razlágati to explain; to explicate; to interpret; to comment; (s primeri) to illustrate; to expound (biblijo the Bible)
ne morem si tega razlágati I am at a loss to understand it
na široko razlágati to expatiate
Zadetki iskanja
- razlíka difference; distinction; discrepancy
brez razlíke without distinction, indiscriminately, promiscuously
za razlíko od in contrast to, as distinguished from
očitna, frapantna razlíka striking difference
prav nobena razlíka no difference at all really
zaradi razlíke for the sake of difference
razlíka v ceni (mnenju, starosti) difference in price (of opinion, in age)
delati razlíko to make a difference, to make (ali to draw) a distinction
delati krivično razlíko to draw an erroneous distinction
ne delam nobene razlíke med njima I make no distinction between them
ni nobene razlíke there is no difference - razlikováti to distinguish; to differentiate; to discern; to discriminate (proti against)
razlikováti med to draw a distinction between
komaj ga razlikujem od njegovega brata I can hardly tell him from his brother
razlikováti se to differ, to vary (od from); (biti nasproten) to contrast (with); (ne se skladati) to dissent (from), to be at variance (with)
razlikujemo se glede tega we disagree (ali we are divided) on it - razmák interval; interspace; (med dvema streloma) span; distance between two objects
v razmákih at intervals - razmérje proportion; relation; ratio; rate; measure
v razmérju 1:5 at a ratio of 1 to 5
v istem razmérju in the same proportion
v obratnem razmérju in inverse ratio
v kvadratnem razmérju do, z in proportion to the square of
v razmérju do (starosti, spola) in relation to (age, sex), in proportion to
ljubezensko razmérje affair, affaire, love affair
ni nobenega razmérja med njegovimi izdatki in njegovimi dohodki his income does not match (ali tally with) his expenditure
plače niso v nobenem razmérju z delom wages bear no relation to work done
ki ni v nobenem razmérju do, z bearing no relation to
lastninska razmérja property relations
medsebojno razmérje pri delu mutual labour relations pl - razmík interval; spacing; divergence
v enakomernih razmíkih at regular intervals
razmík med vrsticami tiskarstvo spacing
tiskanje brez razmíka single spacing, (z razmikom) double spacing - razočárati to disappoint (in, at, with); to disillusion, to disillusionize; to disabuse
razočárati se to be disappointed (nad čem, s čim at something, with something)
izid me je razočaral the result was not what I expected - razpolága razpoláganje disposal; free use of
na razpolágo (za) available (for)
imam na razpolágo I have at my disposal
na vašo razpolágo at your disposal
biti komu na razpolágo to be at someone's disposal
imeti kaj na razpolágo to have something at one's disposal
ves denar, ki ga imam na razpolágo all the money I have at my disposal
dati komu svojo hišo na razpolágo to make someone free of one's house
razpolága, razpoláganje z dohodkom disposing of income
razpolága, razpoláganje z družbenimi sredstvi use of social resources - razpolágati
razpolágati s čim to have something at one's disposal (ali to have free use of something) - razpótje crossroads, crossing; parting of the ways; intersection
na razpótju at the crossroads
biti na razpótju (figurativno) to stand at the crossroads (ali at the parting of the ways), to be undecided - razpréči (konja) to unharness, to take (a horse) out of the shafts; (vola) to unyoke; (plug) to unhitch
v moji starosti je treba razpréči (figurativno) at my age, one has to go slow (ali to give up active work) - razprodája sale; clearance sale, selling off; stock taking sale; liquidation; (dražba) auction sale
popolna razprodája winding-up sale
kupiti kaj v razprodáji to buy something at a clearance sale - razsvítati se to dawn
razsvitna polja the fields at dawn - razuméti to understand; to comprehend, to get, to make out; to grasp, to apprehend, to take in
napačno razuméti to misunderstand, to mistake
ne razumem vas čisto I don't quite follow you
dobro se razumem z njim I get on well with him
tega ne razumem this is beyond me, this is beyond my comprehension, I cannot make head or tail of it
ali naj razumem, da...? am I to take it that...?
me razumeš? do you get me?
(že) razumem I see, I understand
razuméti! radio roger!
ne razumem se na konje I have no experience with horses
nisem mogel prav razuméti njegovega imena I could not catch his name
me razumeš?, si me razumel? do you understand me?, pogovorno got the idea?, pogovorno O.K.?
to se razume that's understood, of course!, I quite see!
slabo ste razumeli you have got hold of the wrong end of the stick
ne razumite me napačno don't get me wrong
to se samo po sebi razume that is a matter of course, that stands to reason, that goes without saying
on se razume na to he is clever at it, he is well versed in it, he is at home in it, he is well experienced (ali skilled) in it
naj me vrag vzame, če razumem! I'll eat my hat if I understand that!
z njim se ni možno razuméti there is no dealing with him
napačno me razumete you mistake me
ona hitro razumeva she is quick-witted
on počasi razumeva he is dull-witted
on ne razume šale he can't take a joke
dobro se razuméti na posle to know one's business
brez nadaljnjega se razume, da... it is an understood thing that...
