
Zadetki iskanja

  • zanêsti to carry away

    avto je zaneslo v stran the car went into a skid, the car skidded
    zanêsti koga (figurativno, očarati, navdušiti) to carry someone away
    zanêsti se na koga to rely upon someone, to depend on someone
    nanj se lahko zaneseš he is as good as his word
    nanj se ne moreš zanêsti he is not to be trusted
    se nanjo lahko zanesem? is she dependable?
    se lahko zanesemo na njegovo besedo? can we rely on his word?
    upam, da se lahko zanesem na to I hope I can rely upon it
    na to se lahko zaneseš! you may depend upon it!, depend upon it!
    zanêsti se na srečo to trust to luck
  • zapísnik minutes pl; protocol; record

    zapísnik o 1. seji skupščine minutes of the 1st session of the assembly
    sejni zapísnik minutes of a meeting
    iz zapísnika 10. seje izvršilnega odbora RSS from the minutes of the 10th session of the executive committee of the RSS
    pisati, voditi zapísnik to take (ali to keep) the minutes
    dati na zapísnik to make a deposition (ali a statement)
    napisati zapísnik to draw up the minutes
    smem smatrati, da je zapísnik odobren? may I take the minutes as read?
    ne določen za zapísnik not minuted, off the record
  • zarádi owing to, because of, on account of; for; for the sake of

    zarádi jokanja ni mogla govoriti she could not speak for weeping
    zarádi tega for this reason
    zarádi mene (meni na ljubo) for my sake
    zarádi nas vseh for all our sakes
    zarádi tvoje neubogljivosti because of your disobedience
    zarádi mene in vas for my own sake as well as yours
    zarádi ljubega miru for the sake of peace (and quiet), for a quiet life
    zarádi vestí for conscience's sake
    zarádi starih časov (starega prijateljstva) for old time's sake
    zarádi dežja smo se morali vrniti domov owing to the rain we had to come back home
    prav zarádi tega for that very reason
    zarádi močnega deževja je promet ukinjen in consequence of the heavy rains communications are interrupted
    umetnost zarádi umetnosti art for art's sake
  • zastónj gratis, gratuitously; for nothing, free, free of charge; (zaman) in vain, to no purpose

    skoraj zastónj sem to dobil I got it dirt cheap
    to se lahko zastónj dobi it can be had for the asking
    to sem kupil skoraj zastónj I bought it for a song
    zastónj se mučiti to labour in vain, (figurativno) to beat the air
    še zastónj tegá ne bi hotel imeti I would not have it as a gift
    vse moje prizadevanje je bilo zastónj all my efforts were in vain
    ta zdravnik zdravi reveže zastónj that doctor treats poor people free
  • zdéti se to seem; to appear; to look (like); to have the air (of)

    zdi se mi it seems to me
    zdi se (kazno je, kaže) it seems, it would seem
    to se mi zdi zelo čudno I find that very strange
    naj se zdi še tako čudno, nenavadno strange as it may appear
    tako se zdi (tako je videti) so it seems
    kot se vse zdi as it seems, to all appearances
    kot se zdi (kot je videti) apparently, seemingly
    zdi se, da bo deževalo it looks like rain
    zdi se mi znan I think I know him
    zdi se, da je bolan he seems to be ill
    zdi se, da pomoč ni potrebna it seems there is no need of help
    ni se mi zdel posebno inteligenten he did not strike me as being particularly intelligent
    meni se zdi (= jaz mislim) I think, in my opinion
    kakor se ti zdi primerno as you think proper (ali fit)
    zdi se, da jaz (ti, mi... itd.) I (you, we... etc) seem to...
    zdi se, da to verjamete (verjamejo) you seem (they seem) to believe it
    zdi se, da tega ne more zanikati it seems that he cannot deny it
    zdi se, da jabolka tu ne rastejo apples do not seem to grow here
    ta vest se zdi resnična this news rings true
  • zdráv healthy, sound, in good health, healthy-looking; (duševno) sane; wholesome, healthful (za for), salubrious

