
Zadetki iskanja

  • trgováti to trade, to do business, to traffic (v, z in, with); to deal (z in); to bargain

    trgováti z odpustki zgodovina to trade in pardons
    trgováti z vinom to be in the wine trade, to deal in wines
  • tvŕdka firm, mercantile firm; business house; (commercial) house; concern; company, establishment

    centralna, glavna, matična tvŕdka parent house
    podružnična tvŕdka branch house
    stara tvŕdka an old-established firm
    ugledna tvŕdka a firm of high standing
    ime tvŕdke name of a firm
    naslov tvŕdke style of a firm
    lastnik tvŕdke owner of a firm
    šef tvŕdke principal
    žig tvŕdke firm's stamp
    ta tvŕdka je videti solidna that firm seems to be of good standing
    tvŕdke bodo razširile svoje poslovno področje the firms will extend their range of business
    ustanoviti tvŕdko to found a business (ali a company), to set up (ali to establish) a business
  • Unterhaltungsbranche, die, show business
  • vêja branch; bough; (podružnica) branch (of a business, of a company), branch business, branch company, sister company

    priti na zeleno vêjo (figurativno) to begin to thrive, to begin to prosper
  • veletrgovína wholesale business (ali house, firm, trade)
  • about2 [əbáut] predlog
    okoli, okrog, o, pri

    to beat about the bush ne priti z besedo na dan
    go about your business! skrbi za svoje stvari!
    to go the wrong way about lotiti se stvari z napačnega konca
    she is about the house je nekje v hiši
    to have no money about one ne imeti pri sebi denarja
    I looked round about me pogledal sem naokrog
    I'll see about it poskrbel bom za to
    it's about time čas je že
    be quick about it! podvizaj se!, pohiti!
    what about it? kaj bi bilo s tem?
    to have one's wits about one jasno misliti
  • admittance [ədmítəns] samostalnik
    dostop; sprejem

    to apply for admittance prositi za sprejem
    no admittance! vstop prepovedan!
    no admittance except on business nezaposlenim vstop prepovedan
  • agency [éidžənsi] samostalnik
    delovanje, napor; moč, učinek; posredovanje, zastopstvo; agentura, pisarna, agencija

    by (ali through) the agency of s pomočjo, po
    agency business komisijska trgovina
  • agentúren

    agentúrni posel agency business
  • báviti se to occupy oneself, to be occupied (z with); to deal (z with); to busy oneself (z with); (s športom ipd.) to go in for; (zanimati se za) to be interested in

    báviti se s trgovino to do business, to trade (in), to deal (in)
    nekoliko se bavim z glasbo I'm quite interested in music
    bavi se s premnogimi stvarmi (figurativno) he has too many irons in the fire
    s to stvarjo sem se mnogo bavil it is a matter I have given a lot of thought to
  • best2 [best] samostalnik
    najboljše, najprimernejše

    the best najodličnejši, najboljši ljudje
    at the best v najboljšem primeru
    the very best najboljše od vsega
    to be at one's best biti na višku
    bad is the best nič dobrega ne moremo pričakovati
    to do one's best do skrajnosti se potruditi
    to get (ali have) the best of the bargain napraviti dobro kupčijo
    make the best of your way home glej, da boš čimprej doma
    to make the best of a bad bargain (ali job, business, of it) pogumno prenašati udarce usode, ne biti malodušen, ne obupati, ne zgubiti glave
    to try one's best na vso moč se truditi
    to the best of my power kolikor zmorem
    the best is the enemy of good prevelike zahteve ovirajo napredek
    with the best med najboljšimi
    to have the best of both worlds izkoristiti obe možnosti
    my best, my Sunday best moja najboljša, praznična obleka
  • bólje better

    bólje in bólje, vedno bólje better and better
    čim prej tem bólje the sooner the better
    toliko bólje so much the better
    tem bólje all the better
    oziroma bólje (rečeno) or rather
    bólje je (vzeti...) it is preferable (to take...)
    zaradi tega mi ni prav nič bólje I am no whit the better for it
    gre mu (ekonomsko) bólje he is better off
    sedaj mi gre (zdravstveno) bólje I am getting better now
    bólje bi storil, če bi ostal doma you'd better stay at home, pogovorno you better stay at home
    bólje ne! (= tega Vam ne svetujem) you had better not!
    sinoči, oziroma bólje rečeno, davi smo imeli vihar last night, or rather, this morning there was a storm
    ni mogel napraviti bólje kot... he could not have done better than...
    bólje se počutiti to feel (ali to be) better
    posli gredo bólje business is improving
    obrniti se, spremeniti se na bólje to change for the better
    bólje drži ga kot lovi ga a bird in hand is worth two in the bush
  • bottom1 [bɔ́təm] samostalnik
    dno, tla; vznožje; nižava, dolina; podlaga, osnova
    vulgarno zadnjica; sedalo; ladijsko dno, ladja; usedlina, gošča
    figurativno vzrok, razlog
    pogovorno vztrajnost; enica (prestava v motorju); najoddaljenejši kraj; spodnje čelo mize, oseba, ki tam sedi

