
Zadetki iskanja

  • valúta currency; foreign currency, foreign exchange; (tečaj) exchange rate, rate of exchange

    trdna valúta firm currency, hard currency
    po sedanji valúti at the present rate of exchange
    drseča valúta floating currency
    nestabilna valúta soft currency
    dirigirana valúta managed currency
    država z visoko valúto country with a high monetary standard
  • veselíti to give pleasure (ali joy), to afford joy (ali pleasure), to gladden

    to me veseli I am glad of that
    veseli me, da te vidim I am glad to see you
    glasba me ne veseli I get no joy from music
    veselilo me bo, če mi boš kaj pisal I shall be glad to receive your letters
    veselíti se česa to delight in something
    ne veseli se prezgodaj! don't count your chickens before they are hatched!
    veselíti se to be glad of, to be happy (to), to take pleasure (from), to rejoice (at); to be pleased with
    (vnaprej) se veselíti to anticipate a pleasure, to look forward to
    veselim se že, da te bom zopet videl I am looking forward to seeing you again
    zelo me veseli, da vas spoznam (se seznanim z vami) I am very glad to meet you
  • vídeti to see; to get sight of; to notice; (opaziti) to become aware, to perceive

    dobro (slabo) vídeti to have good (bad) sight, to have good (bad) eyes
    bežno vídeti to get a fleeting glimpse of
    nič ni vídeti there is nothing to be seen
    na prvi pogled, mižé vídeti (žargon) to see with half an eye
    vídeti je zdrav he looks well
    vídeti je, da... it seems that...
    vídeti v prihodnost to see into the future
    vídeti vse zvezde (figurativno, od udarca) to see stars
    če prav vidim if my eyes do not deceive me
    iz tega se vidi hence it appears
    jasno se vidi it is clear
    na prvi pogled se vidi you can see at a glance, it is self-evident
    vreden, da se vidi worth seeing
    sam lahko vidiš you can see it for yourself
    malo se vidiva we see little of each other
    sam sem to videl I saw it myself
    nič ga ni vídeti he is nowhere to be seen
    konca vojne še ni vídeti the end of the war is not yet in sight
    videl sem smrt od blizu I looked death in the face
    mesto se vidi od daleč the town can be seen from far away
    videl je že lepše čase he has seen better times
    si že kdaj videl kaj takega? did you ever see the like of it?; pogovorno can you beat it?
    naj vidim, da vidim! (naj pomislim) let me see!
    naj te več ne vidim! don't let me see you again!
    rajši vidim, da ne prideš you had better not come
    ne vidiš péd pred nosom! you can see no further than the end of your nose
    vaš prijatelj je, kot je vídeti (kot vidim) starejši od vas your friend, I find, is older than you
    videl sem, kako je padel I saw him fall
    bomo videli! we shall see!, wait and see!
    bomo že videli we'll see, time will tell
    to bomo še (šele) videli that remains to be seen
    rad bi to videl! I'd like to see that!
    videl bo, kdor bo živel live and learn
  • víno vin moški spol

    belo vino vin blanc
    dišavno vino vin aromatisé
    domače vino vin de pays (ali du cru, de terroir), petit vin
    krščeno vino vin baptisé (ali coupé)
    kuhano vino vin chaud
    lahko vino vin léger
    lansko, staro vino vin vieux
    mašno vino vin de messe
    namizno vino vin de table
    navadno vino vin ordinaire (ali courant)
    (po)narejeno vino vin sophistiqué (ali frelaté)
    novo vino vin nouveau
    palmovo vino vin de palme
    peneče se vino vin mousseux (ali champagnisé)
    rdeče, črno vino vin rouge
    rdečkasto vino vin rosé
    svetlo rdeče vino vin clairet
    rezano vino vin de coupage
    sladko vino vin doux (ali sucré)
    težko vino vin lourd (ali fort, capiteux, corsé, qui a du corps), gros vin
    trpko vino vin sec
    vino v karafi, trebušasti steklenici vin en carafe
    vino v steklenici vin en bouteille (ali bouché)
    železn(at)o vino vin ferrugineux
    karta vin (v restavraciji) carte ženski spol des vins
    ohladiti belo vino frapper le vin blanc
    temperirati rdeče vino chambrer le vin rouge
    dobro prenašati vino tenir (ali supporter) le vin
    vino mi gre v glavo le vin me fait tourner la tête
    vino utopi vse skrbi le bon vin réjouit le cœur de l'homme
  • víšek

