
Zadetki iskanja

  • hláče (dolge) trousers pl

    par hlač a pair of trousers, ZDA pants pl; (dolge, široke, ženske in moške) slacks pl; (kratke) shorts pl; (športne) shorts pl; (dokolenke) knee-breeches pl, breeches pl; (flanelaste) flannels pl; (za golf) plus-fours pl; (modre, delovne) dungarees pl
    spodnje hláče drawers pl, pants pl; (ženske spodnje) drawers pl, panties pl, briefs pl, knickers pl, ZDA step-ins pl
    triko hláče (flesh) tights pl
    kopalne hláče bathing trunks, swimming trunks, trunks pl
    jahalne hláče breeches pl
    imeti polne hláče (bati se) (figurativno) pogovorno to be in a blue funk
    nositi hláče to wear the trousers (ZDA the pants), to rule the household, to rule the roost
    ona nosi hláče figurativno she wears the breeches
    kdo nosi hláče? (figurativno) who is the boss?
    srce mu je padlo v hláče figurativno he lost courage, his heart sank (into his boots)
    hláče na pas (jermen) trousers pl kept up with a belt (a strap)
    žen(sk)a hláče nosi (figurativno) arhaično the grey mare is the better horse
  • hlád hládnost cool, coolness; fresh, freshness; cool air; coldness; shade

    v jutranjem hlád, hládnostu in the cool (ali arhaično pesniško the fresh) of the morning
    uživati večerni hlád, hládnost to enjoy the cool of the evening
    biti v hlád, hládnostu to be in the cool
  • hodíti to walk; to go (on foot); to march

    peš hodíti to go on foot, arhaično to pedestrianize
    hodíti v črnem to wear black, to be in black
    hodíti sem in tja to walk up and down
    hodíti naokrog to circulate, to move round
    hodíti po rokah to walk on one's hands
    hodíti korakoma to go step by step
    hodíti hitreje kot (kdo) to outmarch (someone)
    tiho hodíti to tread (ali to walk) softly, to walk noiselessly
    s težavo, s trudom hodíti to plod on, to plod along
    hodite desno! keep to the right!
    hodíti pred kom to walk before someone, to precede someone, (kazati pot) to show the way, to lead the way
    hodíti za kom to walk behind someone, to follow someone
    hodíti (gaziti) po snegu to wade through the snow
    hodíti po vseh štirih to go on all fours
    hodíti po prstih to walk on tiptoe, to tiptoe
    otrok že hodi the child can already walk
    prepovedano je hodíti po trati! keep off the grass!
    hodi k vragu! go to hell!
    hodíti na sprehod to go for a walk
    hodíti na delo to go to work
  • hróm lame; paralytic; paralysed, ZDA paralyzed

    hróm na eno nogo lame in one leg; (šepav) limping; hobbling, arhaično halt, halting
  • hrúp noise; (bučen) uproar; (oglušajoč) din; tumult; row; bustle; hubbub; commotion; žargon shindy

    dvigniti strašanski hrúp to kick up a tremendous row
    delati hrúp to make a noise, to make a din, to kick up a shindy
    mnogo hrúpa za nič much ado about nothing; a great fuss about nothing; a storm in a teacup
    prazen hrúp fuss
    hrúp na ulici bustle in the street
    peklenski hrúp pandemonium, unholy racket, pogovorno a heck of a row
    velik hrúp uganjati, delati (razgrajati) to bawl, to make a loud noise, to raise a storm, to clamour, arhaično to vociferate
    vse je to bilo opravljeno brez hrúpa that was all done on the quiet
    mnogo hrúpa dvigniti (pogovorno) to make a great to-do about something
  • idól idol

    idól žensk ladies' favourite, favourite with the ladies, arhaično squire of dames
    napraviti koga za idóla to make an idol of someone
    klanjati se komu kot idólu to idolize someone
  • ígra play; (biljard, karte, šport) game; šport (tekma) match

