
Zadetki iskanja

  • air-warning [ɛ́əwɔ:niŋ] samostalnik
    letalski alarm
  • alarmírati to alarm; to alert; to frighten; to give the alarm

    alarmírati za prazen nič to cry wolf
  • alarmn|i (-a, -o) Alarm- (naprava das Alarmgerät, die Alarmanlage, der Alarmgeber, reakcija die Alarmreaktion, zvonec die Alarmglocke, die Alarmklingel)
    alarmna sirena das Signalhorn
    alarmna naprava die Sicherungsanlage, die Warnanlage
    nivojna alarmna naprava der Niveauwächter
  • Alarmsignal, das, znak za preplah, znak za alarm
  • budílka alarm clock, pogovorno the alarm

    budílka zvoni the alarm clock rings ali goes off
    nastaviti budílko na šesto uro to set the alarm (clock) for six
  • call-bell [kɔ́:lbel] samostalnik
    zvonec za alarm; zvonec za postrežbo
  • Feueralarm, der, znak za požar, požarni alarm; Feueralarm geben/schlagen dati znak za požar
  • Fliegeralarm, der, letalski alarm
  • Gasalarm, der, plinski alarm
  • Großalarm, der, veliki alarm
  • Luftalarm, der, zračni alarm
  • Ölalarm, der, alarm zaradi razlitja olja
  • plašíti to frighten, to intimidate; to scare; to startle; to awe; to put in fear; to make afraid; to alarm; (ptice itd.) to shoo away; to daunt; to strike fear into someone's heart; to terrify

    plašíti se to be afraid, to be startled, to apprehend, to stand in fear (ali awe) of, (konj) to shy
    plašíti se česa to shy at something; to dread something; to fear something
  • preplašíti to frighten; to alarm; to strike with fear; to scare; to startle, to intimidate; (pregnati, splašiti) to scare away

    preplašíti se to take alarm, to get frightened (ali alarmed, startled); to take fright; to scare
  • prestrášiti to frighten; to scare, to alarm, to give (someone) a fright; to startle; to dismay, to appal

    kako si me prestrašil! what a fright you gave me!
    pošteno ste me prestrašili you gave me a real scare
    na smrt prestrášiti to scare someone to death
    prestrášiti se to take fright; to get frightened (ali alarmed), to be startled
  • razbúriti razbúrjati to excite, to agitate, to rouse; to irritate; to alarm, to upset, to stir up

    razbúriti, razbúrjati se to get excited (ali upset, alarmed) about something, to excite someone, to get excited, to lose one's temper, to go up in the air, to work someone up
    ne razburjaj se! don't get excited!, take it easy!, (pogovorno) keep your hair on!
    on se nikoli ne razburi he never gets flustered (ali excited)
    razbúriti, razbúrjati se za prazen nič to fly into a rage for no reason, to fly into a temper for nothing
  • splašíti to frighten, to startle; to alarm, to scare, to confuse; (ptice) to shoo (away); (divjačino, pri lovu, izslediti) to rouse, (race) to flush

    splašíti se to be frightened, to shy at (sth); to take fright; (konj) to bolt, to run away, to jib (at something)
  • still1 [stil]

    1. samostalnik
    miren, nepremičen, negiben; tih, nem, molčeč; nemoten; nepeneč se (pijača)

    still champagne naravni (nešampanizirani) šampanjec
    still as the grave molčeč kot grob
    a still lake mirno jezero
    still life tihožitje
    the still small voice figurativno glas vesti
    still water mirujoča voda
    be still! molči!
    keep still! bodi miren
    to keep still about molčati o čcm
    to lie (to sit) still nepremično ležati (sedeti)
    to stand still mirno, nepremično stati, ustaviti se, ne se več premakniti
    still waters run deep tiha voda bregove podira

    2. samostalnik
    poetično mir, tišina, molk
    fotografija posamična fotografija, kamera za posamične posnetke
    film fotografija, reklamna fotografija (nepremična) za film
    pogovorno tihožitje
    ameriško tih alarm ob požaru

    in the still of night v nočni tišini, sredi noči

    3. prehodni glagol & neprehodni glagol
    umiriti, pripraviti k molku, utišati; utihniti, umiriti se

    to still one's fears pomiriti svoj strah
    when the storm stills ko se bo vihar polegel
  • Sturmsignal, das, znak za alarm
  • uplašíti to frighten, to scare, to alarm; to intimidate; to daunt; to cow; to terrify