
Zadetki iskanja

  • pankovski pridevnik
    1. (o glasbi) ▸ punk
    pankovska skupina ▸ punkzenekar
    pankovski bend ▸ punkbanda
    pankovski ansambel ▸ punkegyüttes

    2. (o stilu) ▸ punk
    pankovska frizura ▸ punk frizura
    pankovska pričeska ▸ punk frizura
  • píti to drink; (o pijancu) to drink habitually, to tipple, to guzzle, to tope, to soak, to booze, to swill, to drink hard (ali deep, freely), to be a heavy (ali hard) drinker; to drink rather heavily

    naglo, v velikih požirkih píti to gulp down, to swallow; (srebati) to sip; (o psu) to lap; (vpijati) to take in, to lap up, to absorb, to imbibe
    píti kot goba to drink like a fish
    píti kot žolna to drink hard (ali like a lord, like a fish)
    píti več kot je pametno (žargon) to lift the elbow (too often)
    preveč píti to drink too much, (žargon) to bend the (ali one's) elbow
    preveč je pil he's had a drop too much, he's under the influence, he's the worse for wear
    začel je (preveč) píti he took to drink
    píti bratovščino s kom to hobnob with someone, to drink the pledge of brotherhood (ali intimate friendship) with someone
    píti na zdravje koga to drink someone's health, to drink to the health of (ali in honour of) someone, (nazdraviti komu) to toast someone
    pijem na Vaše zdravje! here's to you!
    píti čaj, kavo, kakao to take (ali to have) one's tea, coffee, cocoa
    ne smem píti vina I must abstain from drinking wine
    on pije kri svojim dolžnikom (figurativno) he is a bloodsucker
    píti slatino (v zdravilišču) to drink the waters
    ki mnogo pije hard-drinking
  • poblaznéti to go mad, to lose one's mind; to take leave of one's senses

    človek bi poblaznel ob tem it is enough to drive one mad, pogovorno it's enough to drive you round the bend (ali up the wall)
  • poklékniti to kneel down, to go on one's knees; to genuflect

    poklékniti pred kom to bend (ali to bow) the knee to someone, to go down on one's knees before someone
  • reggae samostalnik
    tudi v pridevniški rabi (glasbena zvrst) ▸ reggae
    jamajški reggae ▸ jamaikai reggae
    lahkoten reggae ▸ könnyed reggae
    legenda reggaeja ▸ reggae-legenda
    ritmi reggaeja ▸ reggae ritmusai
    ljubitelji reggaeja ▸ reggae szerelmesei
    vpliv reggaeja ▸ reggae hatása
    reggae bend ▸ reggae-zenekar
    reggae festival ▸ reggae-fesztivál
    reggae zasedba ▸ reggae-felállás
    reggae ritmi ▸ reggae-ritmusok
    reggae glasbenik ▸ reggae-zenész
    UB40 je angleška pop-reggae skupina, ustanovljena decembra 1978 v Birminghamu v Angliji. ▸ A UB40 egy angol pop-reggae együttes, amely 1978 decemberében alakult az angliai Birminghamben.
  • road1 [róud]

    1. samostalnik
    cesta, pot
    navtika sidrišče (zunaj luke)
    ameriško, železnica železniška proga, tir, tračnice; potovanje

    any road pogovorno vsekakor
    by road po cesti
    in the road napoti
    on the road na potovanju, na poti, na turneji
    road construction gradnja cest
    road safety regulations množina cestni prometni predpisi
    high road, main road glavna cesta
    private road zasebna pot
    rule of the road cestni prometni predpis(i); predpis za vožnjo (po cesti, po morju)
    royal road figurativno varna pot, lahka pot
    there is no royal road to success pot do uspeha ni lahka
    the road is made železnica kretnice so postavljene
    all roads lead to Rome vse poti vodijo v Rim
    to be in s.o.'s road biti komu napoti
    he is on the road to fame postal bo slaven
    to get into s.o.'s road delati komu napoto
    to get out of the road iti (komu) s poti, napraviti (komu) prosto pot
    to give on the road pustiti iti mimo, umakniti se
    to go on the roads potovati po trgovskih poslih
    to leave the road navtika izpluti s sidrišča
    to take the road kreniti, iti ali odpraviti se na pot, napotiti se, odpotovati
    to take to the road britanska angleščina, arhaično postati cestni ropar (razbojnik)

