
Zadetki iskanja

  • ríziko risk; peril, danger; hazard

    z rízikom, pri, ob ríziku at the risk of
    na vaš ríziko at your peril (ali risk)
    na lasten ríziko at one's own risk
    na lastnikov ríziko at owner's risk
    prevzeti ríziko to take a risk, to incur the risk of, to run a risk
  • róčen manual; hand(-); (spreten) handy, skilful

    róčno delo handiwork, manual work, (žensko) needlework, (fino) fancywork; (v šoli) manual training; (obrt) handicraft
    narodno, ljudsko róčno delo handicrafts pl
    ti čevlji so róčno delo these shoes are handmade
    róčen je pri delu he is a good hand at
  • rók term; time limit; appointed time; date; given time; (menice) usance

    v roku (10 dni) within (10 days)
    odgoditev róka respite
    rók usmrtitve reprieve
    po preteku róka after the expiration of a term
    skrajni rók (figurativno, pogovorno) deadline
    menica z dvojnim plačilnim rókom bill drawn at double usance
    rók je minil (the) term has expired
    podaljšati rók to extend the term
    na kratek rók for a short term
    določitev róka fixing of a term (ali date)
    prekoračenje róka exceeding the time limit
    podaljšanje róka prolongation of a term, extension of time
    ob določenem róku at the stated time
    brez róka (latinsko) sine die
    zamuditev, zamuda róka failure to meet a term
    pred rókom plačana menica anticipated bill of exchange
    menica ima rók 3 mesecev the bill is payable (ali falls due) in three months' time
    rók poteče danes the term expires (ali is up) today
    določiti rók to fix (ali to state) a term (ali a time limit, time)
    držati se dogovorjenega róka to keep (ali to observe) the term agreed upon, to meet the deadline
    pustiti, da rók zapade to let a term expire
  • rôka hand, (do rame) arm

