
Zadetki iskanja

  • preséči (mero) to exceed; (npr. normo) to overfulfil; (prekositi) to surpass, to exceed; pogovorno to beat
  • pretépati pretêpsti to beat (ali to thrash) thoroughly (ali all over), to beat someone black and blue; to maul; pogovorno to whop; to hide; to tan someone's hide; to give someone a good hiding

    pretépati, pretêpsti s palico to belabour with a stick
    pretépati, pretêpsti do mrtvega to thrash someone within an inch of his life
    te bom pretepel, da boš črn I'll beat you black and blue
  • prváčiti to be champion; to be preeminent (ali outstanding); to beat all the rest
  • pulzácija pulsation; pulse beat
  • razmŕviti to crush; to crumple; to crumble; to pound, to pestle; to beat

    razmrvljen pounded, beaten, crushed, crumbled
  • raztêpsti (jajce) to beat; (razpršiti) to disperse, to dispel; to scatter (in all directions)
  • stépati to beat; (jajce) to whisk
  • strépati to beat (preprogo a carpet)
  • šéškati (tepsti) to beat; to flog; to switch
  • taktírati to beat time
  • têpsti to beat; to thrash; to flog

    têpsti se to have a fight (ali pogovorno punch-up)
  • tólči to beat; (kamenje) to break

    tólči (lomiti) angleščino (figurativno) to speak broken English, to mangle the Queen's (ali King's) English
    tólči se po prsih to beat one's breast
  • trepáti to beat, to strike; to clap
  • tŕliti (lan) to brake, to crush or beat (flax or hemp)
  • udáriti to beat; (ura) to strike; to hit; to knock; (dati klofuto) to slap, to smack, ZDA pogovorno to slug; to smite; (s pestjo) to punch

    udáriti ob to strike against, to bump against
    nazaj udáriti (puška) to recoil, to kick
    rahlo udáriti to tap, to dab
    udáriti po obrazu to slap, to box, to cuff
    udaril me je v obraz he struck me in the face
    udaril sem z nogo ob kamen I hurt my foot by knocking it against a stone
    udáriti po prstih to rap
    udáriti po mizi to pound the table; (žogo s palico) to bat
    on je prvi udaril he was the first to strike
    strela je udarila v drevo lightning has struck a tree
    ura je ravno udarila dve it has just struck two
    kri (voda) je udarila iz... blood (water) gushed out of...
    reka je udarila čez bregove the river overflowed its banks
    vino mu je udarilo v glavo the wine went to his head, the wine made his head swim
    udáriti takt to beat (the) time
    udáriti koga s slepoto to smite someone with blindness
    toča je udarjala na okenske šipe the hail was rattling on the windowpanes
    udáriti komu v hrbet (figurativno) to attack someone in the rear, to stab someone in the back
    udáriti z nogo ob tla to stamp one's foot (on the ground)
    isti zvok mu je znova udaril v uho the same sound struck his ear again
    s pestjo je udaril po mizi he pounded the table
  • udríhati to beat soundly; to cudgel; (tepsti) to thrash; (z nožem) to slash; (z besedami) to inveigh
  • utrípati to pulse; (srce, žila) to pulsate, to throb, to beat; figurativno to pulse, to throb
  • zajedálec botanika, zoologija parasite (tudi figurativno); figurativno (oseba) sponger, sponge, ZDA žargon dead-beat

    sredstvo za uničevanje zajedálcev parasiticide
    biti zajedálec pri kom to sponge on someone
  • zmikástiti to beat, to give someone a good hiding, to thrash the life out of someone; to beat someone black and blue
  • béliti to whiten; to make white; (platno) to blanch

    béliti volno to bleach wool; (jedi) to flavour a dish with butter, pork crackling, etc.
    béliti si glavo (figurativno) to rack (ali to worry ali to beat ali to puzzle ali to cudgel ali to busy) one's brains
    béliti si glavo s čim to put one's mind to something
    béliti si glavo zaradi česa to trouble one's head about something