    2. pridevnik

    road bend (curve) cestni ovinek (vijuga, zavoj)
    road junction cestno vozlišče, križišče
    road map karta cest
    road sign cestni (prometni) znak
  • rock'n'roll samostalnik
    1. (vrsta glasbe) ▸ rock and roll
    moderni rock'n'roll ▸ modern rock and roll
    ameriški rock'n'roll ▸ amerikai rock and roll
    legenda rock'n'rolla ▸ rock and roll legenda
    ljubitelj rock'n'rolla ▸ rock and roll szerelmese
    ritmi rock'n'rolla ▸ rock and roll ritmusok
    kralj rock'n'rolla ▸ rock and roll királya
    rock'n'roll bend ▸ rock and roll zenekar, rock and roll együttes
    Sopomenke: rokenrol, rock and roll
    Povezane iztočnice: garažni rock'n'roll

    2. (ples) ▸ rock and roll
    plesati rock'n'roll ▸ rock and rollt táncol
    Sopomenke: rokenrol, rock and roll
    Povezane iztočnice: akrobatski rock'n'roll
  • rokenrol samostalnik
    1. (vrsta glasbe) ▸ rock and roll
    čisti rokenrol ▸ tiszta rock and roll
    klasični rokenrol ▸ klasszikus rock and roll
    rokenrol bend ▸ rock and roll zenekar, rock and roll együttes
    kralj rokenrola ▸ rock and roll királya
    legenda rokenrola ▸ rock and roll legenda
    ritem rokenrola ▸ rock and roll ritmus
    zgodovina rokenrola ▸ rock and roll története
    rokenrol koncert ▸ rock and roll koncert
    poslušati rokenrol ▸ rock and rollt hallgat
    igrati rokenrol ▸ rock and rollt játszik
    Sopomenke: rock and roll, rock'n'roll
    Povezane iztočnice: garažni rokenrol

    2. (ples) ▸ rock and roll
    plesati rokenrol ▸ rock and rollt táncol
    Sopomenke: rock and roll, rock'n'roll
    Povezane iztočnice: akrobatski rokenrol
  • round4 [ráund] predlog
    okoli, okrog

    round the bend sleng nekoliko nor, prismojen
    round the world in 80 days okoli sveta v 80 dneh
    round the clock nepretrgano, non-stop, 24 ur na dan
    the shop round the corner trgovina okrog vogala
    to look round one (po)gledati okoli sebe
    to take s.o. round the town razkazovati komu mesto
    to travel round the country potovati po (vsej) deželi
  • sinister [sínistə] pridevnik (sinisterly prislov)
    (grboslovje) levi, (ki je) na levi strani; pogubonosen, usoden, znaneč nesrečo, zlovešč; zloben, nenaklonjen, nemil, neugoden (to za)

    bend (bar) sinister poševne vzporedne črte v grbu z leve na desno (znak nezakonskega porekla)
  • sklánjati gramatika to decline

    ki se (ne) da sklánjati declinable (indeclinable)
    sklánjati se (skloniti se) to bend (nad mizo over the table), to bend down, to bow, to stoop
  • sŕkati to sip

    on ga rad srka he likes his tipple (ali his pint); he likes a drink; he likes to bend the elbow
  • šibíti to weaken

    šibíti se to bend
    šibíti se pod bremenom to weaken (ali to be weakening) under the load
  • vesláti to row; pesniško to oar; to paddle; to scull

    on dobro vesla he pulls a good oar
    na vse kriplje vesláti to bend to the oars
    veslaje se pomikati to oar one's way