    brez rôke handless, armless
    v rôki in one's hand
    pri rôki at hand, near at hand; available
    od rôke do rôke from hand to hand
    pod rôko (se držati) arm in arm, (kupiti) underhandedly
    rôke kvišku! hands up!, stick them up!, reach!
    rôke proč! hands off!
    z rôko v rôki hand in hand, jointly
    s sklenjenimi rôkami with clasped hands (as in prayer)
    z zvezanimi rôkami in nogami bound hand and foot
    rôko na srcé! hand on heart!
    močna rôka strong hand
    žuljava rôka a callous palm
    moja desna rôka (figurativno) my second self
    on je moja desna rôka he is my right-hand man
    polna rôka a handful
    narejen z rôko (ročno) made by hand, handmade; (posel) handiwork, manual work
    od rôk (oddaljen) out of the way
    praznih rôk empty-handed
    na svojo rôko (figurativno) in one's own name, of one's own accord, unauthorized
    risanje s prosto rôko freehand drawing
    držeč se za rôke hand in hand
    prekrižanih rôk with one's hands (oziroma arms) folded
    z dvignjeno rôko (with) hand upraised
    z rôkami uprtimi v boke akimbo
    držati, imeti rôke uprte v boke to hold one's arms akimbo
    iz prve rôke at first hand
    ne da bi rôko premaknil hands down
    boriti se z rôkami in nogami to struggle with might and main
    braniti se proti čemu z rôkami in nogami to fight against something tooth and nail (ali with might and main)
    dati v rôko, rôke to hand
    dati komu proste rôke (da kaj naredi) to give someone a free hand (to do something)
    dobiti informacije iz prve rôke to get information at first hand
    dvigniti rôke to lift up one's hands
    dvigniti rôke nad glavo v začudenju to throw up one's arms in astonishment
    dobiti kaj v rôke (figurativno) to get hold of something
    rôke križem držati to fold one's arms and do nothing, to be idle
    imeti pri rôki to have at hand
    imeti polne rôke dela to have one's hands full
    imamo ga v rôki (figurativno) he is in our power
    imeti proste rôke (figurativno) to have free play
    imeti mrzle, hladne rôke to have cold hands
    dati rôko komu to give one's hand to someone, (v pozdrav) to shake hands with someone
    imeti položaj trdno v rôki to have the situation well in hand
    iti skozi mnogo rôk to pass through many hands
    iti komu na rôko to help someone; to support someone, to patronize someone, to aid someone
    lomiti rôke (figurativno) to wring one's hands
    to mu gre od rôk (figurativno) he is skilled (ali clever) at it
    izpustiti iz rôke, iz rok to let go
    posel mu ne gre od rôk he is unskilled, he is a poor worker
    delo mu gre dobro izpod rôk he is a quick worker
    kupiti iz prve (druge) rôke to buy new (secondhand)
    mahati z rôkami to gesticulate
    ne izpustiti iz rôk not to let go, (da pade) not to let go (ali to let slip)
    méti si rôke to rub one's hands
    nositi na rôkah koga (figurativno) to treat someone with great care, to make much of someone, to treasure someone
    nosijo ga na rôkah (figurativno) he is treated with the utmost consideration, he enjoys all kinds of favours
    pasti komu v rôke to fall into someone's hands
    prijeti za rôko to take by the hand
    ponuditi, prožiti komu rôko to give (ali to hold out) one's hand to someone, (figurativno) to lend someone a helping hand
    pljuniti v rôke (figurativno) to spit on one's hands
    podaj mu rôko! shake hands with him!
    prodati pod rôko to sell by private bargain (ali contract, treaty)
    preiti v druge rôke to change hands
    prosíti za rôko to propose (to), to ask in marriage, (nenadoma, pogovorno) to pop the question
    pričakati koga z odprtimi rôkami to meet someone with outstretched hands, to meet someone enthusiastically
    položiti rôke na kaj to lay hands on something, to put one's hands to
    položiti rôko nase (figurativno) to commit suicide
    položiti rôko na srce to lay one's hand on one's heart
    podati si rôke to shake hands
    sprejeti ponudbo z obema rôkama to jump at an offer
    prekrižati rôke to cross one's arms
    stisniti komu rôko to squeeze someone's hand, (pri pozdravu) to shake hands with someone
    stiskati rôko v pest to clench one's fist
    stati s sklenjenimi (prekrižanimi) rôkami to stand with folded (crossed) arms
    vzeti v rôke to take in hand, to undertake
    zadevo bom sam vzel v rôke I will take the matter into my own hands
    fanta je treba vzeti v rôke (figurativno) the boy wants taking in hand
    zlomiti si rôko to break one's arm
    rôko si je zlomil he broke his arm, he had his arm broken
    umijem si rôke nad tem I wash my hands of it, I will not be responsible
    rôka rôko umiva (figurativno) one good turn deserves another, scratch my back and I'll scratch yours, fair exchange is no robbery
    z obema rôkama zgrabiti priliko to jump at an opportunity
    živeti iz rôk v usta (figurativno) to live from hand to mouth
    bolje je vrabec v rôki kot golob na strehi (figurativno) a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
  • s (pred zvenečimi glasovi z) with; by, from

    s pošto by post
    s 50 leti at the age of 50 years
    s časom with time, in the course of time
    s svinčnikom in pencil
    s tega stališča, vidika from this point of view, standpoint
    z zgodovinskega stališča from the historical standpoint
    s pismom (pismeno) by letter
    s silo by force
    s pomočjo... by means of...
    kaj (pa) je s teboj? what is the matter with you?
    govoriti s kom to speak with (ali to) someone
    jesti s krožnika to eat off a plate
    pasti s konja to fall off one's horse
    hoditi s palico to walk with a stick
    potovati s parnikom (z letalom, z vlakom) to travel by steamer (by air plane, by train)
    kaj misliš reči s temi besedami? what do you mean by these words?
    prepirati se s kom to quarrel with someone
    primerjati koga s kom drugim to compare someone with someone else
    boriti se s smrtjo to be in one's last agony, to be at one's last gasp
    vsta(ja)ti s soncem to rise with the sun
    tekmovati s kom to rival someone, to vie with someone
    udariti s palico to strike with a stick
    vzemite me s seboj! take me along with you!
    s solzami v očeh... with tears in one's eyes
  • sédem seven

