korenína root
pognati koreníne to strike (ali to take) root
pognati globoke koreníne to strike deep roots
s koreníno vred izpuljena rastlina plant torn up by the roots
izruvati s korenínmi vred to pull up by the root
príti do koreníne zla to get at (ali to) the root of an evil
posekati koreníne zla to lay the axe to the root of an evil
nastaviti sekiro na korenín (česa) to lay the axe to the root (of something)
udariti po koreníni, odrezati koreníno (česa) to strike at the root (of something)
Zadetki iskanja
- korenína botanika racine ženski spol ; figurativno source ženski spol , fondement moški spol , base ženski spol
pognati korenine pousser (ali jeter) des racines
pognati globoke korenine jeter de profondes racines
adventivna, nadomestna korenina racine adventive
zračna korenina racine aérienne
zobna korenina racine de la dent - korenít radical; thorough
koreníto prislov thoroughly
koreníto poznati angleški jezik to have a thorough knowledge of the English language
doživeti koreníte spremembe to undergo radical (ali sweeping, thoroughgoing) changes
koreníti ukrepi radical measures pl - korespondénca korespondíranje correspondence
biti v korespondénci s kom to maintain (ali to keep up) a correspondence with someone, to be in correspondence with someone
opravljati korespondénco to deal with (ali to attend to) one's correspondence, to answer one's mail - korespondénca correspondencia f
voditi korespondenco llevar la correspondencia, estar encargado de la correspondencia
trgovska (zasebna) korespondenca correspondencia comercial ali mercantil (privada ali particular) - koríst benefit, profit; good; advantage; use; behalf; arhaično avail; arhaično behoof; (porabnost) utility, use, usefulness
v koríst česa in favour of, on (ZDA in) behalf of
brez korísti useless, unprofitable, unproductive, fruitless, unavailing
v mojo koríst on my behalf
v koríst naše tvrdke for the benefit of our firm
kakšna koríst je od tega, da (če)... arhaično what boots it to...?
od tega ne bomo imeli nobene korísti we shall gain nothing by this
imeti koríst od to profit by, to benefit by, to derive (ali to realize, to have) profit from
materialna koríst material benefit
to je za tvojo koríst it is for your good (ali benefit)
je brez korísti it is of no avail (ali of no use)
brez korísti protestirati to protest without avail
obrniti (kaj) v svojo koríst to turn (something) to good account
on obrne vse v svojo koríst it is all grist to his mill
izvleči koríst iz česa to capitalize on something - koríst utilité ženski spol ; profit moški spol , gain moški spol , bénéfice moški spol ; avantage moški spol , intérêt moški spol ; fruit moški spol , rapport moški spol
v korist en faveur de, au profit (ali bénéfice) de, dans l'intérêt de
imeti korist tirer profit (ali parti, bénéfice, avantage) de quelque chose, bénéficier de quelque chose
prinašati korist profiter, être profitable
posebne koristi intérêts particuliers
splošna korist intérêt général - korístiti to be useful (ali of use, of service); to serve; to be profitable (ali advantageous), to prove efficient (ali effective); to be good (for); arhaično to avail
ne korístiti to be useless, to be of no use, to be of no good, (biti zaman) to be of little avail, to be in vain, to be fruitless (ali futile, to no purpose)
to mi nič ne koristi arhaično it avails me nothing
to lahko še kaj koristi it may still be of some use (ali of some service, serviceable)
kaj koristi (pomaga), da (če)... what use is it (ali arhaično what avails it) that (if)...