    1. height, the highest (ali culminating) point, climax; heyday

    víšek življenja prime of life; zenith; acme; summit; (figurativno) maximum, culmination, critical point, crisis
    na víšku moje kariere at the zenith of my career
    biti na (svojem) víšku to be at one's zenith (ali height)
    doseči víš to reach the zenith, to culminate
    biti na víšku svoje moči to be at the peak of one's power
    na víšku sezone at the height of the season
    to je víšek blaznosti, norosti it is the height of madness
    to je pa (že) víš! that's the limit!, that caps everything!, that beats the band!, that takes the cake!, there is nothing to beat it!, can you beat it!,

    2. (presežek) surplus, overplus

    víši pl surpluses pl
    víšek vrednosti surplus value
  • višína height; astronomija, geografija, matematika altitude; elevation; glasba pitch

    nadmorska višína height above sea level; aeronavtika (nad zemljo) absolute altitude
    na isti višíni z zemljo at ground level
    višína tona glasba pitch
    v višíni (v znesku) od to (ali in) the amount of
  • vitriól kemija vitriol

    spremeniti v vitriól to vitriolate
    politi koga z vitriólom to throw vitriol at someone
  • vlák train

    na vláku on a train
    z vlákom by train
    delavski vlák workpeople's train
    jutranji vlák morning train
    potniški (brzi, direktni, ekspresni, posebni, izletniški) vlák passenger (fast, through ali direct, express, special ali extra, excursion) train
    luksusni vlák de luxe train, Pullman
    oklepni vlák armoured train
    lokalni vlák local train; ZDA shuttle train
    mešani vlák composite passenger and goods train
    vlák (jata) rib shoal, school
    redni vlák regular (ali scheduled) train
    odhajajoči vlák (the) train now starting
    vlák ob 4ih the four o'clock train
    tovorni vlák goods train
    vlák ima zamudo the train is late (ali overdue ali behind time)
    vlak ima 10 minut zamude the train is 10 miutes late
    dati v promet poseben vlák to run a special train
    peljati se z vlákom to go by train, to take the train
    s katerim vlákom se boš peljal? which train will you take?
    vlák mora priti ob devetih the train is due at nine
    vstopiti v vlák to board a train, to get on a train
    prestopiti v drug vlák to change
    izstopiti iz vláka to alight from a train, to get off a train
    odpeljati se, odpotovati z vlákom to leave by train
    spremiti koga k odhodu vláka to see someone off
    ujeti, priti pravočasno na vlák to catch a train
    še ujeti vlák to catch a train in the nick of time
    zamuditi vlák to miss a train
  • vléči to draw, to drag; to pull, to haul; to lug; to trail; to stretch; (mrežo) to trawl; (po blatu) to draggle; (ladjo) to take in tow; (zavlačevati) to protract

    vléči se to drag (oneself); to trail; (zaostajati) to straggle; (zavlačevati se) to drag on; (težko hoditi) to trudge
    vléči noge za seboj pri hoji to scuff
    vléči vrv to haul at a rope
    to bo vleklo (figurativno) this will be a point of attraction
    vléči koga za nos (figurativno) to make a fool of someone, to lead someone by the nose
    vléči na uho (figurativno) to listen to
    krilo se ji vleče po tleh her skirt trails on the ground
    ta dimnik ne vleče this chimney does not draw
    tukaj vleče (je prepih) there is a draught here, it is draughty here
    vléči na zeleno (barvo) to incline to green
    vléči dreto (smrčati) to snore
    prav nič me ne vleče, da bi šel I don't feel the least urge to go
    vojna se vleče the war is dragging on
  • vlomíti to burgle; to break in (into)

    vlomíti vrata to force (ali to batter in) a door
    vlomíti v hišo to break into a house, to commit a burglary
    vlomili so v našo hišo our house has been burgled, we've had a burglary (ali a break-in) at our house
    tat je vlomil v sosedovo garažo a thief broke into the neighbour's garage
    vlomili so v trgovino the shop was broken into
    vlomíti v kredenco to break open a cupboard
    vlomíti vrata to force open the door, to break the door in
  • vnétje medicina inflammation ženski spol

