stárost age, old age, oldness; advanced years pl; declining age
na stárost in one's old age
v stárosti od at the age of
prezgodnja stárost premature decrepitude
mož srednje stárosti a man of middle age
visoka stárost extreme old age
doživel je visoko stárost he lived to a great age
umrl je v visoki stárosti (v stárosti 20 let) he died at a great age (at the age of twenty years)
doseči visoko stárost to reach a great age, (pogovorno) to make old bones
sem njegove stárosti I am his age
ne kaže svoje stárosti he doesn't look his age
v tem poklicu človek ne doživi stárosti in that occupation men never reach a great age
on je palica moje stárosti (figurativno) he is the staff of my old age
če bi mladost znala, če bi stárost mogla... if one had an old head on young shoulders...
Zadetki iskanja
- stárt šport start
leteči flying start, running start
dati znak za stárt to give the signal to start
iti, priti na stárt šport to appear at the start
pomagati komu pri stártu v življenje (figurativno) to give someone a start (in life) - státi1 (stanem) to cost
dragó státi to cost dear
to te bo drago stalo! that will cost you dear!
koliko stane to? how much does it cost?, what's the price?, how much is it?, what do you charge for it?, (pogovorno) what's the damage?
to me je stalo X SIT I paid X tolars for it
knjiga me je stala X SIT the book cost me X tolars
popravila so nas stala X SIT the repairs cost us X tolars
to bo stalo mnogo časa in truda this work will take much time and trouble
naj stane, kar hoče! cost what it may, at any cost, at any price
ni važno, koliko to stane it does not matter what it will cost, expense is no object
to precéj stane it comes expensive, it is dear
to ga je stalo življenje it cost him his life
dobre besede nič ne stanejo kind words cost nothing - stáva (za denar itd.) bet; (stavljen denar) bet, wager, stake; tiskarstvo (stavek) composition
kot za stávo (tekmovanje) briskly, energetically, speedily
visoka stáva heavy bet
dobiti stávo to win a bet
sprejeti stávo to take a bet
izgubiti stávo to lose one's bet (ali stake)
skleniti stávo to wager
stáve so prepovedane v klubu betting is forbidden at the club
delati kot za stávo to work full out
lokal za športne stáve betting shop
kdor sklepa stáve punter, gambler, wagerer - stópati to tread, to march; to step; (meriti čas) to clock
stópati po sobi gor in dol to pace up and down the room
dirkalni avto so stopali 120 milj na uro the (racing) car has been timed (ali clocked) at 120 miles an hour - stôpnja degree; (časti) grade; (razvoja) stage; (vzpona) gradient; level
na isti stôpnji z on a level with, at the same stage as
od stôpnje do stôpnje from stage to stage
po stôpnjah by degrees
najvišja stôpnja climax
doktorska stôpnja (doktorat) doctor's degree, doctorate
enačba I. stôpnje simple equation
zadnja stôpnja (stadij) jetike the last stage of consumption
socialna stôpnja social grade (ali level)
najnižja stôpnja družbe the lowest level of society
on je za stôpnjo višji od mene (žargon) he is a cut above me
služiti od najnižje stôpnje vojska to start as a ranker, (figurativno) to start at the bottom of the ladder - storíti to do; to make; to commit; to perform, to execute; zoologija (povreči) to give birth to young, (o kravi) to calve
kaj storíti? what's to be done?
kaj naj storim? what am I to do?
storíti dobro (slabo) delo to do a good (a bad) deed
storíti svojo dolžnost to do one's duty
storíti uslugo komu to do a favour (ali a service) for someone
storíti slabo (dobro) uslugo komu to do someone a bad (a good) turn
storíti slabo uslugo komu to do someone a disservice, arhaično to disserve someone
storíti komu krivico to do someone a wrong, to be unfair (ali not to be fair) to someone
rad storíti to do willingly, to do with a good grace
nerad, prisiljeno storíti to do with a bad grace
storíti kaj iz lastne volje to do something of one's own free will
storíti, kot da... to make a show of..., to pretend...