    odločilna ígra šport key game, decider; (radio, slušna) play; (predstava) performance; (lutkovna) puppetry; (teniška partija) set; (zabava) amusement, pastime; (igralcev v gledališču) acting, playing; glasba (manner of) playing
    olimpijske ígre the Olympic Games pl, the Olympics pl
    družabne ígre parlour games, party games pl
    hazardna ígra gamble, gambling
    ígre na prostem outdoor games pl
    besedna ígra a play on words, pun
    neodločena ígra draw
    poštena, odkrita ígra fair play
    nepoštena, zahrbtna ígra foul play
    tvegana ígra a risky (ali a bold) game
    nema ígra (pantomima) dumb-show
    otročja ígra child's play, kid's play
    (čudna) ígra narave (npr. tele z dvema glavama) beak (of nature)
    ígre v spretnosti games pl of skill
    tovariš pri ígri partner, playfellow, playmate
    dolgovi pri ígri gambling debts, gaming debts
    čas za ígro playtime
    izguba pri ígri loss at play
    podaljšanje ígre extra time
    prekinitev ígre (odmor) ZDA time-out
    prepoved ígre playing ban
    pravilo (kake) ígre rule (of a game)
    trajanje ígre length (ali time) of play
    izid, rezultat ígre (nogomet itd.) score(s pl)
    kakšen je izid ígre? what's the score?
    kvarilec ígre killjoy, spoilsport, wet blanket
    ígra mačke in miši cat-and-mouse game
    igrati dvojno ígro (figurativno) to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds
    njegovo življenje je v ígri (na kocki) his life is at stake
    imeti srečo v ígri to have a lucky break (ali streak), to strike lucky
    izgubiti ígro to lose the game
    predati ígro (kot izgubljeno) to give up the game as lost, (figurativno) to throw in the sponge (ali the towel)
    to je otročja ígra v primeri z... it's child's play compared with...
    dobiti ígro to win the game
    goljufati pri ígri to cheat (at gambling), not to play fair, arhaično to sharp
    pokvariti komu ígro (figurativno) to put a spoke in someone's wheel
    poskusiti (svojo) srečo v ígri to try one's luck at gambling
    igrati nevarno ígro to play a dangerous game
    igrati visoko ígro to play for high stakes
    spregledal, spoznal sem njegovo ígro (figurativno) I understood his little game, I saw through his tricks
    to je otročja ígra (figurativno) this is an easy task
    to je bila otročja ígra šport, lahka zmaga this was a walkover (ali child's play)
    zapraviti svoje premoženje pri ígri to gamble away one's fortune
  • insektologíja entomology

    ukvarjati se z insektologíjo to study entomology, arhaično to entomologize
  • ísti the same

    prav ísti the very same, the selfsame
    na ísti način in the same way, arhaično in like manner
    v ístem trenutku at the same moment
    íste vrednosti at par
    vedno ísta pesem it is always the same old story
    sva íste starosti we are the same age
    ísti, ki... the same one who (ali that)...
    včeraj ob prav ísti uri yesterday at this selfsame hour
    na ísti ravni z on a level with, flush with
    konec koncev pride to na ísto that comes (down) to the same thing in the end
    vedno ísti opravijo vse delo it's always the same ones who do all the work
    napraviti ísto to do the same, to do likewise
    to je popolnoma ísto it's as long as it's broad, it is six of one and half-a-dozen of another
    delati dve stvari v ístem času to do two things at once
    to je ena in ísta stvar that is one and the same thing
    odpotoval sem še ísti dan I left that very (same) day
    stanujejo v ísti hiši kot mi they live in the same house as we do
    vsi tečejo v ísto smer they are all running in the same direction
    ísto, prosim! (v kavarni) same again, please!
  • izlíti izlívati to pour out (tekočino a liquid); to discharge, (izprazniti) to empty; figurativno (odkriti čustva) to speak out, to open one's heart, to unbosom oneself; (gnev) to vent one's anger (na on); (izliti, obsuti) to shower down (na on)

    izlíti, izlívati se to flow out, arhaično to disembogue
    izlíti, izlívati se iz (privreti iz) to gush from, arhaično to effuse
    izlivati se (reka itd.) to fall (v into), to empty itself into, to flow into; (preplaviti) to overflow, to inundate
    izlilo se je it has stopped raining
  • izpúliti to pull (out); (zob) to extract, to draw, to pull (out); (lase, perje, plevel) to pluck

    izpúliti s korenino to uproot, to pull up by the roots, arhaično to deracinate
  • izrábiti izrábljati to use; to turn to account; (okoristiti se) to take advantage of, to profit by, to make the best (ali most) of

    dobro izrábiti, izrábljati to put something to (a) good use
    izrábiti, izrábljati rudnik to exploit a mine
    dobro izrábiti, izrábljati čas pesniško to improve the shining hour
    izrábiti, izrábljati priliko to take the opportunity, arhaično to improve the occasion (ali opportunity)
    izrábiti, izrábljati lahkovernost to play upon someone's credulity
    izrabil bom prvo dano mi priložnost I shall take advantage of the first opportunity, I shall profit by the first opportunity offered
    izrabljati delovno silo, delavce to exploit the workers (ali the workforce), to employ sweated labour
    izrábiti, izrábljati položaj, priložnost (figurativno) to strike while the iron's hot, to make hay while the sun shines
  • izterjeválec collector, (debt) collector, arhaično exactor

