
Zadetki iskanja

  • takó prislov so, like this, like that, thus, in this way, in such a manner

    takó takó so-so, so so, fairly well, tolerably
    takó ali takó in one way or other, this way or that (way)
    prav takó likewise
    točno takó! just so!, quite so!
    zakaj takó? why so?
    kaj takega! of all things!
    ah, takó! oh, I see!, so that's it!
    ne takó kot not so... as
    takó da... so that...
    takó velik kot... as big as...
    takó malo? as little as that?
    takó imenovan so-called
    takó rekoč so to speak, so to say, as it were
    kakor ti meni, takó jaz tebi pogovorno if you play ball with me, I'll play ball with you
    in takó dalje and so on, etc (= et cetera, etcetera), and so forth
    nikoli poprej takó koristen kot sedaj never before as (ali so) useful as now
    takó bogat človek such a rich man, a man so rich
    takó je! (popolnoma točno!) exactly!, quite so!, just so!
    je to takó? (je to res?) is that so?
    takó mi bog pomagaj! so help me God!
    če je to takó if that be the case
    takó je na svetu so goes it
    bodite takó dobri in odprite okno! be so kind as to open the window!
    takó mi delamo that is our way of doing things
    stori takó kot jaz! do as I do!
    takó ne bo šlo! that won't do!
    takó se je končalo moje potovanje thus ended my journey
    nisem takó mislil I didn't mean that, that's not what I meant
    zadeva je takó rekoč urejena the matter is as good as settled
    dolgočasil nas je takó, da ga nismo nikoli več povabili he annoyed us so much (that) we never asked him again
    kakor si boš postlal, takó boš spal as you make your bed, so you must lie!
  • tàm there; in that direction; in (ali at) that place

    tu pa tàm here and there
    tàm doli down there
    tàm notri in there
    tàm preko over there
    tàm zunaj out there
    tàm góri up there
    tàm nekje thereabouts
    tàm daleč yonder
    ne tu ne tàm neither here nor there
  • teint tén complexion, colour

    temen teint, tén dark complexion
    lepega teint, téna pesniško with a complexion of lilies and roses
  • ték1 (apetit) appetite; desire for food; (za kaj) zest, relish, gusto

    imam, čutim ték I have an appetite
    imam dober, zdrav (slab) ték I have a good, a keen (a poor) appetite
    jesti z dobrim tékom to eat with gusto
    izgubiti ték to lose one's appetite
    narediti, povzročiti ték to sharpen (ali to whet) the appetite
    dražiti, spodbujati si ték to stimulate one's appetite
    delati, dobiti ték to give, to get an appetite
    ték pride z jedjo the appetite grows with what it feeds on, start eating and you work up an appetite, figurativno the more you get, the more you want
    biti brez téka, ne imeti téka (žargon) to be off one's food, to be a poor eater
  • tékniti to be to one's taste

    to meso mi tekne I like this meat
    kosilo mi je teknilo I enjoyed my meal
    ta jabolka zelo dobro teknejo these apples taste very good
    ta jed mi ne tekne I don't like this dish, this dish is not to my taste
    kako vam tekne ta riba? how do you like this fish?
    prehlajen sem in nič mi ne tekne (diší) I have a cold and cannot taste anything
  • teló body; frame; constitution; (oseb) corporation, corporate body

    mrtvo teló (truplo) corpse
    nebesno teló heavenly body
    krepko, močno teló strong body
    lepo zgrajeno teló a well-knit body
    močnega telesa, močan po telesu strong-bodied, ablebodied
    človek krepkega telesa a well-built fellow
    trdno (tekoče, plinasto) teló solid (liquid, gaseous) body
    Rešnje teló religija the body of Our Lord, Corpus Christi, (praznik) Corpus Christi
    tuje teló foreign body
    zakonodajno teló legislative body
    biti vdan komu z dušo in telesom to be devoted body and soul to someone
    drgetati po vsem telesu to tremble all over
    predstavniško teló representative body
  • tén (= teint) complexion; colour

    temen tén dark complexion
    lepega téna pesniško with a complexion of lilies and roses
  • termométer thermometer

    Celzijev (Fahrenheitov, Réaumurjev) termométer centigrade (ali Celsius) (Fahrenheit, Réaumur) thermometer
    klinični termométer clinical thermometer
    kombinirani termométer combination thermometer
    beležni termométer recording thermometer
    maksimalni in minimalni termométer maximum and minimum thermometer
    živosrebrni termométer mercury thermometer
    stanje termométra thermometer reading
    termométer kaže 10°C the thermometer reads (ali shows) ten degrees centigrade (10°C)
    termométer kaže 15° pod (nad) ničlo the thermometer shows fifteen degrees below (above) zero
    termométer se dviga (pada) the thermometer is rising (is falling)
  • težkó prislov heavily; badly; with difficulty; (komaj) hardly, scarcely

    težkó delati to work hard, to toil, to toil and moil
    težkó verjeti to be sceptical
    on se težkó uči he is a backward student
    težkó dostopen hard of access
    težkó izpolnljiv difficult to carry out
    težkó razumljiv difficult to understand
    težkó verjeten hard to believe
    težkó ranjen badly (ali severely) wounded
    težkó dojemati, razume(va)ti to be slow on the uptake
    težkó bolan dangerously ill
    težkó oborožen heavily armed
    težkó je zame I'm finding things hard
    z njo je težkó (figurativno) she is hard to get on with
    težkó mi je (reči) I find it hard (to say)
    njemu je težkó ugoditi he is hard to please
    težkó mi je pri duši it grieves me
    težkó, da bo prišel he will hardly come, it's unlikely he'll come
    težkó, da jo boš še kdaj videl you're unlikely to see her again
  • you; arhaično thou

