upogíbati to bend; to curve; to bow
zakríviti to bend, to curve, to crook; (figurativno, biti kriv česa) to be guilty, to render oneself culpable, to be the cause of something
zakríviti zločin to commit (ali to perpetrate) a crime
kdo je to zakrivil? whose fault is it?
zvéžiti to distort; to bend; to deform
zvéžiti se (les) to warp
zvíjati to fold, to roll; to twine, to twist; to curve, to bend, to crook; to distort
zvíjati odejo, preprogo to roll a blanket, a carpet
zvíjati se to wind, to curve, to twist; (črv) to squirm; to wriggle; (les) to warp
zvíjati se od bolečin to writhe with pain
zvíjati se skozi goščavo to wriggle one's way through a thicket
kača se zvija (okoli svoje žrtve) the serpent coils itself (round its victim)
zvíti to fold, to roll; to furl; (skriviti) to curve, to bend, to crook, to contort
zvíti odejo (preprogo) to roll up a blanket (a carpet)
zvíti si cigareto to roll a cigarette
zvíti (svoj) dežnik to fold one's umbrella
zvíti jadra to furl the sails
nogo si je zvil he wrenched his foot, he twisted his foot
zvíti si gleženj to wrench (ali to twist) one's ankle
zvíti se od bolečine to writhe in pain
zvíti se skozi goščavo to wriggle one's way through a thicket
vročina je zvila knjigi platnice the heat has warped the cover of the book
jež se je zvil v klobčič the hedgehog rolled itself into a ball
band m gl. bend
bent1 [bent]
1. preteklik & pretekli deležnik od bend
2. pridevnik
upognjen, skrivljen
as the twing is bent the tree is inclined kar se Janezek nauči, to Janezek zna
to be bent on imeti nagnjenje k čemu, nameravati kaj
bóčiti (se) to vault
bočiti to arch, to bend
brow1 [brau] samostalnik
obrv, čelo; izraz obraza; skalni rob, strmina
to clear up one's brow razveseliti se
to knit (ali bend, wrinkle, contract) one's brow gubati čelo
by the sweat of one's brow v potu svojega obraza
césten road; street
céstni delavec roadman, pl -men, navvy, ZDA road laborer
céstni govornik street orator, ZDA pogovorno soapbox orator, soapboxer
céstni gramoz road metal, ballast, macadam
céstno ozko grlo road bottleneck
césten jarek road ditch, road drain
céstno križišče crossing; crossroads pl (s konstr. v sg)
céstni hrup street noise
céstni most viaduct; highway (ali road) bridge
céstni obvoz (namenoma zgrajen) bypass; (začasen) diversion, detour
céstni nadvoz road overpass, viaduct
céstni odcep branch road, side road, place where side road branches off; branching off
céstna mreža road system, road network
céstni muzikant itinerant musician, busker
céstni ovinek road turn, road curve, road bend, sharp turn
céstni nadzornik road surveyor
céstni pometač scavenger; street (ali road) sweeper, ZDA street cleaner
céstni prehod street crossing
céstni podvoz underpass, subway, tunnel
céstna pregrada street barricade
céstni promet road (ali highway) traffic, (v mestu) street traffic
céstni red traffic regulations pl
céstni rob roadside, road border, verge of the road
céstna razsvetljava lighting of the streets, street lighting
céstni red rule of the road
céstni rop highway robbery
céstni ropar highway man, pl -men, bandit, robber, ZDA road agent, humoristično knight of the road
céstna svetilka street lamp
céstni valjar road roller, (parni) steamroller
céstni prometni zastoj traffic jam
céstno vozilo road vehicle
voz céstne železnice tramcar, tram, ZDA trolley, streetcar
céstna železnica tramway, tramline, ZDA trolley line
céstna zapora blocking of streets
čêlo2 anatomija forehead; front; (čelna stran) front; figurativno head
hišno čêlo gable
na čêlu at the head
na čêlu vojske at the head of the army
biti na čêlu to be in the front; to head
biti na čêlu seznama to head (ali to top) the list
gubančiti, mršiti čêlo to frown, to knit (ali to bend) one's brows
vedrega čêla with a serene look, not worried by cares
hairpin [hɛ́əpin] samostalnik
lasnica, lasna igla
figurativno suhec, trlica, trska
hairpin bend oster ovinek, dvojni cestni ovinek
horseshoe [hɔ́:sšu:]
1. samostalnik
2. pridevnik
ki ima obliko podkve
horseshoe bend cestni ovinek
horseshoe heel protector podkvica, petni nabitek
horseshoe nail podkovnik
kljúč key; glasba clef
altovski kljúč alto clef
basovski kljúč bass clef
violinski kljúč treble clef
navojni kljúč tehnika spanner; (vitrih) skeleton key; (od vseh sob v določenem poslopju) master key
kljúč od hišnih vrat, patentni kljúč latchkey; (serpentina, rida) hairpin bend
pod kljúčem (figurativno) under lock and key
tat je že pod kljúčem the thief is already under lock and key
imeti pod kljúčem (zaklenjeno) to have under lock and key
hraniti pod kljúčem to keep under lock and key
kljúč problema je v... the key to the question lies in...
