kòj (takoj) at once, immediately
kolovrátiti to wamble, to lurch; to wander, to ramble, to walk at random; to slouch about
kolovrátiti okoli ZDA to slope about
kolportáža (knjig, časopisov) hawking of books, newspapers; sale of newspapers and magazines at newsstands and tobacconists' shops
kónčno finally, at last, in the end, ultimately; at length; definitely; in the long run, after all; eventually; lastly
kónčno smo ga pregovorili k... we at length persuaded him to...
kopalíščar visitor at a watering place (ali seaside resort)
krájen marginal; situated at the edge
krmáriti to steer; to pilot; to govern; (čoln) to cox; to helm (zlasti figurativno); (vladati) to be at the helm, to helm
kvéčjemu at (the) most; at the utmost
to bo stalo kvéčjemu 10 funtov that will come to 10 pounds at the outside
máhoma (nenadoma) suddenly, all of a sudden; (v hipu) instantly, immediately, at once, on the spot
míren (nevznemirjen) peaceful, self-possessed, undisturbed, unruffled, unperturbed; (mirujoč) tranquil, at ease, at rest; dormant; (tih) still, quiet, mum; (nepremičen) motionless; (miroljuben) peaceable; (hladnokrven) cool, composed, cold-blooded; (morje) calm; (značaj) placid, even, even-tempered
biti míren to keep quiet
ostati míren to keep one's temper
mírno jezero still lake
mírna, mirujoča voda still water
mírna poravnava pacific settlement
mírna vožnja (čez Rokavski preliv) a smooth (ali quiet, calm) crossing (of the Channel)
míren tek tehnika smooth running
mírna soba a quiet room
míren značaj an even temper
bolnik je prebil mírno noč the patient has had a quiet night
mirováti to stand still, to be at a standstill; to be (ali to keep) quiet, to be (ali to lie) still; to hold one's peace; (počivati) to rest, to repose, to take rest
miruj(te)! keep (ali be) quiet!
stroj miruje the machine (ali engine) is idle
momentáno prislov momentarily; temporarily; at the present; for the time being; (v tem primeru, za sedaj) for the nonce
momentáno to zadostuje that's enough for the time being
momentáno je to najvažnejša stvar it is the most important matter at the present
nadréti (nahruliti) to rebuke; to fly at
naènkrat suddenly, all at once; (istočasno) at a time, at once
kar naènkrat all of a sudden
naglódati to gnaw at; to nibble at
nagrísti to bite at; to bite into; to nibble at
najdálje najdljè, najdàlj farthest; furthest; (časovno) at the farthest (ali furthest)
najdálje, najdljè, najdàlj en mesec a month at longest
najkasnéje at the latest; not later than
najkasnéje ob šestih (v 14 dneh) at 6 o'clock (a fortnight today) at the latest
bodi tu najkasnéje ob desetih! be here by ten o'clock at the outside!
nájpoprej first of all, first; in the first place; first and foremost; (na začetku) at first, at the beginning; (da začnem) to begin with
nájposlej (nazadnje) at last; finally; (najkasneje) at the latest, not later than