    (v skupinah) po sédem by seven
    ob sedmih at seven o'clock
    sédem in pol seven and a half
  • sedéti to sit, to be sitting, to be seated; (ptice) to perch; (na jajcih) to hatch

    sedéti s spodvitimi nogami to sit cross-legged
    sedéti ob kom to sit beside someone, to sit by someone's side
    sedéti pri mizi to sit at table
    dobro sedi na konju he has a good seat
    sedéti slikarju to sit for a painter
    vedno sedi pri knjigah he is always bent over his books
    vedno doma sedi he is a stayat-home, he leads a sedentary life
    sedéti in lenariti to sit idle
    sedéti v zaporu to be in prison, to be imprisoned, to be confined, to undergo one's term of punishment, to serve one's sentence; pogovorno to do time; žargon to do bird
    sedéti na trnih, kot na šivankah to be on tenterhooks
    sedéti na ušesih (figurativno) to be deaf to, not to listen to, to be inattentive
  • sekalec samostalnik
    1. (sprednji zob) ▸ metszőfog
    zgornji sekalec ▸ felső metszőfog
    Pred petnajstimi leti sem kot otrok nerodno padel in si okrušil zgornji sekalec. ▸ Tizenöt éves gyermekként ügyetlenül estem és letörtem a felső metszőfogamat.
    spodnji sekalec ▸ alsó metszőfog
    sprednji sekalec ▸ elülső metszőfog
    podaljšan sekalec ▸ megnyúlt metszőfog
    Okli so pravzaprav podaljšani zgornji sekalci in rastejo vse slonovo življenje. ▸ Az agyarak gyakorlatilag megnyúlt felső metszőfogak, és az elefánt egész életén át folyamatosan nőnek.
    ostri sekalci ▸ éles metszőfog
    Ko bober grize les, se sekalci obrabljajo, a potem spet zrastejo. ▸ Amikor a hód rágcsálja a fát, a metszőfogai lekopnak, de utána újra visszanőnek.

    2. (kdor podira drevje) ▸ favágó
    V gozdovih dela še približno 90 sekalcev in traktoristov, voznikov in drugih delavcev. ▸ Az erdőkben még körülbelül 90 favágó és traktoros, valamint fuvarosok és más munkások dolgoznak.
    Vsaj deset mesecev letno preživi tako rekoč v džungli, kjer je vodja ekipe sekalcev cedrovine. ▸ Egy év alatt 10 hónapot tölt úgyszólván a dzsungelben, ahol a cédrusfákat kitermelő favágók csapatának a vezetője.
  • sencé pl

    sencà anatomija temple, pl temples
    osiveti na sencah to go grey at the temples
  • sésti to sit down (na on); to sit oneself down; to take a seat; to seat oneself (v naslanjač in an armchair)

    sésti k mizi to sit down at table
    zopet sésti to resume one's seat
    sésti na konja to mount (one's horse)
    sésti na svoj (stalni) sedež to take one's seat
    sésti na prestol to mount the throne
    prisiliti koga, da sede to sit someone down
  • sezóna season

    zunaj (izven) sezóne in the off-season
    gledališka sezón theatrical season
    londonska sezón (od maja do julija) the season, the London season
    visoka sezón high season
    višek sezóne the height (ali peak) of the season
    mrtva sezón dead (ali dull) season, off-season
    sedaj je sezón češenj cherries are in season
    smo na višku sezóne we are at the peak of the season
    sezón ostrig je oysters pl are in
  • sežgáti to burn; (truplo) to cremate

    sežgáti koga na grmadi to burn someone at the stake
    biti sežgan na grmadi to suffer at the stake, to die (ali to be burnt) at the stake
  • síla (moč) power, might; (krepkost) vigour; (potreba) necessity; (jakost) strength; (silovitost) vehemence; (nasilje) violence, force; (težava) difficulty, trouble; (prisila) compulsion, constraint, coercion; (beda) want, need, pinch; (stiska) emergency, neediness; (pritisk) pressure; (nevarnost) danger, emergency; (nuja) urgency, necessity