dobro se razuméti s kom to stand well with someone
dobro se razumejo they get on well together, they get on (ali along) with one another, they are on good terms
ne razumejo se med seboj they are at odds (ali at variance)
ne razumejo se preveč they don't take to one another much
razuméti se kot pes in mačka (figurativno) to get on like cat and dog
dali smo jim razuméti we gave them to understand
dali so mi razuméti, da... I was given to understand that...
tega nisem prav nič razumel (figurativno) I could not make head or tail of it
da, razumel sem! aeronavtika roger! - razžáljen offended, insulted, outraged, affronted, injured, hurt; mortified
biti razžáljen to take offence (at)
čutiti se razžáljenega to feel hurt - rêči to say; to tell; to utter; (izraziti se) to express in words; (izjaviti) to declare; (kot priča) to depose
rêči "da" to say yes, to agree
rêči "ne" to say no (ali nay), to refuse
zopet, ponovno rêči to repeat
rêči bobu bob to call a spade a spade
rêči zbogom to say (ali to bid) goodbye (ali farewell)
na uho komu rêči to whisper in someone's ear
rêči komu svoje mnenje to give someone a piece of one's mind
rêči enkrat "da", enkrat "ne" to say and unsay
tako rekoč so to speak; as it were; as one might say; so to say
recimo, da... granted that...
recimo, da bi to bilo res... supposing (that) it were true...
kot se reče (ljudje rečejo) as the saying goes
dal mi je, reci in piši, 8 tolarjev he gave me precisely 8 tolars
rečeno, storjeno no sooner said than done, quick as thought
kratko rečeno... the long and the short of it is...
mimogrede rečeno... by the way, by the by (ali bye)
kot že rečeno as I have said already, as I said before
med nama rečeno between you and me
laže rečeno kot storjeno easier said than done
recimo let us say, say, suppose
reci odkrito! speak up (ali out)!
reci brez okolišenja! don't beat about the bush!
recimo, da je tako admitting that it is so (ali it to be so)
recimo, da je to res, kaj potem? say it were true, what then?
če lahko tako rečemo if one might put it this way
to je lepo rečeno that is nicely put
kaj naj rečem k temu? it is incredible!
ni kaj rêči o njegovi poštenosti his honesty cannot be called in question
nimam več kaj rêči I have nothing more to say
proti temu se ne da nič rêči there is nothing to be said against that
to se samó tako reče that's merely a way of putting it
on si ne da nič rêči he is deaf to all advice, he will not listen to reason
kar on reče, mora biti what he says goes
kako bi se to reklo v angleščini? how would you put that in English?
težko je rêči... it is hard to say...
ne more se rêči kdaj there is no saying when
rekli so mi, da je doma I was told that he was at home
kolikokrat sem to rekel? how often have I said (ali told you) that?
rekel sem svoje I had (ali I've had) my say, (kaj mislim) I spoke my mind
kar sem rekel, nisem oporekel I kept my word, I did not go back on my word
upravičeno lahko to rečem I could well say so
kaj bodo pa ljudje rekli (figurativno) what will people (ali they) say?
to je težavno, ali bolje rečeno, to je nemogoče it is difficult, or rather (ali knjižno nay), it is impossible
to je težavno, da ne rečem nemogoče! it is difficult, not to say impossible!
Je to res? Če ti pa rečem! Is it true? You can take my word for it!
ne vem, kaj hočeš rêči I don't follow you
kaj hočeš rêči s tem? what do you mean by that?
ravno sem hotel to rêči you have taken the words out of my mouth, it was on the tip of my tongue, I was going to say
preden sem sploh mogel kaj reči... before I could get a word out
vse še ni bilo rečeno o tem we haven't yet heard the last of it, we haven't yet got to the bottom of it - referát paper; report
na simpoziju podani referáti papers pl delivered at the symposium
referát o nekaterih problemih report on some problems
imeti referát to report (o on), to make (ali to give) a report - reševálen rešílen rescue(-)
reševálni čoln lifeboat, lifesaving boat
reševálna dela rescue work, rescue operations
reševálni avto ambulance
reševálna ekipa, reševálno moštvo rescue team, rescue party, rescue squad; salvage team
reševálna lestev fire escape
reševálna oprema rescue appliances pl
reševálni pas life belt, life buoy, ZDA life preserver
reševálna postaja first-aid post
reševálni poskus attempt at rescue
gorska reševálna služba mountain rescue service
reševálna služba lifeguard service
Rešilna vojska (VB) Salvation Army - revoltírati (se) to revolt (proti against), to be in revolt
revoltírati (se) in preiti k sovražniku to revolt to the enemy
tvoje slabe manire me revoltirajo your bad manners revolt me
moja vest revoltira ob tej ideji my conscience revolts at this idea - rígati (osel) to bray, to hee-haw
rígati (se komu) to guffow derisively (at someone); to belch, ZDA to burp, to eructate, to spew, arhaično to heave the gorge