
Zadetki iskanja

  • medíčar seller of honey and sweetmeats made with honey; producer (and seller) of mead
  • méstoma here and there; in spots
  • milováti to pity; to caress, to fondle; to bill and coo
  • mnogokráten multiple; happening many times, happening again and again
  • motivírati to motivate; pravo to give the grounds for; to furnish good and sufficient reason for; (upravičiti, ukrep itd.) to justify, to warrant
  • mravljínčenje pins and needles pl; tingling
  • nahrániti to feed; to give someone food and drink; (nasititi) to satisfy (ali to appease) someone's hunger, pogovorno to give someone a square meal

    nahrániti se to feed (s, z on, off) to appease (ali to satisfy, to stay) one's hunger, to eat one's fill; (privarčevati) to save up
  • nájpoprej first of all, first; in the first place; first and foremost; (na začetku) at first, at the beginning; (da začnem) to begin with
  • nanáglo(ma) hastily, quickly, rapidly, swiftly, briskly, by leaps and bounds; (nenadoma) suddenly, abruptly; (na vrat na nos) precipitately, precipitously, headlong; in haste, in a hurry
  • neprisíljen not forced (ali compelled, obliged); voluntary; of one's own choice, of one's own will; (vedenje) natural, unaffected, easy, unrestrained, informal, free and easy
  • nerédno prislov irregularly; intermittently, from time to time, occasionally; (netočno) unpunctually, off and on, now and then, by snatches; by fits and starts
  • neveljáven invalid; void, null; null and void; (denar) not current; (vozovnica, vstopnica) not valld

    proglasiti za neveljávno to annul, to invalidate, to void, to nullify; to abolish, to declare null and void
    napraviti neveljávno (razveljaviti) to cancel, to quash; to set aside
  • neženíran free and easy, unceremonious; shirtsleeved
  • niansírati (sliko) to shade, to tint; to bring out the light and shade in

    niansírati svojo misel to bring out the nuances of one's thought
  • níčen null; null and void

    pogodba je nična the agreement is null and void
  • obá obé; obádva, obédve both; the two; either of two; the one and the other

    za naju oba for the two of us
    obe ti dekleti both these girls
    v obeh primerih in either case
    na obeh straneh ceste on either side (ali on both sides) of the road
    kateri od obeh? which of the two?
    obe moji roki both my hands
    oba vidva bosta morala to drago plačati you'll both have to pay dearly for it
  • obílno prislov abundantly, plentifully, copiously, amply; profusely, lavishly, richly; enough and to spare
  • obrába obrábljenost wearing out, wear and tear; wasting; triteness; (iztrošenje) wear out, attrition; (zmanjšanje vrednosti) depreciation; tehnika usage
  • obrazložítev detailed explanation (ali explication, exposition, commentary); giving of reasons and motives (česa for something); adduction of good grounds (ali facts); statement of reasons

    pismena obrazložítev written statement (of reasons)
  • ondulácija (vode) undulation, ripple; (žitnega polja) waving; (terena) rise and fall, lift; (draperije) flow; (pričeska) wave; curl; crinkle

    vodna ondulácija (las) water wave
    trajna ondulácija permanent wave, pogovorno perm
    aparat za trajno ondulácijo perming set
    dati si delati trajno ondulácijo to have a permanent wave (ali pogovorno perm), to have one's hair permed
    hladna ondulácija (las) cold wave
    ondulácija s škarjami marcel wave