    akutno (kronično) vnetje inflammation aiguë (chronique)
    črevesno vnetje inflammation de l'intestin
    kožno vnetje inflammation de la peau, derm(at)ite ženski spol
    vnetje možganske mrene méningite ženski spol
    očesno vnetje inflammation de l'œil, ophtalmie ženski spol
    vnetje sapnika trachéite ženski spol
    vnetje slepiča appendicite ženski spol
    vnetje ušesa otite ženski spol
    vnetje srednjega ušesa otite de l'oreille moyenne
    želodčno vnetje inflammation d'estomac, gastrite ženski spol
    vnetje živcev inflammation des nerfs, névrite ženski spol
  • vogál vógel corner

    na vogál, vógelu at the corner
    okoli vogál, vógela round the corner
    hiša na vogál, vógelu the house at the corner, the corner house
    zaviti okoli (uličnega) vogál, vógela to turn the street corner
  • voják soldier, serviceman, pl -men

    navaden voják (prostak, borec) private (soldier), common soldier
    odsluženi voják ex-serviceman, pl -men
    odpuščeni voják demobilized (pogovorno demobbed) soldier, ZDA veteran
    star voják veteran
    najemniški voják mercenary
    prostovoljni voják volunteer
    Neznani voják (junak) the Unknown Soldier
    voják od glave do pete every inch a soldier
    voják pešak infantryman, foot soldier, VB (nekdanji vzdevek) Tommy, Tommy Atkins
    voják iz cina (igrača) tin soldier
    človek, ki mu vest ne dopušča, da bi služil vojáke conscientious objector (to service in the armed forces)
    iti k vojákom to join up, to join the army
    biti voják to soldier
    igrati se vojáke to play at soldiers
    služiti vojáke VB to wear the Queen's (oziroma the King's) uniform; to bear arms
  • vôjna war; warfare

    v vôjni in the war, at war, in wartime
    na robu vôjne on the brink of war
    na koncu vôjne at the end of the war
    v primeru vôjne in case of war, in the event of war
    hujskanje k vôjni warmongering
    napoved vôjne declaration of war
    bog vôjne war god
    izbruh vôjne outbreak of war
    opustošen od vôjne ravaged by war, war-ravaged
    besedna vôjna war of words, wordy warfare
    bliskovita vôjna lightning war (= w.), blitzkrieg, blitz
    državljanska vôjna civil w., intestine w.
    ameriška državljanska vôjna American Civil War, War of Secession, War between the States
    gospodarska vôjna economic w.
    gverilska vôjna guerilla warfare
    hladna vôjna cold w.
    križarska vôjna crusade
    tridesetletna vôjna Thirty Years' War
    stoletna vôjna Hundred Years' War
    napadalna vôjna war of aggression
    narodnoosvobodilna vôjna war of (ali struggle for) national liberation
    osvajalna vôjna war of conquest
    obrambna vôjna defensive w.
    osvobodilna vôjna war of liberation
    podmorniška vôjna submarine warfare
    papirnata vôjna paper w.
    pomorska vôjna naval warfare, war at sea
    pozicijska vôjna static warfare
    popolna, splošna (nepopolna, omejena) vôjna allout (limited) warfare
    preventivna vôjna preventive w.
    psihološka vôjna psychological w.
    vôjna do popolne izčrpanosti sovražnika war of attrition
    nasledstvena vôjna war of succession
    vôjna za neodvisnost war of independence
    vôjna do uničenja, do iztrebljenja war of extermination
    sveta vôjna holy war
    ves svet zajemajoča vôjna global warfare
    prva (druga) svetovna vôjna the first World War, World War I, the Great War (the second World War, World War II)
    totalna vôjna total w.
    verska vôjna religious w.
    vôjna v zraku war in the air
    živčna vôjna war of nerves
    vôjna na življenje in smrt war to the death
    to (takšna) je (pač) vôjna such is war
    biti tik pred vôjno to be on the eve of war
    biti v vôjni to be at war with, to make war upon
    iti v vôjno, začeti vôjno, spustiti se v vôjno to go to war (z, proti against), to wage war (z upon, against)
    napovedati vôjno to declare war (neki državi on a country)
    izzvati vôjno to provoke a war
    biti potegnjen v vôjno to drift into war
    prenesti vôjno v sovražnikovo deželo to carry the war into the enemy's country
    preprečiti vôjno to avert a war
    pripravljati vôjno to prepare for war
    sprožiti atomsko vôjno to unleash an atomic war
    stopiti v vôjno to enter a war, to come into a war
    ščuvati k vôjni to incite to war, to agitate for war
    voditi vôjno to war, to wage war
    v ljubezni in v vôjni je vse dovoljeno all is fair in love and war
    vôjna prinese s seboj mnogo zla war brings many evils in its train
  • volán1 (krmilo) steering wheel, wheel