storíti napako to make a mistake, to commit (ali to make) a blunder
tega ne storim rad I hate doing this
storite, kar hočete! do as you like (ali as you please)!
bomo videli, kaj se da storíti we shall see what can be done
to ti bo dobro storilo that will do you good
storil bom vse, kar bo le mogoče I'll do my best (ali my utmost)
vino mi ne stori dobro wine does not agree with me
ti bi (naj)bolje storil, če bi ostal doma you'd better (oziroma best) stay at home
on si ne stori nič iz tega (figurativno) he doesn't give a damn (ali a tinker's cuss) about it, he takes it easy
ne stori si nič iz tega! take it easy!
rečeno, storjeno no sooner said than done
to je laže rečeno kot storjeno that's easier said than done
kar je storjeno, je storjeno what's done can't be undone
mnogo je bilo storjenega much has been done - strán1 side; (knjige ipd.) page; (bók) flank; (smer) direction
na levi (desni) stráni on the left (right) side
na obeh stráneh on either side
na tej (oni) stráni on this (that) side
na to (ono) strán to this (that) side, hither (thither), here (there)
od vseh stráni from everywhere, from all sides, from all quarters
od stráni (z boka) laterally
z moje stráni for my part, as for me
na eni stráni (figurativno) on the one hand
na drugi stráni on the other hand
na vse stráni in every direction
z vseh stráni on all sides, from all parts
s te (z one) stráni from this (that) side
naslovna strán title page
sprednja strán front, frontispiece
notranja (zunanja) strán inner (outer) side (ali face), the inside (the outside)
prava (neprava, narobe) strán right (wrong) side
prava (neprava) strán kovanca obverse (reverse), pogovorno heads (tails)
dobra (slaba) strán (figurativno) good (bad) point
močna strán (figurativno) strong point, forte
šibka strán (figurativno) weak point, foible, (senčna) drawback
strán neba point of the compass, cardinal point
svetla, sončna the bright, the sunny side (of something)
senčna strán the dark side, (figurativno) drawback, the seamy side
prva (oziroma zadnja) prazna strán flyleaf
južna strán south (ali sunny) side
prisojna strán sunny side
vetrna strán weather side
udarec od stráni side blow
držati se ob stráni (figurativno) to remain neutral, not to take sides, (figurativno) to sit on the fence
stati ob stráni (proč) to stand aloof from
dajati na strán (varčevati) to put by (ali on one side), to save
hodil je ob moji stráni he walked beside me
šel je v to strán he went in that direction
pet stráni manjka v knjigi there are five pages of the book missing
gledati koga po stráni to look at someone askance
napasti s stráni to attack on the flank
stvar ima svoje dobre in svoje slabe stráni the thing has its good as well as its bad aspects
pridobiti koga na svojo strán to win someone over, to bring someone to one's side
pustiti ob stráni to lay aside
preiti na drugo strán to change sides, (k drugi stranki) to go over to the other side
premotriti vprašanje z vseh stráni to view a question from all sides
preskočiti strán (pri branju) to skip a page
prinesti kaj (v časopisu) na prvi stráni ZDA to front-page something
postaviti se na strán koga (opredeliti se za koga) to take someone's side, to side with someone
videti le lepo strán stvari to look on the sunny side of things
na drugi stráni (lista)! (= obrni list!) (see) overleaf! - stréči to serve; to attend to, to wait on
stréči bolniku to tend a sick person
vam že kdo streže? (v trgovini) are you being attended to?, (pri mizi) is anyone serving you?