nič ne koristi it is of no use, pogovorno it's no use, arhaično it is of no avail
nikomur (to) ni koristilo nobody was any the better for it
vsa ta reč ti ne bo nič koristila all that stuff won't do you any good - koristoljúbje interés m personal; propio provecho m , egoísmo m
delati iz koristoljubja obrar por interés (ali interesadamente) - koríto (napajalno) bebedero m , pilón m ; (krmilno) comedero m
pralno korito artesón m
rečno korito lecho m (ali cauce m) de río
vodno korito cauce m - korumpírati to corrupt; to deprave, to pervert; (podkupiti) to bribe, to suborn, to buy
korumpírati se to become corrupt (ali depraved) - korúza maize, ZDA corn; Indian corn
pečena korúza parched corn
ličkati korúzo to husk (ali to hull) corn
vreči puško v korúzo (figurativno) to throw in the sponge (ali towel)
živeti na korúzi (figurativno) to cohabit, to live in sin, arhaično to be married over the broomstick - kós1 (ptica) blackbird
vodni kós dipper, water ouzel (ali ousel)
žvižgati kot kós to whistle like a blackbird - kós2 (komad) piece; (velik) chunk; (tanka rezina) slice; (del) part; (sladkorja) lump; (predmet) article
kós pohištva piece (ali pogovorno stick) of furniture; (glasbeni) piece (of music); (poti) stretch; (zemlje, gredica) bed, patch, plot
po kósu apiece, each
kós za kósom piece by piece, piecemeal
na kóse to pieces
kós mila a cake of soap
kós zemlje a plot (ali a piece, a patch) of land (ali of ground)
po čem je kós? how much apiece?
prodajajo se po kósu they are sold separately (ali singly)
blago (tekstil) po kósu piece goods pl
po tri funte kós at three pounds each
delo po kósu piecework, paid for piece rate (ali by the piece)
iz enega kósa of one piece
delati po kósu, od kósa (na akord) to do piecework, to work piece rate
hiša razpada kós za kósom the house is crumbling away bit by bit
razpasti na kóse to fall to (ali to break into) pieces
raztrgati na kóse to tear (ali to cut) to pieces, (skritizirati) to pull to pieces, to pick holes in
prodajati po kósu (na drobno) to sell by retail, to retail
razstaviti na kóse (demontirati) to take to pieces
razbiti na kóse to smash in pieces - kós3
biti kós čemu to be equal to something, to be a match for something
nisem ti kós I'm not a match for you
nihče mu ni kós there is no one to match him
biti kós priliki to rise to occasin
on ni kós tej nalogi he is not equal (ali up) to this task
nisem mu kós I am no match for him
biti kós situaciji, položaju to cope with a (ali the) situation, to be equal to te situation, pogovorno to measure up to the job - kós (del) morceau moški spol , pièce ženski spol , partie ženski spol ; fragment moški spol ; (drobec) éclat moški spol ; (primerek) exemplaire moški spol
kos kruha un morceau de pain
kos mesa un morceau (ali une tranche) de viande
kos poti bout moški spol de chemin
kos zemlje, sveta un bout de terrain, un lopin de terre, une parcelle de terre (ali de terrain)
iz enega kosa d'une seule pièce, tout d'une pièce, d'un seul tenant
kos za kosom pièce par (ali à) pièce; morceau par morceau, progressivement
delo na kose travail moški spol aux pièces - kós
kos biti čemu être à la hauteur de quelque chose, être capable de faire quelque chose, venir à bout de quelque chose
kos biti komu être de force (ali de taille) à se mesurer avec quelqu'un, tenir tête à quelqu'un
ne biti kos položaju ne pas être à la hauteur de la situation - kós1 pieza f ; (odtrgan) trozo m , pedazo m , fragmento m ; (del) parte f ; (primerek) ejemplar m
kos mila una pastilla de jabón
2 peseti kos a dos pesetas la pieza
iz enega (samega) kosa de una (sola) pieza
kos kruha un pedazo de pan
kos poti trecho m de camino
kos zemlje lote m (de terreno)
delo na kose trabajo m a destajo
delavec na kose destajista m
deliti na kose (kosáti) partir en trozos (ali en pedazos)
deliti zemljo na kose parcelar
plačilo po kosu salario m a destajo, pago m por pieza
iti na kose despedazarse, hacerse pedazos
razrezati na kose cortar en pedazos (ali en trozos) - kós3
biti kos komu poder competir (ali compararse) con alg
biti kos čemu estar en condiciones de afrontar a/c, ser capaz de hacer a/c, dominar a/c
ne biti kos položaju no estar a la altura de la situación - kôsa scythe
žvenket kôs clang (ali ringing) of scythes
opremiti s kôso to equip with scythes