oddahníti se to recover breath, pogovorno to get one's breath back; (po naporu) to rest after a spell of hard work; to begin to feel at ease
oddahníti se od strahu to recover from a fright
oddahníti se po težavah to have some respite from difficulties
malo oddahníti se to take a breather
dajte mi, da se malo oddahnem give me time to breathe, give me time to draw breath
malo si oddahníti se to take time to breathe
Zadetki iskanja
- odsôten absent, not present; (iz hiše, zdoma) away, not at home, out
odsôten z duhom absentminded, lost in thought
odsôtni nimajo nikdar prav the absent party is always to blame - odzád odzádaj (kje?) behind, at the back, at the rear of, in the rear; pomorstvo aft
- oglédati si to examine (closely); to inspect, to view; to take a good (ali close, thorough) look at; to visit
oglédati si mesto to visit a town
oglédati si znamenitosti (mesta) to see the sights, to go sightseeing - okoréj (obklej) at what time; when
- omalovaževáti to belittle, to slight, to disregard, to disdain, to depreciate, to hold in disdain; to think little or nothing of; to set at naught; to despise, to scorn; to run down; to cast a slight (kaj upon something)
- omízje company at table; guests pl
- opljúvati to spit at (ali on)
- opoldánski midday, noonday; done at midday (ali at noon)
opoldánski jedilni obrok (kosilo) midday meal, (early) dinner, lunch
opoldánsko sonce midday sun
opoldánska ura noon
opoldánska vročina midday heat - opóldne at noon, at midday
- opólnoči at midnight
- osméšiti to ridicule; to hold up to ridicule; to treat with ridicule; to poke fun at, to make fun of, to make a fool of
osméšiti se to make oneself ridiculous, to make an ass of oneself, to make a fool of oneself
ne osmeši se! don't go and make a fool of yourself!
zelo pošteno se osméšiti to make a complete prize ass of oneself - osoréj at this time; by this time
- pári at par; at parity
tečaj (kurz) je (stoji) al pári the rate stands at par
pári tečaj par of exchange - peroralno cepivo stalna zveza
medicina (vrsta cepiva) ▸ orális vakcina, szájon át adott oltóanyag
Za peroralno cepivo proti koleri je ugotovljeno, da pri 50−60 % primerov učinkuje več kot dve leti. ▸ A szájon át adott kolera elleni oltóanyag 50–60 százalékkal hatásosabbnak bizonyult kétéves kor felett. - po after; on, upon; at, by; over; through; according to
po abecednem redu in alphabetical order
po božiču after Christmas
po tej ceni at this price
po 10 tolarjev kos at ten tolars each
po dolžini lengthwise
po dva by twos, two by two, two at a time
po vsej Evropi all over Europe
(samó) po imenu (only) in name
po kopnem in po morju by land and sea
po mestu about (ali through) the town
po vsem mestu all over the town
kot po maslu (figurativno) like clockwork
po kakovosti by quality
po malem little by little, by degrees
po mojem mnenju in my opinion, to my mind
po meri by measure
po modi after the fashion
po naravi from nature
po naročilu by order
narejen po naročilu made to order
po naključju by accident, by chance
po nesreči unfortunately, as ill luck would have it
po možnosti if possible
odvetnik po poklicu lawyer by profession
po navodilu as instructed
po pravilu by rule
po petkrat five times running
po pravici by rights, of right
po mojem računu by my reckoning
po poslu, po poslih on business, on an errand
po rojstvu by birth
imenovan po stricu named after his uncle
po sobi about the room
po vsem svetu all over the world, all the world over
po njegovi smrti after his death
po ulici along the street
po uvidevnosti at discretion
po vodi by water
po tem vzorcu following (ali on, after) this pattern
po vrednosti in value
enak po velikosti equal in size
po deset ur nepretrgoma ten hours at a stretch
po vsem after all
po angleškem zakonu under (the) English law
po zraku by air
po spominu from memory
po planu according to the plan (ali scheme)
po vrsti in order, one after another, every one in his turn
po vaši želji according to your wish
takoj po moji vrnitvi immediately upon my return
po prejemu tega pisma on receipt of this letter
po meni je I am done for, pogovorno I've had it
če bi bilo po tebi, bi se svet podrl if you had your way, the world would go to ruin
če vam je po volji if you choose, if you care
to ni po mojem okusu that is not to my taste
dobivati časopis po pošti to receive one's newspaper by post
igrati po posluhu to play by ear
po starosti sta enaka they are the same age
iti po vodo to fetch water, to go for water
šel je ponj (po njega) he went to fetch him
peti po notah to read music, to sight-read
poslati po zdravnika to send for the doctor
poslali so po zdravnika the doctor has been (oziroma was) sent for
pridi pome (po mene)! come and fetch me!
potoval sem po vsej Afriki I travelled all over Africa
priseči po krivem to perjure oneself, to commit perjury
prišel sem k tebi po nasvet I have come to you for advice
risati po naravi to draw from nature (ali life)
sklepati po čem to infer from
soditi po zunanjosti to judge by appearances
po vsem, kar sem slišal... from all I heard...
sprehajati se po palubi to walk (ali to pace) the deck
sprehajati se, hoditi po soncu (dežju) to walk in the sun (in the rain)
udaril me je po glavi (ustih) he hit me on the head (he struck me in the mouth)
voditi koga po mestu to show someone round the town - počívati to rest, to take one's rest; to repose; (o tovarni) to be idle, to be at a standstill; (spati) to sleep, to be dormant; (biti neobdelan, zemlja) to lie fallow; (biti pokopan) to lie
tukaj počiva (počivajo) here lies (lie)
tukaj počiva v miru... here rests in peace...
naj v miru počiva! may he rest in peace!
počívati na stolu to take the weight off one's feet, pogovorno to have a sit-down - podgórje country (oziroma district, region) at the foot of a mountain range, submontane region
- podróben detailed; in detail; minute; at great length; full; (izčrpen) exhaustive
- podúhati to smell (kaj at something), to take a sniff at something; to sniff (at)
podúhati vrtnico to smell a rose