
Zadetki iskanja

  • tédensko prislov by the week, every week, a week

    enkrat (dvakrat) tédensko once (twice) a week
    časopis izhaja tédensko the paper comes out every week
    tédensko plačevati to pay by the week
  • têhtati -am nedov. a cântări, a cumpăni
  • téhten figurativno de poids, important, qui a du fond, significatif

    malo tehten de peu d'importance
  • téhtnica balance, a pair of scales, scales pl; weighing machine

    skledica pri téhtnici scale
    Tehtnica astronomija Libra, the Scales
    rimska téhtnica steelyard
    javna téhtnica public scales pl
    držati téhtnico v ravnotežju to hold the scales even
    to je nagnilo téhtnico v njegovo korist it tipped the scales in his favour
    njegova usoda je bila na téhtnici his fate was in the balance
    vodna téhtnica (libela) spirit level
  • tékati -am nedov. a alerga
  • tekljáti (-ám) imperf. correre a piccoli passettini
  • tekmováti to compete (z with); to enter a competition; to contest (z, za with, for), to rival, to emulate (s kom someone); to vie (z, v with, in)

    nihče ne more tekmováti z njim he is without a rival, he is unrivalled
    dekleti sta tekmovali med seboj za prvo mesto the two girls vied with one another for the first place
    tekmováti v vljudnosti to vie in civilities
  • tekmováti (-újem) imperf. gareggiare, disputare una gara; partecipare a gare, competizioni, concorsi:
    tekmovati v slalomu partecipare a una gara di slalom
    tekmovati za naslov miss sveta partecipare al concorso di Miss Universo
  • tekmováti -mújem nedov. a se întrece, a concura
  • tekmujóč (-a -e) adj. che gareggia; che partecipa a gare, a concorsi
  • tékniti -em nedov./dov. a fi după gustul cuiva
  • tekočínski (-a -o) adj. di liquidi; a liquido:
    teh. tekočinski termometer termometro a liquido
  • telébniti to fall headlong; to take a tumble; to tumble
  • telefonírati téléphoner, donner un coup de téléphone (ali familiarno de fil) à quelqu'un
  • telefonírati -am dov./nedov. a telefona
  • telegrafíranje telegraphing, sending a message by telegraph, wiring, (podmorsko) cabling, (brezžično) wireless telegraphy
  • telíti se to calve, to bring forth a calf
  • telováditi -im nedov. a face gimnastică
  • temeljíti -ím nedov. a se baza, a se sprijini
  • temnéti commencer à faire sombre, s'assombrir, s'obscurcir