    prijeti za volán, sesti za volán to take the wheel
    izgubil je življenje za volánom he was killed at the wheel
  • volítev volítve pl election, elections pl; poll; balloting; polling

    ožja volítev, volítve second (ali final) ballot
    spodbijana, sporna volítev, volítve disputed (ZDA contested) election
    priti v ožjo volítev, volítve to be on a short list
    volítve v zvezne organe elections for federal agencies
    javne volítve (glasovanje) open voting
    tajne volítve (glasovanje) secret ballot
    občinske volítve municipal elections
    splošne volítve general election, parliamentary elections
    dopolnilne (delne) volítve byelection
    dan volítev election day, polling day
    neveljavne volítve void election
    visoka (nizka) udeležba na volítvah heavy (light) poll
    razpisati (nove) volítve to issue writs for an election, (figurativno) to go to the country
    snubiti glasove pri volítvah to canvass, to solicit votes, to electioneer
    iti na volítve to go to the polls, (kandidat) to stand for election
    poraziti koga pri volítvah to defeat someone at the polls
    izgubiti mandat na volítvah to lose one's seat, to be unseated
    volítve so odložene the poll is postponed
    delavska stranka vodi pri volítvah the Labour party is in the lead
    razglasiti, objaviti rezultat volítev to declare the result of the election
    biti poražen na volítvah to be defeated at the polls
    dobiti največje število glasov pri volítvah to get most votes, to head (ali to top) the poll
  • vólja will; will power; volition; (želja) wish, pleasure; (razpoloženje) mood, temper, frame of mind, vein, humour; (namera) intention, mind

    po vólji at will, at pleasure
    proti moji (lastni) vólji against my (own) will
    proti vólji (nerad) with a bad grace, unwillingly
    po moji mili vólji to my heart's desire (ali content), at my own sweet will, arhaično to the top of my bent
    za božjo vóljo! for goodness' sake!, good gracious!, for God's sake!, for heaven's sake!
    slabe vólje moody
    svobodna vólja free will
    iz lastne vólje of one's own volition
    zadnja vólja (oporoka) last will, (will and) testament
    drage vólje most willingly
    železna vólja iron will
    po lastni vólji of one's own will (ali accord)
    ljudje dobre vólje men of good will
    biti na vóljo to be at hand
    biti komu na vóljo to be at someone's disposal
    biti dobre (slabe) vólja to be in a good (bad) temper (ali humour), to be of good cheer (in a bad mood)
    če te je vólja if you care, if you are so minded, if you are willing
    ni me vólja I don't care
    slabe vólje je he is out of humour
    nisem pri vólji za (kaj) I am not in the humour for (sth)
    pri najboljši vólji se ne morem spomniti I can't for the life of me remember
    stori po svoji vólji! do as you like!
    to je moja poslednja vólja (napisana oporoka) this is my last will and testament
    storil sem to proti svoji vólji I did it unwillingly (ali reluctantly)
    spraviti koga v dobro vóljo to put someone in a good humour
    spravil me je v slabo vóljo he made me cross
    on vedno uveljavi svojo vóljo he always has his own way (ali gets what he wants)
    pokvariti komu dobro vóljo to ruffle someone's temper
    on nima nobene (svoje) vólje he has no will of his own
    pri najboljši vólji tega ne moremo napraviti with the best will in the world we just cannot do it
    nekako me je vólja, da bi (šel) I have half a mind to (go)
    on je brez vsake (svoje) vólje (figurativno) he is a mere rubber stamp
    svojo slabo vóljo je stresel name he vented his spleen on me
    kjer je vólja, je (tudi) moč where there's a will there's a way
    zgodi se tvoja vólja religija thy will be done!
  • vpíti1 (kričati) to shout, to cry, to scream