    zdráva pamet common sense, good sense, horse sense, mother wit, pogovorno gumption
    zdrávi zobje sound teeth
    zdrávo sadje sound fruit
    zdráv kot riba (as) sound as a bell, in the pink (of condition), in fine fettle
    zdráv na duši in telesu sound in body and mind
    cel in zdráv, zdráv in živ hale and hearty
    zdrávo podnebje salubrious climate
    zdráva hrana (zrak) wholesome food (air)
    zdráv duh v zdrávem telesu a sound mind in a sound body
    zdráva kritika sound (ali judicious) criticism
    biti zdráv to be well, to be healthy, to be in (ali to enjoy, to have) good health
    zdráv je kot riba v vodi he is as right as a trivet, he is as fit as a fiddle
    biti duševno zdráv to be sound in mind, to be of sound mind
    imeti zdráve nazore to have sound views
    to je zdráva vaja this is a healthy exercise
    odnesti zdrávo kožo (figurativno) to escape unscathed, to save one's bacon
    ostanite zdrávi! I wish you continued good health
    vrniti se živ in zdráv to return safe and sound
    to je zdrávo zanj! (figurativno) (= prav mu je!) it serves him right!
    gorski zrak je zelo zdráv the mountain air is very wholesome
    videti je zdráva she looks well
  • zdráviti to treat (medically), (uspešno) to cure

    zdráviti koga za... to treat someone for...; (dajati zdravilo) to give medicine, to medicate, to doctor; (figurativno) to remedy, to make good, to rectify; (poklic) VB to practise (ZDA to practice) medicine (ali as a doctor, physician)
    zdravi me dr. X. Doctor X. is treating me
    zdráviti se to receive treatment, to undergo (a course of) treatment, to undergo a cure, to take a cure
  • zglèd example

    dober (slab) good (poor) example
    svetel zglèd shining example
    svarilen zglèd warning example
    zastrašujoč zglèd deterrent example
    po zglèdu mojega učitelja following my teacher's example
    to naj ti bo v (svarilen) zglèd! let this be a lesson to you!
    dajati koga za zglèd to quote (ali to cite) someone as an example
    dajati komu za zglèd to hold up as an example for (ali to) someone
    dati dober zglèd to give (ali to set) a good example (komu to someone)
    kaznovati koga (drugim) za zglèd to make an example of someone
    vzemi si brata za zglèd follow your brother's example!
    vzeti si zglèd po... to follow the example of..., to take... as one's model
  • zgledováti se

    zgledováti se po kom to model oneself on (ali upon) someone; to follow someone's example, to take someone as one's example
    zgledováti se se (= pohujševati se) nad čim to be scandalized at something, to take offence at something
  • zgór zgôraj above; (v zgodnjem nadstropju) upstairs

    zgór, zgôraj imenovan above-named
    zgór, zgôraj naveden above-quoted, above-cited
    zgór, zgôraj omenjen abovementioned
    kot zgór, zgôraj omenjeno as mentioned above, as above
    modro nebo zgór, zgôraj the blue sky above
    rdeč zgór, zgôraj in črn spodaj red above and black below
    svarilo od zgór, zgôraj a warning from above
  • znájti se (orientirati se) to orient oneself, to orientate oneself, to know one's way around; to find one's bearings; figurativno to be resourceful; to see how the land lies

    sam se znajti to shift for oneself, to make shift; to contrive
    on se zelo dobro znajde he manages very well
    moram se znajti I must shift as well as I can
    ne morem se znajti (pogovorno) I'm at my wits' end
    ne se znajti to be baffled
    hitro znájti se to adapt rapidly
  • znák1 sign, mark, signal, symbol; token; index; (značka) badge; (bolezenski) symptom; (migljaj) wink