projekt »na kljúč« turnkey project
knee1 [ni:] samostalnik
botanika kolence, grča
tehnično lesen ali železen del kolenaste oblike, kolenast okov
on one's (bended) knees kleče
on the knees of the gods negotovo, v božjih rokah
to bend (ali bow) the knees to poklekniti pred kom
to bring s.o. to his knees spraviti koga na kolena
to give a knee to s.o. podpreti koga
to go on one's knees to na kolena pasti pred kom, na kolenih koga prositi
lés wood
stavbni, tesarski lés timber
gradbeni lés (building) timber, ZDA lumber
gnil lés rotten wood
suh lés seasoned timber
rezani lés sawn timber
vezan lés plywood
mehek lés softwood
trd lés hardwood
jamski lés pitwood, pitprop
beli lés white wood
obdelava lésa wood working
obdelovalec lésa woodworker, wood carver
sečnja lésa wood felling
impregnacija lésa wood impregnation
vrste lésa species pl of wood
lésu podoben ligniform, ligneous, woody, woodlike
sladki lés botanika liquorice
žagan lés sawn wood
mlad, nov lés green wood
umeten lés artificial wood
sečni lés mature wood
hrastov lés oak, oak wood, oak timber
trgovati z lésom to deal in wood, to trade as a timber merchant
on je malo čez lés (figurativno, žargon) he is up the pole (ali round the bend)
nágnjen inclined; sloping; figurativno disposed, prone (k to)
biti nágnjen k čemu to feel inclined to something, to bend to something
biti nágnjen k to have a predisposition to
ona je nágnjena h glavobolom she is subject to headaches
oar1 [o:] samostalnik
veslo; veslač
zoologija veslasta noga; greblja za peč (v pivovarni)
bank of oars veslaška klop
to bend to the oars veslati na vse kriplje
to boat the oars izvleči vesla v čoln
to feather the oars vesla na plosko spustiti
to have an oar in every man's boat vtikati se v vsako stvar
to lie on one's oars vesla na plosko položiti; figurativno dati roke križem
to pull a good oar dobro veslati
to put in one's oar vtikati se, vpasti v besedo
to rest on one's oars počivati na lovorikah
to toss the oars dvigniti vesla v pozdrav
figurativno chained to the oar prikovan k delu
pair-oar čoln na dve vesli
four-oar čoln na štiri vesla
ship your oars! pripravite vesla!
unship your oars! izvlecite vesla!
offendimentum -ī, n in offendix -icis, f (ob in deblo *fend-; prim. skr. badhnáti veže, stvnem. bintan = got. bindan = nem. binden = ang. bind, gr. πεῖσμα vrv, πενϑερός tast, tračansko βενδ- vezati) podbradni trak, obradnica (obradni trak) na svečeniški čepici: Tert., offendices ait esse Titius nodos, quibus apex retineatur et remittatur Titius ap. P. F., offendices dicebant ligaturae nodos, quibus apex retinebatur. Id, cum pervenisset ad mentum, dicebant offendimentum P. F. (?).
pámet (um) intellect, intelligence, sense, brains pl, wits pl; (duh) reason, mind; prudence; mother wit; (razumevanje) understanding; (spomin) memory; pogovorno gumption
na pámet by heart
zdrava pámet common sense, sanity
si ob pámet? are you out of your senses?, have you lost your wits?
ali si pri pámeti? are you in your right mind?
sem pri kraju s svojo pámetjo I am at my wit's end
bodi no pri pámeti! be sensible!, be reasonable!, have a bit of common sense!
on ni pri pravi pámeti he is not in his right mind, he is out of his mind
nisem bil pri pravi pámeti I had not my wits about me
on je počasne pámeti he is slow-witted, pogovorno he is slow on the uptake
ona je kratke pámeti she is rather slow (ali dull, slow on the uptake)
še (vedno) mi je na pámeti... it is still fresh in my mind...
nima toliko pámeti, da bi (u)videl... he has not the wits to see...
to se krega s pámetjo it is thoughtless (ali senseless)
si se s pámetjo skregal? have you taken leave of your senses?
padlo mi je na pámet it occurred to me, the idea struck me, the thought crossed my mind
na kraj pámeti mi ne pade, da bi (rekel) far be it from me to (say)
reči, kar človeku pade na pámet to say whatever comes to mind
imeti več sreče kot pámeti to have more luck than brains
izgubiti pámet to go out of one's mind (ali pogovorno off one's rocker); to lose one's mind (ali one's reason)
to presega mojo pámet this is beyond me, that's over my head, that passes my comprehension
priti k pámeti to come to one's senses
kdo, ki je pri pravi pámeti, bi šel...? who in his senses would go...?
moram ga spraviti k pámeti I must make him see reason (oziroma see sense)
spraviti koga ob pámet to drive someone out of his mind (ali pogovorno up the wall, round the bend)
sklicevati se na zdravo pámet to appeal to reason
(iz)računati na pámet to calculate mentally
učiti se na pámet to learn by heart, to commit to memory
znati na pámet to know by heart (ali from memory), (vlogo) to be word-perfect
ko te bo pámet srečala... when you see reason...