stréči stroju to be in charge of (ali to mind) a machine
stréči strastem to indulge one's passions, to be a slave to one's passions
stréči topu vojska to serve a gun
stréči pri mizi to serve at table, to wait at table
stréči svojim osebnim interesom to look after one's private interests
on ima rad, da se mu streže he likes to be waited on
stréči po življenju komu to make an attempt on someone's life
kakor se ji streže, tako kosa reže you get what you pay for - stréha roof
brez stréhe roofless
stréha nad glavo roof over one's head
mansardna stréha mansard, mansard roof
slamnata stréha thatched roof
opečna stréha tiled roof
stréha iz skrila slated roof
skodlasta stréha shingled roof
steklena stréha glass roof
stréha iz listja pesniško a leafy vault
platnena stréha awning, sunshade
stréha je potrebna popravila the roof wants repairing
žetev je pod strého the harvest is gathered in
spraviti pod strého (žetev) to gather (ali bring) in
stanovati pod strého to live in a garret
biti pod strého to have a roof over one's head
pri njem je takoj ogenj v stréhi (figurativno) he is a real hothead
imeti strého nad glavo to have a roof over one's head
ploščata stréha flat roof
ravna stréha flat roof, terrace
drseča stréha (pri avtu) sliding roof
stréha enokapnica lean-to roof
dvokapna stréha ridged roof
pokriti s strého to roof
vzeti pod strého to house, to lodge, to accommodate, to shelter
(pozor,) delo na stréhi! men at work (ali working) overhead!
hiša še ni pod strého the house is not roofed yet
zaščititi s strého, dati pod strého to roof - strél shot
odbojni strél ricochet
strél iz loka shot from a bow
strél na premičen cilj shot at a moving target
indirektni prosti strél šport indirect free kick
toča strélov hail of shots
strél na gol šport a shot at goal
prosti strél (nogomet) free kick
kazenski strél penalty kick, penalty
s prvim strélom with one's first shot
alarmni strél v sili a shot of distress
slep strél blank shot
dati, izstreliti 20 strélov to let off (ali to fire) 20 rounds
niti enega stréla niso dali they did not fire a single shot - strélec shooter, (lovec, šport) shot; vojska rifleman
strélec z lokom archer, bowman
dober (slab) strélec marksman (poor marksman)
mojstrski, izvrsten strélec crack (ali dead) shot
on je zelo slab strélec he couldn't hit a barn door (at five paces)
ni noben strélec he is no shot
je odličen (siguren) strélec he is an excellent (a sure) shot - stréljati to shoot; to fire, to fire a gun
stréljati na... to fire at...
stréljati na koga to shoot at someone
stréljati čez cilj to overshoot the mark
stréljati (loviti) veliko divjad to shoot big game - strésti to shake
strésti se to shake, to tremble, to shudder, to shiver; to thrill; to vibrate
strésti koga iz spanja to shake someone out of his sleep
strésti koga za lase to pull someone by his hair
strésti komu roko to shake someone by the hand
strese me, če (samo) pomislim na to I shudder to think of it
strese me, če ga pogledam it gives me the creeps to look at him
hiša se je stresla od eksplozije the house shook with the explosion
strésti se od groze to shudder with horror
strésti se ob misli, kaj bi se bilo lahko zgodilo to tremble to think what might have happened - strínjati se to agree (o, gledé on, upon, about); to be in accord, to be in accordance; to tally (z with)
strínjati se se z (pogovorno) to chime with
strinja se z menoj, da je treba to napraviti takoj he agrees with me that it must be done at once
so se strinjali s tem predlogom? did they agree to that proposal?
ne se strínjati se to disagree, to have differences, to be at odds (s kom glede česa with someone over something)
njegova pripoved se ne strinja z mojo his story does not tally with mine
oprostite, ne strinjam se! I beg to differ - strméti to gaze (na, v on, upon, at, into)
strméti kot začaran to gaze spellbound; (biti zelo začuden) to be astounded
strméti od presenečenja to stare in surprise
z grozo strméti v koga to stare at someone in horror - stróšek expense, cost; expenditure; outlay, outgoings pl
na stróške at the expense of
na državne stróške at public expense
z majhnimi stróški at little cost
k vragu s stróški! (= naj stane, kar hoče!) blow the expense!