    znáki časa signs pl of the times
    znák minus matematika minus sign, negative sign
    znák plus matematika plus sign
    prometni znák traffic sign (ali signal), road sign
    znák za odhod signal for departure
    znák za umik vojska signal to retreat
    znák kot prošnja za pomoč distress signal; (v nevarnosti) signal of distress (SOS)
    znák za preplah alarm
    znák za konec preplaha all clear
    zaščitni znák trademark
    znáki časti in oblasti insignia pl
    kot znák spoštovanja as a mark of respect
    nobenega znáka življenja no sign of life
    znák (znamenje) propadanja sign of decay
    razpoznavni znák distinctive mark
    kot znák moje hvaležnosti in token (ali as a token) of my gratitude
    v znák sprave as a sign of reconciliation
    kot na dani znák as though in response to a sign
    dati komu znák to give someone a sign
    dati znák za streljanje to give the signal to fire
    dati znák (pomigniti) to beckon, pogovorno to tip someone the wink
    to je bil znák za upor this was the signal for revolt
    govoriti z znáki (kretnjami) to speak in sign language, (gluhonemi) to speak in dumb show
    v znák žalovanja nositi črno obleko to wear black as a token of mourning
  • znán known; noted (po for); well-known

    splošno znán notorious (po, zaradi for)
    po vsem svetu znán well-known all over the world
    znán pod imenom... known as...
    znán obraz familiar face
    znána substanca kemija (the) known
    znána veličina matematika (the) known quantity
    drugače znán pod imenom... alias, also known as (krajšava: aka)
    kolikor je znáno as far as is known
    kolikor mi je znáno as far as I know
    znáno mi je, da... I know that...
    znáno je dejstvo, da... it is a well-known fact that...
    on je znán kot dober učitelj he is known to be a good teacher
    on mi je znán he is known to me
    biti znán s kom to be acquainted with someone
    si znán z njim? are you acquainted with him?
    nisem osebno znán z njegovim bratom I am not personally acquainted with his brother
  • znoréti to become (ali to go) mad (ali insane, crazy); to go off one's head (ali pogovorno off one's rocker); to lose one's mind (ali pogovorno one's marbles)

    si znorel? are you out of your senses?
    človek bi znorel ob tem! it is enough to drive one mad!
    menda nisem znorel, da bi to storil? surely I'm not such a fool as to do that?
    je znorel? has he taken leave of his senses?
  • zráčen air(-), airy; aerial; aired; atmospheric

    po zráčni poti by air
    zráčna armada vojska air fleet, air forces pl, air force
    zráčni balon balloon
    zráčna bitka air fight, aerial combat, air battle (za Anglijo Battle of Britain)
    zráčna blazina air cushion
    zráčna črta beeline, ZDA air line
    10 milj zráčne črte 10 miles as the crow flies
    zráčna črpalka pneumatic pump, air compressor
    zráčni filter air cleaner
    zráčno gretje hot-air heating
    zráčni alarm air-raid warning
    zráčna kopel air bath
    zráčna ladja airship
    zráčni koridor air corridor
    zráčni mehur (air) bubble, air pocket
    zráčna luknja air pocket, air hole
    zráčni napad air raid, air attack, (močan) blitz
    zráčni most air lift
    zráčna obramba air defence
    zráčni pojav atmospheric phenomenon
    zráčna puška air gun
    zráčna pošta air mail
    zráčni promet aerial communication, air traffic, airborne traffic
    zráčna plovba aerial navigation
    zráčni pritisk atmospheric pressure
    zráčna pot airway, air lane, air route, skyway
    zráčna plast stratum, air layer
    zráčna reklama skywriting
    zráčna sesalka pneumatic pump
    zráčni tlak air pressure
    zráčni tovor air cargo, air freight, airborne freight
    zráčni torpedo aerial torpedo
    zráčni prostor air space
    zráčni prevoz air transport
    zráčne sile vojska air force
    zráčni taksi air taxi
    zráčni tok air current, air stream
    zráčni upor air resistance, aeronavtika vojska air opposition
    zráčna (vetrna) vreča (na letališču) wind sock, wind cone, wind sleeve, wind direction indicator
    zráčni vrtinec whirlwind
    zráčni vzgon air buoyancy
    zráčna zavora pneumatic brake, compressed-air brake, air brake
    porušiti, razrušiti s hudim zráčnim napadom to blitz
    oskrbovati po zráčni poti to supply by air
    prevažati po zráčnem mostu to airlift
  • žámet velvet; (za klobuke) velour, ZDA velure

