have equal rights
    krojiti pravíco to administer justice
    sam si krojiti pravíco to take the law into one's own hands
    kratiti komu njegove pravíce to encroach upon someone's rights
    da po pravíci povem, po pravíci rečeno to be quite frank; honestly speaing
    odreči se svojim pravícam to waive one's rights
    pridobiti si pravíco (do) to acquire the right (to)
    priti do svoje pravíce to obtain justice
    storil sem to z vso pravíco I had a perfect right to do it, I was entitled to do it
    uveljaviti svoje pravíce to prove one's rights
    s kakšno pravíco vstopate? what right have you to enter
    vztrajati pri svojih pravícah, ne odstopiti od svojih pravic to stick up for (ali to hold out for) one's rights
    imeti pravíco na svoji strani to be in the right; to have right on one's side
  • pravílo rule; principle; standard; regulation, axiom, maxim, law; precept

    po pravílu as a rule, according to the regulations
    brez pravíla irregular, anomalous
    pravíla pl rules pl, statutes, pl, regulations pl, standing orders pl, standing rule, bylaws pl, ordinances pl
    društvena pravíla the regulations of a society
    izjema k pravílu an exception to the rule
    trojno pravílo rule of three
    zlato pravílo golden rule
    stalno pravílo hard and fast rule
    pravílo drži the rule holds good
    držati se pravíl to observe the rules
    držati se (nekega) pravíla to go by a rule
    pravílo je, da... it is the rule that...
    to je proti pravílom it is against the rules
    moje pravílo je zgodaj vstajati I make it a rule to get up early
    postati pravílo to become the rule
    prelomiti pravílo to break a rule
    postaviti pravílo to lay down a rule
    izjema potrjuje pravílo the exception proves the rule
  • práznik holiday; festival; gala day, feast day; (redko) fete; (v koledarju) red-letter day; cerkveno feast

    práznik Dela (1. maj) Labour Day, May Day
    državni práznik National Day
    občinski práznik municipal festival
    bančni práznik (ko so zaprte vse banke) bank holiday
    premičen práznik movable feast
    cerkveni práznik church festival
    verski práznik religious feast
    velik práznik high festival
    življenje ni práznik (figurativno) life is not all beer and skittles
  • predáti (dati naprej) to hand over; (izročiti) to deliver, to turn over; (prenesti na) to transfer; (trdnjavo) to surrender

    predal je posle, podjetje svojemu družabniku he has turned over the business to his partner
    tata so predali milici the thief was handed over to the police
    predáti se vojska to capitulate, to hoist (ali to show, to wave) the white flag
    predáti se na milost in nemilost to surrender unconditionally
    predáti se komu to give oneself up to someone
    predáti se z dušo in telesom to give oneself body and soul (to)
    predáti se pijači to become addicted to drink (mamilom to drugs)
  • predélati predelováti to remake; to remodel, to recast; to reshape, to re-form; (napisano) to rewrite; to refashion; (surovine) to work something (into)

    predélati, predelováti grodelj v jeklo to work pig iron into steel
    predélati, predelováti mleko v maslo in sir to turn milk into butter and cheese, to produce butter and cheese from milk; (preštudirati) to study thoroughly, to go over
    predélati, predelováti knjigo (preštudirati) predélati, predelováti to study intensively (ali pogovorno to swot up) a book
    predélati, predelováti plašč ZDA to make over a coat
  • prehóden transitional; transition; gramatika transitive, active; (dostopen) passable; (začasen) temporary, provisional; (nedokončen) provisory, not yet settled, interim

    prehódna določila provisional regulations pl, temporary provisions pl
    prehódna doba, prehódno obdobje transitional period
    prehóden glagol transitive verb
    prehódna cesta passable road
    prehóden gost, najemnik a transient (guest), a transient (tenant)
    hotel za prehódne goste ZDA transient hotel
    prehóden plašč light overcoat (for spring and autumn wear)
    prehóden predpis temporary (ali transitional) provision
    prehóden stadij transitional stage
    prehódno stanje transitional state
    prehódno taborišče transit camp
    prehóden ukrep transitional measure
  • preizkúšen tested; tried

    preizkúšen prijatelj a (tried and) trusty friend
    preizkúšno zdravilo a proven remedy
  • prék prislov over, to (oziroma on) the other side; (predlog) across, over

    prék hribov in dolin through the length and breadth of the country
    prék mere excessively, inordinately
    prék pričakovanja unexpectedly
    prék poletja pending summer
    prék moje volje against my will
    prodajati vino prék ulice to sell wine for consumption off the premises; VB to run an offlicence
    prék vrstnega reda out of turn
    vlak je imel prék pol ure zamude the train is more than half an hour late (ali overdue)
    iti prék vsega (na nič se ne ozirati) to disregard all considerations
  • prekléti to curse; to execrate (koga someone); arhaično to imprecate; cerkveno to pronounce an anathema on, to anathematize, to damn

    vse po vrsti prekléti to curse by bell, book, and candle
    prekléti koga to call down curses on someone
  • premériti to measure

    premériti koga z očmi to measure someone with one's eye
    premériti koga od nog do glave to measure someone from top to toe
    zaničljivo premériti koga to look someone up and down (ali from top to toe) scornfully
    premeril me je od nog do glave he looked me over (ali eyed me, weighed me up) from head to foot
  • premlátiti to thrash; to thrash (ali to batter) all over (ali thoroughly)

    premlátiti koga to beat someone up, to beat someone black and blue; pogovorno to tan someone's hide, to thrash someone within an inch of his life
    pošteno sem ga premlatil I gave him a good hiding (ali a real trouncing)
  • premôči (premagati) to overcome, to overwhelm; to manage to acquire

    tega ne premorem (si ne morem privoščiti) I cannot afford it
    to je vse, kar premorem this is all my worldly property, arhaično these are all my goods and chattels (ali all my bag and baggage)
  • premostítven

    premostítveni dan working day taken in as a holiday between two holidays
    prakticirati premostítveni dan to stretch out a holiday by taking in the working day(s) between a public holiday and a Sunday
    premostítveno posojilo bridging loan
  • premózgati

    dobro premózgati zadevo to turn the matter over and over in one's mind
  • prepád precipice, abyss; gulf; pesniško abysm; figurativno ruin

    na robu prepáda on the brink of a precipice
    dežela je na robu prepáda the country is on the brink of ruin
    stal je na robu prepáda he stood on the edge of the precipice
    prepád med razvitimi in nerazvitimi deželami the gulf between developed and undeveloped nations
  • prepríčan persuaded (o of, da... that...); convinced (o of); satisfied (o of)

    prepríčan sem o njegovi poštenosti I am convinced of his honesty
    prepríčan sem, da... I feel sure that...
    biti prepríčan o to be convinced (ali persuaded), to feel confident (of)
    vedno bolj sem prepríčan I am feeling more and more convinced
  • preród prerodítev regeneration; rebirth; regeneracy; renaissance, renascence

    slovenski narodni preród, prerodítev the Slovene national revival at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century