    tí tepec you blockhead!
    tí norec! you fool!
    ko bi jaz bil ti (= na tvojem mestu) if I were you
    kakor ti meni, tako jaz tebi you play ball with me and I'll play ball with you
  • tíkati1 to address someone as »thou«, to use the intimate form of address

    tíkati se (med seboj) to address one another as »thou«
    tíkati koga to thou and thee someone
  • tísk print, printing; press; typography; impression; pogovorno type

    v tísku in print, in the press, passing through the press
    pripravljen, zrel, gotov za tísk in type; correct; ready to go to press
    tísk in založba (DZS) printers and publishers (DZS)
    debel tísk boldface, bold (ali heavy, thick) type
    jasen (majhen, velik) tísk clear (small, large) type
    nejasen, zabrisan tísk slur
    klečeplazen tísk the reptile press
    razprti tísk space type
    poševni tísk italics pl
    gotski tísk (črke) black letters pl, Gothic, Fraktur
    dnevni tísk daily prints pl, daily press
    senzacijski tísk (časopisje) the tabloids, the gutter press
    svoboda tíska freedom of the press
    knjiga je v tísku the book is being printed (ali is with the printers)
    dati v tísk to put in print, to bring out, to publish
    hitro dati knjigo v tísk to rush a book into print
    iti v tísk to go to press
    zavezati jezik tísku (figurativno) to throttle (ali to hamstring, zastarelo to jugulate) the press
  • tísoč a (ali one) thousand

    tísoč raznih stvari a thousand different things pl
    na tísoče thousands pl (of)
    Tisoč in ena noč (pravljice) The Arabian Nights pl, The Thousand and One Nights pl
  • tjà there; thither; thitherward(s)

    hoditi sem in tjà to go hither and thither
  • to this; that; it

    to je (krajšava: t.j.) that is, namely, (krajšava: i.e.)
    o tem about this
    v tem (medtem) (in the) meanwhile
    skozi to through this, on account of this, by it
    razen tega besides, moreover, as well
    kako to? how so?
    (pa) kaj za to? what of that?
    to je vse that's all
    to je možno that may be
    to so oni they are the ones, pogovorno that's them
    ne to ne ono (= nekaj vmesnega, srednjega) neither one thing nor the other, betwixt and between
    pri vsem tem, kljub vsemu temu for all that
    tega je 10 let ten years ago
    jaz sem za to I am for it, I agree to it
    ni mi do tega I don't care for it
    samó še to bi (se) manjkalo! that would be all we need!, (pogovorno) that would put the tin lid on it!
    pustimo to, kakor je! (pogovorno) let it go at that!
    to mi boš plačal! you'll pay for this!, you'll smart for this!
    koga misliš s tem? whom have you (ali pogovorno who've you got) in mind?
    si to mislil, si to hotel reči? is that what you meant?
    to se pravi that is to say
    iz tega sledi... hence it follows...
    vsi vedó to every one knows that
    poleg vsega tega, (on) še pije apart from all that, he drinks, too
  • toaléta toilet; (obleka) dress, costume, clothes pl; (stranišče) lavatory, W.C., toilet; (za ženske) powder room

    ona veliko izda za svojo toaléto she spends a lot of money on her toilet
    opraviti (svojo) toaléto to make one's toilet, to tidy oneself up, pogovorno to have a wash and brush up
  • tóča hail, (zrno) hailstone; (sodra) sleet

    tóča pada it is hailing (oziroma it hails)
    nevihta s tóčo hailstorm
    škoda po tóči damage done by hail
    zavarovanje proti tóči insurance against (damage by) hail
    udarci so padali kot tóča the blows fell (ali came) fast and thick
    po tóči zvoniti (figurativno) to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted
    po tóči zvoniti je prepozno (nima smisla) there's no use crying over spilt milk, it's no use trying to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted
  • tóstran on this side (of)

    tóstran in onstran on this side and that
  • tréba

    tréba je it is necessary
    kot tréba as it should be, properly, suitably
    napravi to kot tréba! do it properly!
    ni tréba! no need!
    kaj ti tréba več? what more do you want?
    če bi bilo tréba (= v potrebi) if need be
    ne izostani dljè kot tréba! don't stay away longer than you need!
    ni mi tréba tvojega denarja I don't need your money
    tréba mi je I need, I want
    to je tréba storiti this must be done
    tréba je samo reči in... you have only to say the word and...
    še marsikaj bo tréba napraviti there is still much to be done
    ni se ti tréba bati you needn't fear (za for)
    tréba bi ga bilo kaznovati he ought to be punished
    ni se tréba čuditi, da... it is not to be wondered at that...
    ni ti tréba skrbeti you need not trouble
    tréba je delati, če hočeš uspeti you must work if you want to succeed
    če je tréba, bom to jutri naredil I'll do it tomorrow, if it is necessary (ali if need be)
    tréba bo še tri tedne, da končamo to delo it will take us three weeks to finish this job
    pol ure nam je bilo tréba hoditi do postaje it took us half an hour to walk to the station
  • trepèt trepetánje (strah) fright, tremor; trepidation; trembling, shaking, shivering, quiver

    v strahu in trepèt, trepetánjeu in fear and trembling
    biti strah in trepèt, trepetánje za to be the terror of