eksekvatúra (konzulatu) exequatur, official recognition of an accredited consul
ekspertíza expert valuation, expert advice; appraisement by an expert; expert's report; expert evidence; (pomorstvo) survey
delati, napraviti ekspertízo, -e to value; to appraise; (v pomorstvu) to survey
enainpóluren of an hour and a half, an hour and a half's
enajstérica (športno moštvo) an eleven
enakopráven having equal (ali the same) rights; equally entitled to; equal; standing on an equal footing; on a footing of equality with
enakoprávne pravice equal rights pl
enakoprávno prislov on an equal footing, on equal terms, on terms of equality
enoléten d'un an ; (botanika) annuel
ênoléten -tna -o prid. de un an
enoúren one-hour; one hour's; of an hour's duration; for an hour
farba|ti (-m) koga (jemandem) blauen Dunst vormachen, (jemanden) an der Nase herumführen
gloda|ti [ô] (-m) nagen; knabbern (an), (etwas) benagen; geografija voda bregove: aushöhlen; kauen an
figurativno glodati koga an (jemandem) nagen (skrb ga gloda die Sorge nagt an ihm; glodalo ga je, da es nagte an ihm, [daß] dass)
glúmiti (igrati) to act; to play (a role); (pretvarjati se) to feign, to simulate, to put on an act
gospoščin|a [ô] ženski spol (-e …) zgodovina
1. das Dominium, die Grundherrschaft
2. Abgaben und Leistungen an die Grundherrschaft
gostovánje feast; treat; (igralca, -lke) guest appearance of an actor (oziroma actress)
enkratno, enovečerno gostovánje gledališče one-night stand
grdó badly, nastily, foully, basely, meanly; hideously; in an ugly manner
grdó se gledajo (figurativno) they are at daggers drawn
grdó jo komu zaigrati (figurativno) to play a dirty trick on someone
stvari se grdó obračajo, razvijajo things are looking ugly
grdó je (neprimerno je nekaj delati) it's wrong (ali bad, nasty) to...
hípoma instantly; in an instant
hospitácija attendance at lectures as an occasional student
hospitírati to attend lectures (oziroma lessons) as an occasional student
ilegálec member of an underground movement; fifth columnist
impresionírati to impress; to affect; to move; to strike; to leave an impression (koga on someone)
novica, vest me je zelo impresionirala I was very much affected by the news
impresioniran od sijaja dvorane overwhelmed by the splendour of the hall