    davčni izterjeválec tax collector (ali arhaično exactor)
  • jágoda berry

    črna jágoda (borovnica) bilberry, whortleberry, ZDA huckleberry
    rdeča jágoda strawberry (gozdna) wood strawberry
    vinska jágoda grape
    volčja jágoda belladonna, deadly nightshade, arhaično dwale
    rdeče jágode s stepeno smetano strawberries with whipped cream
    jágode nabirati to go (black)berrying
    rdeče jágode nabirati to gather strawberries
  • jásen (veder) unclouded, serene, unobscured, fair, sunny; (očiten) evident, obvious, manifest; (viden) clear, conspicuous; (svetel) luminous, bright, shining, light; (razumljiv) intelligible, easily understood; (nedvomen) indubitable, unmistakable, not to be mistaken, leaving no doubt; (nedvoumen) unequivocal, unambiguous; (izrečen) explicit; (točen) precise, exact; (barva) light, light-coloured; (slog, stil) clear, lucid; (samoumeven) self-evident

    jásno in jedrnato izraziti to express tersely and neatly
    jásen kot beli dan self-evident, as clear as daylight (ali arhaično as noonday), as clear as crystal, as plain as a pikestaff, as plain as the nose on your face, as plain as the palm of your hand
    nebo je jásno the sky is clear
    to je jásno that's clear, that's flat
    kot strela z jásnega out of the blue
    strela z jásnega a bolt from the blue
    ni mi čisto jásno it is not quite clear to me
    nisem si na jásnem o tem I am not (quite) clear about it
    sem jásen? do I make myself clear?, have I made myself plain on that point?
    jásno govoriti to speak clearly
    jásno se izraziti to make it clear
    jásno se odražati na obzorju to show clear on the horizon
    priti na jásno (figurativno) to clear up, to settle (o čem something)
    postalo nam je jásno it dawned on us
    to je popolnoma jásno (figurativno) it's perfectly obvious
  • jáven public; (vsem dostopen) open to all; accessible, common, known to all; used by all; not secret, not underhand

    jávna dela public works pl
    program jávnih del public works programme
    minister jávnih del minister of public works
    jávna dela za zaposlitev brezposelnih relief works pl
    jávna dražba public auction
    jávni blagor common (ali public) weal, general (ali public) welfare
    jávni delavec someone active in public life
    jávna hiša (licensed) brothel, arhaično bawdy house
    jávna knjižnica public library
    jávna kuhinja za brezposelne public kitchen
    jávno mnenje public opinion
    jáven park public gardens pl
    jávna pot, cesta open road
    jávno poslopje public building
    jávna (raz)prodaja public sale
    jávno obveščanje public information
    jávno pooblastilo public authority
    jávno pravo public law
    jávni razglas public notice
    jávni red public order
    jáven protest public protest
    jávna predavanja lectures pl open to the public
    jávna (državna) služba public service
    jáven škandal scandal
    jávno stranišče public convenience, toilet
    jávni telovadni nastop gymnastic display
    jávni tožilec public prosecutor
    jávno tožilstvo office of the public prosecutor
    jávna zdravstvena služba public health service
    jávno življenje public life
    to je jávna tajnost that is an open secret
    biti v središču jávnega življenja to be in the public eye
  • jélo ➞ jed, jedača

    brez dela ni jéla you get nothing for nothing; arhaično no sweet without sweat; no gains without pains; he who will eat the kernel, must crack the nut; no cross no crown
  • jêrmen strap; (tanek) thong; (za brušenje britve) strop, razor strap; (gonilni) belt; (pri puški) sling

    pretepanje, tepež z jêrmenom the strap, arhaično strap oil; (za čevlje, sandale) sandal
    pritrditi z jêrmenom to strap (na to)
    tepsti z jêrmenom to strap
    bičati z jêrmenom to lash
    ošvrkniti z jêrmenom to flick
  • jesén2 autumn; ZDA fall

    (v) jeséni in autumn
    pozna jesén back end, (babje poletje) Indian summer, arhaično gossamer
  • kabína cabin; cubicle; berth (na ladji)

    (javna) telefonska kabína call box, telephone box
    kopalna kabína bathing hut, arhaično bathing machine
    projekcijska kabína projection booth
    suflerska kabína prompter's box
    žičniška kabína cable car; (dvigala) cage