    v síli in case of emergency (ali of need, of necessity)
    s sílo by force, forcibly, with violence, by strong-arm methods
    z vsemi sílami with might and main
    pod sílo okoliščin, razmer under the stress of circumstances
    po síli (nerad) forced, under compulsion, unwillingly, reluctantly, perforce
    če je síla if need be, if need arise
    to je višja síla it is a case of needs must (ali of overwhelming odds, of vis maior)
    groba síla violence
    konjska síla horsepower (krajšava: HP)
    gonilna síla motive power
    višja síla force majeure, Act of God
    naravne síle natural forces, forces of nature
    kopne síle vojska land forces pl
    pomorske síle vojska naval forces pl, navy
    pomorska síla naval power
    síla (ogromno) ljudi a great number of people
    enota síle unit of force
    moment síle moment of a force
    delovna síla manpower
    politika síle power politics pl
    vodna síla water (ali hydraulic) power
    oborožene (vojaške) síle armed (military) forces pl
    Kraljeva Zračna Sila Royal Air Force
    klic v síli emergency call
    izhod v síli emergency exit
    biti v veliki síli (stiski) to be in great distress (ali need)
    ni mu síle he is not in bad circumstances, he is doing well
    ni síle (= ne mudi se) there's no hurry, it is not urgent
    ni nobene síle there is no hurry
    to je za sílo (= začasno) this is a makeshift, this is a stopgap, this is a temporary substitute
    síla (strašno) vroče je it is extremely hot
    síla ima večjo moč kot pravica might before right
    napeti vse (svoje) síle to do one's utmost, to make every effort, to do one's best, to do all one can; to tax one's powers to the utmost; to use every exertion; to stir heaven and earth; to leave no stone unturned
    síla kola lomi needs must when the devil drives, necessity knows no law
    v síli hudič muhe žre (figurativno) drowning men catch at straws, beggars can't be choosers
    (tudi) s sílo se ne da vsega doseči (figurativno) you can take a horse to the water but you can't make him drink
    ukloniti se síli to give way to compulsion, to act under compulsion (ali duress)
    v síli spoznaš pravega prijatelja a friend in need is a friend indeed
  • simpátičen (oseba) likable, likeable, agreeable, pleasant, nice; prepossessing; winning, attractive, engaging, congenial

    simpátično vedenje winning ways pl
    takoj mi je bil (postal) simpátičen I took to him at once, I found him an attractive person from the word go
    ona mi ni simpátična I don't care much for her, I don't feel interested in her
    simpátični živec (simpatikus) sympathetic nerve
  • síniti (to begin) to shine

    ko sine dan at daybreak, when day breaks
  • sistem(at)izácija systématisation ženski spol

    sistem(at)izacija neke teorije systématisation d'une théorie
  • sistem(at)izírati systématiser, réunir (plusieurs éléments) en un système

    sistem(at)izirati raziskave systématiser des recherches
  • skakaški pridevnik
    1. (o smučarskih skokih) ▸ síugró
    Skakaško zlato je šlo na Norveško, z naslovi olimpijskih prvakov pa so se okitili še nemška in kanadska moška boba dvoseda in norveški hitrostni drsalec Havard Lorentzen. ▸ A síugró arany Norvégiáé lett, olimpiai bajnoki címnek pedig még a német és a kanadai férfi bob kettes, valamint Havard Lorentzen norvég gyorskorcsolyázó örülhetett.

    2. (o gibalni aktivnosti) ▸ ugrálós
    Pomagaj božičku pobrati vsa darila v tej dobri skakaški igri! Skoči čez ovire in luknje, medtem ko pobiraš darila. ▸ Segíts a télapónak összegyűjteni minden ajándékot ebben a jó ugrálós játékban! Ugord át az akadályokat és a lyukakat, közben pedig gyűjtsd az ajándékokat!
  • skákati to jump, to spring, to leap, to bound, to hop, to skip; (v vodo pri kopanju) to dive

    skákati od veselja to leap for joy
    skákati čez vrv (otroška igra) to skip (a rope)
    skákati v višino šport to do (ali to compete in) the high jump
    cene skačejo prices are rising
    skákati od predmeta do predmeta to skip from one thing to another
    ali znaš dobro skákati? are you good at jumping?
  • skálnat, skalovít rocheux, couvert de rochers

    skalnata obala côte rocheuse
    skalnata stena paroi rocheuse (ali de rocher)
    skalnata čer, kleč écueil moški spol, récif moški spol
    Skaln(at)o gorovje les (Montagnes) Rocheuses