    bombažni žámet cotton velvet, velveteen
    svileni žámet silk velvet
    v žámetu in svili in silk and satin
    mehak kot žámet soft as velvet, velvety
    tovarna žámeta velvet factory
  • želéti to desire, to want; to wish; to be desirous (of), to long for

    zelo želéti to long, to yearn, to thirst, to crave, to hunger (after), to be dying for
    želéti lahko noč (zbogom) to bid good night (goodbye)
    kaj želite od mene? what do you want from me?
    ali želiš, da on pride? do you want him to come?
    on želi dobiti to mesto he wants to get that post
    želite, gospod? (v trgovini) what can I do for you, sir?
    želéti komu dobro (slabo) to be well (ill) disposed to someone
    želéti si to long for, to yearn for
    zelo si želéti domov to long for one's home
    želel si je vesti od svoje družine he longed for news of his family
    vsi želimo, da bi se kmalu vzpostavil mir we all wish that peace may soon be restored
    želéti komu srečo to wish someone luck, to wish someone, well
    kakor želite as you please, just as you wish
    tega ne bi še psu želel! (ZDA) it shouldn't happen to a dog!
    želim van srečno novo leto! I wish you a happy New Year!
    želim ti vse najboljše k rojstnemu dnevu! many happy returns of the day!
    kaj si želiš za svoj rojstni dan? what would you like for your birthday?
    hoteti in želéti je dvoje, ni isto willing and wishing are not the same thing
  • želézo iron

    kovano želézo wrought iron
    lito želézo cast iron
    mehko želézo soft iron
    staro želézo scrap iron
    surovo želézo pig iron, crude cast iron
    valjano želézo rolled iron
    zarjavelo želézo rusty iron
    ležišče želéza iron deposits pl
    rudnik želéza iron mine
    profilno želézo section iron
    dati med staro želézo (figurativno) to consign to the scrap heap
    okovati z želézom to iron
    imeti dvoje želéz v ognju (figurativno) to have two strings to one's bow
    imeti več želéz v ognju to have several strings to one's bow, to have several irons in the fire
    ima preveč želéz v ognju (figurativno) he has too many irons in the fire
    kuj želézo, dokler je vroče! strike while the iron is hot!, make hay while the sun shines!
    kujmo želézo dokler je vroče! let us strike while the iron is hot!, let us make hay while the sun shines!
    vreči med staro želézo to throw away as useless, to scrap
  • žêlja desire, wish; request; (hrepenenje) longing, yearning, craving, hankering, yen; (pohlep) cupidity, avidity, greed, greediness; (čestitka) congratulation

    na žêljo trgovina if desired, on request
    po žêlji as (ali if) requested, according to one's wish
    na izrecno žêljo at the express wish (of)
    dobre (slabe) žêlje pl good (bad) wishes pl
    na splošno žêljo by general request
    na žêljo g. X-a at the request (ali by desire) of Mr. X.
    po moji žêlji in accordance with my wishes
    moja srčna žêlja my heartfelt wish
    pobožna žêlja (figurativno) pious hope (ali wish)
    vroča žêlja ardent desire
    to je moja edina žêlja it is the only thing I wish for, it is my only wish
    naj bo po vaši žêlji! let it be as you wish!
    izraziti žêljo to express one's desire
    to so pobožne žêlje (figurativno, pogovorno) that's a piece of wishful thinking
    od (dobrih) žêlja še nihče ni bil sit if wishes were horses beggars might ride
    imeti žêljo to entertain a wish
    vse je šlo (se je izšlo) po mojih žêljah everything turned out the way I wanted
    to je bila le moja pobožna žêlja (figurativno) that was only my wishful thinking
    uganiti žêlje koga to anticipate someone's wishes
    ne morem ustreči tvoji žêlji I cannot comply with your wish
    treba je znati brzdati svoje žêlje one must learn to cut one's coat according to one's cloth
    izpolniti žêljo to satisfy a desire
  • žélva zoologija tortoise

    morska žélva turtle
    počasen kot žélva (as) slow as a tortoise
    aligatorska žélva alligator tortoise, snapping turtle
    sladkovodna žélva terrapin
    žélvina juha turtle soup
    loviti žélve to catch turtles
    žélvin oklep tortoiseshell