    na vse grlo, na vso moč vpíti to shout at the top of one's voice (ali of one's lungs)
    vpíti do hripavosti to shout (ali to scream) oneself hoarse
    vpíti na pomoč to call (out) for help
    vpíti od veselja to shout for (ali with) joy
    vpíti po maščevanju to cry out for revenge
    vpíti od smeha (od bolečin) to shout with laughter (with pain)
    v nebo vpijoč crying (to heaven)
    v nebo vpijoča krivica crying injustice
    vpíte (kričeče) barve screaming colours pl
  • vprašánje question; query; interrogation

    črnsko vprašánje the Negro question
    gornje vprašánje the above question
    indirektno vprašánje gramatika oblique question
    kakšno vprašánje! what a question to ask!
    nujno vprašánje urgent question
    nerešeno vprašánje pending question; question in abeyance
    kritično, odločilno vprašánje crucial question
    odprto vprašánje open question
    pereče vprašánje burning question
    sporno vprašánje question at issue, debatable question, moot question, moot point, point in question
    pravno vprašánje question of law
    sugestivno vprašánje suggestive question
    težko vprašánje (pri izpitu) poser
    vprašánje življenja ali smrti a life-anddeath issue
    to je vprašánje časa (denarja, navade) that is a question (ali a matter) of time (of money, of habit)
    v tem ni vprašánje that is not the point
    to je še vprašánje that is still doubtful
    to nima nobene zveze z vprašánjm this has no bearing on the question
    to je drugo vprašánje that is another matter
    vprašánje je brez pomena (se ne stavlja) the question does not arise
    vprašánje je, kje naj to najdemo the question is, where are we going to find it
    načeti vprašánje to raise a question
    napasti koga z vprašánji to bombard someone with questions
    obsuti koga z vprašánje to shoot questions at someone, to ply someone with questions
    odgovoriti na vprašánje to answer a question
    oddaljiti se od vprašánja to get (ali to wander) away from the point, to digress
    obravnavati vprašánje to discuss a question
    pustiti vprašánje odprto to leave a question unanswered (ali unsolved), to leave a question in suspense
    rešiti vprašánje to solve a question
    ne spadati k vprašánju to be irrelevant to the case
    staviti vprašánje to raise a question, to put (ali to ask) a question
    staviti vprašánje zaupnice to ask for a vote of confidence
    zmesti koga s težkim vprašánjem to puzzle someone
  • vrát neck; (grlo) throat

    trd vrát stiff neck
    labodji vrát swan's neck
    na vrát na nos helter-skelter, head over heels, headlong; precipitately
    do vrátu v težavah up to the eyes (ali ears) in difficulties
    do vrátu v delu up to the elbows in work
    biti do vrátu v vodi to be up to the ears in water
    biti do vrátu sit česa to be fed up to the back teeth with something
    vrát me boli I have a sore throat
    imeti koga na vrátu (figurativno) to have someone on one's back
    imeti veliko družino na vrátu to be encumbered with a large family
    držati koga za vrát to hold someone by the throat
    pasti komu okoli vrátu to fall on someone's neck, to embrace someone
    prerezati komu vrát to cut someone's throat
    razbiti vrát steklenice to break the neck of a bottle
    stegovati vrát to stretch (ali to crane) one's neck (za, po at, for)
    tičati do vrátú v dolgovih to be up to one's eyes (ali ears) in debt
    vreči se komu okoli vrátú to throw one's arms round someone's neck
    zaviti komu vrát to wring someone's neck, to tread on someone's neck
    zgrabiti koga za vrát to grab someone by the throat, to take someone by the neck
    zlomiti komu vrát to break someone's neck
    zlomiti si vrát to break one's neck
    zmagati za dolžino vrátú (pri konjskih dirkah) to win by a neck