zvezan s stróški expense(-)
na moj stróšek at my expense
drobni stróški sundries pl
manjši stróški pocket money, minor expenses pl
potni stróški travelling expenses pl
proizvodni stróšek prime cost
režijski stróški overhead expenses, overheads pl
pravdni stróšek legal costs pl
sodni stróški court costs pl
življenjski stróški cost of living
tekoči stróški current expenses pl
po odbitju vseh stróškov all expenses paid
povrnitev stróškov reimbursement
ne gledam na stróške (figurativno) I don't mind the expense
kriti stróške to cover (the) expenses
pokriti stróške (= izravnati se) to break even
povrniti komu stróške to reimburse someone; to refund someone's expenses
poravnati stróške to meet (ali pogovorno to stand) the cost
stróški požró ves dobiček (the) expenses eat up all the profits
prispevati k stróškom to share the cost
ne varčevati s stróški not to grudge the expenditure, to spare no expense
plačati (»nositi«) stróške to pay (ali to cover, to defray) (the) expenses
biti povezan s stróški to involve expense
plačati, kriti stróške za koga to defray (ali to cover) someone's expenses
(o)ceniti stróške to appraise the cost
(po)kriti svoje stróške (priti na svoj račun) to recover expenses, to break even, (figurativno) to get one's money's worth
vreči se, zagnati se v stróške to go to great expense - stúd disgust; distaste; loathing, abhorrence; horror; nausaea
s stúdom with loathing
stúd zbujajoč abhorrent
imeti, (ob)čutiti stúd ob to be (ali to feel) disgusted at
imeti stúd za kaj to loathe something
povzročiti komu stúd to disgust someone - svája (prepir) quarrel, dispute
biti v sváji s kom to be at odds with someone, to be at daggers drawn with someone, to quarrel with someone - svét1 world; (zemlja) earth, globe; (vsemirje) the universe
na svétu in the world
na tem svétu in this world, in this life, here below
po celem (vsem) svétu all over the world, the whole world over
na koncu svéta (figurativno) at the back of beyond
(ki je) daleč od svéta remote, out of the world, secluded
širom svéta throughout the wide world, all over the world
ves svét the whole world
za ves svét ne, za nič na svét u ne not for all the world, not for worlds, not for anything in the world, for nothing in the world
do konca svéta to the ends of the earth
Novi svét the New World
Stari svét the Old World
Tretji svét politika the Third World
oni svét (figurativno) the next life, the other world, the world to come
od svéta odrezan kraj the back of beyond
stavbni svét building site
učeni svét (figurativno) the world of learning
športni svét (figurativno) the sporting world
rastlinski svét the vegetable world
živalski svét the animal world
začetek svéta the beginning of the world
konec svéta the end of the world
podzemeljski svét underworld
širni svét the wide world
današnji svét the modern world
odkar sem na svétu since I was born
to je na drugem koncu svéta it's on the other side of the globe, it's at the back of beyond
to je narobe svét! (figurativno) that's making water flow uphill!
on je najboljši človek na svétu he's the best man alive, you won't find a better man living than him (knjižno than he)
ona mi je (= pomeni) vse na svétu she is all the world to me
tako je (pač) na svétu that's the way of the world
za nič na svétu ne bi tega naredil I would not do it for all the world
odreči se svétu to forsake the world
šel bi z njo do konca svéta I'd follow her to the ends of the earth
poslati koga na oni svét (žargon) to send someone to kingdom-come
priti na svét to come into the world, to be born, to be brought into the world
on malo pozna svét he knows little of the world
prinesti, spraviti na svét to bring into the world, to give birth (to)
spraviti koga s svéta to do away with someone, to put someone out of the way, to kill someone, (pogovorno) to dispatch someone
videl je mnogo svéta he is a widely travelled man, he is a great traveller, he is a globe-trotter
zagledati luč svéta to see the light, to be born, to be brought into the world
živeti odmaknjen(o) od svéta to live cut off from the world
objadral je ves svét he has sailed the seven seas