    at (the) bottom dejansko, pravzaprav, v resnici
    to act (ali stand) (up) on one's own bottom delati na svojo roko (odgovornost), biti neodvisen
    from top to bottom od glave do pete
    to be at the bottom of biti pravi vzrok česa
    the bottom of the business bistvo stvari
    to be embarked in the same bottom imeti isto usodo, udeležiti se iste stvari
    to go to the bottom potopiti se, utoniti
    from the bottom of one's heart z dna srca
    to knock the bottom out of dokazati neresnico, ovreči, podminirati
    bottom leather podplat
    to get down to rock bottom priti stvari do dna
    to send to the bottom potopiti
    to touch bottom nasesti; figurativno zaiti v hude težave
    to venture all in one bottom staviti vse na eno kocko
    bottom up! izpij do dna!, eks!
    at the bottom of the street na koncu ulice
  • bríga care; trouble; worries pl; (zaskrbljenost) concern, anxiety, solicitude, uneasiness, apprehension

    bríga za (kaj) care for (something)
    moreča bríga zastarelo carking care
    to je moja bríga I shall see to it
    to ni moja bríga this is no business of mine, this is no concern of mine
    to mi je deveta bríga I don't care about it at all
    bodi brez bríge! don't worry; never you fear; be easy on that score
    dajati, povzročati bríge to cause anxiety (ali uneasiness)
    imeti na brígi to take care of, to attend (ali to see) to
  • brígati to concern; to regard

    kaj me to briga? what is that to me?
    to te nič ne briga! it is none of your business!
    to Vas nič ne briga! that is not your concern!
    on me nič ne briga he is no concern of mine
    stvar nikogar ne briga the matter is no one's business
    to me nič ne briga that is no business of mine, that doesn't concern me
    brígati se to care (za for, about); to concern oneself (with, about); to bother about; (skrbeti za) to attend to, to see to
    brigaj se za svoje zadeve (stvari)! mind your own business!, go about your business!
    ne briga se za politiko he doesn't concern himself with politics
    ne brigajte se za govorice ljudi! don't trouble about what people say
  • cílj aim, end; object, vojska objective; scope; view; purpose; goal, mark; (tarča) target, butt, mark; (dirkalni, šport) winning post; (življenjski, željá) goal; (potovanja) destination; (stremljenje) aspiration

    brez cílja aimless, purposeless, without aim or end
    za ta cílj to this end
    mimo cílja beside (ali wide of) the mark
    doseči svoj cílj to attain (ali to secure) one's end, to achieve one's purpose, to attain one's objectives, to gain one's end(s), to reach one's goal, ZDA to get there; to carry one's point
    imeti za cílj to aim at
    ima visok cílj he is aiming high
    doseči cílj svojih želja to attain the object of one's desires
    iti za svojim cíljem, zasledovati svoj cílj to pursue one's end (ali one's aim)
    iti, priti skozi cílj šport to breast the tape
    postaviti cílj to set an aim
    postaviti si za cílj to aim at
    vzeti si za cílj to make it one's business (to)
    zadeti cílj to hit the mark
    zasledovati preveč cíljev to have too many irons in the fire
    pogoditi cílj to pinpoint
    zgrešiti cílj to miss the mark
    vojaški cílji so bili bombardirani military targets (ali objectives) have been (letalsko) bombed, (artilerijsko) shelled
    priti na cílj svojega potovanja to reach the end (ali the destination) of one's journey, to reach one's journey's end
  • cvetéti to blossom; to flower, to bloom (tudi figurativno); figurativno to flourish, to thrive, to prosper

    ki ne cvete flowerless
    posel mu dobro cvete his business is thriving ali flourishing
    kdo vé, kaj ti še cvete fig who knows what is in store for you
  • cvetóč blooming, blossoming, flowering; figurativno flourishing, prosperous

    cvetóča trgovina thriving trade (promet) ali business (podjetje)
  • člôvek man, pl men; human being; fellow, individual, person

    člôvek (božji)! (vzklik nestrpnosti) man (alive)!
    čuden člôvek a queer (ali an odd) fellow
    nepomemben člôvek nonentity
    odrasel člôvek grown-up person, adult
    noben člôvek nobody, not a soul
    navaden, poprečen člôvek the man in the street, the average person
    vsak člôvek everybody, everyone
    poslovni člôvek man of business
    on je prijeten člôvek he is a pleasant fellow
    on je najboljši člôvek na svetu he is the best man alive; there is no better man alive (than he)
    člôvek za vsak posel, za vse jack-of-all-trades, pl jacks-of-all-trades
    člôvek u podoben man-like; anthropoid
    kakšen člôvek pa je on? what kind of person is he?, what sort of fellow is he?
    on je tudi samó člôvek he is only human
    Vi ste člôvek, ki ga hočem, potrebujem you are the man I want
    kaj naj si člôvek misli o njem? what should one think of him?
    kaj drugega bi člôvek mogel reči v tem primeru? what else could a man say in this case?
    člôvek obrača, bog pa obrne man proposes, God disposes
    člôvek na slabem glasu a bad egg (ali hat, lot)
  • čóln boat; canoe; sloop; šport sculler, skiff, (na vesla) wherry

    čóln na vesla rowing boat, ZDA rowboat
    športni čóln sporting boat
    majhen čóln dinghy
    motorni čóln motorboat
    platnen, zložljiv čóln folding canoe, collapsible boat
    plitek, ploščat čóln punt, (za lov na divje race) gunning punt
    velik čóln barge
    velik in odprt čóln launch
    torpedni čóln torpedo boat
    reševalni čóln lifeboat
    ribiški čóln fishing boat
    gumijast čóln rubber dinghy, rubber boat
    drog (kavelj) za odrivanje ali privlačenje čólnov boathook
    izlet s čólnom boat trip, boating party
    vožnja s čólnom boating, arhaično boatage
    izposojevalnica čólnov boat hire (business)
    voziti se s čólnom to go boating, to boat
    prevažati kaj s čólnom to carry (ali convey ali transport) something by boat