pogorélec victim of a fire (ali conflagration); someone who has been burnt out of house and home
pogósto frequently, often; repeatedly; many times over; again and again, time after time; arhaično oftentimes, ofttimes
poldrúgi one and a half
poldrúgi mesec six weeks pl
poldrúgo uro an (ali one) hour and a half
ponavljáč (dijak) pupil who has failed and must repeat the year's work in the same form
pôsel2 (delo) work, (fizičen) manual labour; (izučèn) skilled work, (neizučen) unskilled labour; (priložnosten) job; (neprijeten, dolgočasen) drudgery; (površen) bungling, dabbling; (težak, mučen) toil, toiling and moiling, pains pl; (zaposlitev) employment, employ; (trgovina) business; (bančni, denarni) transaction, deal
donosen pôsel remunerative business, paying proposition
nedonosen pôsel losing proposition
brez pôsla out of work, unemployed
po pôslih on business
postranski pôsli minor occupation, sparetime work, moonlighting
tekoči pôsli current business
nujen pôsel urgent work
nadurni pôsel overtime work
nečisti pôsli foul dealing
pôsli so slabi business is slack
to je njegov pôsel, ne moj that's his job (ali lookout), not mine
to ni tvoj pôsel it's no business of yours
brigaj se za svoj pôsel! mind your own business!
pôsli mu cvetijo he is doing (ali carrying on) a roaring trade
dajati mnogo pôsla to give much trouble
da(ja)ti komu pôsla (dela) to keep someone busy, to employ someone
to mi je dalo mnogo pôsla it was a hard task
pôsel je pôsel business is business
imam drugega pôsla dovolj (figurativno) I have other fish to fry
imam pôsla čez glavo I am being overworked
imeti mnogo pôsla to be up to the eyes in work, to be fully occupied (ali engaged)
z njim ne maram imeti nobenega pôsla več I'll have no further dealings with him
večkrat sem imel pôsla z njim I have had several dealings with him
imaš pôsla z lopovom you are up against a scoundrel
če boš še enkrat to napravil, boš imel pôsla z menoj! if you do it again, you'll hear from me!
krepko se lotiti pôsla to tackle a job, to fall to, pogovorno to get stuck in
pôsli gredo slabo business is slack (ali depressed), there is a lull in business
pôsli gredo zelo dobro, so v polnem razmahu business is in full swing, (ali is doing fine)
iti za pôslom to follow a trade (ali profession)
ne moči obvladati pôslov, biti preobremenjen s pôsli to be overwhelmed with work, to be unable to cope (ali manage), pogovorno to be rushed off one's feet
ostati brez pôsla (dela) to be thrown out of work
sumiti nečist pôsel (figurativno) to smell a rat
ubijati se s pôsli (z delom) to overwork, to overdo it
on se vtika v tuje pôsle he meddles in other people's affairs, he is a meddler, he is a busybody (ali pogovorno a nosy parker)
poštêno prislov honestly, fair, honourably, fair and square; above board, squarely, loyally
poštêno ravnati to act honestly, to play fair
(bodi) poštêno povedano (it should) in fairness (be) said
poštêno se lotiti dela to set to work in earnest
poštêno vzeti pot pod noge to put one's best foot forward
potíca cake consisting of a sheet of pastry spread with a rich filling and rolled up
orehova (rozinova) potíca nut roll, (raisin roll)
povŕh into the bargain, over and above; besides; moreover, over, above; in addition; (na površini) on the surface
to vam dam povŕh I give you this besides
povŕh tega beyond (that), at that
práha fallow ground, ploughed in autumn and left unsown till the following spring
puščati v práho to let a field lie fallow, to fallow; to allow land to lie idle
precióza woman affecting a refined delicacy of speech and thought; excessively refined woman
prekléto! damn it!, confound it!, evfemizem dash it!; pogovorno VB blast!, damn and blast!, ZDA goddam!
preklínjati to curse; to swear; to curse and swear; VB pogovorno evfemizem to eff and blind; ZDA pogovorno to cuss; to use bad (ali strong) language
preklínjati kot Turek to swear like a trooper
preklínjati koga to curse someone, to call down curses upon someone, to swear at someone
preklínjati svojo srečo to curse one's luck
premikástiti to beat (someone) up, to beat (someone) black and blue; to thrash (someone)
premísliti to think, to think over, to reflect, to consider; to deliberate; to take thought; to ponder upon; to reconsider; to weigh the pros and cons; (figurativno) to chew the cud
naj malo premislim! let me see!
premislil bom o tem I'll think it (ali the matter) over
dajte, da premislim! give me time to think!
dobro kaj premísliti to think twice about something
še enkrat stvar premísliti to give the matter second thoughts
premisli preko noči! sleep on it!
premislil je, preden je odgovoril he took thought before replying
potem ko sem dobro premislil... on second thoughts...
ko sem znova premislil, sem uvidel, da nimam prav after further thought I saw I was wrong
premísliti si (se) to change one's mind, to alter one's mind, to think better of (it)
premláčen (tepèn) beaten black and blue; hackneyed
premláčna fraza hackneyed phrase, well-worn phrase
premlévati (premišljevati) to ruminate (on), to meditate (on); to go over (something) again and again; pogovorno to chew (it) over; (pogovarjati se) to talk (something) over, to discuss
premlévati v sebi problem to turn a problem over in one's mind
prenočíšče accommodation for the night; lodging (ali shelter) for the night; (v hotelu) bed and breakfast; quarters pl for the night; hostelry; (ceneno, žargon) VB doss-house
prenočíšče (dom) za pomorščake sailors' rest
turistično prenočíšče (dom) tourist hostel
prenumerácija advance order and payment in advance
prenumerírati to order and to pay in advance
prestrelína (prestrelna rana) bullet hole, wound made by bullet entering and leaving the body